Dance Major (B.F.A.) - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog
Program Overview
The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Dance program combines conservatory-based training in many genres of dance with a liberal arts curriculum to prepare students for careers as professional dancers. Students are offered ample opportunities to choreograph and perform in conjunction with their coursework. The program is based within the Department of Theatre & Dance. For further information, go to BFA Dance. (note: All Theatre & Dance majors must pass yearly juries/portfolio reviews and faculty evaluation for continuation in the programs.)
Curriculum Requirements:
All university students must complete a set of General Education Requirements applicable to their specific degree. Dance BFA students must, in addition: (a) attain the Advanced level in one dance technique and Intermediate in the other for at least one semester prior to graduation; and (b) complete the major course requirements listed below:
Complete 83 semester hours including the following 2 requirement(s):
Complete 4 requirements:
Complete 24 semester hours from the following:
Complete 24 semester hours from the following:
Complete 4 semester hours from the following:
DNCE 184 Dance Repertory For Freshmen I (4 hour studio) 0.5 DNCE 185 Dance Repertory For Freshmen II (4 hours studio) 0.5 DNCE 284 Dance Repertory for Sophomores I (4 hour studio) 0.5 DNCE 285 Dance Repertory for Sophomores II (4 hour studio) 0.5 DNCE 384 Dance Repertory for Juniors I (4 hours studio) 0.5 DNCE 385 Dance Repertory for Juniors II (4 hours studio) 0.5 DNCE 484 Dance Repertory for Seniors I (4 hours studio) 0.5 DNCE 485 Dance Repertory for Seniors II (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 0.5 -
Complete 4 courses for 8 semester hours:
Complete 8 courses for 23 semester hours:
DNCE 120 Rhythmic Analysis (3 hours lecture) 3 DNCE 130 Dance Science (1 hour lab, 2 hours lecture) 3 DNCE 135 Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals (3 hours lecture) 3 DNCE 145 World Dance (3 hours lecture) 3 DNCE 150 Production Elements-Dance (4 hours lecture) 2 DNCE 262 Visual Media Design and Technology for Live Performance (3 hours lab, 1 hour lecture) 3 DNCE 317 Dance History: 1661-Present (3 hours lecture) 3 DNCE 402 Dance Methods (3 hours lecture) 3
Course Descriptions:
DNCE112: Dance Technique: Ballet I (6 hours studio)
Study of intermediate ballet with emphasis on structural alignment, barre work and center floor exercises. Dance (DNCE) and Musical Theatre (THMT) majors only. By audition. DNCE majors: 3 credits. THMT majors: 2-3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: For Dance and Musical Theater Majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE120: Rhythmic Analysis (3 hours lecture)
All basic rhythmic structures (basic note values, meter, etc.) covered and immediately applied to movement; games, notational assignments, and choreographic studies used to create understanding of the inherent rhythm within all basic dance movement. Previous course DNCE 205 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: For Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE130: Dance Science (1 hour lab, 2 hours lecture)
This course seeks to provide the dance student an educational experience where anatomical and kinesiological concepts are taught in the context of dance performance and injury prevention. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE135: Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals (3 hours lecture)
Introduces principles and practical applications of Laban Movement Analysis and the Bartenieff Fundamentals. Presents LMA as a comprehensive system of analyzing, observing and notating human movement. Bartenieff Fundamentals, a body therapy used to increase body and movement efficiency with greater ease, explores the functional anatomy of body organization and patterning in human movement. Course includes both theory and practical application. Previous course DNCE 235 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: For Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE145: World Dance (3 hours lecture)
The distinctive techniques customarily related to specific non-western cultures. The groups studied will vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) credits. Meets the World Cultures Requirement. If taken more than once, must be with a different cultural content. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Previous course DNCE 245 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval required.
DNCE150: Production Elements-Dance (4 hours lecture)
Introduction to technical productions related to dance. Survey of terminology, application of production principles, and aesthetic potential for production. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: For Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE160: Dance Improvisation (3 hours lecture, 1 hour studio)
Basic skills and problems in dance improvisation. Previous course DNCE 265 effective through Spring 2015. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: For Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE161: Choreography I (3 hours lecture, 1 hour studio)
Elements and methods of dance composition. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 160; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE175: Dance Technique: Modern I (6 hours studio)
Study of beginning modern/contemporary dance with emphasis on structural alignment and kinetic motion. Dance majors only. By audition. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: For Dance (DNCE) majors only.
DNCE184: Dance Repertory For Freshmen I (4 hour studio)
Dance Repertory. Fall semester. Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Dance Repertory Company. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: For freshman dance majors only.
DNCE185: Dance Repertory For Freshmen II (4 hours studio)
Dance Repertory. For freshman dance majors only. Spring semester. Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Dance Repertory Company. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 184. For freshmen dance majors only.
DNCE212: Dance Technique: Ballet II (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)
Further study of beginning ballet with emphasis on structural alignment, barre work and center floor exercises. DNCE majors: 3 credits. THMT majors: 2-3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. Previous course DNCE 255 effective through Spring 2015. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 112 or by audition; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE261: Choreography II (3 hours lecture, 1 hour studio)
Dance choreography with emphasis on small group works and solos, including form and structure. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 161; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE262: Visual Media Design and Technology for Live Performance (3 hours lab, 1 hour lecture)
An introduction to the design and technology of visual media for live performance events such as theatre, dance, and concerts. Cross listed with THTR 262. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: THTR 150 or THTR 152 or DNCE 150; and DNCE 161.
DNCE275: Dance Technique: Modern II
Further study and application of basic movement vocabulary, alignment, complex movement patterns, style and performance. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. Previous course DNCE 241 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 175; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE284: Dance Repertory for Sophomores I (4 hour studio)
Dance Repertory. Fall semester. Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Dance Repertory Company. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 184 and DNCE 185. For sophomore dance majors only.
DNCE285: Dance Repertory for Sophomores II (4 hour studio)
Dance Repertory. Spring semester. Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Dance Repertory Company. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 184 and DNCE 185 and DNCE 284. For sophomore dance majors only.
DNCE312: Dance Technique: Ballet III (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)
Advanced technique in ballet with emphasis on individualized placement. Work on musicality, line, dynamics and stylistic refinement. DNCE majors: 3 credits. THMT majors: 2-3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. Previous course DNCE 355 effective through Spring 2015. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 212 or by audition; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE317: Dance History: 1661-Present (3 hours lecture)
In this course, we will undertake the study of dance in its historical context, with reference to the development of ballet, modern dance, post-modernism, contemporary trends and musical theatre. We will focus on the development of Western Theatrical concert dance (ballet, modern, jazz) with a nod to the evolution of social dance in this country as it influenced and affected the concert dance. Dance history is not independent of "History" History so we will look at what was going on in the world at various times that influenced dance as we know it. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 241 or DNCE 255; and ENWR 105 or HONP 100; and ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
DNCE361: Choreography III (3 hours lecture, 1 hour studio)
Exploring and applying performance concepts and techniques used in choreographing for groups of varying sizes. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 261; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE375: Dance Technique: Modern III (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)
Further study and application of basic movement vocabulary, complex movement patterns, style and performance. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. Previous course DNCE 341 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 275; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE384: Dance Repertory for Juniors I (4 hours studio)
Dance Repertory. For junior dance majors only. Fall semester. Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Dance Repertory Company. May be repeated for a maximum of 1 credit. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 284 and DNCE 285.
DNCE385: Dance Repertory for Juniors II (4 hours studio)
Dance Repertory. Spring semester. Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Dance Repertory Company. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 284 and DNCE 285 and DNCE 384; for junior dance majors only.
DNCE402: Dance Methods (3 hours lecture)
Approaches, problems, resources and techniques for teaching and developing dance programs geared to grades 7-12 and various adult levels. Includes curriculum, unit and lesson planning as well as practical application of methodology. Previous course DNCE 325 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 375 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite; for Dance majors only.
DNCE412: Dance Technique: Ballet IV (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)
Advanced ballet technique with emphasis on individualized placement. Work Continuation of work with intricate, technically difficult sequences. Continuation of emphasis on musicality, line, dynamics, and stylistic refinement. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. Previous course DNCE 455 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 312 or by audition; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE413: Dance Technique: Ballet V (6 hours studio)
Study of professional-level ballet with emphasis on body alignment, barre work and center floor exercises. Maybe repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 312 and DNCE 412 or by audition; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE475: Dance Technique: Modern IV (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)
Continuation of DNCE 375. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. Previous course DNCE 441 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 375; for Dance majors only; departmental approval required.
DNCE484: Dance Repertory for Seniors I (4 hours studio)
Dance Repertory. Fall semester. Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Dance Repertory Company. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 384 and DNCE 385; Senior Dance majors only.
DNCE485: Dance Repertory for Seniors II (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)
Dancing, choreographing, or providing technical assistance for the MSU Repertory Dance Company. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: DNCE 384 and DNCE 385; for Dance majors only; for seniors only; departmental approval required.
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