Mathematical Sciences - 2012 University Catalog

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Chairperson: Helen Marcus Roberts

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics and the Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics. In particular, the Department offers a major in Mathematics, a major in Mathematics with a concentration in Mathematics Education and certification as a teacher of Mathematics, a major in Mathematics with a conand BS/MAT Mathematics with Teacher Certification in Mathematics (Preschool-Grade 12)/Teacher of Students with Disabilities.centration in Discrete Applied Mathematics, a major in Mathematics with a concentration in Mathematics of Finance, a major in Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics, a major in Physics, a major in Physics with certification as a Teacher of Physical Science, a major in Physics with certification as a teacher of Physics, a major in Physics with a concentration in Astronomy, a minor in Mathematics, and a minor in Physics. The Department also offers a 5-year combined BS/MS Mathematics/Statistics, a BS/MS Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics/Statistics, and a BS/MAT Mathematics with Teacher Certification in Mathematics (Preschool-Grade 12)/Teacher of Students with Disabilities.  There are honor programs in Mathematics and Physics for qualified students.

The programs introduce central ideas in a variety of areas in Mathematics and Physics, and develop problem-solving ability by teaching students to combine critical thinking with rigorous reasoning. The Mathematics program provides students with a spectrum of courses in pure and applied mathematics and develops rigorous mathematical thinking.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics is an extremely versatile degree. Graduates with this degree have found their mathematical and analytical training in demand in business, industry, government, and in the teaching profession. The versatility afforded by a degree in mathematics allows graduates to easily adjust to unexpected shifts in employment opportunities from one of these areas to another. All our mathematics programs also prepare students for graduate study.

The department administrator is the resource for specific information such as advanced placement, transfer credits, dual majors, Cooperative Education, and independent study.

Programs of Study

