Theatre, Arts Management Concentration (M.A.) - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.

Program Overview

The Master of Arts (MA) in Theatre, Arts Management concentration is an experiential and practice-oriented program which prepares students to begin and/or advance in careers of running arts organizations, including arts centers, agencies and cultural institutions.  Students learn the most current organizational practices, legal responsibilities and business skills required to operate an arts-based business including skills for fundraising, entertainment law, finance, entrepreneurship and marketing.  The program is a collaboration among the Department of Theatre & Dance, School of Business, and Department of Government and Law.

Further information on the concentration, including faculty, facilities and admission requirements may be found on the Department of Theatre & Dance and Graduate School webpages.

Curriculum Requirements

THEATRE w/CONC: Arts Management

Complete 36 semester hours including the following 5 requirement(s):


    Complete 5 courses for 15 semester hours:

    ACCT 501 Financial Accounting 3
    MGMT 505 Management Process and Organizational Behavior 3
    THTR 583 The Business of Art I: Artworlds 3
    THTR 584 The Business of Art II: Art Organizations 3
    THTR 585 Grantsmanship and Fundraising 3

    1. Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours:

      LAWS 537 Entertainment Law 3
      THTR 501 Research Methods in Theatre 3
    2. Complete 1 of the following options:

      1. Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours:.

        THTR 508 Internship: Theatrical Practice 3-7
        THTR 599 Independent Study 1-3
      2. Complete 2 requirement(s):

        1. Complete for 6 semester hours.

          THTR 698 Master's Thesis 6
        2. Submit the completed Thesis original and one copy to the Graduate Office. See Thesis Guidelines for details.


    Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours from the following list.

    ARHM 501 Museum Management 3
    SPCM 520 Public Relations Writing and Media Relations 3
    SPCM 545 Issue Management 3
    SPCM 547 Seminar in Organizational Communication 3
    THTR 580 Theatre Management 3
    THTR 582 Production Management 3

    Complete 1 course from the following:


      INBS 501 International Business: Concepts and Issues 3
      INBS 530 Export Management 3
      LAWS 551 Negotiation Theory and Practice 3
      LAWS 558 Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution 3
      MGMT 510 Human Resource Management 3
      MGMT 513 Leadership and Behavior 3
      MGMT 525 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 3
      MKTG 501 Marketing Management 3
      SPCM 510 Special Topics In Communication 3

      ANTH 521 Communities in Transition 3-4
      ARHS 590 Modern Philosophies of Art I 3
      ARHS 591 Modern Philosophies of Art II 3
      ARST 600 Seminar in Art I: Contemporary Art and Aesthetics 3
      MUHS 549 Modern Music 3
      SPCM 581 Media and Mass Culture 3
      THTR 504 Contemporary Theatre 3
      THTR 513 Modern and Contemporary Theatre History 3
      THTR 517 Theatre Criticism 3

    Successfully complete the Comprehensive Examination.

Course Descriptions:

ACCT501: Financial Accounting

A study of basic accounting concepts and their significance to the financial analyst and manager. Problems relating to income determination, valuation, reporting and analysis are stressed. Alternative conceptual foundations of reporting standards are presented and evaluated. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: M.B.A. degree students, M.A. Fine Arts majors with concentration in Museum Management or M.A. Theatre majors with concentration in Arts Management only.

ANTH521: Communities in Transition

Case studies of community conflict and decay, conflicts over immigration, problems of racial and cultural diversity, multiculturalism and cultural misunderstandings, role of education and the local school system, urban infrastructure and community decline, sprawl versus community, introduction to basics of program evaluation. 3 - 4 sh.

ARHM501: Museum Management

This course investigates museums of different disciplines, object- or collections-based organizations, private collections, and commercial galleries, auction and government organizations, their different missions and organizational structure. Students are acquainted with visitor analysis, budgeting, financing, marketing and public relations. Students are also familiarized with ethical and legal issues concerning the field. Students participating in this course are required to serve as interns in a museum or arts organization if possible in their area of specialization. 3 sh.

ARHS590: Modern Philosophies of Art I

Major writers in art in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The nature of the creative experience; art in the life of the individual and of society; the creative process; new materials; institutions and sentiments affecting current thinking in the field. Discussions based on readings of philosophers, poets, social scientists and psychologists. 3 sh.

ARHS591: Modern Philosophies of Art II

The writings of 19th and 20th century artists and their interpreters; such works as the "Futurist's Manifesto" and Kandinsky's "The Spiritual In Art.". 3 sh.

ARST600: Seminar in Art I: Contemporary Art and Aesthetics

This course involves the graduate student in a consideration of major issues in contemporary art and aesthetics. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: M.A. majors only.

INBS501: International Business: Concepts and Issues

This course offers students an in-depth introduction to international business concepts and issues in addition to exposure to the fundamentals of international business, students will become aware of the dynamics of global business environment, international competition in both the domestic and foreign markets as well as strategic issues in international business management and operations. The course adopts a critical approach; it presents both sides of an international business issue. Greater emphasis will be placed on managerial implications of information presented in the course. The course also includes discussion of ethics and social responsibility in the conduct of international business. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ECON 501; M.B.A. degree students only.

INBS530: Export Management

To familiarize MBA students of export policies, programs and procedures and develop export/import management skills. The students will become knowledgeable about global sourcing, negotiation, pricing, export/import financing, documentation, international tenders and bidding, logistics and distribution. Cross listed with Marketing, MKTG 530. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 501.

LAWS537: Entertainment Law

This course provides students with theoretical foundations and practical applications of entertainment law. The course utilizes a model and method approach, which presents theory and procedure in a case problem context. The course acquaints students with various traditional legal theories and compares and contrasts them with law as it has evolved to meet new changes in society. Areas to be covered include representing minors, contract preparation, copyright infringement, publishing, the record industry, film, and television. 3 sh.

LAWS551: Negotiation Theory and Practice

In-depth study of negotiation theories and practical applications. Includes an examination and comparison of various negotiation theories and critical skills needed to be an effective negotiator. Extensive role plays. Study of ethical and policy issues. 3 sh.

LAWS558: Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution

Intensive study and application of theories and techniques of cross-cultural conflict resolution. Examination of issues of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and sexual preference within the context of dominant Western Culture. LAWS 552 is recommended as a prerequisite. 3 sh.

MGMT505: Management Process and Organizational Behavior

Review of classical and modern approaches to the managerial process as it relates to the manager's functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. These reviews will be tied to the open-system model and the contingency approach as an overall framework for understanding the management of organizations. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Only M.B.A.and D.Env.M.students, M.A.Fine Arts majors with concentration in Museum Management, M.A.Theatre majors with concentration in Arts Management, or M.A.Theatre majors with concentration in Arts Management.

MGMT510: Human Resource Management

This course examines how managers can utilize modern Human Resource practices in order to improve company performance and efficiencies. Topics include staffing for quality, outsourcing, use of core and contingent workforce, managing workforce commitment and performance, legal issues, managing careers, and reward systems. A case study approach is used. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MGMT 505.

MGMT513: Leadership and Behavior

The purpose of the course is to help students understand leadership behavior. The course reviews current theoretical and empirical literature from the behavioral sciences as it relates to leadership. Topics covered include leadership styles, power and leadership, leader-follower interactions, and the manager as leader. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MGMT 505.

MGMT525: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

This course is for students who want to start their own businesses or initiate new ventures in existing corporations. Topics include the importance of entrepreneurship in the U.S., identifying business opportunities and formulating business plans. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MGMT 505, MKTG 501, ACCT 501.

MKTG501: Marketing Management

This business core requirement assumes little or no prior formal education in the discipline of marketing. As such, a solid introduction to the language of the discipline, body of knowledge, tools and techniques must necessarily be covered through a text and readings format supplemented with class lectures which are grounded in heavy case analysis and real-world illustrations. The pivotal distinctiveness of this graduate offering lies in drawing the student into issues that are industry and company specific (preferably drawn from the student's career related industry/company). 3 sh.

Prerequisites: students, M.A.Fine Arts majors with concentration in Museum Management, or M.A.Theatre majors with concentration in Arts Management only.

MUHS549: Modern Music

Musical styles of the 20th century: historical sources, major composers, and recent trends. 3 sh.

SPCM510: Special Topics In Communication

Special Topics in Communication is intended as a multipurpose course that can be used both to teach rotating special topics courses and to pilot test new courses. Special Topics in Communication is intended to be repeatable and to be used by both the public relations and the organizational communications tracks to offer advanced and special topic courses. The course may be repeated an unlimited number of times provided the topic of the course has changed. 3 sh.

SPCM520: Public Relations Writing and Media Relations

Students practice public relations skills, including press release writing; press kit development and distribution; analyses of publics; and media relations. Special attention is devoted to the potentials of traditional and new media for enabling creative and effective public relations. 3 sh.

SPCM545: Issue Management

Issue Management deals with issues such as problem solving, crisis communication and the process of shaping public opinion. Areas such as lobbying, political public relations, persuasion, dialogue, apologia, and rhetorical approaches to public influence are dealt with as means of managing organization-public relationships. 3 sh.

SPCM547: Seminar in Organizational Communication

This course focuses on special topics in organizational communication relating to leadership strategies and tools for assessment of organizational culture. Leadership is viewed in behavioral and interactionist terms rather than as a position within an organizational hierarchy. Systems of organizational culture are viewed as patterned behaviors with consequences for organizational effectiveness. Tools are offered for observation and intervention in organizational development efforts focused on team building and leadership. 3 sh.

SPCM581: Media and Mass Culture

Influences and effects of the media on society; policy decisions and the influence of the broadcast media as conveyors of information and stimulus for change. Open to all graduate students. 3 sh.

THTR501: Research Methods in Theatre

Foundations in research and research methodologies. A survey of resources and methods (including critical, historical and textual) in theatre to assist students in assessing and designing research. Course must be completed in first two semesters of matriculation. 3 sh.

THTR504: Contemporary Theatre

The theory and practice in today's professional theatre: writing, acting, directing and producing problems and trends of current theatrical fare. Open to all graduate students. 3 sh.

THTR508: Internship: Theatrical Practice

Practical experience in theatre under supervision of staff member of professional, semi-professional or educational theatre, on- or off-campus. 3 - 7 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

THTR513: Modern and Contemporary Theatre History

Theatrical history associated with Western culture from 1890 to the present; the contemporary theatrical scene and its direct heritage. Major emphasis on British and continental developments with some attention to American theatre. 3 sh.

THTR517: Theatre Criticism

Historical review of the principles involved in theatre criticism from a literary perspective. While attention is given to selected historical periods, dramatic theorists and theatre critics, the focus of class is on contemporary critical methodologies that augment playscript interpretation and production. 3 sh.

THTR580: Theatre Management

The theatre as a business enterprise: production units; box office procedures; standard contractual arrangements; unions and their regulations; subscription management. Manager as a community relations specialist; publicity; the theatre as a community resource. Open to graduate students with a background in performing arts. 3 sh.

THTR582: Production Management

Experiential study of season scheduling; space scheduling; rehearsal scheduling; budgeting and pricing out costs for sets, costumes, lighting and props; management of backstage personnel; union contracts; and safety issues in the theatre and backstage. Course work supplemented by hands-on work on theatre/dance projects and spaces. 3 sh.

THTR583: The Business of Art I: Artworlds

The course is designed to provide an overview of the economic, organizational and social factors that influence contemporary art organizations. The students will examine structures, practices and issues concerning the visual and performing arts in the nonprofit, government and commercial sectors. Structures to be studied include theatres, dance companies, art galleries and museums, arts councils, presenting organizations, orchestras and other music groups. The student will analyze the impact of unions and professional organizations on these structures. A profile and assessment of the structure, issues, and international dynamics of artworlds/cultural fields, especially regarding performing and visual arts in the commercial, nonprofit and government sectors of society. 3 sh.

THTR584: The Business of Art II: Art Organizations

An examination of the internal practices to start and run commercial, nonprofit, and government arts organizations, especially considering the structure, staffing, management, promotion, and leadership of such institutions and agencies in the field of art and culture. 3 sh.

THTR585: Grantsmanship and Fundraising

Methods of grantsmanship, fundraising and other strategies to secure support for institutional operations and programs in the arts. 3 sh.

THTR599: Independent Study

Individual projects in theatre that result in significant research. May be repeated without limited as long as the topic is different. 1 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

THTR698: Master's Thesis

Independent research project done under faculty advisement. Students must follow the MSU Thesis Guidelines, which may be obtained from the Graduate School. Students should take THTR 699 if they don't complete THTR 698 within the semester. 6 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

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