Teacher of Students with Disabilities (Inclusive Education for Pre-School through Grade 3 Teachers), Instructional Certification: Teacher Certification in Students with Disabilities (Preschool-Grade 12) - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog
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Complete the following 8 courses for 24 semester hours:
Course Descriptions:
ECSE502: Sociocultural Context of Disability and Inclusive Education
This course applies critical perspectives to the study of disability and inclusive education through an examination of the shifting social, cultural and political constructions of disability in society. The course material deconstructs traditional psychological interpretations as well as medical models of disability, which conceptualize disability as a "problem" to be fixed or limitations that are located within individuals. In contrast, students explore sociocultural models of disability, which conceptualize disability as a social construct, and people with disabilities as members of marginalized minority group. By examining issues related to disability in the context of the sociocultural paradigm, students have opportunities to take varied perspectives on the ways in which social and environmental factors come to define the experience of disability. Students explore disability and inclusive education through multiple lenses, such as autobiography, personal narrative, film, social policy, and research. 3 sh.
ECSE505: Early Learning and Development in Young Children With and Without Disabilities
Examines various theories of child development related to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers from conception to age five. A strong focus is placed on the impact of risk and protective factors on early development. Specifically, the course addresses the etiology, behavioral characteristics, developmental outcomes, and family impact on the development of young children including those with environmental, biological, or established risk of developmental delays or disabilities. Students learn methods for observing and interpreting physical growth, motor, cognitive, language and communication, social/emotional and play development of typically developing young children and those with special needs.. 3 sh.
ECSE506: Observation and Assessment of Young Children with Disabilities: Birth to Age 8
Focus on observation, screening and assessment of young children with special needs from birth to age five. Students explore commonly used techniques, instruments, examine administration procedures, and learn to interpret findings related to children's development. An emphasis is placed on family partnerships, using observation as a tool in natural settings, and creating appropriate assessment plans for young children.. 3 sh.
ECSE508: Strengthening Partnerships with Families of Children with Disabilities
Addresses family-professional partnerships in early childhood special education. Students gain knowledge, skills and dispositions to work collaboratively with diverse families to support the development and education of young children with special needs. Various models including family-focused practice and family systems theory are discussed. 3 sh.
ECSE509: Principles and Practices in Inclusive Early Childhood Education
Provides an overview of curricular approaches in Early Childhood Education (birth to 8), specific intervention strategies, and curriculum planning issues. Emphasis is placed upon the development of knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to address outcomes identified in individual IFSPs or IEPs within the context of activity-based programs for young children in naturalistic environments. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ECSE 506.
ECSE510: Supervised Practicum and Seminar in Inclusive Early Childhood
Supervised experience in diverse field settings with both typical and atypical young children; seventy-five (75) clock hours of field work and accompanying seminar are required. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ECSE511: Advanced Curriculum and Methods for Early Learners With and Without Disabilities
Young children are naturally inqusitive about their world. They wonder, discover, explore and interact with their environment and the people in it. In this course, experienced practitioners receive advanced preparation for designing and implementing individualized and culturally responsive learning opportunities and curriculum for young children with and without disabilities in inclusive early childhood environments (i.e., child care centers, preschool, Head Start, early elementary school). Through an emergent and child-centered approach, students deepen their understanding of and ways of responding to young learners with a wide range of abilities and diverse backgrounds. Students learn through direct experience and evidenced-based strategies how to create, implement and evaluate high quality educational practices and innovative curricula for diverse young learners birth to age eight. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ECSE 502 or equivalent and ECSE 509.
ECSE519: Language and Early Literacy Development
Explores the development of language, communication and early literacy in children birth to age five, focusing on both typical and atypical development pathways. Considers how children acquire language in social context and the relationships between communicative skills and literacy. Within a theory to practice framework, the course covers topics that include the family's role in early language development, language socialization across cultures, bilingualism and second language acquisition, speech and language impairments, and the emergence of literacy in both home and preschool settings. The role of early childhood teachers in fostering language and literacy development in children with diverse needs and backgrounds is highlighted. 3 sh.
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