Music Major, Jazz Studies Concentration (B.Mus.) - Undergraduate - 2012 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
The Jazz Studies program offers training and extensive performance opportunities in both traditional and contemporary jazz styles. It provides a solid foundation in performance and history that will allow students to enter the professional music world or pursue advanced study.
Students at the Cali School have the advantage of using the rich resources of New York City, which is located 30 minutes from campus. Whether on campus through outstanding faculty and guest artists, or in the City, our students are participants in a rich listening and learning environment.
Through a broad range of course offering at Montclair State University in music, the liberal arts and sciences, students gain knowledge of other disciplines and an understanding of the demands and realities of working in the music business. They will receive the solid foundation needed to pursue careers in performance and to contribute to the growth and preservation of the jazz art form.
For further information: Cali School of Music webpage
Curriculum Requirements: All university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree (for further information, click here.) In addition, the requirements below apply to this major:
Complete 86 semester hours including the following 8 requirement(s):
Complete 8 courses for 16 semester hours:
MUCP 101 Theory I (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 102 Theory II (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 103 Aural Skills I (3 hours lecture) 1 MUCP 104 Aural Skills II 1 MUCP 201 Theory III (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 202 Theory IV (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 203 Aural Skills III (3 hours lecture) 1 MUCP 204 Aural Skills IV (3 hours lecture) 1 -
Complete 8 courses for 24 semester hours:
MUAP 121 Applied Music I 2 MUAP 122 Applied Music II 2 MUAP 223 Applied Music III 2 MUAP 224 Applied Music IV 2 MUAP 345 Applied Music V 4 MUAP 346 Applied Music VI 4 MUAP 447 Applied Music VII 4 MUAP 448 Applied Music VIII 4 -
Complete for a total of 4 semester hours.
MUPR 040 Performance Practicum for Performance Majors 0.5 -
Complete 1 of the following requirements based on your primary instrument:
Complete 2 courses for 2 semester hours:
MUCP 310 Keyboard Harmony I (2 hours studio) 1 MUCP 311 Keyboard Harmony II (2 hours studio) 1 -
Complete 4 courses for 4 semester hours:
MSSN 101 Keyboard Musicianship I (2 hours studio) 1 MSSN 102 Keyboard Musicianship II (2 hours studio) 1 MUCP 320 Guitar Fingerboard Harmony I (2 hours studio) 1 MUCP 321 Guitar Fingerboard Harmony II (2 hours studio) 1 -
Complete 2 courses for 2 semester hours:
MSSN 101 Keyboard Musicianship I (2 hours studio) 1 MSSN 102 Keyboard Musicianship II (2 hours studio) 1
Complete 1 course for 1 semester hours from the following list
MUPR 203 Sophomore Recital 1 MUPR 303 Junior Recital 1 -
Complete 1 course for 1 semester hours:
MUPR 403 Senior Recital 1
Complete for a total of 6 semester hours
MUPR 302 Jazz Ensemble (2 hours studio) 0.5 -
Complete 2 semester hours from the following list.
MUPR 020 Montclair State University Singers 0.5 MUPR 030 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5 MUPR 031 Orchestra (4.5 hours studio) 0.5 MUPR 032 Band 0.5 MUPR 034 Opera Workshop (4 hours lecture) 0.5 MUPR 038 Collegium Musicum 0.5 MUPR 161 Harry Partch Ensemble 0.5 MUPR 301 Chamber Ensemble Performance 0.5
Complete 4 courses for 12 semester hours:
MUHS 106 Diverse Worlds of Music (3 hours lecture) 3 MUHS 307 Music History I (3 hours lecture) 3 MUHS 308 Music History II (3 hours lecture) 3 MUHS 407 Music History III (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 7 courses for 18 semester hours:
MUCP 350 Jazz Theory (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 355 Jazz Arranging (3 hours lecture) 3 MUGN 209 Introduction to Jazz (3 hours lecture) 3 MULT 301 Jazz Literature I (2 hours lecture) 2 MULT 302 Jazz Literature II 2 MUMG 100 Introduction to the Fine and Performing Arts (3 hours lecture) 3 MUPR 304 Jazz Keyboard and Theory 2
Course Descriptions:
MSSN101: Keyboard Musicianship I (2 hours studio)
Keyboard skills including major and minor scales, arpeggios and chord progressions, sightreading, transposition, harmonization, improvisation. Group instruction. 1 sh.
MSSN102: Keyboard Musicianship II (2 hours studio)
Continuation of MSSN 101. Group instruction. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MSSN 101; Music majors or minors only.
MUAP121: Applied Music I
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only, John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUAP122: Applied Music II
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 121.
MUAP223: Applied Music III
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 122.
MUAP224: Applied Music IV
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 223.
MUAP345: Applied Music V
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 244.
MUAP346: Applied Music VI
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 345.
MUAP447: Applied Music VII
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 346.
MUAP448: Applied Music VIII
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 447.
MUCP101: Theory I (3 hours lecture)
Study of harmony, counterpoint and musical analysis of small forms. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors or minors only.
MUCP102: Theory II (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of MUCP 101. Must be taken with MUCP 104. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 101; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP103: Aural Skills I (3 hours lecture)
Sight reading and dictation in major and minor modes, using diatonic chord progressions. Basic solfeggio. Must be taken with MUCP 101. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors or minors only.
MUCP104: Aural Skills II
Continuation of MUCP 103; must be taken with MUCP 102. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 103; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP201: Theory III (3 hours lecture)
Chromatic harmony; intermediate contrapuntal techniques; analysis of the larger instrumental forms. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP202: Theory IV (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of MUCP 201. Must be taken with MUCP 204. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 201; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP203: Aural Skills III (3 hours lecture)
Chromatic and non-tonal sight reading and dictation. "Fixed do" Solfeggio. To be taken with MUCP 201. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 104; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP204: Aural Skills IV (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of MUCP 203. Must be taken with MUCP 202. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 203; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP310: Keyboard Harmony I (2 hours studio)
Skills pianists will need as professional performers, therapists, and educators. Harmonization, transposition, improvisation, realization of figured bass, reduction of open scores, and sightreading. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP311: Keyboard Harmony II (2 hours studio)
Continuation of MUCP 310. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 310; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP320: Guitar Fingerboard Harmony I (2 hours studio)
All scale, arpeggio, triad and chord forms in every key and position will be performed and learned from a visual perspective which aids in transposition and memorization. Performing figured bass patterns, harmonizing melodies, analyzing harmonic progressions score reading, creating grand staff reductions and learning the different jazz chord symbols develops the necessary skills for a teaching and performing guitarist. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102.
MUCP321: Guitar Fingerboard Harmony II (2 hours studio)
All scale, arpeggio, triad and chord forms in every key and position will be performed and learned from a visual perspective which aids in transposition and memorization. Performing figured bass patterns, harmonizing melodies, analyzing harmonic progressions score reading, creating grand staff reductions and learning the different jazz chord symbols develops the necessary skills for a teaching and performing guitarist. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102.
MUCP350: Jazz Theory (3 hours lecture)
Comprehensive study of jazz harmony including in-depth inquiry into past and present common practice. Basic concepts such as chordal structures, progressions, diatonic reharmonization, pentatonic scales, and harmonic rhythm. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 204.
MUCP355: Jazz Arranging (3 hours lecture)
An introduction to the concepts of jazz arranging and orchestration. Students will be given the tools to arrange and orchestrate for various sizes of jazz and/or contemporary ensembles. Concepts for creating two, three and five horn arrangements will be presented. The rhythm section, as used in both large and small groups, will be dealt with in depth. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 350.
MUGN209: Introduction to Jazz (3 hours lecture)
Jazz as an American phenomenon. Musical materials as manipulated by jazz artists; the impact on American popular music, dance and theater; early jazz players and developments. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.
MUHS106: Diverse Worlds of Music (3 hours lecture)
This course explores the diverse nature of the musical experience by examining various traditions from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe and North America. The study of different musical traditions develops our listening skills and allows us to consider the role of performer and their audience in multiple frameworks, including ritual, political and the world of entertainment. 3 sh.
MUHS307: Music History I (3 hours lecture)
Research method and music bibliography. Styles, genres and shaping forces of Western music from the rise of polyphony in the Middle Ages through the music of Haydn and Mozart. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Music and Music Therapy. Check University Writing Requirement listing for specific majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102; Music majors and minors only.
MUHS308: Music History II (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of MUHS 307, beginning with Beethoven; the music of the Romantic era as manifested in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; major currents of the Modern era. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUHS 307; Music majors and minors only.
MUHS407: Music History III (3 hours lecture)
Major figures, forms, genres and styles from Debussy to the present. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUHS 308; Music majors and minors only.
MULT301: Jazz Literature I (2 hours lecture)
Analysis, performance, and memorization of basic level repertoire of the Jazz idiom, including historical perspectives. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102.
MULT302: Jazz Literature II
Analysis, Performance, and memorization of intermediate level repertoire of the Jazz idiom, including historical perspectives. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MULT 301.
MUMG100: Introduction to the Fine and Performing Arts (3 hours lecture)
An examination of basic aspects and procedures of the music industry, including copyright, publishing, performing rights, production and recording, marketing, and merchandising. Special attention will be paid to current trends and technological developments. Open to music majors only; others by deparmental approval. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music major status; others by departmental approval.
MUPR020: Montclair State University Singers
Study through rehearsal and performance of madrigals. Open to all through audition. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval (audition).
MUPR030: Montclair State University Chorale
Montclair State University Chorale. 0.5 sh.
MUPR031: Orchestra (4.5 hours studio)
Orchestra. 0.5 sh.
MUPR032: Band
Band. 0.5 sh.
MUPR034: Opera Workshop (4 hours lecture)
Opera studied through performance. Nature of dramatic music, problems of movement, make-up, costuming, props and scenery. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUPR038: Collegium Musicum
Workshop in performance of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music for instrumentalists and singers. Introduction to the elements of Renaissance musicianship (solmization, modes, musica ficta, notation, improvisation, and ornamentation). Introduction on early instruments (recorder,flute, viola, others). Concert performances of repertory studied. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.
MUPR040: Performance Practicum for Performance Majors
Performance of repertoire for coaching in interpretation, style, analysis, technique, etc. Required in conjunction with each course in the primary and major instrument. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: Music performance majors only.
MUPR161: Harry Partch Ensemble
Learning to play instruments from the Harry Partch instrumentarium and new techniques on standard instruments, voice. Repertoire ensemble. May be repeated 7 times for a total of 4 credits. 0.5 sh.
MUPR203: Sophomore Recital
Public performance of solo literature. Required of MUPR majors. This course will be graded. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 122.
MUPR301: Chamber Ensemble Performance
Study through playing or singing of chamber music in ensembles of varying size and musical styles. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUPR302: Jazz Ensemble (2 hours studio)
Contemporary ensemble requirements like jazz phrasing, section playing, interpretation, improvisation studied through ensemble rehearsal and performance. May be repeated for credit. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUPR303: Junior Recital
Public performance of solo literature. Required of MUPR majors, if MUPR 203 not completed. This course will be graded. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music performance majors only.
MUPR304: Jazz Keyboard and Theory
Introduction to jazz techniques of harmonization, improvisation and theory at the keyboard in varying styles. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 104 and John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUPR403: Senior Recital
Capstone performance of solo literature. Required for performance and theory/composition majors. Prereq: Music Majors only. Special fee. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
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