Communication Studies Minor - Undergraduate - 2009 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.

The Communication Studies Minor fosters essential skills in writing, speaking, listening and group work that pertain to a broad range of professional and social applications. 

To pursue the minor and have it listed on the transcript, students must:

1. Submit an application to the Dept. of Communication Studies, obtainable from the department.
2. Schedule and complete an interview (Minimum GPA requirement: 2.75.)
3. Complete the Communication Studies Minor course sequence.
4. During the senior year, request certification from the Registrar for completion of the program. (This is necessary to gain credit for the minor.)


Complete 18 semester hours, from the following:

  1. Complete the following 4 courses for 12 semester hours:

    SPCM 172 Introduction to Communication Studies 3
    SPCM 201 Communication Theory 3
    SPCM 230 Listening 3
    SPCM 271 Interpersonal Communication I 3
  2. Complete 6 semester hours from the following:

    SPCM 103 Voice and Speech Improvement 3
    SPCM 104 Media and Society 3
    SPCM 222 Principles of Public Relations 3
    SPCM 250 Intercultural Communication 3
    SPCM 274 Organizational Communication 3
    SPCM 374 Group Processes 3

Course Descriptions:

SPCM103: Voice and Speech Improvement

Theory and practice in the improvement of individual voice and speech patterns and elimination of faults. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: B.A. Communication Studies students only.

SPCM104: Media and Society

This course introduces students to different print and electronic communication media, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet. The course explores how each medium has contributed to changes in communication, from the way in which we process information and do work, to the way we experience entertainment and culture. 3 sh.

SPCM172: Introduction to Communication Studies

This course orients students to the academic field of Communication Studies and surveys a wide range of professional applications. Students learn about the history, key figures, and traditional and current issues in Communication Studies and how to research and read disciplinary literature. 3 sh.

SPCM201: Communication Theory

This course introduces students to human communication theories. Emphasis is placed on the application of theory to a variety of everyday relational, professional, and cultural situations and the ways in which theory informs and helps us examine human communication. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPCM 172 is a prerequisite or corequisite. BA Communication Studies students only.

SPCM222: Principles of Public Relations

Principles of Public Relations is an introductory course designed to expose students to the basic history and theories in the field of public relations. Principles of Public Relations will expose you to staple writing activities such as news releases, brochures, and pitch letters. Principles of Public Relations will also teach you the basic terminology and skills necessary to succeed in more advanced public relations courses. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 234 may be taken as pre-requisites or co-requisites. BA Communication Studies students only.

SPCM230: Listening

The development of critical, discriminative, appreciative and empathic listening skills; emphasis on listening theory/concept exploration, listening skill building, and experiential learning through theory application. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.

SPCM250: Intercultural Communication

Survey of cultural approaches to communication, including theory and methodology. Will examine the underlying principles and concepts of communication within individuals and across cultures to better understand effective human communication. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.

SPCM271: Interpersonal Communication I

Basic theory of interpersonal communication and its practical applications in friendships and intimate relationships; personal communication patterns as they affect self perception and other perception; emphasis on the effect this process has on our interactions with others; strategies are offered as a means of change, growth and potential in effective interpersonal communication. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.

SPCM274: Organizational Communication

An experiential study of the role of communication in business and the application of theories of communication in our understanding of organizations. An organizational simulation provides the experience from which students can apply communication theories. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.

SPCM374: Group Processes

Effective communication patterns for small groups; variables such as cohesiveness, roles, problem-solving, leadership, decision-making are related to the development and maintenance of productive interaction. Meets the University Writing Requirement for CSOC and CSSC majors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 274. BA Communciation Studies students only.

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