Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Minor - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog


Complete the following 2 requirement(s):


    Complete for 12 semester hours.

    CSND 100 Fields of Communication Sciences and Disorders (3 hours lecture) 3
    CSND 207 Hearing Science (3 hours lecture) 3
    CSND 383 Introduction to Language Development (3 hours lecture) 3
    CSND 409 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Systems (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete 1 of the following options depending on undergraduate major:


      Complete the following 2 requirement(s):

      1. Complete .

        CSND 408 Phonetic Study of Speech Sounds (3 hours lecture) 3
      2. Complete 1 course from the following:

        CSND 410 Neurophysiological Bases of Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
        CSND 468 Clincal Procedures in Audiology (3 hours lecture) 3

      Complete the following 3 courses:

      CSND 410 Neurophysiological Bases of Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
      CSND 468 Clincal Procedures in Audiology (3 hours lecture) 3
      LNGN 331 Phonetics (3 hours lecture) 3

Course Descriptions:

CSND100: Fields of Communication Sciences and Disorders (3 hours lecture)

An orientation to: practices in the field, philosophies of rehabilitation, areas of scientific inquiry and the relationship with other disciplines and specialties. 3 sh.

CSND207: Hearing Science (3 hours lecture)

This course is designed to provide students with a foundation in the acoustic concepts central to the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology. Specifically, information needed to understand the perception and production of speech and other sounds will be presented. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MATH 051 or MATH 061 or MATH 071 or placement through MSU placement test; and CSND 100.

CSND383: Introduction to Language Development (3 hours lecture)

An overview of speech and language development from infancy through early school age. The course will familiarize students with the typical sequence of acquisition for phonology, semantics, syntax, morphology, and pragmatics and with theories and processes underlying language development. Issues related to dialects and non-mainstream speech will be considered. Interacting with a preschool child to obtain a language sample is required. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CSND 207 or LNGN 210.

CSND408: Phonetic Study of Speech Sounds (3 hours lecture)

This course will examine the articulation and features of American English speech sounds, the influence of context on sound production, and suprasegmental aspects of speech (intonation and stress). Dialectal variants and variation secondary to disorder will be considered. The course introduces students to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and provides opportunities to practice transcription. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CSND 383 and departmental approval.

CSND409: Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Systems (3 hours lecture)

The anatomical and physiological bases of respiration, phonation, articulation and resonation. The anatomy and physiology of the auditory mechanism. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CSND 383.

CSND410: Neurophysiological Bases of Communication (3 hours lecture)

Study of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as it relates to the development of hearing, vision, thought, memory and emotions, as well as the perception, processing and production of speech and language. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CSND 409 and departmental approval.

CSND468: Clincal Procedures in Audiology (3 hours lecture)

The measurement of hearing including pure tone tests, screening tests, interpretation of test results, problems of calibration, and medical and educational referral. Demonstrations and supervised practice testing. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CSND 409.

LNGN331: Phonetics (3 hours lecture)

A comprehensive introduction to phonetics, the study of the production of speech sounds and their acoustic characteristics. Students will learn to identify, classify, and transcribe sounds from a variety of languages. While intended primarily for Linguistics majors, this course will also be of interest to prospective language teachers and to majors in Speech, in Psychology, and in Communication Sciences and Disorders. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: LNGN 210 or departmental approval (for Cognitive Science majors).

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