International Business Post Master's Certificate Program - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.


Candidates must provide an official transcript documenting a Master's of Business Administration (MBA) degree from a regionally-accredited college or university, and a brief personal statement. GMAT scores are not required, but candidates are encouraged to submit a current resumè with the application.

Candidates with graduate degrees in other, closely related areas (e.g., Economics, Public Administration, etc.) will be considered for admission, although prematriculation coursework may be required.


Complete 4 courses in International Business as designated by the MBA coordinator.

INBS 511 Global Business Endeavors 3
INBS 520 Managing The Global Workforce 3
INBS 530 Export Management 3
INBS 533 Corporations and International Financial Markets 3
INBS 540 International Accounting and Auditing 3
INBS 550 International Business Study Abroad 3
INBS 552 International Financial Policy 3
INBS 592 International Marketing Management 3

Course Descriptions:

INBS511: Global Business Endeavors

This course offers an in-depth analysis of critical components of global business management. It examines the challenges of the changing international competitive environment, as well as the political, economic, and legal influences on global corporate leadership. This course will help students outline multinational business strategies, understand internationalization process, and develop analytical skills necessary to succeed in dynamic global business activities. Cross listed with MGMT 511. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 501.

INBS520: Managing The Global Workforce

The objective of this course is to increase knowledge about managing a global workforce. The course provides a framework for understanding how individual, group, and organization factors impact global businesses and how organizations respond to them. Some focus will be placed on understanding cross-cultural issues within this context. Practical application, case analysis and effective management practices of international companies are emphasized. Cross listed with Management, MGMT 520. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MGMT 505.

INBS530: Export Management

To familiarize MBA students of export policies, programs and procedures and develop export/import management skills. The students will become knowledgeable about global sourcing, negotiation, pricing, export/import financing, documentation, international tenders and bidding, logistics and distribution. Cross listed with Marketing, MKTG 530. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 501.

INBS533: Corporations and International Financial Markets

Discusses the economic theories and problems which confront business institutions when dealing in international financial markets. Analyzes the various market instruments and how a corporation may use them. Cross listed with Economics and Finance, ECON 533 and FINC 533. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ECON 501.

INBS540: International Accounting and Auditing

This course deals with the measurement of operating results and financial position of multinational corporations involving transactions with foreign currencies. It focuses on the system of foreign exchange markets and the transaction gains or losses due to changes in foreign exchange rates. It teaches the techniques of foreign currency translations. It concerns the foreign exchange risk management in hedging activities. The course specifically investigates the risk aversion tool of forward exchange contracts. It also explores international accounting standards and accounting systems in other countries and the current developments in the harmonization process. Finally, the course will focus on the role of internal and external auditing in the international context. Cross listed with Accounting, Law and Taxation, ACCT 540. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ACCT 501 and ACCT 502, MBA degree students only.

INBS550: International Business Study Abroad

This course is designed to prepare students to succeed in the global business environment by providing direct contact with foreign firms and governmental agencies through an international travel experience. Students will have a focused encounter with managers and markets outside the U.S., enabling practice of inter-cultural and inter-personal skills in foreign settings and the consideration of alternative business norms. Examination of personnel practices, financial/accounting, retail, promotional, and marketing situations will enlarge perceptions of global business realities. Students will assimilate their travel encounters abroad through selected readings, cases, video tapes, and group discussions. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 501 and departmental approval.

INBS552: International Financial Policy

Analytically oriented introduction to the political, economic, operational and tax environment in which international business, particularly multinational corporations, functions. Stressing methods of analysis which enable defensive strategies against risk; the course is comprised of five major units: political and country risk; foreign exchange risk; long-run investments and financing; working capital management; and control performance evaluation and tax planning. Cross listed with Economics and Finance, FINC 552. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FINC 501.

INBS592: International Marketing Management

This course is designed to aid students to plan and implement international marketing efforts in conjunction with global business strategy. The course will review processes of analyzing, developing, and implemeting strategic marketing objectives within an international context that is now characterized by global sourcing, international alliances, highly competitive markets, regional trade areas, and multinational firms with diminishing connection to their country of origin. Students will practice analytic techniques through research, readings, and case analyses, advancing their conceptual understanding of such issues as competitiveness, regional business clusters, and local sources of advantage. Students will learn to re-think assumptions about marketing mix factors as they apply in different cultural, political, economic, and legal environments. Cross listed with MKTG 592. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 501 or MKTG 501.

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