Music, Music Education Concentration (M.A.) - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
The Master of Arts in Music Education Program offers a comprehensive course of study for music teachers in all levels and specializations. Committed to the advancement of music teaching in the public schools, course offerings reflect a range of progressive ideas and instructional strategies for the music classroom. Equally important is the opportunity for students to meet others in the field and develop supportive networks.
In order to accommodate the variety of music teaching specializations, this program provides a considerable amount of elective coursework. The 32-hour program offers small classes, individualized attention, and fieldwork in your own classroom. With an appropriate balance between theory and practice, the program is designed to nurture musical maturity, reflective teaching practice and promote educational leadership in music education.
Candidates who hold a U.S. teaching certificate in music are eligible for the Master of Arts in Music Education degree program described in this section. (Candidates holding a music teaching certificate via an alternate route or foreign institution may require additional course work.) Two other programs, the Master of Arts in Teaching and the Post Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Teaching are available for candidates who are interested in attaining music teaching certification for public schools. See our Comparison Chart for an overview of all our programs.
For further information: Cali School of Music webpage
MUSIC w/CONC: Music Education
Complete 33 semester hours including the following 4 requirement(s):
Complete 2 requirement(s):
Complete to earn 6 semester hours
MUCP 511 Theoretical and Aural Skills in Music I 3 MUHS 549 Modern Music 3 -
Complete 6 semester hours of Music Core Electives from the following list (No more than 3 hours in an ensemble).
Complete 3 requirement(s):
Complete for 3 semester hours.
MUED 603 Seminar in Music Education 3 -
Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours from the following list.
MUED 518 Technology for Music Teachers 3 MUED 560 Teaching World Music 3 MUED 570 Critical and Creative Thinking in Music 3 -
Complete 6 semester hours of electives from the following list (No more than 3 hours of workshop credit).
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list.
CHAD 502 Child Abuse and Neglect 3 CHAD 504 Children and Justice 3 CHAD 521 Substance Abuse and Family Crisis 3 COUN 559 Dynamics of Group Process 1-3 CURR 523 Education in the Inner City 3 CURR 547 Developing Gifted and Schoolwide Enrichment Programs 3 CURR 548 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted 3 EDFD 520 Development of Educational Thought 3 EDFD 540 Cultural and Social Aspects of Education 3 EDFD 545 Political Forces and Education 3 ELAD 510 Effective Leadership in a Diverse Society: From Theory to Practice 3 ELAD 540 Differentiated Supervision 3 SOCI 565 Sociology of Youth 3 SOCI 574 Sociology of Ethnic Relationships 3 SOCI 576 The Family as an Institution 3 SOCI 577 Sociology of Poverty in the United States 3 SPED 579 Special Education for Students with Disabilities 3 -
Complete 2 requirement(s):
Complete the Comprehensive Examination prior to the Field Project.
Complete for 3 semester hours.
MUED 605 Field Project in Music Education 3
Course Descriptions:
CHAD502: Child Abuse and Neglect
This course will take a comprehensive look at the social and psychological development of children caught in the child welfare system. It will compare normal and pathological models of child rearing. Special consideration will be given to the impact of family and social systems on the development and behavior of abused and neglected children. 3 sh.
CHAD504: Children and Justice
This course will provide students will a multisystems view of children's rights and the justice system. Advocacy protocols and practice will be examined. Confidentiality, expert-testimony, and child abuse reporting laws will be studied. 3 sh.
CHAD521: Substance Abuse and Family Crisis
This course will explore the impact of substance abuse on families involved with the child welfare system. Current research regarding the connection between substance abuse, domestic violence and child abuse will be reviewed. Residential and outpatient models of treatment will be evaluated. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHAD 501, CHAD 502, CHAD 503.
COUN559: Dynamics of Group Process
A laboratory-based course for the development of group skills and understandings. Focus is on experimental learning and personal growth. Readings in human interaction theory will be related to actual group participation. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate students with majors in the CNEL department only or undeclared graduate students.
CURR523: Education in the Inner City
The urban school through the eyes of city youngsters, teachers and other educational personnel. Influences of social and economic forces: poverty, family patterns, ghetto mores, urban unrest, emergent minority leadership, school funding patterns, community agencies and school traditions. Evaluation of federal and other projects, innovative teaching and local action. Student prepares a proposal for improvement of an urban school situation. 3 sh.
CURR547: Developing Gifted and Schoolwide Enrichment Programs
This course examines the various program options available for the instruction of gifted students and critiques them from the perspective of "internal consistency". This course explores definitions of giftedness for various programs, provides a historical overview of each based on research, and examines related issues of identification of students as well as the curriculum to be provided. The programs include the Renzulli Schoolwide Enrichment Model, the Betts Autonomous Learner Model, and the Schlichter Talents Unlimited Model, among others. 3 sh.
CURR548: Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted
This course explores the various social and emotional needs of students who are gifted. The course focuses not only on the perceived deficits of these students, but on their social and emotional strengths as well. In addition, a variety of types of gifted students and their particular needs are discussed. Those include students who are underachievers, gifted students with disabilities, the twice exceptional, gifted boys, gifted girls, young gifted children, gifted minority students, highly creative students, and the highly gifted. The issue of parenting gifted students is also addressed. 3 sh.
EDFD520: Development of Educational Thought
Intensive study of the philosophical perspectives of selected classical to modern thinkers as they relate to educational theory and practice. A range of points of view will be considered including such seminal thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Rousseau, Dewey, Greene, Freire and Bell Hooks. The application of philosophical perspectives to contemporary educational issues will be explored. 3 sh.
EDFD540: Cultural and Social Aspects of Education
Examination of various facets of society that have impact on the educational system: economic, political, social, ethnic and religious forces as they relate to problems of educational systems. Field studies included. 3 sh.
EDFD545: Political Forces and Education
Influences of the political structure and the educational system on each other. Specific roles played by education and educational leaders in government bodies at various levels. 3 sh.
ELAD510: Effective Leadership in a Diverse Society: From Theory to Practice
This course will focus on concepts and techniques of leadership for learning and organizational theory, the changing roles of a leader in a diverse society, and the use of strategic planning and data analysis in the implementation of a vision for school and student success. Leadership style and its interconnectedness to the power and authority of leaders will guide student work throughout the course in developing the skills, knowledge and dispositions to lead effectively. 3 sh.
ELAD540: Differentiated Supervision
This course will examine the supervisory roles of school leaders, focusing on the process of clinical supervision and the learning and supervision needs of teachers at different professional levels. Topics include professional development, hiring and interviewing, intensive assistance, and adult learning. All students will engage in simulated and authentic supervision of classroom practice. 3 sh.
MUAP511: Applied Music I
Fifteen half-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUAP512: Applied Music II
Fifteen half-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 511.
MUAP521: Applied Music I
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUAP522: Applied Music II
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 521.
MUAP531: Applied Music I
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUAP532: Applied Music II
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 531.
MUAP541: Applied Music I
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUAP542: Applied Music II
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 541.
MUAP561: Applied Music I
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. Recital required. 6 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUAP613: Applied Music III
Fifteen half-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 512.
MUAP614: Applied Music IV
Fifteen half-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 613.
MUAP623: Applied Music III
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 522.
MUAP624: Applied Music IV
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 623.
MUAP633: Applied Music III
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 532.
MUAP634: Applied Music IV
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 633.
MUAP643: Applied Music III
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 542.
MUAP644: Applied Music IV
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 4 sh.
MUAP662: Applied Music II
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. Recital required. 6 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 561.
MUCP511: Theoretical and Aural Skills in Music I
Principles and practice of music construction, aural skills in manipulating pitch and rhythm, and related structural analysis. The total spectrum of music as a base, with specific techniques of pitch and rhythm approached from harmonic and contrapuntal standpoints. Primitive and simple folk idioms, modal counterpoint in two and three parts, diatonic tonal harmony in vocal and instrumental idioms tonal counterpoint in two parts and free composition. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUCP512: Theoretical and Aural Skills in Music II
Continuation of MUCP 511. Complex non-Western systems, modal and tonal imitative counterpoint in three and four parts, chromatic tonal harmony and expanded resources and techniques of the twentieth century. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 511; Music majors only.
MUCP513: Composition
Writing of variations, small forms, songs and compositions for small ensembles. Analysis and workshop performance. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 511; Music majors only.
MUCP515: Advanced Counterpoint
Analysis and composition of polyphonic forms, techniques in inventions, canons and motets based on the several compositional styles of Western music. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 512; Music majors only.
MUCP516: Advanced Instrumentation
Workshop course: Tutti instrumentation for orchestra and band; scoring for small ensembles; instruments, instrumental families and their possibilities and best uses. Direct instrumental setting of songs, hymns, etc., without the writing of a score. Elements of band military march construction and scoring. Performance of student instrumentations when possible. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 511; Music majors only.
MUCP518: Private Study in Composition I
Advanced work in musical composition in forms and genres determined jointly by teacher and student. Fifteen private lessons per semester. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUCP519: Private Study in Composition II
Continuation of MUCP 518. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 518; Music majors only.
MUCP520: Private Study in Composition III
Advanced work in various genres and forms of instrumental and/or vocal music. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 519; Music majors only.
MUCP521: Private Study in Composition IV
Advanced work in various genres and forms of instrumental and/or vocal music. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 520; Music majors only.
MUCP525: Keyboard Harmony for Piano Majors I
Skills pianists will need as professional performers, therapists, and educators. Harmonization, transposition, improvisation, realization of figured bass, reduction of open scores, and sightreading. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUCP526: Keyboard Harmony for Piano Majors II
Continuation of MUCP 525. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 525; Music majors only.
MUCP561: Advanced Studies in Microtonal Music
Advanced studies in microtonal music, Harry Partch's theories and compositions, contemporary compositional applications. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUHS 561.
MUCP562: Microtonal Composition Projects
Composition projects for the MSU Harry Partch Ensemble. May be repeated three times for a total of 8.0 credits. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUHS 561.
MUCP599: Independent Study in Theory/Composition
Individual work performed in connection with a regularly scheduled course, but in greater depth than normally required by that course. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 1 - 4 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED500: Workshop in Music Education
Changing conditions in the schools and new methods and materials for in-service and pre-service teachers. Lectures, demonstrations. Literature and materials selected according to workshop focus. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED501: Psychology of Music
Psychological foundations of music, including cognition, perception, emotional meaning; musical development and learning; testing for musical ability; research methodology. Cross listed with Music, MUTH 501. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED510: Selected Topics in Music Education
This course provides a forum for in-depth examination of a selected topic in classroom music teaching. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED518: Technology for Music Teachers
A history and overview of computer platforms and applications for music. A review of pre-college, collegiate, and professional music software; the basics of music programming; a review of MIDI applications and interfaces; the use of interactive media in music pedagogy; and the future of computer applications in this field. 3 sh.
MUED520: General Music in Secondary School
Examination and practicum of methods, materials and philosophies of non-performance courses in the junior and senior high school. 3 sh.
MUED521: Creative Movement and Dance Experiences for Children
Investigating the principles of movement in relationship to the principles of music as a format for designing dance and movement experiences which enhance the music learning process. A focus on strategies appropriate for the elementary music classroom. Active participation. Field component. Mid-term/final project. 3 sh.
MUED522: Pedagogy of the Piano
Principles, materials, and techniques for teaching piano to individuals or groups, in school or studio situations. 2 sh.
MUED523: Pedagogy of Brass Instruments
Principles, materials, and techniques for teaching brass instruments to individuals or groups, in school or studio situation. 2 sh.
MUED525: Pedagogy of Stringed Instruments
Principles, materials, and techniques for teaching stringed instruments to individuals or groups, in school or studio situation. 2 sh.
MUED526: Pedagogy of Percussion Instruments
Principles, materials, and techniques for teaching percussion instruments to individuals or groups, in school or studio situation. 2 sh.
MUED550: Music Education Techniques for Children with Disabilities
Special education techniques as applied to music education; teaching music through movement and simple rhythm instruments. Covers all areas of a broad-based education program as it applies to K-12 populations with mild to moderate handicaps. 3 sh.
MUED555: Teaching Music As Democratic Practice
This course examines foundational principles of democracy as a starting place for inquiry into the kinds of classroom procedures, structures, and strategies that model democratic practice. Appreciation for diverse points of view, collaborative projects, and student decision-making, for instance, are some examples of classroom structures that promote a democratic climate. Equally important is the study of composers and works of art that are tied directly to political events and social justice. 3 sh.
MUED560: Teaching World Music
World musics from cultural and pedagogical perspective. Following a geographic approach, i.e., Asia, Africa, selected musics will serve as a basis for exploring the musical stylistic dimensions, regional influences, cultural influences, and interrelationships with other art forms. Hands-on application to classroom music teaching K-12. 3 sh.
MUED565: Teaching Music Reading
This course is designed for music teachers who work with students at beginning levels of music reading. Whether in the classroom or studio, beginning music readers range from young children through adults. This course will examine literature and music reading methodologies for application in developing effective music reading strategies. 3 sh.
MUED570: Critical and Creative Thinking in Music
Theories of critical and creative thinking with application to the music classroom; developing music strategies that facilitate problem solving and thinking development. Field component. 3 sh.
MUED578: Kodaly System in Music Education
Principles for using Kodaly materials and techniques in teaching music reading and comprehension. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED579: Band Literature for the Music Educator
This course presents a broad-based examination of band literature for the elementary- through high-school level. The two primary components include (1) a survey of literature appropriate to the ensemble skill level, and (2) rehearsal techniques that facilitate expressive performance. Instruction will also include technological tools for research and programming effectiveness. 3 sh.
MUED580: The Comprehensive Choral Educator
Appropriate for the middle and high school choral director, this course will provide a philosophical/theoretical foundation for effective classroom practice. Using choral literature as a basis, this course will focus on pedagogy, conducting, and rehearsal techniques. Repertoire will include literature from the western music canon, non-western cultures, and a variety of choral genres. 3 sh.
MUED581: Orff Workshop I-Concepts and Skills
Study of basic philosophy of the Orff Schulwerk through movement, melodic and rhythmic training, improvisation and the use of relevant instruments and materials. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED582: Orff Workshop II-Pedagogy and Practices
Refinement of skills in the use of Orff concepts, materials and techniques; practicum in the Orff pedagogy as applicable to American children. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 581; John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED583: Orff Workshop III-Advanced Principles and Techniques
Comprehensive study of the scope of Orff pedagogy and mastery of techniques necessary for the development of music curricula and materials based on employing the Orff approach. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 582; John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED599: Independent Study in Music Education
Regularly listed courses pursued in greater depth, by arrangement with graduate program coordinator for music prior to registration. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits but may be taken only once each semester. 1 - 4 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED600: Independent Study in Music Education
Individual pursuit of a research topic culminating in a written document of length and scholarly integrity. May cover two semesters. Student registers for the semester in which the work will be completed. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 1 - 4 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED603: Seminar in Music Education
Philosophies of music education and their application to the classroom. Investigation and application of techniques of research as they apply to music education. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only.
MUED605: Field Project in Music Education
This seminar is designed to help students focus on their area of study and design an appropriate field project. This seminar also entails directed independent study in field projects. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 603; Music majors only.
MUHS505: Performance Practice in the Baroque Era
Problems of esthetics, notation, instrumentation, ornamentation, and interpretation in vocal and instrumental music from the time of Caccini and Monteverdi through that of J.S. Bach and Handel. 3 sh.
MUHS506: Performance Practice in the Classical Era
Problems of esthetics, notation, instrumentation, ornamentation, and interpretation in vocal and instrumental music from the second decade of the eighteenth century through the works of Beethoven. 3 sh.
MUHS549: Modern Music
Musical styles of the 20th century: historical sources, major composers, and recent trends. 3 sh.
MUHS550: Chamber Music
Survey of vocal and instrumental music composed for one to ten performers, one per part, from the Renaissance through the modern era. Analysis of both compositional style and nature of chamber genres. 3 sh.
MUHS551: The Literature of the Orchestra
Historical survey of such genres as the suite, overture, concerto, symphony and tone poem from the development of orchestral style of playing in the 17th century to the present. 3 sh.
MUHS552: Ethnological Approach to Music
Non-Western music; ethnic roots and influences, theory, media, and performance practices. Folk and professional idioms of the Far East, Near East, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Study for non-majors will emphasize musical experience and social-cultural background, while music majors will also pursue a more technical approach. 3 sh.
MUHS553: Jazz
Jazz as an art form, its impact on music and other contemporary arts; the sociological impact on American and world culture. Examination of specific performance techniques. 3 sh.
MUHS554: Development of the Opera I
Operas of the Baroque and Classical eras from Monteverdi through Beethoven; evolution of style, changing aesthetics, characterization, and plot development and the cultural environment within which these developments have taken place. 3 sh.
MUHS555: Development of the Opera II
Continuation of MUHS 554, examining operatic styles and representative works of the Romantic and Modern eras. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUHS 554.
MUHS561: Harry Partch - Life and Works
Survey of basic theories, instrument inventions, compositions. Features hands-on introduction to instruments, just intonation, acoustics and ear training. 3 sh.
MUHS599: Independent Study in Music History and Literature
Course work in one of the regularly listed catalog courses of the department of Music (but not Applied Music) in depth greater than that normally pursued in the course. Students will arrange the nature of the work with the instructor prior to the second meeting of the course. May be repeated once for a maximum of 8.0 credits. 1 - 4 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUHS600: Independent Study Music History and Literature
Individual pursuit of a research topic culminating in a written document of length and scholarly integrity independent of any course structure. May cover two semesters; student registers for the semester in which work will be completed. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 1 - 4 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUHS604: Seminar in Historical Research
Study of music bibliography, research method and critical analysis. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUHS605: Seminar in Historical and Theoretical Studies
Research and discussion of selected topics in the literature of music focusing on stylistic and analytical problems. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
SOCI565: Sociology of Youth
Socialization processes acting upon young people; the role of family, neighborhood, school and community; the effects of failures in these socializing agencies; changing relations among age grades; quantitative studies of the culture of youth with comparisons to other age grades. 3 sh.
SOCI574: Sociology of Ethnic Relationships
This course will analyze relationships among ethnic groups, and evaluate the causes, consequences and resolution of ethnic conflict. It will also consider the various policy implications of discrimination in institutional contexts. 3 sh.
SOCI576: The Family as an Institution
This course will examine the family system in the West from both historical and contemporary perspectives. It will consider the implications of recent research on changing role structure and cultural values regarding marriage, and problems of adaptation in current family systems (e.g., dual-earner marriages, single-parent families, adolescent sexuality, family abuse, divorce and remarriage). 3 sh.
SOCI577: Sociology of Poverty in the United States
This course examines major contemporary definitions and ideologies of poverty and public welfare, and considers the extent and patterns of distribution of poverty. Alternative socio-economic explanations of poverty and their implications for policy will be assessed, and problem-solving aspects of program and policy research analyzed. 3 sh.
SPED579: Special Education for Students with Disabilities
An overview of instruction for students with special needs; characteristics of special populations, federal and state legislation, educational implications of disabling conditions, principles for instruction and planning for inclusion are presented; community resources and special issues related to the education of students with disabilities are discussed. 3 sh.
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