Broadcasting - 2009 University Catalog
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Chairperson: Dr. Lawrence Londino

The Department of Broadcasting provides intensive pre-professional training in the field of electronic media production, preparing graduates for work in broadcasting and related industries. A cornerstone of the program is the concurrent value it places on a solid liberal arts education – that which informs the medium of television and the student’s opinions, attitudes, and values.
The emphasis of the broadcasting curriculum is on the writing, production, and direction of fresh, innovative ideas for media presentation, coupled with a strong theoretical background in the history of television as well as contemporary global issues surrounding the development of electronic communication industries today. Furthermore, students with an interest in and an aptitude for specific craft disciplines (e.g., videography, editing, technical directing) are provided hands-on opportunities to develop skills in these areas through working with the newly renovated DuMont Television Center’s state-of-the-art production equipment. 

Along with guiding students in technical development, special features of the academic program include an adjunct faculty of high-level broadcasting executives and producers; student involvement in the production of in-house university videos; as well as participation in external production competitions. A centerpiece of the academic experience is students’ work on the department’s weekly award-winning cable television program, Carpe Diem – an experience that mirrors the daily rigor encountered in the television industry. Internships at major broadcasting facilities round out students’ career preparation, along with opportunities to network with the department’s successful alums.
The Department of Broadcasting is affiliated with the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS), American Women in Radio and Television (AWRT), and the University Film and Video Association (UFVA). These among other associations provide networking, recognition and scholarship opportunities for students.
Admission to Programs and Further Information
The Department of Broadcasting requires an interview for admission to the program. Additional information on the program, including interview guidelines, may be obtained by visiting the Department of Broadcasting webpage or by calling the Department at 973-655-7870.