Aquatic and Coastal Sciences Program - 2012 University Catalog

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Director: Paul Bologna

Aquatic and Coastal Sciences represent the wide variety of ecosystems that are linked through water. The study of Aquatic and Coastal Sciences encompasses freshwater lakes and streams, estuaries, and coastal marine habitats. These habitats are critical for numerous plants and animals, but they can be compromised by human activities. Students who pursue this major are interested in understanding the relationships among plants, animals and humans and how to protect and restore these valuable ecosystems.

This major is an interdisciplinary program of study emphasizing the four core sciences of biology, geology, chemistry, and physics. This is a combined BS/MS program where students will be engaged in both class work and research, culminating in the development and completion of the Master's Thesis. Students completing this program will be well prepared to enter the work force in research, environmental consulting, education and regulatory agencies (e.g., EPA), as well as in non-profit organizations. Additionally, students will be prepared to undertake further graduate work.

The curriculum was designed for students who have had high school biology, chemistry, and physics, and three years of college preparatory mathematics.

Programs of Study

