Exercise Science and Physical Education - 2013 University Catalog
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Chairperson: Robert Horn
The Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education (ESPE) provides preparation through academic programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. In addition, the department offers an array of physical activity courses designed to meet the Physical Education requirement in the University's General Education Program. Our theory, technology, research, adult fitness, exercise science, athletic training, coaching, sports management, and physical education courses are designed to meet the needs of the educational and corporate organizations in New Jersey. Undergraduate students are educated in our nationally recognized Physical Education and Health certification program for grades K-12, in our degree granting CAATE certified Athletic Training Education program, and our innovative program in Adult Fitness that features internships with the major sports industries in the metropolitan NY area.The graduate program in Exercise Science & Physical Education provides students the opportunity to pursue advanced study in the general field of physical education, and to develop competency in an area of concentration. Concentrations are offered in Teaching and Supervision of Physical Education, Coaching and Sports Administration, and Exercise Sciences. The program is designed to develop and enhance competencies necessary for teaching in school programs, coaching of athletics, conducting individualized exercise programs, administration of physical education and/or athletics, and administration of specialized exercise programs in a non-school setting.
ESPE offers many opportunities for both students majoring in these diverse areas of study as well as students generally interested in our unique professions. Although the career goals of majors are varied, there are certain common threads. Students tend to be people-oriented, concerned with lifelong activity, and interested in general fitness, wellness and business concepts. These characteristics apply to students preparing for traditional careers as teachers, clinicians, administrators and managers.
Programs of Study
- Athletic Training Major (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Exercise Science Major (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Physical Education Major (B.S.) - Undergraduate (Combined B.S./M.A.T. with Teacher Certification in Health and Physical Education and Teacher of Students with Disabilities)
- Physical Education Major with Teacher Certification in Health and Physical Education (Preschool-Grade 12) (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Physical Education Major, Coaching Concentration (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Physical Education Major, Community Based Fitness and Wellness Concentration (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Physical Education Major, Physical Activity in Educational Settings Concentration (B.S.) - Undergraduate
- Exercise Science and Physical Education, Exercise Science Concentration (M.A.)- Graduate
- Exercise Science and Physical Education, Sports Administration and Coaching Concentration (M.A.)- Graduate
- Exercise Science and Physical Education, Teaching and Supervision of Physical Education Concentration (M.A.) - Graduate
- Health and Physical Education, Instructional Certification: Teacher Certification in Health and Physical Education (Preschool-Grade 12) - Graduate
- Physical Education, Instructional Certification: Teacher Certification in Physical Education (Preschool-Grade 12) - Graduate