Advanced Counseling Post Master's Certificate Program - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
The Advanced Counseling Certificate Program is designed to fulfill state-level and national standards for Licensed Professional Counselors. This program meets the highest professional standards according to CACREP, The National Board for Certified counselors (NBCC), and the NJ Board of Marriage and Family Therapists.
Minimum Requirements: This is a post-Master's program, requiring a Master's in counseling or counselor education from an accredited U.S. college or university. This certificate is designed to supplement a Master's in Counseling degree with the credit hours necessary in attaining the 60 semester hour minimum required by the Professional Counselor Committee of the NJ Board of Marriage and Family Therapists. Included in the Master's degree must be a two-semester Counseling Internship experience of 600 total hours (300 each semester) in a non-school setting. Note: All students seeking admittance into the Post Master's certificates in Advanced Counseling and School Counseling must formally apply to the certificate programs by completing an application with the Graduate School. Pre-admit status or non-degree status is not available for either of the two Counseling Post-Master's Certificates.
The States of New Jersey, New York, and 47 other states, require status as a Licensed Professional Counselor in order to work as a counselor in those states, in all settings that are non-school based. This certificate will provide the additional courses that are required, with the number and type of required credits being totally dependent upon the number of appropriate credits gained for the initial Master's degree.
Each matriculated certificate student will be advised on an individual basis in choosing the most appropriate courses for her/him. Students may be required to take additional credits to reflect current State of NJ and national requirements for the LPC. Course substitutions may be approved depending on transcript review of the Master's degree, by the LPC Program Advisor and The Graduate Admissions & Support Services.ADVANCED COUNSELING CERTIFICATE
12-21 hours are required depending on credit hours previously earned within the Masters program. 12 semester hours-21 semester hours remain.
Complete to earn 3 semester hours
COUN 604 Case Management and DSM Diagnosis in Counseling 3 -
Complete either COUN 579 or COUN 564 to earn 3 semester hours.
COUN 564 Counseling Children and Adolescents 3 COUN 579 Appraisal of the Individual 3 -
Complete 3 semester hours from the following list
COUN 568 Theories of Consultation 3 COUN 673 Gender Issues in Counseling 3
Complete a minimum of 3 semester hours-6 semester hours from the following list, as recommended by the Graduate Program Coordinator.
COUN 540 Introduction to Alcohol/Drug Counseling 3 COUN 570 Counseling Adults 3 COUN 584 Group Counseling: Theory and Practice 3 COUN 653 Selected Topics in Counseling 3 COUN 665 Ecotherapy: Applied Ecopsychology 3 COUN 672 Counseling the Aging 3
Course Descriptions:
COUN540: Introduction to Alcohol/Drug Counseling
An introduction to substance abuse counseling and related issues. Provides an overview of the historical context, etiological theories, and psychoactive impact of substances on the brain. The course will focus on evidence-based assessment, diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse/dependence with emphasis on clinical counseling practice informed by theory and research. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: COUN 552; matriculated Counseling MA students only.
COUN564: Counseling Children and Adolescents
This course will provide an overview of theories and techniques of counseling children and adolescents in school and clinical settings. The course is designed to help counseling graduate students develop a knowledge base of skills, theories, and research into critical issues needed for contemporary counseling with children and adolescents. Emphasis will be placed upon a thorough understanding of developmental processes as well as the counselor's role as a facilitator of those processes which enhance resiliency and build cognitive, social and academic success. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: COUN 552, COUN 577. Start Spring 2010: No Pre-requisites.
COUN568: Theories of Consultation
Problems and current practices in small group interaction, social restructuring and cultural encounter. Survey of literature on the influence of interaction on small group behaviors, learning theories, leadership, decision making, social reconstruction, value conflict and perception of self and others. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Major codes CNAC, CNCC, CNSA, CNSC, COHS, ACOU, and SCOU only; and COUN 577. Start Spring 2010: COUN 552, COUN 558.
COUN570: Counseling Adults
This course is designed to identify the special needs of adults as they seek counseling. Special attention is given to the counseling needs of college students, adults returning to academic environs, women, minority groups, the handicapped, and other adults with special needs. Case studies, field visits, and supervised practice will be basic techniques employed. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate students with majors in the CNEL department only, COUN 577.
COUN579: Appraisal of the Individual
Examines the use, selection, administration scoring and interpretation of standardized inventories/tests related to the field of counseling. This psychological testing course is designed to provide students with experience using a variety of assessment tools related to treatment planning in counseling in schools, agencies and other settings. Practical experience in test administration and interpretation required. Testing fee. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: COUN 552 and COUN 577 and ELRS 503.
COUN584: Group Counseling: Theory and Practice
Course is designed to familiarize counselors, social workers and other practitioners with the use of group counseling methods for the facilitation of personal growth; the treatment of social and emotional disorders and the socioemotional education and enrichment of the individual. Entails examination of the historical and cultural context for group methods. Emphasis on diagnosis, group membership, group process, relevant social, psychological and educational theories in group behavior, treatment and strategies. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate students with majors in the Counseling, Human Development and Educational Leadership Department only; COUN 552 and COUN 577. Start Spring 2010: COUN 552, COUN 577, COUN 588 and Matriculation in Graduate Counseling Program, minimum grade of "B" or better in COUN 588.
COUN604: Case Management and DSM Diagnosis in Counseling
Procedures in case conceptualization and case management in counseling, in working with children, adolescents, and adults in school, community agency, higher education, and private practice settings. Intermediate study of the DSM and its diagnostic and practical relationship to counseling. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: COUN 577, COUN 584, COUN 588, COUN 624, matriculation in graduate counseling program or department approval. Start Spring 2010: COUN 552, COUN 577, COUN 588, matriculation in Graduate Counseling Program with concentration in CNCC or ACOU or department approval.
COUN653: Selected Topics in Counseling
This course provides counseling professionals in public, private and nonprofit settings with knowledge about current issues, developments and trends affecting their work and organizations. It will examine strategies to improve professional effectiveness and delivery of services in the face of significant changes impacting the practice of counseling. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate students with majors in the CNEL department only.
COUN665: Ecotherapy: Applied Ecopsychology
This course examines how an emergent approach to therapy and counseling seeks to expand the concepts of self and health to include biosphere. Students will explore and evaluate the effects of human perceptions, attitudes and behavior in relation to the natural world. Students will also learn skills and techniques that heal the human psyche within a paradigm that respects and nurtures the environment. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate students with majors in the CNEL department only.
COUN672: Counseling the Aging
This course deals with the long-range preventive counseling and crisis intervention in critical stages of the aging process. Covered are such topics as: job change, economic upheaval, sexuality, changing family structure, chronic illness, death and dying. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: COUN 588.
COUN673: Gender Issues in Counseling
This course is designed to explore gender and sex-role issues pertinent to the counseling profession and their effect on the development of children, adults, and family dynamics. Students will utilize the Gender Fair guidelines and Multicultural Competencies as presented by the American Counseling Association. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: COUN 552, COUN 577, COUN 588 or department approval.
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