Educational Leadership, Higher Education Leadership Concentration (M.A.) - - 2015 University Catalog

The Master of Arts in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Higher Education Leadership provides graduate students with the knowledge and skills needed to take on leadership positions with higher education organizations in student affairs, academic affairs, and administration across all functional areas of colleges and universities as (opposed to placing sole emphasis on student development and student affairs). Courses within this program aim to implement college theories in a tangible way that can be directly applied to careers in university administration. Students complete an 8-course core requirement that covers organizations, management, leadership, finance, communication, research and evaluation; and then choose from a variety of specialization coursework that address their individual interests.


Complete 36 semester hours including the following 4 requirement(s):


    Complete 4 courses:

    COUN 559 Dynamics of Group Process 1-3
    EDFD 504 Action Research (3 hours lecture) 3
    ELAD 520 Systems Analysis in Education and Training (3 hours lecture) 3
    ELAD 560 Leadership and Supervision in Student Affairs (3 hours workshop seminar) 3

    Complete 4 courses:

    COUN 558 Consultation in Organizational Development (3 hours lecture) 3
    ELAD 528 Financial Management for Education/Training Personnel (3 hours lecture) 3
    ELAD 531 Program Planning and Development in Educational Settings (3 hours lecture) 3
    MGMT 505 Management Process and Organizational Behavior (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete 9 semester hours from the following:


      ELAD 542 Supervisory Skills for Education and Training Personnel (3 hours lecture) 3
      ELAD 549 Ethical and Legal Issues for Education and Training Personnel (3 hours lecture) 3
      ELAD 550 Computer Applications for Counselors and Trainers (3 hours lecture) 3
      ELAD 565 Two Year Junior College (3 hours lecture) 3
      ELAD 570 Facilitation Skills for Educators and Trainers (3 hours lecture) 3
      ELAD 660 Field Experience in Human Resources, Part I 3-6
      ELAD 661 Field Experience in Human Resources, Part II 3-6
    2. may only be taken two times for a total of 6 hours.

      ELAD 670 Selected Topics in Administration and Supervision 1-3

    Complete .

    ELAD 628 Field Experience in Administration and Supervision for Educators/Trainers 3-6

Course Descriptions:

COUN558: Consultation in Organizational Development (3 hours lecture)

This course is a laboratory based course focusing on the role of the organizational consultant. Emphasis is placed on planning, providing help and evaluating activities. Students develop diagnostic and behavioral skills to aid individuals and groups within organizations. This course is designed for those considering consultation work in schools, business, industry, government, penology, educational institutions, and community organizations. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: COUN 559 or COUN 584.

COUN559: Dynamics of Group Process

A laboratory-based course for the development of group skills and understandings. Focus is on experimental learning and personal growth. Readings in human interaction theory will be related to actual group participation. 1 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculated in Educational Leadership (ELAD).

EDFD504: Action Research (3 hours lecture)

Principles and techniques of research applicable to classroom situations. Various kinds of classroom research are studied and analyzed. Practice provided in the planning and outlining a research project. The development of experimental designs, and evaluation of the structure and outcomes of classroom research. Previous course ELRS 504 effective through Spring 2013. 3 sh.

ELAD520: Systems Analysis in Education and Training (3 hours lecture)

Latest techniques in operations research for educational purposes. Systems analysis techniques studied and utilized by student in an instructional, curriculum or administrative mode. Simulation techniques in classroom-oriented activities. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students only.

ELAD528: Financial Management for Education/Training Personnel (3 hours lecture)

This course provides an introduction to budgets systems, financial management, general accounting procedures, and the process of reporting for training personnel. Also included will be discussions of the development of financial reports related to training, as well as experience in the use of cost-benefit analysis techniques. Financial terminology will be included in the overall course development. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in ELET, ELAO or department approval.

ELAD531: Program Planning and Development in Educational Settings (3 hours lecture)

This course provides knowledge and experience in the principles and techniques of designing programs in the higher education/student services and other educational settings. Special attention will be placed on needs assessment and evaluation, current issues in student affairs and education, organizational mission and environment, fiscal management and budgeting, human resources and overall program planning. Students will design a total program and proposal in a variety of actual educational settings in this experiential course. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in Counseling with concentration in Student Affairs in Higher Education (CNSA); Substance Awareness Coordinator (SAC); or departmental approval.

ELAD542: Supervisory Skills for Education and Training Personnel (3 hours lecture)

This course provides the present and prospective education and training supervisor in a public or nonpublic, profit or nonprofit setting with instruction in course/program assessment, personnel selection procedures, staff evaluation processes, and material/equipment procurement. Also included is training manual development and use. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in ELET or ELAO.

ELAD549: Ethical and Legal Issues for Education and Training Personnel (3 hours lecture)

This course provides the educator/trainer in a business setting with a theoretical and practical base in examining and analyzing ethical problems and legal aspects of training and development. Such topics as Affirmative Action, access to training programs, copyright laws, and employee discipline will be explained and discussed. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in ELET or ELAO.

ELAD550: Computer Applications for Counselors and Trainers (3 hours lecture)

Course provides instruction in computers and software for both personal and program use in such professional fields as counseling, training, and supervision. Emphasis will be placed on individual skills and knowledge of the computer, data processing, and information analysis. Further study will include record keeping, program applications, and software analysis in such areas as therapeutic learning programs, career awareness and development, computer-based training, and staff evaluation reporting. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in ELET, ELAO or department approval.

ELAD560: Leadership and Supervision in Student Affairs (3 hours workshop seminar)

Students seeking leadership and supervisory roles in higher education student affairs examine current issues in the field, including professional standards; ethical and legal issues in supervision; governance and accountability; organizational culture, conflict, and politics; crisis management; and partnerships and collaboration. In this experiential course, students participate in research projects with senior student affairs leaders. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in Counseling with concentration in Student Affairs in Higher Education (CNSA) or departmental approval.

ELAD565: Two Year Junior College (3 hours lecture)

History, purpose, patterns and trends of the two-year college, including the junior college, the community college and university extension centers. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in Educational Leadership (ELAD), Educational Leadership w/ conc:Educ/Trainer (ELET), Educational Leadership w/conc: Adult&OrgLrning (ELAO), Advanced Counseling (ACOU), Counseling w/conc: StudentAffairs/Couns in HigherEd (CNSA), School Counselor (SCCO) or departmental approval.

ELAD570: Facilitation Skills for Educators and Trainers (3 hours lecture)

The course provides both a theoretical and practical base for professionals in human resource development working with adults in learning situations in various nonschool settings. Included will be the principles of adult development and recent research on how adults learn in work settings. Through skill-building sessions, instructor and peer feedback, and extensive self-evaluation, students will become familiar with all phases of adult development and how to facilitate full development. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in Educational Leadership (ELAD), Educational Leadership w/Conc:Educ/Trainer (ELET), Educational Leadership w/Conc:Adult and Org Lrng (ELAO) or departmental approval.

ELAD628: Field Experience in Administration and Supervision for Educators/Trainers

Students are assigned to a particular office, under guidance of a supervisor, to carry out certain functions of the position. A college staff member acts as coordinator and supervisor by visiting site and consulting with student, observing him in action; plans with site supervisor for improvement and evaluation of student's work. This course may be taken for 3 or 6 credits. 3 - 6 sh.

Prerequisites: Department permission only.

ELAD660: Field Experience in Human Resources, Part I

The field experience provides significant opportunities in an organization to synthesize and apply the knowledge gained in coursework. In addition, students will have the opportunity to practice and develop skills in the area of human resource development, organizational development, consultations, counseling, communications, human relations, and evaluation. In particular, students will focus on critical thinking, leadership, and ethical issues. May be taken for 3 or 6 credits. 3 - 6 sh.

Prerequisites: Department permission only.

ELAD661: Field Experience in Human Resources, Part II

The field experience provides significant opportunities in an organization to synthesize and apply the knowledge gained in coursework. In addition, students will have the opportunity to practice and develop skills in the area of human resource development, organizational development, consultations, counseling, communications, human relations, and evaluation. In particular, students will focus on critical thinking, leadership, and ethical issues. May be taken for 3 or 6 credits. 3 - 6 sh.

Prerequisites: Department permission only.

ELAD670: Selected Topics in Administration and Supervision

Emphasis on professional development issues and topics for prospective administrators and supervisors of educational programs and personnel in a variety of settings. Topics will vary depending on needs, concerns, or interests of individual student taking the course and the faculty member instructing the course. Current issues and concerns are given priority. Course is also available for practicing professionals and organizations. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 1 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Graduate students in Educational Leadership (ELAD), Educational Leadership with Conc:Educ/Trainer (ELET), Educational Leadership with Conc:Adult&OrgLrning (ELAO), Principal (PRIN), Administration and Supervision (ADSU) or department approval.

MGMT505: Management Process and Organizational Behavior (3 hours lecture)

Review of classical and modern approaches to the managerial process as it relates to the manager's functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. These reviews will be tied to the open-system model and the contingency approach as an overall framework for understanding the management of organizations. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Only M.B.A.and D.Env.M.students, M.A.Fine Arts majors with concentration in Museum Management (FAMM) or M.A.Theatre majors with concentration in Arts Management (THAM).

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