Principal, Administrative Services Certification - Graduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
Complete 33 semester hours including the following 3 requirement(s):
Complete the following 30 semester hours:
COUN 559 Dynamics of Group Process 1-3 CURR 530 Principles of Curriculum Development 3 CURR 534 Strategies for Curriculum Change 3 ELAD 510 Effective Leadership in a Diverse Society: From Theory to Practice 3 ELAD 520 Systems Analysis in Education and Training 3 ELAD 521 Education Law 3 ELAD 540 Differentiated Supervision 3 ELAD 543 Administrative Aspects of Management and Supervision 3 ELAD 622 School Finance 3 ELRS 503 Methods of Research 3 -
Complete 1 course from the following:
ELAD 615 Supervised Field Experience in Administration and Supervision 3-6 ELAD 616 Internship in Educational Administration 6 -
Provide verification of 5 years of full-time teaching experience. Must be signed on original school letterhead.
Course Descriptions:
COUN559: Dynamics of Group Process
A laboratory-based course for the development of group skills and understandings. Focus is on experimental learning and personal growth. Readings in human interaction theory will be related to actual group participation. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Graduate students with majors in the CNEL department only or undeclared graduate students.
CURR530: Principles of Curriculum Development
Philosophic, social and economic forces in our society that have determined and will determine the pattern of curriculum in American education in the American public schools from K-12 grades. Accepted manner of designing such curricula and professional bodies and individuals who play leading roles in the process of curriculum design. Connection of community interest and power structures in society which are related to the professional decisions. 3 sh.
CURR534: Strategies for Curriculum Change
Principles and concepts from sociology, social psychology, educational administration and curriculum applied to education. Opportunity to develop change strategies for particular field settings. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Admitted to M.A.T., or M.Ed., M.A. in Administration and Supervision, or Post-Baccalaureate Certification program, or Supervisor administrative certification.
ELAD510: Effective Leadership in a Diverse Society: From Theory to Practice
This course will focus on concepts and techniques of leadership for learning and organizational theory, the changing roles of a leader in a diverse society, and the use of strategic planning and data analysis in the implementation of a vision for school and student success. Leadership style and its interconnectedness to the power and authority of leaders will guide student work throughout the course in developing the skills, knowledge and dispositions to lead effectively. 3 sh.
ELAD520: Systems Analysis in Education and Training
Latest techniques in operations research for educational purposes. Systems analysis techniques studied and utilized by student in an instructional, curriculum or administrative mode. Simulation techniques in classroom-oriented activities. 3 sh.
ELAD521: Education Law
Legal-theory, practical politics, relationship of school district organization to other units of government, appellate function of the state Commissioner of Education and the state Board of Education, New Jersey school laws (Title 18A of the revised statutes) and rules and regulation of the state Board of Education and their decisions. New Jersey school legal structure compared with that of other states. 3 sh.
ELAD540: Differentiated Supervision
This course will examine the supervisory roles of school leaders, focusing on the process of clinical supervision and the learning and supervision needs of teachers at different professional levels. Topics include professional development, hiring and interviewing, intensive assistance, and adult learning. All students will engage in simulated and authentic supervision of classroom practice. 3 sh.
ELAD543: Administrative Aspects of Management and Supervision
This course will focus on comprehensive principles and future perspectives of schools as learning organizations and the management of personnel and facilities toward implementing a vision for a learning framework for all students and staff. Topics will include the law, policy, guidelines, procedures and ethics of administrative decisions; management and leadership of human resources; distributive leadership within the learning community; recruitment, selection and termination; staffing patterns; schedule design; and planning and budgeting processes. 3 sh.
ELAD615: Supervised Field Experience in Administration and Supervision
Students are assigned work within an educational agency, operating at the level and in the domain of their professional specialty. They work under an established administrator on some limited function of the position, approved through mutual agreement among the student, the administrator and the college supervisor. This experience is not to be construed as an internship, as it will not encompass the total job description of the administrator. A written report on the activity or research paper will be approved by the administrator and presented to the college supervisor, who will evaluate the total experience. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ELAD616: Internship in Educational Administration
Full semester assignment of guided work within an educational institution's administrative office. Sixth year students are eligible to choose this internship plan, but it is advised that arrangements be made for released time, at least one half time, if the internship is to be carried on in an institution where student is employed. The experience is planned to include a wide variety of administrative experiences such as locating and interviewing candidates for position, scheduling, in-service professional development, special committee leadership, projects that influence curriculum building arrangements and budgets. The sixth year student may be required to take ELAD 610 or 611 for three additional semester hours during this internship. In all cases, students will complete the research project as a part of the internship assignment. 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ELAD622: School Finance
Current economic environment; state, local and federal taxation; state school aid theory and practice; school district indebtedness; statutory school budget and fiscal controls; various cost-quality instruments and role of school fiscal structure in relation to local, state and federal governments. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ELAD 510 and 521.
ELRS503: Methods of Research
Theory and methods of historical, descriptive, and experimental research; formulation of a research problem; use of bibliographical sources and reference materials; statistics and measurement in research; types and instruments of research; data collection, and analysis. Writing the research report and career opportunities in research. 3 sh.
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