College of Science and Mathematics - 2013 University Catalog

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Dean: Robert S. Prezant, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs: Jinan Jaber-Linsalata, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Lynn Schneemeyer, Ph.D.

Programs within the College of Science and Mathematics (CSAM) provide a sound foundation for careers in industry, government, medicine, dentistry and other health professions, as well as for post-baccalaureate studies in graduate or professional schools.  Programs leading to teacher certification are also available in various fields within science and mathematics.

Under the direction of knowledgeable and dedicated faculty mentors, students have access to unusually extensive facilities and state-of-the-art equipment including scanning and transmission electron microscopes, a cell culture laboratory, an animal room, greenhouse, scintillation counters, Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, gas chromatograph/mass spectrometers and X-ray diffraction spectrometers.  Undergraduate research programs and externships provide students with numerous opportunities to “do science”.

Since scientific computing has unique requirements, the College supports several of its own Advanced Computing Clusters. Through networking, students in all the College of Science and  Mathematics departments have access to national and international computer networks and bulletin boards.

The New Jersey School of Conservation (SOC), located on 240 acres of state forest in northwestern New Jersey, is a part of CSAM. The SOC is the oldest and largest residential environmental field center operated by a university in the world. Faculty at SOC and on-campus work together on a number of initiatives to use the SOC as an environmental laboratory. CSAM is also home to the Passaic River Institute for environmental research and education and is also a member of the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium with access to the marine laboratory facilities in Sandy Hook, NJ.

A number of programs leading to degrees are administered in the College including: Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Geosciences, Information Technology, Mathematics, Molecular Biology, Physics and Science Informatics. In addition, the College houses the Health Careers Program, designed to increase career opportunities for the underrepresented in science. New to CSAM is also a BS/MS in Aquatic and Coastal Sciences.

For pre-professional students, there are seven-year programs offered jointly by Montclair State University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry-NJ (UMDNJ) leading to the BS degree at Montclair State and either the Doctor of Medicine or the Doctor of Dental Medicine degree at UMDNJ and a D.O.M. at The New York College of Osteopathic Medicine at New York Institute of Technology. CSAM also offers a 7 year combined B.S./Pharm.D. program with the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University (New Brunswick). All students accepted in the seven-year program leading to the Doctor of Medicine degree must enroll in the honors Program at Montclair State. In addition, an eight-year joint program for the B.S. degree from Montclair State and the Doctor of Medicine or the Doctor of Dental medicine degree at UMDNJ for students enrolled in the Health Careers Program in the College of Science and Mathematics is available. For more information, including programs leading to careers in Physical Therapy, Osteopathic Medicine and more, visit the Other Programs section of the catalog website.

Departments and Programs