Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech Language Pathology Concentration (M.A.) - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
Graduate students have the opportunity to specialize in speech-language pathology and prepare for employment as clinicians in a variety of settings, including but not limited to hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, and private practice.
The mission of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is to prepare speech-language pathologists who meet the certification and licensure requirements of state, national, and professional agencies for work with persons having a variety of communication disorders and disorders of swallowing. The Department's program stresses an interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of communication disorders and to the appropriate assessment of, and intervention for, those disorders. Successful students are those who have a strong understanding of the bases of clinical procedures, are able to develop and use theoretical models, can engage in reflective and analytical thinking in their professional practices, can develop professional collaborations, are able to create meaningful treatment programs, and utilize research appropriately in their work.
Students wishing to matriculate in this area must have completed a bachelor's degree. Graduate students must demonstrate communication skills that will not interfere with clinical practice. A student who is judged to have questionable skills will be referred to a faculty panel for further evaluation. If necessary the student will be referred for assistance. Students requiring assistance will be reevaluated before they are allowed to enroll for clinical practica. Enrollment in clinical practica will be postponed until communication skills are judged to be sufficient.
Credentials are processed as soon as they are received. This program has a deadline of March 1st for fall admission only; however, The Graduate School recommends that students submit their credentials as far in advance as possible from the semester they plan to begin their studies to ensure a timely review of their application.
Complete the following 5 courses for 15 semester hours:
CSND 408 Phonetic Study of Speech Sounds 3 CSND 409 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Systems 3 CSND 410 Neurophysiological Bases of Communication 3 CSND 468 Clincal Procedures in Audiology 3 CSND 534 Speech and Hearing Science 3 -
Complete 43 semester hours including the following 5 requirement(s):
Complete 13 courses for 40 semester hours:
CSND 500 Language Acquisition 3 CSND 511 Language Disorders of Adults 3 CSND 512 Diagnosis in Speech-Language Pathology 3 CSND 515 Voice Disorders 3 CSND 517 Phonological and Articulation Disorders 3 CSND 521 Clinical Process and Procedures in Speech-Language Pathology 3 CSND 524 Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders 4 CSND 525 Motor Speech Disorders 3 CSND 576 Aural Rehabilitation Across the Lifespan 3 CSND 583 Language Disorders of Children 3 CSND 584 Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Disorders 3 CSND 585 Fluency Disorders 3 CSND 592 Research in Speech-Language Pathology 3 -
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list.
CSND 531 Clinical Audiology 3 CSND 535 Beginning Practicum in Communication Disorders 3 CSND 601 Auditory Processing Disorders 3 -
Complete 3 semester hours - 18 semester hours from the following list by advisement.
Complete $H - 10 semester hours from the following with advisor approval:
CSND 514 Communication Disorders of Aged 3 CSND 573 Organization and Administration of Speech and Hearing Programs 3 CSND 594 Independent Study 1-3 CSND 598 Problems and Issues in Communication Disorders 3 -
Successfully complete the Comprehensive Examination.
Course Descriptions:
CSND408: Phonetic Study of Speech Sounds
The articulation of sounds of American English, developing an understanding of articulatory features using the international phonetic alphabet. Start Spring 2010: This course will examine the articulation and features of American English speech sounds, the influence of context on sound production, and suprasegmental aspects of speech (intonation and stress). Dialectal variants and variation secondary to disorder will be considered. The course introduces students to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and provides opportunities to practice transcription. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Senior standing or major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration.
CSND409: Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Systems
The anatomical and physiological bases of respiration, phonation, articulation and resonation. The anatomy and physiology of the auditory mechanism. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Senior standing or major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration.
CSND410: Neurophysiological Bases of Communication
Study of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as it relates to the development of hearing, vision, thought, memory and emotions, as well as the perception, processing and production of speech and language. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CSND 409 or equivalent.
CSND468: Clincal Procedures in Audiology
The measurement of hearing including pure tone tests, screening tests, interpretation of test results, problems of calibration, and medical and educational referral. Demonstrations and supervised practice testing. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CSND 409.
CSND500: Language Acquisition
This course introduced students to language sample analyses that are used for identifying individuals with language impairments or for selecting goals for intervention. Students will learn how to elicit language samples from individuals with language impairments. Students will learn the transcription and coding conventions of a computer language analysis software program and how the program can assist in analyzing language samples from individuals with language impairments. Prerequisite: CSND 383 or APLN 500 or equivalent. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CSND 383 or APLN 500 or equivalent.
CSND511: Language Disorders of Adults
This course is devoted to an advanced study of adult aphasia and other communication disorders associated with neuropathologies of adulthood. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; and CSND 410 or equivalent; and CSND 500 or equivalent.
CSND512: Diagnosis in Speech-Language Pathology
Diagnostic procedures including tests for children and adults who have multiple disabilities and are communication disordered. Opportunities provided for interviewing parents, testing and report writing. Start Spring 2010: Diagnostic procedures for children and adults with communication disorders. Opportunities provided for interviewing clients and family members, administering tests and other assessment procedures, implementing data analyses, and report writing. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communicaiton Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; and CSND 408 or equivalent; and CSND 521.
CSND514: Communication Disorders of Aged
Communication disorders associated with pathologies that tend to occur in later life, e.g., aphasia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsonism and cerebal arteriosclerosis. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Major in Communication Science and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration.
CSND515: Voice Disorders
Selected disorders of voice production. Consideration given to etiology, pathology, and treatment of voice disorders in children and adults. Prerequisite: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; CSND 408 or equivalent; CSND 409 or equivalent; CSND 534. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CSND 408 or equivalent; and CSND 409 or equivalent; and CSND 534.
CSND517: Phonological and Articulation Disorders
This course examines the nature of articulation and phonological disorders in children, emphasizing evaluation and treatment and including childhood apraxia of speech. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; and CSND 408 or equivalent.
CSND521: Clinical Process and Procedures in Speech-Language Pathology
The course provides an orientation to clinical practice in speech-language pathology. The clinical process is presented as a construct which interfaces interpersonal dynamics with preferred professional practices. A decision-making continuum is applied to the interpretation of client needs as a basis for developing goals, planning treatment procedures, documenting treatment and planning for referral and/or discharge. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration.
CSND524: Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders
This course is designed to provide students with the information and skills necessary to evaluate and treat swallowing disorders in pediatric and adult populations within the scope of practice for speech-language pathologists. An interdisciplinary approach to clinical management is stressed. Students are given the opportunity to learn through classroom and laboratory experiences. Off-campus observations are required. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; and CSND 409 or equivalent; and CSND 410 or equivalent.
CSND525: Motor Speech Disorders
Neurological disorders of speech. Consideration given to etiology and differential diagnosis of the dysarthrias in adults and children, acquired apraxia of speech, and other motor speech disorders. Principles and techniques for treating motor speech disorders. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; and CSND 410 or equivalent; and CSND 534 or equivalent.
CSND531: Clinical Audiology
Increases skills in administering tests for pure-tone and speech reception thresholds; evaluation and interpretation of test results and analysis of client histories. Hearing aid evaluation, measurement of recruitment and tests for psychogenic deafness and malingering; pre- and post- surgical audiometry and special problems of differential diagnosis in testing children. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech Language Pathology concentration.
CSND534: Speech and Hearing Science
Study of basic acoustics, memory, and perception. Advanced study of anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms. Commonly used instrumentation will be discussed. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Langauge Pathology concentration; and CSND 409 or equivalent.
CSND535: Beginning Practicum in Communication Disorders
This laboratory course provides observation hours and involves students in an initial experience in providing services to individuals with communication disorders at the MSU Communication Center. The course may be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. Start Spring 2010: This laboratory course provides observation hours and involves students in an initial experience under supervision in providing services to individuals with communication disorders at the MSU Communication Disorders Center. The course may be repeated once for a maximum of 6 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CSND 521 or equivalent.
CSND562: Intermediate Practicum in Communication Disorders
In this laboratory course, students provide services under supervision to individuals with communication disorders at the MSU Communication Disorders Center. The course may be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CSND 535 with a grade of "B" or better. Start Spring 2010: CSND 535 with a grade of "B-" or better.
CSND573: Organization and Administration of Speech and Hearing Programs
Clinical programs in the public schools and other settings. Testing, scheduling, grouping and record-keeping. The role of the clinician in relation to administrators, teachers, specialists in related areas, parents and paraprofessionals. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; and CSND 521.
CSND576: Aural Rehabilitation Across the Lifespan
Study of theory and techniques for developing speech reading and auditory training programs for individuals with hearing loss. Also considered will be basics of American Sign Language and social and vocational concerns. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and disorders; and CSND 468; and CSND 544 or equivalent.
CSND583: Language Disorders of Children
This course takes a predominately descriptive and non-categorical perspective to assessment and treatment of language disorders in children in the pre-linguistic through developing language stages. Syndromes and causal factors associated with language disorder will also be considered. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders or departmental approval; and CSND 500.
CSND584: Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Disorders
Etiology, characteristics, and management of individuals with cleft lip, cleft palate and other craniofacial disorders. Unit on myofunctional therapy included. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; and CSND 409 or equivalent; and CSND 517; and CSND 583.
CSND585: Fluency Disorders
Principles and methods of treatment for children and adults with fluency disorders. Methods of evaluation, specific techniques of treatment, and principles coordinating treatment with home and school life. Demonstrations with children and adults with fluency disorders serve as the basis for study and discussion. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration; CSND 534 or equivalent.
CSND592: Research in Speech-Language Pathology
Significant problems in the field are investigated and published research projects evaluated. Critical analysis and experimental design are emphasized. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech-Language Pathology concentration.
CSND594: Independent Study
Students select an area of Communication Sciences and Disorders and, with advisement, study the literature in the field, observe related programs at special schools and centers and write reports on findings. Regular conferences with instructor for guidance and evaluation. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 3.0 credits. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
CSND598: Problems and Issues in Communication Disorders
This seminar is designed to introduce newly emerging topics in communication disorders, including cognitive rehabilitation of closed-head injured patients, dysphagia, and augmentative/alternative communication for the nonspeaker. Literature review and prescribed observations will provide the foundation for studying the nature, characteristics, epidemiology, and assessment/treatment protocols of the pertinent pathologies. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CSND 511.
CSND599: Advanced Practicum in Communication Disorders. Start Spring 2010: Advanced Practicum in Speech-Language Pathololgy
In this laboratory course, students provide services under supervision to individuals with communication disorders at the MSU Communication Disorders Center. The course may be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CSND 562 with a grade of "B" or better.
CSND600: Externship in Speech-Language Pathology
This course is designed to provide the experiences and skills necessary for professional practice as a speech-language pathologist in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and other clinical settings that provide services to individuals with communication disorders. This course may be repeated twice for a total of 9 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: A grade of "B" or better in CSND 599.
CSND601: Auditory Processing Disorders
The study of auditory processing disorders in school-age children and adults. The course will include the impact of such disorders on receptive language, expressive language, reading, academic achievement, attending behaviors and organizational skills. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders; CSND 468 or CSND 544 or equivalent.
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