School of Business - 2009 University Catalog
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Interim Dean: William H. Turner, M.B.A.
Associate Dean: Kimberly Killmer Hollister, Ph.D.
As a School of Business of a regional state university that provides quality education to a diverse student body, our goal is to graduate students who are immediately effective in cutting-edge business organizations. Our undergraduate programs are of primary importance. We prepare our students for entry and mid-level managerial positions, entry-level professional specializations, and entrepreneurial roles. Further, we equip them with the capacity to identify their own goals and proactively to manage their life-long career prospects.
To prepare our students for these roles, we must assure their mastery of:
- thinking skills: logical, critical and integrated analysis; the capacity to exercise good judgment; creative and nontraditional problem solving; and proficiency in ethical reasoning;
- discipline-specific knowledge and competencies: e.g., information technology and quantitative skills appropriate to problem-solving in a real-world setting;
- communication skills: proficiency in oral, written, presentation, and distance communication;
- change management: understanding and shaping the forces of change, including globalization, and using this understanding to formulate, evaluate, and select from alternative strategies to achieve sustainable competitive advantage;
- self-development: the capacity to engage in the effective self-management of lifelong learning to achieve continuous professional and personal growth.
The School offers two undergraduate degrees: BS in Business Administration and a BA in Economics. The BS in Business Administration has the following concentrations: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Hospitality Management, International Business, Leisure Industries and Tourism, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Operations Management, and Retail Merchandising and Management. The School also offers a minor in both Business and Economics. Internships and cooperative education experiences are available in many of the programs offered.