Music (John J. Cali School of Music) - 2009 University Catalog

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Chairperson: Dr. Robert Aldridge

The John J. Cali School of Music stresses performance skills, breadth of musical understanding and work in the liberal arts. The school is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music and is approved by the American Music Therapy Association.  Program offerings include two baccalaureate degrees, the Bachelor of Music and the Bachelor of Arts; post-baccalaureate certification programs; the Master of Arts; the Performer’s Certificate; and the Artist’s Diploma.

Concentrations within the Bachelor of Music degree program are Music Education, Theory/Composition, Performance, Musical Theater, and Jazz Studies. The Music Therapy degree is a Bachelor of Arts.  There is a general music minor available to qualified students, and a minor in microtonal studies that is available to both music majors and qualified non-major students.

Post-baccalaureate certification is available in both Music Education and Music Therapy.  The Performer’s Certificate and Artist’s Diploma are available to those who are seeking a one- or two-year, performance-intensive, post-baccalaureate experience.

Graduate study in music comprises four concentrations leading to the degree of Master of Arts: Performance, Theory/Composition, Music Therapy and Music Education. Performance stresses applied music skills; Theory/Composition stresses the craft of composition and the structure of music; Music Therapy stresses the use of music as a therapeutic tool to help children and adults with disabilities; Music Education stresses philosophical and practical approaches to the work of the music specialist in the American public school.  Additionally, a Master of Arts in Teaching with Certification in Music is offered (Curriculum and Teaching).

Although certain core courses are required of all graduate students regardless of the concentration, each graduate concentration provides for a measure of individualized course election in accordance with the background, needs and interests of the student.

Entrance Requirements

Specific audition requirements for each program and instrumental medium are available on the Cali School of Music website.

General Information
Those who wish to matriculate in music must have an interview and an audition on a primary instrument or voice. Prospective music majors should be able to show musicality, primary and secondary performing skills and understanding of music theory. Audio- and video-taped auditions are acceptable in certain instances (contact the School of Music) and must be approved in advance. The School will allow prospective music majors to audition up to twice within one academic year, and in certain cases three times will be allowed. It is important to have studied music seriously prior to the audition.

Final Admission to the Baccalaureate Program

Final admission in junior year; in addition to full audition requirements, candidates must submit a portfolio of compositions and/or analytical sketches before completion of sophomore year.

Music Therapy
Final admission in junior year; in addition to full audition requirements, all credentials (including reports of clinical experience) will be evaluated at the end of sophomore year.

Provisional acceptance is determined by an Applied Music jury no later than the third semester. Full admission is granted upon demonstration of a solid grasp of artistic and technical aspects of the performing medium.

Music Education
Final admission is granted only after an interview and review of credentials toward the end of the sophomore year.

Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination/Assessment
At the end of the sophomore year, all students must demonstrate comprehensive musicianship in the performing primary, functional keyboard skills, theoretical and practical skills, secondary vocal skills and other materials germane to the student’s concentration. Continuation as a music major is dependent upon adequate performance in these areas.

Graduate Comprehensive Examination
All candidates for the degree of Master of Arts in Music in all concentrations except Education and Music Therapy must pass the Comprehensive Examination, given each year in October and March. Applications for this examination must be made in writing to the Graduate Program Coordinator by October 1 for the October examination and by February 1 for the March examination.

Applied Music
All music students must study with members of the Montclair State faculty. There is an applied music fee, in addition to tuition, which must be paid for private instruction.  Lessons are normally not given in the summer.

All students studying Applied Music are expected to take jury examinations in each semester of applied music study. The grade for the final semester of the sequence will not be issued until all recital requirements are completed.

Graduate students who are taking applied music may be required to perform in ensembles and are encouraged to do so even when not required.

Secondary instruction beyond the minimum requirement may be available if schedules and other considerations allow.

Undergraduate Performance Practicum Requirements for Graduation
Each week the Department of Music sponsors mid-day performances, master classes, and lecture/recitals by students, faculty, and guests. Every music major must register for MUPR 039, Performance Practicum (0 credit) or MUPR 040 Performance Practicum for Performance Majors (0.5 credit), for the number of semesters specified by the applicable curriculum.

Undergraduate Ensemble Requirements
The ensemble policy is based on the principle that all students must perform in ensemble(s) every semester of their attendance at Montclair State in order to assure the broadest possible experience in important ensemble repertoire and to assure that these ensembles have the needed instrumentation for successful performance. Although minimum requirements vary with each concentration, this principle is the overriding one. Students will be expected to perform in their primary ensemble during each semester of attendance.

Students may be assigned by the school’s chairperson to an ensemble in accordance with the needs of the department, regardless of the completion by the student of the minimum requirements.

Where admission to a chamber ensemble is by audition and a student fails to gain admission, additional performance in a large ensemble may, with the chairperson’s consent, be substituted. Chamber ensembles must perform once a semester, either on recital or for a jury.

Any changes in the ensemble policy will be posted in the School of Music.

*For the purposes of the undergraduate curricular requirements, "chamber ensemble" may include MUPR 038 Collegium Musicum, MUPR 020 Chamber Singers, MUPR 302 Jazz Ensemble, MUPR 034 Opera Workshop, MUPR 301 Chamber Ensemble Performance, MUPR 161 Harry Partch Ensemble and all solo/duet/trio/etc. repertoire which does not duplicate materials studied for solo recital or jury performance.

Performance Dress Code
Since the School of Music has the training of future professional musicians as one of its major objectives, the music student is expected to dress as a professional whenever appearing before the public.

Instrumental Rental
A fee of $50 (subject to change) per semester, per instrument may be charged to students who rent university-owned instruments. Summer rental is considered as a separate semester for this purpose. A separate charge is made for each instrument or each instrumental techniques class.

Entrance Requirements
Specific audition requirements for each program and instrumental medium are available on the Cali School of Music website

Programs of Study

