Learning Disabilities (M.Ed.) - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
This program prepares students to be Learning Disabilities
Teacher-Consultants (LDT-Cs). This is an endorsement on a teaching
certificate and three years of teaching is required to be eligible for
the LDT-C certification. LDT-Cs are members of Child Study Teams which
are responsible for the assessment, placement, IEP.
Individualized Educational Program) development, and program
monitoring of students referred for special education services. An
essential component of the LDT-C role is to provide consultation and
in-service training for teachers regarding a student's educational
Students wishing to apply to this program must have a bachelor's degree and a standard New Jersey instructional certificate (e.g., "teacher of the handicapped"). Evidence of one year of successful teaching experience under their teacher certification must also be provided, and students must have completed 3 years of teaching by the end of the program to be eligible to receive certification.
Note: Admissions and certification requirements are subject to change. Consult with departmental Graduate Program Coordinator.
Complete 39 semester hours including the following 3 requirement(s):
Complete the following 9 courses: .
Complete 1 course from the following list.
ELRS 578 Testing and Evaluation 3 PSYC 578 Psychological Tests and Measurements 3 -
Complete 1 course from the following list.
PSYC 560 Advanced Educational Psychology 3 PSYC 563 Theories of Learning 3
Complete 2 courses from the following list.
CSND 583 Language Disorders of Children 3 PSYC 565 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 3 SPED 585 Technology for Inclusive Classrooms 2-3 SPED 586 Transition Services for Students with Disabilities 3 SPED 588 Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Inclusive Settings 2-3 -
Successfully complete the Comprehensive Project.
Course Descriptions:
CSND583: Language Disorders of Children
This course takes a predominately descriptive and non-categorical perspective to assessment and treatment of language disorders in children in the pre-linguistic through developing language stages. Syndromes and causal factors associated with language disorder will also be considered. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders or departmental approval; and CSND 500.
ELRS578: Testing and Evaluation
Principles and practices of educational and psychological testing and evaluation relevant to professionals in human services, communication sciences and disorders, education, and related fields. Historical/philosophical orientation; place of testing in instructional and remedial programs; statistical concepts underlying measurement; validity, reliability, response set; construction of tests and measurement instruments; evaluation and interpretation of testing data; use and misuse of testing data; reporting data to students, parents and colleagues; critical analyses of selected standardized intelligence, ability and personality tests; experimental tests and measurement instruments. Course project geared to individual student needs. 3 sh.
PSYC560: Advanced Educational Psychology
A comprehensive treatment of the cognitive and affective characteristics of the learner and the processes of learning and teaching provide the framework for this course. Behavioral, cognitive and information-processing theory are presented and their applicability to instructional strategies and classroom dynamics is discussed. Other areas included are the origins of individual differences including heredity and environment, early childhood education, cultural differences, student motivation, classroom management, measurement and evaluation, exceptional children and other topics. 3 sh.
PSYC563: Theories of Learning
The aim of this course is to provide the student with an understanding of modern learning theory, its historical context, theoretical ideas, research, and applications. To this end, the theoretical ideas of the major schools of learning--behaviorism, gestalt, cognitivism, and information-processing--are reviewed. 3 sh.
PSYC565: Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
This course emphasizes the diagnosis of psychological disorders usually first evident in infancy, childhood or adolescence. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, affective disorders, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, substance abuse, sexuality/gender identity disorders, pervasive developmental disorder and behavioral aspects of developmental disabilities. Students will be expected to understand DSM-IV categories. Each student is expected to be familiar with developmental psychology and personality development. Issues associated with evaluation, classification and diagnosis will be discussed extensively. Guidelines for appropriate interventions will be provided. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Matriculation in the Child/Adolescent Clinical program or permission of the department.
PSYC578: Psychological Tests and Measurements
This course surveys the theory, construction and application of psychological tests. Topics include the statistical concepts underlying measurement; reliability and validity; critical analyses of selected intelligence, ability and personality tests; evaluation and interpretation of test data in practical situations; and the role of testing in clinical, educational and remedial settings. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval, and an undergraduate Psychology statistics course or equivalent.
SPED579: Special Education for Students with Disabilities
An overview of instruction for students with special needs; characteristics of special populations, federal and state legislation, educational implications of disabling conditions, principles for instruction and planning for inclusion are presented; community resources and special issues related to the education of students with disabilities are discussed. 3 sh.
SPED580: Evaluation and Planning for Students with Learning Problems I
This course presents the role of the LDT-C on the Child Study Team, the administration and interpretation of standardized and functional assessment methods for identifying learning difficulties and disabilities, training to facilitate data-based decision making, formulation of an instructional plan based on assessment data, assessment regulations in law code, and legal and ethical issues. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 579.
SPED581: Evaluation and Planning for Students with Learning Problems II
Continuation of SPED 580 providing advanced training in the identification of and planning for students with learning problems; models for the formulation of assessment plans, administration and analysis of diagnostic batteries, special issues in evaluation, the use of evaluation data to make decisions regarding eligibility and instructional planning are presented; case study methods are used to simulate Child Study Team practice. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 580 and department approval.
SPED585: Technology for Inclusive Classrooms
The course is designed to provide educators with an understanding of how to use technology as a seamless part of the teaching and learning experience for students with disabilities in inclusive settings. Two main purposes for students with disabilities will be emphasized. Teachers will learn how to provide access to the curriculum for students with disabilities by using the principles of Universal Design for Learning as a framework for curriculum design. They will learn how to utilize technology to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities in order for them to attain maximum independence and participation in all environments. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 567, SPED 568.
SPED586: Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
This course will focus on a Research-Based and Teacher-Tested Support Model for planning and implementing transition services for students with disabilities. Successful transition services will allow students to build the bridges toward becoming independent self advocates with the insights, skills, knowledge, and learning techniques for successful transition from school to adult life. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 567, SPED 568, SPED 579.
SPED587: Advanced Instructional Techniques for Students with Learning Problems
The Learning Strategies Model for assisting students with learning problems to become independent will be used as framework; techniques for inclusion in regular educational settings, collaboration, strategies for planning instruction to meet diverse needs of students with mild disabilities, and special issues related to instruction will be presented. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 567, SPED 568 and SPED 581.
SPED588: Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Inclusive Settings
This course is designed to provide future teachers with theory and practice related to the development of appropriate prosocial behaviors within inclusive classroom settings for students with disabilities. This course will focus on behavior and the developmental and environmental factors that influence its expression. Emphasis will be placed on functional analysis of behavior, how to promote appropriate behavior, and how to develop a classroom setting that fosters prosocial behaviors. Principles of social/emotional learning, social skills development as well as data collection, schedules of reinforcement monitoring progress, social problem solving, and promotion of positive behavior plans will be explored. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 579.
SPED590: Practicum: Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant
Supervised practice of the Child Study Team process in assessment and planning; administration of evaluation procedures and analysis of results; decision-making regarding eligibility and instructional planning, consultation and collaboration as a member of a Child Study Team will be emphasized. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
SPED595: Medical and Physical Bases of Disabilities
Critical dimensions of the neurological and biological growth in the context of developmental disabilities are discussed. The relevance of the pediatric and neurological examinations for understanding disabilities is provided. The medical treatment of disabilities is presented. 3 sh.
SPED596: Advanced Practicum: Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant
Continuation of SPED 590; students will enroll in SPED 596 to fulfill the 150 hour time requirement and the meeting of competency standards to practice as a Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant begun in SPED 590. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
SPED668: Consultation Methods in Psychoeducational Settings
This course is designed to provide students with theory and practice about the consultation process. The course will identify a collaborative, problem-solving model of consultation in psychoeducational settings and define the intrapersonal, interpersonal and systemic factors associated with successful consultation. Students will locate consultation cases and function under direct supervision and monitoring. Cross listed with Psychology, PSYC 668. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 587.
SPED690: Action Research Inclusive Settin
This course represents a capstone course for graduate students in the process of theory, conceptualization, research methods, operationalization, and analysis in the completion of an action research project. This course will link all of the practical aspects of conducting action research with the scholarly tools that support the cycle of reflective practice, thereby showing prospective and practicing teachers how to make action research a natural part of their teaching and to utilize action research to enhance inclusive education for students with disabilities. The course will help define action research and clarify its nature, providing a clear description of the relationship between qualitative and quantitative research. Students will then be offered step-by-step procedures for planning, implementing, and evaluating the kind of research projects that help pre-service teachers use their own understanding and expertise to work systematically through finding a solution to the problem they are investigating. Students will make an oral presentation of their project results through a departmentally approved review process or an approved graduate symposium. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 589.
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