Earth and Environmental Studies - 2013 University Catalog
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Chairperson: Duke Ophori
The department offers a major in geography, a major in geoscience, a major in geoscience with concentration in environmental science, earth science teacher certification and a minor in geoscience.
The geography major leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree. The teaching emphasis in geography is on the formulation of concepts and theory, analysis of environmental and census data, data presentation techniques, interrelationships between human and natural elements, locational analysis and environmental and urban problem solving. Students may specialize in environmental studies, urban studies or geography and regional analysis by selecting appropriate elective courses. All specializations are applied in their nature and lead to careers in fields such as environmental management, city and regional planning, community development, economic development, transportation planning and real estate development. An important feature of the geography major is a recommended full semester, off-campus internship that enables students to work in public and private agencies.
The Geoscience major leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. Geoscience includes the study of earth materials, earth processes and earth history as well as the study of the earth's oceans and atmosphere. Students in the geoscience major are prepared for careers as professional geologists working for environmental planning and remediation companies, mining and petroleum industries, government agencies and civil engineering and construction companies. The geoscience major also prepares students for graduate study in the geological sciences and related specialities. Nearly all courses taken within the geoscience major include laboratory and off-campus field studies.
A concentration in environmental science is offered as an option within the geoscience major for those students seeking careers in the environmental consulting industry. This concentration includes biology, chemistry and nontraditional environmental geology courses not required for the standard geoscience major. Earth Science teaching certification is available for majors who also complete the professional teaching sequence. A minor in geoscience is also available.
Programs of Study
- Geographic Information Science Minor - Undergraduate
- Geography Major (B.A.) - Undergraduate
- Geography Major with Teacher Certification in Social Studies (Preschool-Grade 12) (B.A.) - Undergraduate
- Geography Major, Environmental Studies Concentration (B.A.) - Undergraduate
- Geography Major, Urban Studies Concentration (B.A.) - Undergraduate
- Geoscience Major (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Geoscience Major (B.S.) - Undergraduate (Combined B.S./M.A.T. with Teacher Certification in Earth Science (Preschool-Grade 12) and Teacher of Students with Disabilities)
- Geoscience Major with Teacher Certification in Earth Science (Preschool-Grade 12) (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Geoscience Major, Environmental Science/Geoscience Concentration (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Geoscience Minor - Undergraduate
- Sustainability Science Major (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Sustainability Science Major (B.S.) - Undergraduate (Combined B.S./M.S.)
- Urban Studies Minor - Undergraduate
- Earth Science, Instructional Certification: Teacher Certification in Earth Science - Preschool through Grade 12 - Graduate
- Environmental Forensics Certificate Program - Graduate
- Environmental Management (Ph.D.) - Graduate
- Environmental Studies, Environmental Education Concentration (M.A.) - Graduate
- Environmental Studies, Environmental Management Concentration (M.A.) - Graduate
- Environmental Studies, Environmental Science Concentration (M.A.) - Graduate
- Geographic Information Science Certificate Program - Graduate
- Geoscience (M.S.) - Graduate
- Sustainability Science (M.S.) - Graduate
- Sustainability Science (M.S.) - Graduate (Combined B.S./M.S.)
- Water Resource Management Certificate Program - Graduate