Dance Education Major,with Teacher Certification in Dance (Preschool-Grade 12) (B.A.) - Undergraduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
The BA in Dance Education is a program of the Department of Theatre & Dance. For further information, including admission guidelines, click here.
Curriculum Requirements: All university students must fulfill the set General Education Requirements applicable to their degree. In addition, students pursuing the Dance Education Major must complete the requirements below:
Complete 50 semester hours including the following 6 requirement(s):
Complete 12 semester hours from the following:
DNCE 241 Dance Technique: Modern II 3 DNCE 341 Dance Technique: Modern III 3 DNCE 441 Dance Technique: Modern IV 3 -
Complete 12 semester hours from the following:
DNCE 255 Dance Technique: Ballet II 3 DNCE 355 Dance Technique: Ballet III 2-3 DNCE 455 Dance Technique: Ballet IV 3 -
Complete for a total of 2 semester hours.
DNCE 485 Dance Repertory 0.5 -
Complete 1 course from the following:
DNCE 315 Dance History: Primitive to 1850 3 DNCE 316 Dance History: 1850 to Present 3 -
Complete the following 6 courses for 15 semester hours:
DNCE 161 Choreography I 2 DNCE 205 Rhythmic Analysis 3 DNCE 235 Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals 3 DNCE 261 Choreography II 2 DNCE 265 Dance Improvisation 2 DNCE 325 Dance Methods 3 -
Complete the following 2 courses:
BIOL 240 Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology I 3 BIOL 241 Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology II 3
Course Descriptions:
BIOL240: Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology I
Human anatomy and physiology for health education and physical education majors. Not for biology majors. Biology majors may only take this course as a free elective. 3 sh.
BIOL241: Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology II
Human anatomy and physiology for health education and physical education majors. Not for biology majors. Biology majors may only take this course as a free elective. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: BIOL 240.
DNCE161: Choreography I
Elements and methods of dance composition. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 265.
DNCE205: Rhythmic Analysis
All basic rhythmic structures (basic note values, meter, etc.) covered and immediately applied to movement; games, notational assignments, and choreographic studies used to create understanding of the inherent rhythm within all basic dance movement. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors only.
DNCE235: Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals
Introduces principles and practical applications of Laban Movement Analysis and the Bartenieff Fundamentals. Presents LMA as a comprehensive system of analyzing, observing and notating human movement. Bartenieff Fundamentals, a body therapy used to increase body and movement efficiency with greater ease, explores the functional anatomy of body organization and patterning in human movement. Course includes both theory and practical application. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors only.
DNCE241: Dance Technique: Modern II
Further study and application of basic movement vocabulary, alignment, complex movement patterns, style and performance. May be repeated for a maximum of twenty-four credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors or minors only.
DNCE255: Dance Technique: Ballet II
Further study of beginning ballet with emphasis on structural alignment, barre work and center floor exercises. May be repeated for a maximum of twenty-four credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors or minors only.
DNCE261: Choreography II
Dance choreography with emphasis on small group works and solos, including form and structure. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 161.
DNCE265: Dance Improvisation
Basic skills and problems in dance improvisation. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors or minors only.
DNCE315: Dance History: Primitive to 1850
Dance as it has developed from primitive, religious and ritualistic movement to the establishment of ballet in Russia. Emphasis upon ancient forms, courtly life, and the development of ballet. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Fine and Performing Arts: Art Appreciation. Meets the University Writing Requirement for DAED and DANC majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
DNCE316: Dance History: 1850 to Present
Study of dance in its historical context, with reference to development of ballet, modern dance, post-modernism, and jazz elements. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Fine and Performing Arts: Art Appreciation. Meets the University Writing Requirement for DAED, DAMT, DANC, and MMTH majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
DNCE325: Dance Methods
Approaches, problems, resources and techniques for teaching and developing dance programs geared to grades 7-12 and various adult levels. Includes curriculum, unit and lesson planning as well as practical application of methodology. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors only.
DNCE341: Dance Technique: Modern III
Further study and application of basic movement vocabulary, complex movement patterns, style and performance. May be repeated for a maximum of twenty-four credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors and minors only and DNCE 141 and DNCE 241; or audition.
DNCE355: Dance Technique: Ballet III
Advanced technique in ballet with emphasis on individualized placement. Work on musicality, line, dynamics and stylistic refinement. DNCE majors: 3 credits. THMT majors: 2-3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of twenty-four credits. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Musical Theatre Majors/Minors, Dance majors and minors only, DNCE 255, or by audition.
DNCE441: Dance Technique: Modern IV
Continuation of DNCE 341. May be repeated for a maximum of twenty-four credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors and minors only and DNCE 141 and DNCE 241 and DNCE 341; or audition.
DNCE455: Dance Technique: Ballet IV
Advanced ballet technique with emphasis on individualized placement. Continuation of work with intricate, technically difficult sequences. Continuation of emphasis on musicality, line, dynamics, and stylistic refinement. May be repeated for a maximum of twenty-four credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors and minors only and DNCE 155 and DNCE 255 and DNCE 355; or audition.
DNCE485: Dance Repertory
Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Repertory Dance Company. Must be taken every semester. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors and minors only and audition.
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