Music Major, Theory Composition Concentration (B.Mus.) - Undergraduate - 2009 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.

The B.Mus. program in Theory/Composition offers students advanced theory training and composition skills as they develop a personal style. A senior recital of original compositions is presented. Students must show evidence of composition skills to be admitted to this concentration.

The Cali School is the home of the Harry Partch Institute, and hosts the largest collection of Partch’s microtonal instruments in the world.  Theory/Composition Majors can take advantage of this unique opportunity to work with Dean Drummond, curator of the instrumentarium, and the Partch Instruments.  Guest composers and theorists are frequently invited to lecture and interact with our students.

The goal of the Theory/Composition program is to prepare students for both the professional music world and for continued study at first-rate graduate and doctoral programs. The Cali School prides itself on being open to all styles and aesthetics of music as demonstrated by the varying styles of the faculty. Students are encouraged to find their own compositional voices, as well as discovering and studying old and new sounds and aesthetics.

For further information: Cali School of Music Web site.

Curriculum Requirements:  All university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree (for further information, click here.)  In addition, the requirements below apply to this major:


Complete 94 semester hours including the following 12 requirement(s):


    Complete the following 10 courses:

    MUCP 101 Theory I 3
    MUCP 102 Theory II 3
    MUCP 103 Aural Skills I 1
    MUCP 104 Aural Skills II 1
    MUCP 201 Theory III 3
    MUCP 202 Theory IV 3
    MUCP 203 Aural Skills III 1
    MUCP 204 Aural Skills IV 1
    MUCP 303 Theory V-Counterpoint 3
    MUCP 304 Theory VI-Orchestration 3

    Complete 1 of the following requirements depending on your primary instrument:


      Complete the following 4 courses:

      MSSN 101 Keyboard Musicianship I 1
      MSSN 102 Keyboard Musicianship II 1
      MSSN 103 Keyboard Musicianship III 1
      MSSN 104 Keyboard Musicianship IV 1

      Complete the following 3 courses:

      MUCP 310 Keyboard Harmony I 1
      MUCP 311 Keyboard Harmony II 1
      MUPR 204 Piano Accompanying 2

    Complete the following 7 courses:

    MUCP 245 Private Study in Composition I 2
    MUCP 246 Private Study in Composition II 2
    MUCP 345 Private Study in Composition III 2
    MUCP 346 Private Study in Composition IV 2
    MUCP 412 Electronic Music Composition 2
    MUCP 445 Private Study in Composition V 3
    MUCP 446 Private Study in Composition VI 3

    Complete the following 2 requirement(s):

    1. Complete the following 4 courses:

      MUHS 106 Diverse Worlds of Music 3
      MUHS 307 Music History I 3
      MUHS 308 Music History II 3
      MUHS 407 Music History III 3
    2. Complete 2 courses from the following:

      MULT 230 Vocal Repertory from Monody to Mozart 2
      MULT 231 The 19th Century Song:Lied and Melodie 2
      MULT 232 The 20th Century Art Song 2
      MUPR 276 Instrumental Literature I 2
      MUPR 277 Instrumental Literature II 2

    Complete the following 12 semester hours in your primary instrument:

    MUAP 121 Applied Music I 2
    MUAP 122 Applied Music II 2
    MUAP 223 Applied Music III 2
    MUAP 224 Applied Music IV 2
    MUAP 325 Applied Music V 2
    MUAP 326 Applied Music VI 2

    The following zero credit course must be completed six times:

    MUPR 039 Performance Practicum 0

    Complete the following course for 4 semester hours:

    MUCP 040 Practicum in Music Theory/Composition 0.5

    Complete the following 1 course:

    MUPR 335 Elementary Conducting 2

    Complete 2 courses from the following:

    MSSN 111 Secondary Instrument Voice I 1
    MSSN 121 Secondary Instrument Guitar I 1
    MUED 105 Instrumental Techniques: Strings I 1
    MUED 106 Instrumental Techniques: Strings II 1
    MUED 205 Instrumental Techniques: Brass I 1
    MUED 206 Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds I 1
    MUED 207 Instrumental Techniques: Brass II 1
    MUED 208 Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds II 1
    MUED 306 Percussion Instruments 1

    Complete the following 2 requirements for 7 semester hours:

    1. Complete the following course:

      MUTC 101 Music and Computer Technology I 3
    2. Complete 4 semester hours from the following:

      MUTC 102 Music and Computer Technology II 1
      MUTC 103 Introduction to Audio Technology in the Studio I 1
      MUTC 104 Introduction to Audio Technology in the Studio II 1
      MUTC 200 Independent Study in Computer Audio Technology 1-2
      MUTC 211 Practicum in Audio Technology 2
      MUTC 299 Independent Study in the Field of Audio Technology 1-2
      MUTC 361 Music Instrument Invention 2
      MUTC 400 Independent Study in Computer Audio Technology 1-4
      MUTC 402 Selected Topics in the Field of Audio Technology 3
      MUTC 499 Independent Study in the Field of Audio Technology 1-4

    Complete 1 of the following requirements, depending on your major area of study.


      Complete the following 4 requirement(s):

      1. CHOIR

        Complete 3 semester hours from the following:

        MUPR 020 Montclair State University Singers 0.5
        MUPR 030 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5

        Complete 2 semester hours from the following: (MUPR 199 must be taken as a corequisite with MUPR 034)

        MUPR 020 Montclair State University Singers 0.5
        MUPR 034 Opera Workshop 0.5
        MUPR 161 Harry Partch Ensemble 0.5
        MUPR 301 Chamber Ensemble Performance 0.5
        MUPR 302 Jazz Ensemble 0.5

        Complete the following course for 1 semester hours:.

        MUPR 038 Collegium Musicum 0.5

        Complete 2 semester hours from the following: (MUPR 199 must be taken as a corequisite with MUPR 034)

        MUPR 020 Montclair State University Singers 0.5
        MUPR 030 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5
        MUPR 031 Orchestra 0.5
        MUPR 032 Band 0.5
        MUPR 034 Opera Workshop 0.5
        MUPR 038 Collegium Musicum 0.5
        MUPR 161 Harry Partch Ensemble 0.5
        MUPR 301 Chamber Ensemble Performance 0.5
        MUPR 302 Jazz Ensemble 0.5
    2. STRINGS

      Complete the following 4 requirement(s):

      1. ORCHESTRA

        Complete the following course for 4 semester hours:

        MUPR 031 Orchestra 0.5

        Complete 2 semester hours from the following: (MUPR 199 must be taken as a corequisite with MUPR 034)

        MUPR 020 Montclair State University Singers 0.5
        MUPR 034 Opera Workshop 0.5
        MUPR 161 Harry Partch Ensemble 0.5
        MUPR 301 Chamber Ensemble Performance 0.5
        MUPR 302 Jazz Ensemble 0.5

        Complete the following course for 0.5 semester hours:

        MUPR 038 Collegium Musicum 0.5

        Complete 1.5 semester hours from the following: (MUPR 199 must be taken as a corequisite with MUPR 034)

        MUPR 020 Montclair State University Singers 0.5
        MUPR 030 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5
        MUPR 031 Orchestra 0.5
        MUPR 032 Band 0.5
        MUPR 034 Opera Workshop 0.5
        MUPR 038 Collegium Musicum 0.5
        MUPR 161 Harry Partch Ensemble 0.5
        MUPR 301 Chamber Ensemble Performance 0.5
        MUPR 302 Jazz Ensemble 0.5

      Complete the following 4 requirement(s):


        Complete 4 semester hours from the following:

        MUPR 031 Orchestra 0.5
        MUPR 032 Band 0.5
      2. CHOIR

        Complete the following course for 1 semester hours:

        MUPR 030 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5

        Complete the following course for 0.5 semester hours:

        MUPR 038 Collegium Musicum 0.5

        Complete 2.5 semester hours from the following: (MUPR 199 must be taken as a corequisite with MUPR 034)

        MUPR 020 Montclair State University Singers 0.5
        MUPR 030 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5
        MUPR 031 Orchestra 0.5
        MUPR 032 Band 0.5
        MUPR 034 Opera Workshop 0.5
        MUPR 038 Collegium Musicum 0.5
        MUPR 161 Harry Partch Ensemble 0.5
        MUPR 301 Chamber Ensemble Performance 0.5
        MUPR 302 Jazz Ensemble 0.5

    Complete the following course for 1 semester hours:

    MUPR 403 Senior Recital 1

Course Descriptions:

MSSN101: Keyboard Musicianship I

Keyboard skills including major and minor scales, arpeggios and chord progressions, sightreading, transposition, harmonization, improvisation. Group instruction. 1 sh.

MSSN102: Keyboard Musicianship II

Continuation of MSSN 101. Group instruction. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MSSN 101; Music majors or minors only.

MSSN103: Keyboard Musicianship III

Continuation of MSSN 102. Group instruction. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MSSN 102; Music majors or minors only.

MSSN104: Keyboard Musicianship IV

Continuation of MSSN 103. A final comprehensive examination must be passed at the end of the semester. Group instruction. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MSSN 103; Music majors or minors only.

MSSN111: Secondary Instrument Voice I

These courses give to the non-primary vocal student the fundamental elements of vocal technique. The same elements are taught to voice secondary students in classes as are taught to voice primary students in private lessons. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors or minors only.

MSSN121: Secondary Instrument Guitar I

Basic techniques of guitar playing including chording and melodic work. Group instruction. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors or minors only.

MUAP121: Applied Music I

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUAP122: Applied Music II

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 121.

MUAP223: Applied Music III

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 122.

MUAP224: Applied Music IV

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 223.

MUAP325: Applied Music V

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 224.

MUAP326: Applied Music VI

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 325.

MUCP040: Practicum in Music Theory/Composition

A forum for students majoring in music theory and/or composition to present completed and on-going projects to peers for critiquing, as well as hearing presentations by visiting specialists in these areas. May be repeated eight times for a total of four credits. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: Music Theory/Composition majors only.

MUCP101: Theory I

Study of harmony, counterpoint and musical analysis of small forms. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors or minors only.

MUCP102: Theory II

Continuation of MUCP 101. Must be taken with MUCP 104. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 101; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP103: Aural Skills I

Sight reading and dictation in major and minor modes, using diatonic chord progressions. Basic solfeggio. Must be taken with MUCP 101. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors or minors only.

MUCP104: Aural Skills II

Continuation of MUCP 103; must be taken with MUCP 102. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 103; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP201: Theory III

Chromatic harmony; intermediate contrapuntal techniques; analysis of the larger instrumental forms. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 102; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP202: Theory IV

Continuation of MUCP 201. Must be taken with MUCP 204. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 201; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP203: Aural Skills III

Chromatic and non-tonal sight reading and dictation. "Fixed do" Solfeggio. To be taken with MUCP 201. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 104; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP204: Aural Skills IV

Continuation of MUCP 203. Must be taken with MUCP 202. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 203; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP245: Private Study in Composition I

Restricted to majors in theory/composition. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

MUCP246: Private Study in Composition II

Restricted to majors in theory/composition. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 245.

MUCP303: Theory V-Counterpoint

Study of part writing, species and free contrapuntal practices and techniques. Contrapuntal and layer analysis. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 202; Music majors only.

MUCP304: Theory VI-Orchestration

Study of compositional and arranging techniques appropriate to writing for individual instruments and voices and for ensembles of various size and character. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 202, Music majors only.

MUCP310: Keyboard Harmony I

Skills pianists will need as professional performers, therapists, and educators. Harmonization, transposition, improvisation, realization of figured bass, reduction of open scores, and sightreading. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 102; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP311: Keyboard Harmony II

Continuation of MUCP 310. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 310; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP345: Private Study in Composition III

Restricted to majors in theory/composition. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 246.

MUCP346: Private Study in Composition IV

Restricted to majors in theory/composition. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 345.

MUCP412: Electronic Music Composition

Exploration of electronic music techniques; practical experience in both concrete and synthesizer music. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 202; Music majors only.

MUCP445: Private Study in Composition V

Restricted to majors in theory/composition. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, MUPC 346.

MUCP446: Private Study in Composition VI

Restricted to majors in theory/composition. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, MUCP 445.

MUED105: Instrumental Techniques: Strings I

Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching violin and viola at the elementary and secondary school levels. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors only.

MUED106: Instrumental Techniques: Strings II

Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching cello and string bass at the elementary and secondary school levels. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors only; MUED 105.

MUED205: Instrumental Techniques: Brass I

Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching trumpet and French horn at the elementary and secondary school levels. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUED 200.

MUED206: Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds I

Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching clarinet and saxophone at the elementary and secondary school levels. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUED 200.

MUED207: Instrumental Techniques: Brass II

Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching trombone, baritone horn/euphanium, and tuba at the elementary and secondary school levels. May be repeated twice for a total of 3 credits. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors only; MUED 205.

MUED208: Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds II

Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching oboe, flute, and bassoon at the elementary and secondary levels. May be repeated twice for a total of 3 credits. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors only; MUED 206.

MUED306: Percussion Instruments

Elementary skills on snare drum, bass drum, timpani, cymbals, bells, etc.; materials and methods for teaching these instruments in the classroom. Music majors only. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors only.

MUHS106: Diverse Worlds of Music

This course explores the diverse nature of the musical experience by examining various traditions from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe and North America. The study of different musical traditions develops our listening skills and allows us to consider the role of performer and their audience in multiple frameworks, including ritual, political and the world of entertainment. 3 sh.

MUHS307: Music History I

Research method and music bibliography. Styles, genres and shaping forces of Western music from the rise of polyphony in the Middle Ages through the music of Haydn and Mozart. Meets the University Writing Requirement for most Music and Music Therapy majors. Check University Writing Requirement listing for specific majors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 102; Music majors and minors only.

MUHS308: Music History II

Continuation of MUHS 307, beginning with Beethoven; the music of the Romantic era as manifested in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; major currents of the Modern era. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUHS 307; Music majors and minors only.

MUHS407: Music History III

Major figures, forms, genres and styles from Debussy to the present. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUHS 308; Music majors and minors only.

MULT230: Vocal Repertory from Monody to Mozart

Overview of styles, genres, and performance practices of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and its musical environment. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, MUPR 131, or John J Cali School of Music approval.

MULT231: The 19th Century Song:Lied and Melodie

A survey through performance and discussion of the origins and development of the 19th century German Lied and the French Melodie. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, MUPR 131, or John J Cali School of Music approval.

MULT232: The 20th Century Art Song

The development of the art song in the 20th century through a survey of solo vocal literature of Europe and the Americas. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, MUPR 131, or John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUPR020: Montclair State University Singers

Study through rehearsal and performance of madrigals. Open to all through audition. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval (audition).

MUPR030: Montclair State University Chorale

0.5 sh.

MUPR031: Orchestra

0.5 sh.

MUPR032: Band

0.5 sh.

MUPR034: Opera Workshop

Opera studied through performance. Nature of dramatic music, problems of movement, make-up, costuming, props and scenery. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUPR038: Collegium Musicum

Workshop in performance of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music for instrumentalists and singers. Introduction to the elements of Renaissance musicianship (solmization, modes, musica ficta, notation, improvisation, and ornamentation). Introduction on early instruments (recorder,flute, viola, others). Concert performances of repertory studied. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.

MUPR039: Performance Practicum

All music majors must register for this number each semester in order to free their schedules for recital and masterclass commitments. This course is offered as Pass/Fail only. 0 sh.

MUPR161: Harry Partch Ensemble

Learning to play instruments from the Harry Partch instrumentarium and new techniques on standard instruments, voice. Repertoire ensemble. May be repeated 7 times for a total of 4 credits. 0.5 sh.

MUPR204: Piano Accompanying

Problems of transposition, ensemble, interpretation and sight reading as applied to accompanying vocal and instrumental literature. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 102.

MUPR276: Instrumental Literature I

Survey of various instrumental genres for solo, small ensemble and orchestra. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 102.

MUPR277: Instrumental Literature II

Continuation of Instrumental Literature I. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUPR 276; Music performance majors only.

MUPR301: Chamber Ensemble Performance

Study through playing or singing of chamber music in ensembles of varying size and musical styles. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUPR302: Jazz Ensemble

Contemporary ensemble requirements like jazz phrasing, section playing, interpretation, improvisation studied through ensemble rehearsal and performance. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUPR335: Elementary Conducting

Baton techniques and clef reading in orchestral and choral scores. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: All Music majors or minors.

MUPR403: Senior Recital

Capstone performance of solo literature. Required for performance and theory/composition majors. Prereq: Music Majors only. Special fee. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors only.

MUTC101: Music and Computer Technology I

This course develops an understanding of the influence of technology upon society in general, and, more particularly, upon the musical culture and aesthetics of the twentieth century; develops a critical understanding of concepts such as interactivity in technology, the internet as a global village, virtual reality, technology and freedom of expression, among others; demonstrates the relevance and importance of music technology throughout the various disciplines in music; develops comfort with basic computer skills; develops individual and collective problem solving skills involving technology in a variety of computing environments; develops basic understanding of data structures of computers and networking; and provides an understanding of varous hardware and software technologies, with a particular emphasis on hardware and software components involved with music instruction and production such as instructional software for musicians, data structures for digital audio and MIDI, music notation software, input devices for music notation, music sequencing, and desktop publishing for musicians. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Music major or John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUTC102: Music and Computer Technology II

Continuation of MUTC 101. In depth look at digital recording and editing. Hands-on experience with leading music software. Final multimedia project required. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUTC 101.

MUTC103: Introduction to Audio Technology in the Studio I

An introductory course to audio and recording technology. Focus will include history, explanation of sound properties, hands-on application using recording equipment, and experience performing in a studio environment. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUTC104: Introduction to Audio Technology in the Studio II

Continuation of Introduction to Audio Technology I, with more time spent on recording projects, where students will gain valuable experience operating sophisticated equipment and playing in the studio. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUTC 103.

MUTC200: Independent Study in Computer Audio Technology

Regularly listed courses pursued in greater depth, with the permission of advisor. May be repeated once for a maximum of 4.0 credits during the program but may be taken only once per semester. 1 - 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUTC 101 and 102; John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUTC211: Practicum in Audio Technology

Practical applications of techniques using audio technological equipment. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUTC 103 and 104.

MUTC299: Independent Study in the Field of Audio Technology

Regularly listed course work pursued in greater depth. May be repeated once for a maximum of 4.0 credits. 1 - 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUTC 103 and 104 or John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUTC361: Music Instrument Invention

Studies in the acoustics and intrument construction through creative projects and ongoing maintenance of Harry Partch instrumentarium. May be repeated 3 times for a total of 8 credits. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUHS 261.

MUTC400: Independent Study in Computer Audio Technology

Regularly listed courses pursued in greater depth, with permission of advisor. May be repeated three times for a maximum of 16.0 credits during the program but may be taken only once per semester. 1 - 4 sh.

Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUTC402: Selected Topics in the Field of Audio Technology

Study of a specific area in the field of audio technology. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUTC 103 and 104.

MUTC499: Independent Study in the Field of Audio Technology

Regularly listed course work pursued in greater depth. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 12.0 credits. 1 - 4 sh.

Prerequisites: MUTC 103 and 104 or John J Cali School of Music approval.

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