Health Education (M.A.) - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
The graduate program in Health Education prepares professionals for careers in health education and various selected areas of the health professions. The graduate program leads to a Master of Arts degree in health education. Advanced study is provided to candidates engaged in, or seeking, positions in the broad and expanding spectrum of the health professions in the school, community, business and industrial sectors, the media and various other segments of the health care delivery system.
The curriculum provides a foundation of required coursework which is complemented by a wide array of health professions electives, interdisciplinary coursework and varied educational experiences afforded by diverse instructional approaches. Advancements in the scientific realm combined with practical applications address our contemporary health problems. There is a definite research focus within the program. Students are provided with the option of either conducting a study on a pertinent health topic – in the form of a thesis or research project - or completing a broader-based research seminar. Special student interests, academic objectives and professional goals can be accommodated on an individualized basis. Students must complete 36 semester hours and pass a written comprehensive examination.
Complete 36 semester hours including the following 4 requirement(s):
Complete 5 courses for 15 semester hours:
HLTH 503 Research Methods in Health 3 HLTH 520 Foundations and Methods in Health Education 3 HLTH 526 Curriculum Development in Health Education 3 HLTH 528 Evaluation in Health. Start Spring 2010: Program Planning and Evaluation 3 HLTH 601 Research Seminar in Health 3 -
Complete 6 courses for 18 semester hours from the following list.
HLTH 502 Determinants of Environmental Health 3 HLTH 510 Health Education Workshop I 1-3 HLTH 511 Biomedical and Psychosocial Perspectives on Drugs 3 HLTH 530 Health Issues Seminar 3 HLTH 540 Selected Topics in Mental Health 3 HLTH 551 Selected Topics in Gerontology 3 HLTH 560 Human Diseases 3 HLTH 565 Foundations of Epidemiology 3 HLTH 575 The Teaching of Human Sexuality 3 HLTH 577 Selected Topics in Health 3 HLTH 580 Health Policy and Politics 3 HLTH 585 Organization and Administration of Health Care Facilities 3 -
Complete 1 course (500-level or higher). Graduate Program Advisor's approval required for any course other than HLTH.
Successfully complete the Comprehensive Examination.
Course Descriptions:
HLTH502: Determinants of Environmental Health
Advanced study of health and safety aspects of the environment: air, water, industrial pollution and the impact of expanding population on health problems. 3 sh.
HLTH503: Research Methods in Health
Theoretical and practical experiences in methods of inquiry, designing of research studies, utilization of various tools for gathering data, statistical analysis of data, and writing of research proposals. 3 sh.
HLTH510: Health Education Workshop I
For teachers of health education; deeper understandings of subject matter, current methods and techniques for the classroom, and considerations for curriculum development. 1 - 3 sh.
HLTH511: Biomedical and Psychosocial Perspectives on Drugs
Examines the complex biomedical and psychosocial dimensions of contemporary drug use, emphasizing consideration of a broad spectrum of physiological responses to and health consequences of involvement. Provides a comprehensive view of the historical and social aspects of drug use, and an analysis of selected major issues presented by our current problems with drugs. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in the study of alcohol and other drugs or permission of the instructor.
HLTH520: Foundations and Methods in Health Education
Study of the scientific historical foundations and the instructional methodologies in health education and health promotion with opportunity for practical application of various methodologies for the achievement of specific objectives. 3 sh.
HLTH526: Curriculum Development in Health Education
Explores educational theories and methodologies as they apply to Health Education. The main focus is on planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of health curricula for a variety of circumstances and groups with strong emphasis on the development of skills and techniques in these areas. Appropriate teaching methods, materials and evaluation procedures are considered. Students explore comprehensive curicula that are appropriate for diverse settings including schools, communities, workplaces and the health care system. 3 sh.
HLTH528: Evaluation in Health. Start Spring 2010: Program Planning and Evaluation
Provides for an in-depth study of the theories and principles of measurement and evaluation and their application to the field of health education. The theoretical foundations and the practical considerations for proper selection, development and administration of various measuring instruments, and the analysis of their results constitute the focal points of the course. Start Spring 2010: This course provides an overview of the principles and methods of program planning and evaluation for health education and health promotion activities. Students develop an understanding of theoretical and applied issues in planning, implementing and evaluating health programs. They critically examine ethical and political dimensions of program planning and evaluation and consider how these affect current practices and future directions. Course sessions and assignments are designed to engage students in developing applied skills in program planning and evaluation as well as critiquing programs and evaluations. It is recommended that students take a basic course in statistics before taking this course. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: A basic course in statistics or in tests and measurement. Start Spring 2010: Basic course in Statistics Recommended.
HLTH530: Health Issues Seminar
Provides seminar setting for concentrated study of selected major contemporary health issues. A minimum of five topical areas are presented for analysis and interpretation through extensive readings, pertinent written projects, and directed oral communication. 3 sh.
HLTH540: Selected Topics in Mental Health
Entails use of seminar approach for in-depth analysis of selected topics in mental health. Topics will vary according to class interest, but will include, among others, stress, labeling, racism, sexism, and ageism. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: A basic course in mental health.
HLTH551: Selected Topics in Gerontology
Entails use of seminar approach for in-depth analysis of selected topics in gerontology. Topics will vary according to class interest, but will include, among others, ageism, health problems, loss and diminishment, homelessness and terminal old age. 3 sh.
HLTH560: Human Diseases
Presents a contemporary view of the major infectious and chronic/degenerative diseases with an emphasis on the principles of causation, process, diagnosis, prevention, and management. Important past and present medical developments are discussed in the context of continuing change, methods and inferences of epidemiologic investigation are studied and the implications of ongoing research are considered. Concludes with an instructional component which addresses methodology and disease specific information resources. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: A basic course in biology.
HLTH565: Foundations of Epidemiology
Provides an understanding of the epidemiologic method of identifying disease-causing agents. Emphasizes the generation of hypotheses based on descriptive epidemiologic data, the testing of hypotheses by analytical epidemiologic research design, the determination of causality and value of epidemiologic research in developing disease prevention programs. 3 sh.
HLTH575: The Teaching of Human Sexuality
Provides for the study of instructional methodologies and resource materials pertaining to human sexuality education. Emphasizes curriculum development, teaching plans, resource selection and the role of the teacher in school and community setting. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: HLTH 290.
HLTH577: Selected Topics in Health
Course provides students with the opportunity to expand their professional preparation and expertise about selected topics in health not covered in other graduate health courses. The selected topics will be based on significant, emerging health problems and issues and new scientific developments and discoveries. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.
HLTH580: Health Policy and Politics
Provides for the study of politics of health care, health policy issues and the health care delivery system. Special emphasis is placed on health policy as it has evolved in response to sociopolitical and economic factors and expected future trends. 3 sh.
HLTH585: Organization and Administration of Health Care Facilities
Analyzes organization and administration of health care facilities. Topics include nature of health care facilities, managerial processes, institutional staffing and productivity, social responsibilities, techniques of managerial innovation, funding sources and health facility legislation. Provides practical applications of relevant theory. 3 sh.
HLTH601: Research Seminar in Health
Provides study of the entire spectrum of research literature in the health professions field. Includes opportunities for analysis and critique of selected research studies and synthesis of research findings for theoretical and practical application. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: HLTH 503 and 528.
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