Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Studies Minor - Undergraduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
The minor in GLBTQ Studies is an interdisciplinary program of study. The 18 semester hour minor is designed for students to critically examine and creatively explore the construction and maintenance of gendered identities, sexualities, and related discourses and practices, in a variety of contexts. Students will study academic and activist scholarship that describes, analyzes, interprets and critiques a diversity of gendered and sexual identities, communities, institutions, and representations; they will also analyze materials and events from popular culture and socio-political policy and action. Each student should consult with the Program Coordinator to work out a suitable course of study to meet the minor's requirements.
Complete 18 semester hours, from the following:
Complete .
GLQS 200 Introduction to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (GLBTQ) Studies 3 -
Complete 15 semester hours from the following:
GNHU 283 Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Ancient World 3 HLTH 290 Human Sexuality 3 HLTH 295 Sexuality Education in the Schools 3 JUST 319 Hate Crimes 3 PSYC 227 Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality 3 SOCI 426 Sociology of Sexuality 3 SOCI 430 Sociology of Gender 3 SPAN 473 Sexual Subversion in Contemporary Hispanic Literature and Film 3 WMGS 301 Feminist Theory 3 -
With approval- ANTH414; ARHS455; ENGL250,493; ENLT250; HIST499; JUST499; POLS416; PSYC459; SOCI411; WMST302.
Course Descriptions:
GLQS200: Introduction to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (GLBTQ) Studies
The course introduces students to current research in the study of same-sex individuals, relationships and communities and the social construction framework for analyzing contemporary gendered indentities, sexualities, and the discourses and practices that maintain them. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Social Science. 3 sh.
GNHU283: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Ancient World
This course uses women, gender, and sexuality to model a broad, cross-disciplinary, and issue-oriented approach to ancient societies. Students will examine cultural and historical objects, such as historical and philosophical works, inscriptions, and graffiti. They will view monuments and artifacts. They will learn how to approach complex cultural objects and understand how social constructions of gender affected and reflected the lives of women and men in ancient Greece, Rome, and the Near East. 3 sh.
HLTH290: Human Sexuality
Students will explore many interacting cultural, personal and health factors relating to human sexual development, attitudes, and behaviors. Historical, anthropological, biological/physiological, socio-cultural and psychological factors will be introduced to encourage a broad perspective. Discussion of differing philosophical, ethical and moral positions will also aid students in making a critical assessment of intimate human relationships and acquaint them with criteria and processes for understanding themselves as sexual beings. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Social Science. Meets the 1983 General Educational Requirement (GER) - Electives, Personal/Professional Issues. 3 sh.
HLTH295: Sexuality Education in the Schools
Focus on sexuality content and teaching methodology for sex education K-12 in schools. Based on NJ Content Standards for Sexuality Education. 3 sh.
JUST319: Hate Crimes
The course examines issues relating to how and why people hate; what constitutes a hate crime; whether and how society should legislate against hate crime; and how tolerance can be promoted in an ever-diverse and complex world. Course topics may include a historical perspective on hate; psychological and sociological theories as to why people hate hate; hate crime laws; enforcement issues relating to hate crime laws; constitutional challenges to hate laws; international hate crime; and new frontiers in hate and hate crime. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: JUST 101 or JUST 200 or JUST 201 or JUST 232 or departmental approval.
PSYC227: Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality
Topics include: Behavior and attitudes influenced by basic sexuality; widening perspectives to aid in decision-making; developmental periods and sexual relationships; connections between psychological theory and sexual mores; genetic understandings. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: PSYC 101.
SOCI426: Sociology of Sexuality
The course examines theoretical and empirical work in the sociology of sexuality. It seeks to understand the social foundations of sexual behavior and sexual identity. It explores the relationship between sexuality and politics, focusing on current as well as historical conflicts over sexual behavior and ideologies. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SOCI 301 or SOCI 304 or SOCI 309 or SOCI 311 or SOCI 312 or departmental approval.
SOCI430: Sociology of Gender
The social determinants of differences between women and men and the effect of sex role differentiation in the social institutions of marriage and family, the economy and work situation, formal education, health, mass media, and religion; special emphasis is placed on the impact of social change on sex roles in contemporary society. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SOCI 301 or SOCI 304 or SOCI 309 or SOCI 311 or SOCI 312 or departmental approval.
SPAN473: Sexual Subversion in Contemporary Hispanic Literature and Film
This course examines various representations of sexual subversion in selected works and films of Spanish, Latin American, and Caribbean writers and film directors. It analyzes the role of the body and subversive sexualities in challenging politically imposed sexual norms and socially encoded gender practices. Topics include homosexuality and dissidence, transgender and performance, lesbianism, female bonding, and transsexualism. Selections from Allende, Goytisolo, Falcon, Arenas, Umpierre, Riera, Almodovar, Gutierrez Alea, Paris,and Bollain, among others. Taught in Spanish. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPAN 361 or SPAN 363.
WMGS301: Feminist Theory
This course examines a wide variety of feminist theories which illustrate the many ways in which issues of gender can be interpreted. Recognizing that gendered identities are molded by such factors as class, race, sexual orientation and national identity, this course explores the issues of difference among women and the role of theory in conceptualizing such differences. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: WMGS 102.
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