Studio Art (M.F.A.) - Graduate - 2015 University Catalog
Program Overview
The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Studio Art is designed to prepare students for careers as practicing professional artists. Comprised of a diverse group of students who share in a vision to explore, synthesize, innovate and create, the program fosters opportunities for critical discourse in an environment where individuals can collaborate or work independently and make meaningful contributions to contemporary culture. The program is based in the Department of Art and Design.
For further information, go to: Studio Art (MFA) (In addition to the MFA, the department also offers an M.A. For additional information go to Studio (MA) )
Please note: This is a Fall admission only program.
Complete 60 semester hours including the following 3 requirement(s):
Complete the following 9 requirement(s) for 48 semester hours:
Complete 6 courses for 18 semester hours:
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list
ARST 508 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Painting 3-6 ARST 512 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Drawing 3-6 ARST 514 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Printmaking 3-6 ARST 516 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Papermaking 3-6 ARST 518 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Photography 3-6 ARST 520 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Film Making 3-6 ARST 522 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Video 3-6 ARST 524 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Sculpture 3-6 ARST 526 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Ceramics 3-6 ARST 528 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Fiber 3-6 ARST 530 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Jewelry/Metalsmithing 3-6 ARST 532 Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Multi-Media 3-6 -
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list.
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list
ARST 609 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Painting 3-6 ARST 613 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Drawing 3-6 ARST 615 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Printmaking 3-6 ARST 617 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Papermaking 3-6 ARST 619 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Photography 3-6 ARST 621 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Film Making 3-6 ARST 623 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Video 3-6 ARST 625 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Sculpture 3-6 ARST 627 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Ceramics 3-6 ARST 629 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Fiber Forms 3-6 ARST 631 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Jewelry/Metalsmithing 3-6 ARST 633 Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Multi-Media 3-6 -
Complete 3 courses for 9 semester hours from the following list.
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
ARST 502 Independent Study: Independent Studio Work I 3 -
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
ARST 506 Special Topics in Studio Art I (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3 -
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
ARST 507 Special Topics in Studio Art II (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours from the following list
Complete 6 semester hours of any graduate course, 500 level or above.
Course Descriptions:
ARCR501: MFA Seminar in Theory and Criticism I (3 hours seminar)
An appropriate amount of written critical work and relevant required readings will be assigned, accompanied by regular discussions and critiques of student work in progress. Visits to area museums and galleries are required and such material evidenced in the level of conversation and student work. The seminar will be instructed by a visiting art critic. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MFA majors only.
ARCR601: MFA Seminar in Theory and Criticism II (3 hours seminar)
Continuation of ARCR 501. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARCR 501, a total of 30 SH in MFA Degree program (ARCR, ARST, ARHS: 500 level), departmental approval, MFA majors only.
ARHT501: Artists on Art (3 hours lecture)
A selection of writings by artists on art are presented, including theoretical writings, excerpts from diaries and letters, manifestoes, interviews, etc. The class is designed as a seminar focusing on analysis, interpretation, and discussion of these primary sources. Previous course ARHS 581 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
ARHT502: Field Trips in Art History
Travel courses to art sources in the United States and foreign countries not to exceed twelve graduate credits. Travel courses to art sources in the United States and foreign countries not to exceed twelve undergraduate credits. First-hand contact with the art forms and visual culture of the places visited; study of monuments in the field and works in museums and galleries. Subject(s) to be defined by the professor. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. Previous course ARHS 680 effective through Spring 2012. 2 - 6 sh.
ARHT536: Northern Renaissance Art (3 hours lecture)
15th and 16th century paintings in northern Europe - especially Italy, Flanders and Holland; the development of Realism and style in relation to social change and the general ideas of the period, including contemporary music. Jan Van Eyck, Van der Weyden, Bosch, Peter Breughel and Matthias Gruenewald. Previous course ARHS 594 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
ARHT540: European Art of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (3 hours lecture)
Principal developments in painting, sculpture, architecture and related arts during the Baroque and Rococo periods as affected by contemporary political, religious and economic factors. Artists include Caravaggio, Bernini, Poussin, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Rubens, Watteau and Hogarth. Previous course ARHS 540 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
ARHT590: Modern Philosophies of Art I (3 hours lecture)
Major writers in art in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The nature of the creative experience; art in the life of the individual and of society; the creative process; new materials; institutions and sentiments affecting current thinking in the field. Discussions based on readings of philosophers, poets, social scientists and psychologists. Previous course ARHS 590 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
ARHT600: Graduate Methods of Research in Art History (3 hours seminar)
Introduction to the approaches, methods and goals of art-historical research, including descriptive, bibliographic, stylistic, and iconographic analysis. Previous course ARHS 503 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
ARHT601: Selected Problems in Art History (3 hours seminar)
Art problems, iconographic topics and themes of a historic, social and philosophical nature. Topic selection will depend upon the special areas of the professor or guest professor invited for the semester. May be repeated seven times for a maximum of 24.0 credits. Previous course ARHS 592 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
ARHT603: The American Collector and New York Museums (3 hours seminar)
The history of American art collecting is studied using the private collections that are now incorporated into museums in New York City. The contents of these collections, the ways they are housed, and the role of museum as educational institution will be examined in light of social and cultural ideals. Discussions based on readings and field trips. Previous course ARHS 580 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
ARST501: MFA Seminar in Studio Art I (3 hours seminar)
Weekly seminars given by visiting artists, fine arts faculty and the visiting critic. Discussions on major issues in contemporary art and critiques of the students' ongoing projects. MFA seminars are coordinated by the visiting critic and the MFA Director. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 15 semester hours in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST502: Independent Study: Independent Studio Work I
Taken in the first year of the program, the student works independently under the guidance of a visiting or full-time faculty member selected by the student (different from the faculty member engaged in the MFA Research Project). The faculty member should be selected based on his/her particular interest in the student's Research Project. May be repeated three times for a maximum of 12.0 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST503: Independent Study: Independent Studio Work II
Continuation of ARST 502. Taken serially. May be repeated three times for a maximum of 12.0 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 502; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST506: Special Topics in Studio Art I (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)
Each course is a seminar/workshop experience which addresses a specific topic in the visual arts. Topics may be interdisciplinary in nature or speak to a particular studio discipline and may include an investigation of new media and processes. The topic for each course will be announced at registration time. The course may be repeated three times for a maximum of 12.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST507: Special Topics in Studio Art II (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)
Taken serially. Each course addresses a new topic in the visual arts. The topics should not be repeated. With different topics, the course may be repeated three times for a maximum of 12.0 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 506; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST508: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Painting
The student will be guided toward the development of a consistent body of work. Exploration of a variety of approaches and techniques will be encouraged in order that the student can most fully realize his/her personal artistic aims. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST509: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Painting
Continuation of ARST 508. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST512: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Drawing
This course allows the student to begin focusing on drawing as a fine art. It will explore the major applications of a variety of graphic media while stressing the drawing as a mode or art form unto itself. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST513: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Drawing
Continuation of ARST 512. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST514: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Printmaking
The student begins to research and develop a creative project under the guidance of a faculty mentor selected by the student. The student may work with traditional and nontraditional printmaking processes resulting in multiples or unique images such as monoprints. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST515: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Printmaking
Continuation of ARST 514. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST516: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Papermaking
Individualized creative studies for the MFA candidate whose progress is reviewed weekly by a faculty mentor. Areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to: coloration, casting, sheet formation, etc. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST517: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Papermaking
Continuation of ARST 516. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST518: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Photography
Individualized creative studies in photography under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Areas of inquiry include black & white, color, non-silver and multi-media applications in photography. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST519: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Photography
Continuation of ARST 518. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST520: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Film Making
This course is intended to assist the advanced student in developing unique and individualized approaches in motion picture making. Emphasis will be placed on exploration and experimentation in the production of short works. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST521: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Film Making
Continuation of ARST 520. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST522: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Video
Students produce video projects in 3/4 inch format, utilizing state-of-the-art facilities at the DuMont Television Center, including full three-camera studio set up, special effects, telecine, sound mixes and editing. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST523: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Video
Continuation of ARST 522. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST524: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Sculpture
The course is intended to allow the MFA candidate to explore a select variety of issues and media in the arena of sculpture. The specific concerns considered will be derived from close consultation between the student and his faculty mentor. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST525: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Sculpture
Continuation of ARST 524. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST526: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Ceramics
Research and development of a creative project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; M.F.A. majors only.
ARST527: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Ceramics
Continuation of ARST 526. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST528: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Fiber
Individualized creative studies for the MFA candidate whose progress is reviewed weekly by a faculty mentor. Areas of inquiry include on-loom, off-loom, surface design, textile design, felt, leather, wood, plastics, etc. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; M.F.A. majors only.
ARST529: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Fiber
Continuation of ARST 528. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST530: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Jewelry/Metalsmithing
Research and development of a creative project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST531: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Jewelry/Metalsmithing
Continuation of ARST 530. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST532: Independent Study: MFA Research Project I: Multi-Media
The student begins to research and develop a multi-media creative project under the guidance of a faculty mentor selected by the student. The project may include the investigation of a combination of traditional visual arts media, interdisciplinary media or new media. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST533: Independent Study: MFA Research Project II: Multi-Media
Continuation of ARST 532. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 532; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST601: MFA Seminar in Studio Art II (3 hours seminar)
Continuation of ARST 501. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 501; 45 SH in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST604: Independent Study: Project Criticism I
Individualized guidance and critique of the student's Final Project by a second full-time faculty member on the student's Project Committee (not to be taken with the student's Project Advisor). 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 SH in MFA Degree program (ARCR, ARST, ARHS: 500 level); taken with MFA Final Project I or II; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST605: Independent Study: Project Criticism II
Continuation of ARST 604. Taken serially. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 604; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST606: Special Topics in Studio Art III (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)
Taken serially. Each course addresses a new topic in the visual arts. The topics should not be repeated. With different topics, the course may be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 507; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST607: Special Topics in Studio Art IV (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)
Taken serially. Each course addresses a new topic in the visual arts. The topics should not be repeated. With different topics, the course may be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 606; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST608: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Painting
Intended as an opportunity for the MFA candidate to produce a body of original and cohesive work under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 609. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 SH in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST609: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Painting
The MFA candidate continues to develop a body of work under the guidance of his he MFA Thesis Exhibition which will demonstrate the candidate's abilities and level of artistic achievement. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 608; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST612: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Drawing
The student develops a creative project under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 613. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST613: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Drawing
The student continues to develop a body of work under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, concluding with the MFA Exhibition. This course will bring to fruition the students research and exploration of the various approaches to drawing. They will reach certain conclusions evidenced in their work about the possibilities of the art form and their personal use of graphic modes of expression. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 612; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST614: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Printmaking
The student develops a creative project under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 615. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST615: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Printmaking
The student continues to develop a body of work under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, concluding with the MFA Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 614; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST616: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Papermaking
The student develops a creative project under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 617. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST617: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Papermaking
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, concluding with the MFA Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 616; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST618: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Photography
Individualized creative study for the MFA candidate under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. Areas of inquiry include black & white, color, non-silver and multi-media applications in photography. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 619. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST619: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Photography
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 618; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST620: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Film Making
This course is intended to assist the advanced MFA candidate develop a unique and individualized approach to his/her Final Project. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 621. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST621: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Film Making
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 620; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST622: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Video
Individualized creative study for the MFA candidate under the guidance of a Project Advisor. Students produce video projects utilizing state-of-the-art facilities at the Dumont Television Center. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 623. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST623: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Video
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 622; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST624: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Sculpture
The student develops a creative project under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 625. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST625: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Sculpture
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 624; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST626: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Ceramics
Development of a creative project based on each student's personal artistic interest/imagery under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 627. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA Degree Program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST627: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Ceramics
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 626; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST628: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Fiber Forms
Individualized creative study for the MFA candidate whose progress is guided by a Project Advisor selected by the student. Areas of inquiry include on-loom, off-loom, surface design, textile design, felt, leather, wood, plastics, etc. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 629. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA Degree Program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST629: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Fiber Forms
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 628; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST630: Independent Study: MFA Final Project I: Jewelry/Metalsmithing
The student develops a creative project under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 631. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST631: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Jewelry/Metalsmithing
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 630; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST632: Independent Study: Final Project I: Multi-Media
The student develops a multi-media creative project under the guidance of a Project Advisor selected by the student. The project may include the investigation of the combination of traditional visual media, interdisciplinary media or new media. Must be taken as a two semester sequence with ARST 633. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST633: Independent Study: MFA Final Project II: Multi-Media
The student continues to develop a creative project under the guidance of his/her Project Advisor, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition. 3 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: ARST 632; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
ARST650: Independent Study: MFA Exhibition, Paper and Final Review
I.S. with the Project Advisor. In the final semester of the program the student is required to exhibit his/her Final Project and present a paper which describes his/her aesthetic position. The exhibition and paper will be reviewed by the student's Project Committee. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: 45 semester hours in MFA Degree program; departmental approval; MFA majors only.
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