Communication Studies Major, Speech Communication Concentration (B.A.) - Undergraduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
Program Overview
The Speech Communication concentration applies a general approach to the broad field of communication, applicable to a range of careers including advertising, management, education, electronic media, journalism and public relations. Students explore concepts and practice skills pertaining to public presentation as well as master the dynamics of relationship building and all forms of verbal and nonverbal communication modes.
For further information, including Admission Guidelines: Communication Studies webpage.
Curriculum Requirements
All university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree (for further information, click here.) In addition, students pursuing Speech Communication concentration must requirements for the major and concentration
Complete 48 semester hours including the following 4 requirement(s):
Complete the following 8 courses:
SPCM 172 Introduction to Communication Studies 3 SPCM 201 Communication Theory 3 SPCM 230 Listening 3 SPCM 271 Interpersonal Communication I 3 SPCM 301 Seminar in Communication Research 3 SPCM 375 Nonverbal Communication 3 SPCM 438 Principles of Persuasion 3 SPCM 478 Applied Communication 3 -
Complete the following 4 courses:
SPCM 103 Voice and Speech Improvement 3 SPCM 242 Speaking Culturally 3 SPCM 342 Argumentation and Debate 3 SPCM 442 Speaking in Varied Contexts 3 -
Complete 9 semester hours from the following:
ENWR 206 Business Writing 3 SPCM 104 Media and Society 3 SPCM 222 Principles of Public Relations 3 SPCM 250 Intercultural Communication 3 SPCM 272 Interpersonal Communication II 3 SPCM 274 Organizational Communication 3 SPCM 290 Communication and Gender 3 SPCM 304 Mediated Communication Theory 3 SPCM 322 Public Relations Writing 3 SPCM 323 Public Relations Cases 3 SPCM 334 Television Production in Communication Studies 3 SPCM 374 Group Processes 3 SPCM 384 Organizational Assessment 3 SPCM 388 Seminar in Public Relations 3 SPCM 404 Seminar in Mediated Communication 3 SPCM 413 Visual Communication 3 SPCM 435 Communication Arts Activity 1-3 SPCM 474 Seminar in Organizational Communication 3 SPCM 499 Honors: Senior Seminar 3 -
Complete the following 1 course:
SPCM 234 Public Speaking 3
Course Descriptions:
ENWR206: Business Writing
Writing skills essential to the world of work with emphasis on correspondence, analytical reports and proposals. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
SPCM103: Voice and Speech Improvement
Theory and practice in the improvement of individual voice and speech patterns and elimination of faults. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: B.A. Communication Studies students only.
SPCM104: Media and Society
This course introduces students to different print and electronic communication media, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet. The course explores how each medium has contributed to changes in communication, from the way in which we process information and do work, to the way we experience entertainment and culture. 3 sh.
SPCM172: Introduction to Communication Studies
This course orients students to the academic field of Communication Studies and surveys a wide range of professional applications. Students learn about the history, key figures, and traditional and current issues in Communication Studies and how to research and read disciplinary literature. 3 sh.
SPCM201: Communication Theory
This course introduces students to human communication theories. Emphasis is placed on the application of theory to a variety of everyday relational, professional, and cultural situations and the ways in which theory informs and helps us examine human communication. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 is a prerequisite or corequisite. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM222: Principles of Public Relations
Principles of Public Relations is an introductory course designed to expose students to the basic history and theories in the field of public relations. Principles of Public Relations will expose you to staple writing activities such as news releases, brochures, and pitch letters. Principles of Public Relations will also teach you the basic terminology and skills necessary to succeed in more advanced public relations courses. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 234 may be taken as pre-requisites or co-requisites. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM230: Listening
The development of critical, discriminative, appreciative and empathic listening skills; emphasis on listening theory/concept exploration, listening skill building, and experiential learning through theory application. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM234: Public Speaking
Preparing and delivering effective, informative, and persuasive speeches; emphasis in outlining, verbal clarity, and effective oral communication in public presentations. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM242: Speaking Culturally
This course explores how language, speech, and culture are interconnected. Students are introduced to basic theoretical approaches to the study of language and communication and have the opportunity to investigate diverse cultural contexts through case studies and research. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 234 and SPCM 172 may be taken as pre-requisites or co-requisites.
SPCM250: Intercultural Communication
Survey of cultural approaches to communication, including theory and methodology. Will examine the underlying principles and concepts of communication within individuals and across cultures to better understand effective human communication. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM271: Interpersonal Communication I
Basic theory of interpersonal communication and its practical applications in friendships and intimate relationships; personal communication patterns as they affect self perception and other perception; emphasis on the effect this process has on our interactions with others; strategies are offered as a means of change, growth and potential in effective interpersonal communication. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM272: Interpersonal Communication II
Current literature in the field of interpersonal communication and the relationship of the theory to communication effectiveness. Study of conflict management and interpersonal communication competence. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 271. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM274: Organizational Communication
An experiential study of the role of communication in business and the application of theories of communication in our understanding of organizations. An organizational simulation provides the experience from which students can apply communication theories. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM290: Communication and Gender
An examination of male and female communication patterns and gender expectations in various contexts with emphasis on: (1) the relationship between gender, language and culture; (2) cultural stereotypes regarding gender roles; (3) the implictions of gendered understandings on our personal and professional lives. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM301: Seminar in Communication Research
This course introduces students to the research and methods (quantitative and qualitative) of the discipline of communication. Emphasis is on the critical assessment of research, improved writing, and the completion of a research paper. Meets the University Writing Requirement for CSOC, CSPR and CSSC majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 234. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM304: Mediated Communication Theory
The course provides an in-depth examination of mass media theories and social effects on a national and global level. Through case studies, research, screenings, and class discussions students develop analytic tools they can use in their role as proactive consumers and potential creators of media products. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 104 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 301. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM322: Public Relations Writing
In Public Relations Writing, students learn the basic principles associated with public relations writing and how to prepare an assortment of public relations documents. Associated Press (AP) style is reinforced throughout all assignments, and students learn how to construct specialized written documents such as backgrounders, brochures, business letters, pitch letters, infographics, news releases, stationery, business cards, logos. Students are also encouraged to begin portfolio building. Aesthetics is a central focus of the class and students learn the features of effective design. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 222 and SPCM 234. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM323: Public Relations Cases
Public Relations Cases uses a case-study method to teach students about theoretical and applied principles of public relations campaign management. Students examine successful/unsuccessful examples of public relations in order to learn how to plan more effective campaigns and to evaluate completed campaigns. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 222 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 322. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM334: Television Production in Communication Studies
Hands-on experience in MSU's television studio with focus on production elements including camera operation, directing, and creativity through production of commercials, talk shows and variety shows. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM342: Argumentation and Debate
Principles of argumentation; characteristics of propositions, definitions of terms, logical organization, evidence, research and oral reason, structure of debates; practice in argumentation and debate of current significant issues. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 103 and SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 242 and SPCM 271. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM374: Group Processes
Effective communication patterns for small groups; variables such as cohesiveness, roles, problem-solving, leadership, decision-making are related to the development and maintenance of productive interaction. Meets the University Writing Requirement for CSOC and CSSC majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 274. BA Communciation Studies students only.
SPCM375: Nonverbal Communication
Introduces nonverbal communication theory to promote a better awareness of its dynamics and influence in the communication process; an awareness of how people reveal and define themselves; a development of skills for encoding and decoding nonverbally ; creating slide shows. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 301. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM384: Organizational Assessment
Learning and application of methods for auditing organizational communication environments. Students conduct fieldwork using surveys, interviews, and other techniques to assess communication, recognize problems, and propose remedies. Partnerships with regional non-profit organizations are facilitated by the Center for Community-based Learning. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 274 and SPCM 301 and SPCM 374. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM388: Seminar in Public Relations
Provides background theory and practical experience in public relations. Writing forms and styles, project planning, and campaign strategies are emphasized. Meets the University Writing Requirement for CSOC, CSPR and CSSC majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 222 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 322. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM404: Seminar in Mediated Communication
This advanced seminar explores emerging communication technologies and their social, cultural, and political implications. The course examines the history and evolution of communication technologies and how they transform our identity, homes, workplaces, communities, and playspaces. Emphasis is placed on current issues and case studies drawn from the world of business, government, and entertainment. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 104 and SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and (SPCM 242 /or 274) and SPCM 271 and SPCM 301 and SPCM 304 and SPCM 375. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM413: Visual Communication
A course designed for students to experience the area of visual communication through computer desktop publishing. Students are responsible for designing, editing, and producing various printed material. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 301 and SPCM 375 and (SPCM 222 or 242 or 274 or 322 or 342 or 374). BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM435: Communication Arts Activity
Credit is given for supervised speech arts activity. Various topics offered periodically. Credit by arrangement. May be repeated without limit. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 301 and SPCM 375 and (SPCM 274/or 222/or 242) and (SPCM 374/or 322 /or 342). BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM438: Principles of Persuasion
Theory and application of persuasive principles in various fields of society with focus on communication strategies for awareness, understanding, evaluation, and change of social forces in media, education, government, business, religion, politics, relationships, and industry. Learn to become a critical receiver. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 301; SPCM 435 may be taken as a pre-requisite or co-requisite; (SPCM 274/or 222/or 242) and (SPCM 374/or 322/or 342). BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM442: Speaking in Varied Contexts
This course explores the demands of speaking in a number of contexts such as professional, political, social, commercial, educational, and mediated. Through readings and case studies, students can explore their particular interests and develop coaching and workshop materials for future professional use. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 103 and SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 242 and SPCM 301 and SPCM 375 and SPCM 342. BA Communication Studies students only.
SPCM474: Seminar in Organizational Communication
Exploration of advanced topics pertaining to communication in organizational contexts. Particular emphasis is placed on current issues in professional and civic organizations. Subject changes from year to year. Topics include intra-organizational diversity and conflict management, democratic approaches and processes, and leadership. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 274 and SPCM 374 and SPCM 375 and SPCM 384. BA Communications Studies students only.
SPCM478: Applied Communication
Identification of practical applications and implications for the theories of human communication are explored with specific focus on communication careers through interviewing techniques, resumes, and career panels with communication professionals. A practical approach allows a synthesis of learned communication theory and applied communication practice. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 301 and SPCM 375 and (SPCM 274/or 222/or 242) and (SPCM 374/or 322/or 342). BA Communication Studies students only. Registration by departmental permission.
SPCM499: Honors: Senior Seminar
Students pursue independent projects related to their major academic and professional interests and meet for tutorial sessions on selected topics. Seminar culminates in a major project related to research, performance, production or pedagogy. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPCM 172 and SPCM 201 and SPCM 230 and SPCM 234 and SPCM 271 and SPCM 301 and SPCM 375 and (SPCM 274/or 222/or 242) and (SPCM 374/or 322/or 342). BA Communication Studies students only. Registration by departmental permission.
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