Teacher Leadership (M.Ed.) - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.


Complete 35 semester hours including the following 7 requirement(s):


    Complete 3 requirement(s):

    1. For 2 semester hours

      CURR 681 Leadership in Content and Instruction 2
    2. for 3 semester hours

      CURR 682 Leadership in Curriculum 3
    3. For 2 semester hours

      CURR 683 Fieldwork Experience in Content, Instruction and Curriculum 2

    Complete 2 requirement(s):

    1. For 3 semester hours

      CURR 684 Leadership in Self-Study and Action Research of Teaching Practices 3
    2. For 1 semester hours .

      CURR 685 Field Experience in Self-Study/Action Research of Teaching Practices 1

    Complete 3 requirement(s):

    1. For 3 semester hours

      CURR 686 Leadership in Teaching and Learning 3
    2. For 3 semester hours

      CURR 687 Leadership in Assessment 3
    3. For 1 semester hours

      CURR 688 Fieldwork in Teaching, Learning and Assessment 1

    Complete 3 requirement(s):

    1. For 3 semester hours

      CURR 689 Leadership in Professional Development 3
    2. For 3 semester hours

      CURR 690 Dynamics of Leadership 3
    3. For 1 semester hours

      CURR 691 Field Experience in Professional Development and Dynamics of Leadership 1

    Complete for 3 semester hours

    CURR 692 Leadership for Impact: People, Policies and Practice 3

    Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours with advisor approval.


    Complete for 1 semester hours

    CURR 693 Research Mentorship 1

Course Descriptions:

CURR681: Leadership in Content and Instruction

The purpose of this course is to enrich teacher leaders' capacity to lead by example in their classrooms, develop knowledge for practice in their content area, and deepen their understanding of the knowledge, purposes, methods, and forms of their content area. Teacher leaders will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the construction of knowledge through inquiry with internship experiences and by developing a conceptual map of knowledge in the content area, understanding how that knowledge is developed, why it is important, and how that knowledge is communicated to others. In conjunction with CURR 682 and 683, teacher leaders will lead by example through the development of an interdisciplinary curricular unit based on the content that they have gained and an emphasis on the process of how they gained that content. May be repeated once for a maximum of 4.0 credits. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Admission to M.Ed.in Teacher Leadership program.

CURR682: Leadership in Curriculum

This course explores theories and practices of curriculum development for high quality instruction and enhanced student learning and achievement. It provides teacher leaders with the habits of mind, skills, tools and resources to lead by example and to analyze and evaluate curriculum quality and effectiveness. Teacher leaders will study the history and differing models of curriculum development as well as state standards and apply their understandings to design high quality, developmentally appropriate, interdisciplinary, and standards-aligned curriculum for diverse students, including those with special needs and English Language Learners. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Admission to M.Ed.in Teacher Leadership program.

CURR683: Fieldwork Experience in Content, Instruction and Curriculum

Teacher leaders will deepen their content knowledge by reconnecting with their discipline in a discipline-based experience. Following this extra-curricular experience, they will implement a curriculum unit of their own design in their classrooms. Selection and redesign of the curriculum unit will occur in CURR 681 and CURR 682. Implementation of the unit, evidence of teaching, and a reflection on the discipline-based experience will occur in this field course. May be repeated once for a maximum of 4.0 credits. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Admission to M.Ed.in Teacher Leadership program.

CURR684: Leadership in Self-Study and Action Research of Teaching Practices

This course guides teacher leaders to develop a form of inquiry that parallels their understandings of teaching and learning. It provides teacher leaders with the tools and resources necessary to examine their own practice as the center of their investigation and later share their findings with other teachers. Participating in a cycle of inquiry, teachers will design a self-study that focuses on an authentic question that has emerged from their teaching in the classroom or school setting. They will utilize a variety of different research methods such as action research and narrative research to collect and analyze data. They will be invited to share their research process with their colleagues to reflect on the process of self-study and the ways in which it has begun to impact their teaching. The research proposal from this course becomes the basis for the Teacher Leadership culminating project concluded in CURR 693. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 681 and CURR 682 and CURR 683.

CURR685: Field Experience in Self-Study/Action Research of Teaching Practices

This course, taken in conjunction with CURR 684 and a specialization course, will provide teacher leaders with the opportunity to examine their classroom practices from a content area specialist/researcher's perspective. Through this investigation, teacher leaders will design a self-study/action research proposal, which features their emerging research question, their description of their context, a literature review, research design, and methods and data analysis. This field experience will provide them with time to collect preliminary data. May be repeated once for a maximum of 2.0 credits. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 681 and CURR 682 and CURR 683.

CURR686: Leadership in Teaching and Learning

This course brings together current ideas and literature in a critical exploration of the interrelationship between learners and instruction. It provides teacher leaders with tools and resources to evaluate and develop their own views of learning, knowledge and pedagogy and to apply these understandings to their own practice. Teacher leaders will study examples from a variety of settings that illustrate common interests and concerns in teaching and learning with an emphasis on professional learning, research-based instructional practices, and the quality of reflective practice and self-study of teaching. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 681 and CURR 682 and CURR 683.

CURR687: Leadership in Assessment

This course is intended to provide prospective teacher leaders with knowledge and skills for evaluating and understanding student growth and learning across diverse educational settings. It presents theory and practice of assessment for teachers and other professionals, with an emphasis on classroom evaluation and assessment procedures consistent with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Teacher leaders are encouraged to analyze current assessment policies and practices - their own as well as local and national - and to consider assessment practice from the point of view of learners and how they experience learning opportunities, and to relate these aspects to an evaluation of their own assessment practice and its development. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 681 and CURR 682 and CURR 683.

CURR688: Fieldwork in Teaching, Learning and Assessment

This field experience will immerse teacher leaders in a cycle of assessment, teaching, and learning by practicing skills, engaging in ongoing reflection, and enacting a self-study regarding the effectiveness of one's efforts. To do this, teacher leaders enrolled in fieldwork will implement assignments from the corequisite courses CURR 686 and CURR 687. May be repeated once for a maximum of 2.0 credits. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 681 and CURR 682 and CURR 683.

CURR689: Leadership in Professional Development

This course brings together research and practice in a critical exploration of professional development and teacher learning. It provides teacher leaders with the tools and resources to be able to develop their own understanding of the role of communities of practice and professional development in teacher learning. Students will study what research tells us about effective and ineffective professional development forms, focusing particularly on those that involve teacher leadership. We will examine the role of technology and data analysis in teacher learning and how it is most effectively used in professional development. Students will identify professional development needs in their school and then work to develop professional development plans and programs to meet those needs, incorporating technology and their understanding of effective professional development practices. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 681, CURR 682, CURR 683, CURR 684, CURR 685, CURR 686, CURR 687, and specialization course.

CURR690: Dynamics of Leadership

This course brings together theories and practices of group dynamics and organizational behavior drawn from work inside and outside of schools for critical application to the work of prospective teacher leaders. A major focus of the course will be on understanding and applying the processes of building collegial relationships and communication across constituent groups. The course will examine barriers to change and leadership, and will explore strategies for building a community across traditional boundaries while remaining sensitive to school context. The process of educating for mentoring/coaching expertise, the dissemination of information on teaching and learning, and fostering collaboration among education professionals are also essential topics for this course. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 684, CURR 685, CURR 686, CURR 687, CURR 688, and specialization course.

CURR691: Field Experience in Professional Development and Dynamics of Leadership

Teacher leaders will implement a professional development plan of their own design in their schools. Design of the professional development plan will occur in CURR 689 and CURR 690. Implementation of the plan, assessment of implementation and the plan as a whole, and a reflection on the implementation will occur in this field course. Feedback and assessment of the plan will be submitted in fulfillment of the course requirement. May be repeated once for a maximum of 2.0 credits. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 681, CURR 682, CURR 683, CURR 684, CURR 685, CURR 686, CURR 687, and specialization course.

CURR692: Leadership for Impact: People, Policies and Practice

This course brings together theories and practices of education policy and law that have had an impact on teacher education, certification, and licensure. It provides teacher leaders with the habits of mind, skills, tools and resources to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of education policy and law through the lens of teacher education. Teacher leaders will study the history that has shaped the development of these education policies and laws on local, state, and federal levels, and will consider the impact of politics, the courts, and public opinion. They will apply these understandings in order to critique policies derived from current federal legislation and will explore their roles as advocates for teachers, students and families. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 681, CURR 682, CURR 683, CURR 684, CURR 685, CURR 686, CURR 687, CURR 688, CURR 689, and CURR 690.

CURR693: Research Mentorship

Teacher leaders will conduct a capstone research project under the close supervision of an assigned faculty member who has expertise in the area of research. Teacher leaders will collect data based upon the proposal designed in CURR 685, analyze that data, and present their findings (in a formal venue). Successful completion of Research Mentorship meets the Graduate School's Comprehensive Exam/Capstone Project requirement for graduation. May be repeated once for a maximum of 2.0 credits. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: CURR 684, CURR 685, and one specialization course.

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