Fashion Studies Major (B.A.) - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog

Program Overview

The Fashion Studies Major focuses on the multi-billion dollar industry centered on the production and sale of fashion products. Students analyze consumer needs and learn how these needs are met by a complex and dynamic fashion industry, preparing for careers in apparel manufacturing, merchandising, management and/or marketing of fashion products and services. The program is based in the Department of Art and Design. For further information, go to: Fashion Studies (BA).

Curriculum Requirements

All university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree. In addition, students pursuing Fashion Studies (B.A.) must complete the major requirements listed below.


Complete 82 semester hours including the following 4 requirement(s):


    Complete 9 courses for 28 semester hours: .

    ARHT 106 Art in Western Civilization: Renaissance through Modern (3 hours lecture) 3
    ARTX 122 Culture and Appearance (3 hours lecture) 3
    ARTX 220 Textile and Apparel Industry (3 hours lecture) 3
    ARTX 298 Textiles I: Introduction (3 hours lecture, 1.5 hours lab) 4
    ARTX 310 Fashion Merchandise Mathematics (3 hours lecture) 3
    ARTX 320 Dress and Fashion History, Prehistory to 1800 (3 hours lecture) 3
    ARTX 321 Dress and fashion History, from 1800 to Today (3 hours lecture) 3
    ARTX 325 The Marketing of Fashion (3 hours lecture) 3
    ARTX 360 Consumer Research (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete 1 course for 8 semester hours: (COED 401 may be taken with written permission of advisor).

    ARTX 409 Internship in Fashion 8-12

    Complete one of the following requirement(s):

    1. Complete 18 semester hours from the following:

      1. 6 semester hours-18 semester hours from:

        ARTX 330 Evaluating Apparel Quality (3 hours lecture) 3
        ARTX 345 Fashion Study Abroad (3 hours lecture) 3
        ARTX 398 Development of Fashion Products (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
        ARTX 400 Senior Seminar (3 hours seminar) 3
        ARTX 410 Fashion Forecasting (3 hours lecture) 3
        ARTX 422 Apparel Design: Draping (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
        ARTX 424 Apparel Design: Tailoring (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
        ARTX 426 Apparel Design: Flat Pattern (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
        CMST 322 Intercultural Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
        INBS 347 Export/Import Marketing Process (3 hours lecture) 3
        INBS 349 International Marketing (3 hours lecture) 3
        INBS 440 International Retailing (3 hours lecture) 3
        INFO 301 Business Decision Making (3 hours lecture) 3
        MGMT 316 Human Resource Management (3 hours lecture) 3
        MKTG 307 Retail Marketing and Management (3 hours lecture) 3
        MKTG 309 Buying and Distribution Strategies (3 hours lecture) 3
        MKTG 325 E-Tailing and Multi-Channel Retailing (1.5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours lab) 3
        MKTG 341 Consumer Behavior (3 hours lecture) 3
        MKTG 344 Integrated Marketing Communications (3 hours lecture) 3
      2. $H-12 semester hours from:

        ACCT 204 Fundamentals of Accounting (3 hours lecture) 3
        ARDW 201 Life Drawing, Beginning I (6 hours studio) 3
        ARFD 121 Foundations I: Concept, Process and Application (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio) 3
        ARFD 122 Foundations II: 2D Design (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio) 3
        ARFD 123 Foundations III: Visual Organization - 3D Design (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio) 3
        ARFD 124 Foundations IV: Figure Drawing (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio) 3
        ARFD 125 Foundations V: Color, Light and Time (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio) 3
        ARFI 201 Textile Design, Introduction (4 hours studio) 3
        ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio) 3
        ARPM 200 Printmaking, Beginning I (6 hours studio) 3
        ARPM 262 Screen Printing (4 hours studio) 3
        ARTX 120 Introduction to Apparel Design (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
        ARTX 226 Advanced Clothing Construction (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
        ARTX 230 Fashion Illustration (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
        CMDA 110 Introduction to Communication and Media Arts (3 hours lecture) 3
        CMDA 210 Theorizing Communication and Media Arts (3 hours lecture) 3
        CMDA 220 Writing for the Media (3 hours lecture) 3
        CMST 130 Public Relations Principles (3 hours lecture) 3
        CMST 170 Organizational Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
        CMST 225 New Media and Participatory Culture (3 hours lecture) 3
        CMST 245 Communication, Media and Gender (3 hours lecture) 3
        ECON 202 Economics and Finance for Business Minors (3 hours lecture) 3
        INBS 250 Introduction to International Business (3 hours lecture) 3
        THTR 100 Introduction to the Theatrical Medium (3 hours lecture) 3
        THTR 153 Costume Construction I (2 hours lecture, 5 hours lab) 3
        THTR 202 Production Costumes 1
    2. Complete a minor in Fashion Design, Fashion Merchandising, Business, or Communication Studies.


        Complete the following 6 courses for 18 semester hours:

        ACCT 204 Fundamentals of Accounting (3 hours lecture) 3
        ECON 202 Economics and Finance for Business Minors (3 hours lecture) 3
        INBS 250 Introduction to International Business (3 hours lecture) 3
        INFO 301 Business Decision Making (3 hours lecture) 3
        MGMT 231 Management Processes (3 hours lecture) 3
        MKTG 240 Introduction to Marketing (3 hours lecture) 3

        Complete 18 semester hours, including the following 2 requirement(s):

        1. Complete the following 3 courses for 9 semester hours:

          CMDA 110 Introduction to Communication and Media Arts (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMDA 210 Theorizing Communication and Media Arts (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMDA 220 Writing for the Media (3 hours lecture) 3
        2. Complete 3 courses for 9 semester hours from the following list

          CMST 130 Public Relations Principles (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 160 Introduction to Health Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 170 Organizational Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 202 Listening (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 215 Media History and Form (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 225 New Media and Participatory Culture (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 245 Communication, Media and Gender (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 246 Interpersonal Communication I (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 273 Democracy and Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 275 Building Bridges through Dialogue (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 322 Intercultural Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 362 Nonverbal Communication (3 hours lecture) 3
          CMST 435 Communication and Media Arts Activity (1 hours lecture) 1-3

        Complete 18 semester hours, including the following 2 requirement(s):


          Complete the following for 12 semester hours:

          ARTX 230 Fashion Illustration (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
          ARTX 355 Fashion Branding (3 hours lecture) 3
          ARTX 422 Apparel Design: Draping (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
          ARTX 426 Apparel Design: Flat Pattern (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
        2. ELECTIVES

          Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours from the following list

          ACCT 204 Fundamentals of Accounting (3 hours lecture) 3
          ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio) 3
          ARTX 226 Advanced Clothing Construction (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
          ARTX 330 Evaluating Apparel Quality (3 hours lecture) 3
          ARTX 398 Development of Fashion Products (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
          INBS 250 Introduction to International Business (3 hours lecture) 3
          INBS 347 Export/Import Marketing Process (3 hours lecture) 3
          INBS 349 International Marketing (3 hours lecture) 3

        Complete 18 semester hours, including the following 2 requirement(s):


          Complete the following 3 courses for 9 semester hours:

          ARTX 355 Fashion Branding (3 hours lecture) 3
          ARTX 398 Development of Fashion Products (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
          ARTX 410 Fashion Forecasting (3 hours lecture) 3

          Complete 3 courses for 9 semester hours from the following list

          ACCT 204 Fundamentals of Accounting (3 hours lecture) 3
          ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio) 3
          INBS 250 Introduction to International Business (3 hours lecture) 3
          INBS 347 Export/Import Marketing Process (3 hours lecture) 3
          INBS 349 International Marketing (3 hours lecture) 3
          MGMT 331 Family Business (3 hours lecture) 3
          MKTG 307 Retail Marketing and Management (3 hours lecture) 3
          MKTG 309 Buying and Distribution Strategies (3 hours lecture) 3
          MKTG 344 Integrated Marketing Communications (3 hours lecture) 3
          MKTG 482 Independent Owned and Franchised Retailing (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for 31 semester hours:

    1. Complete 9 courses for 28 semester hours:

      ARHT 101 Art in Non-Western Societies (3 hours lecture) 3
      ARHT 105 Art in Western Civilization: Ancient Through Medieval (3 hours lecture) 3
      CHEM 100 Introductory Chemistry (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      CSIT 100 Introduction to Computer Concepts (3 hours lecture) 3
      ECON 101 Applied Macroeconomics (3 hours lecture) 3
      ECON 102 Applied Microeconomics (3 hours lecture) 3
      MATH 109 Statistics (3 hours lecture) 3
      MGMT 231 Management Processes (3 hours lecture) 3
      MKTG 240 Introduction to Marketing (3 hours lecture) 3
    2. Complete 1 course from the following:.

      ARDW 200 Drawing, Beginning I (6 hours studio) 3
      ARPA 200 Painting, Beginning I (6 hours studio) 3
      ARPH 200 Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form (6 hours studio) 3
      ARPH 201 Digital Photo and Imaging I (2 hours lecture, 3.75 hours studio) 3
      ARSC 200 Sculpture, Beginning I (6 hours studio) 3

Course Descriptions:

ACCT204: Fundamentals of Accounting (3 hours lecture)

This course provides a foundation for non-accounting business majors. Topics covered include both financial and managerial accounting from a user perspective. Students will be exposed to the four financial statements and ethical issues in accounting along with other accounting reporting issues in the financial accounting phase of the course. Managerial accounting focuses on generating accounting data for internal business decision-making in today's increasingly competitive and complex business world. Students need to become familiar with the use of accounting data for both investment and credit decisions as well as strategic decision making for firms' operation. Major topics covered include financial statement analysis, budgeting, accounting-based decision making, and performance evaluation. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100; Not open to BS Accounting Majors.

ARDW200: Drawing, Beginning I (6 hours studio)

Basic elements of line, tone, composition, and perspective; exploration of traditional and experimental media and materials; and investigation of still life, landscape, life drawing, portraiture, and abstraction. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

ARDW201: Life Drawing, Beginning I (6 hours studio)

Structure and proportions of the human figure. Study of skeletal and muscular structure, the figure at rest and in motion, isolated and in a setting. Expressive as well as analytical approach to drawing. Exploration of traditional as well as current techniques and media. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

ARFD121: Foundations I: Concept, Process and Application (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)

Students will be challenged and guided in the development of their critical and conceptualizing skills as they apply to art and design processes. Foundations I is a problem-solving course in which the student investigates the dynamic visual forces involved in composing in a variety of media. Students explore the interrelationships of composition, process, perception, and intent. Through the understanding of concepts, processes, and visual language, students broaden their skills in idea development, research strategies, and technical application. This course advocates and utilizes the model of a learning community to effectively introduce students to ideas, issues, and practices in contemporary art and design. Foundations I further connects creative research and practice to socio-political and cultural ideology, allowing students opportunities for integration of ideas outside the disciplines of art. This will be accomplished through lectures, exercises, student team assignments, discussion, and exploration in and outside of the classroom. This course is required during the first semester for all freshman and undergraduate transfer students majoring in BA Studio and BFA Studio. 3 sh.

ARFD122: Foundations II: 2D Design (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)

Foundations II introduces students to the principles of 2-dimensional design in a variety of media. Major principles covered include composition, line, shape, volume, movement, value, rhythm, repetition, variation, scale, size, perspective, proportion, texture, balance, unity, harmony, and contrast. The course content consists of a variety of projects focusing on critical, theory-based problem solving, together with lectures and demonstrations. 3 sh.

ARFD123: Foundations III: Visual Organization - 3D Design (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)

An introduction to the 3rd dimension of the world that we inhabit ("made" things, natural forms, and the occupation of space). Three-dimensional sensibility is progressively developed when basic components are manipulated by the effective use of direction, balance, axis, orientation, and relationship; in other words, organization (composition). Assignments in light, shape, shadow, depth, form, and movement are examined in a natural progression from 2D knowledge to 3D. Activities include lectures, conceptualization, observation, creation, discussion, and critical analysis for each project. The aesthetic consideration of materials and tools in this context add to the expressive output of three-dimensional study. The process may begin with concept, material or observation; it continues by way of lecture, demonstration, critical analysis and class discussion until each project is crafted to completion. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARFD 121. Starting Winter 2016: None.

ARFD124: Foundations IV: Figure Drawing (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)

An introduction to drawing the human figure. Students in this course will spend the majority of their time drawing from live models in a studio setting. Most classes will follow the traditional figure drawing format of beginning with quick gesture drawings, with poses gradually increasing in length of time, and ending with a single sustained pose of an hour or more. The students will be introduced to a wide range of ideas, concepts, strategems, and materials related to the drawing of the human figure. Ideas and drawing approaches will be illustrated by looking at the visual examples of artworks by both past and present figurative artists. A brief historical overview of various visions of the human image will be presented, as will an introduction of human anatomy for artists. Concurrent with ideas about proportion, foreshortening, scale, and anatomical construct, ideas about line quality, chiaroscuro, and the figure in differing spatial constructs will be explored. Although weekly thematic ideas will be presented, most classes will include an interweaving and repetition of a wide range of concepts. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARFD 121. Starting Winter 2016: None.

ARFD125: Foundations V: Color, Light and Time (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)

Color functions in many ways - as a visual phenomenon of light, as a perceptual occurrence, as a pigment with specific mixing properties, and as an element with powerful expressive and symbolic potential. It is important that artists and designers understand the principles and properties of color for use in their work in any medium. This course introduces students to the history, theory, and interdisciplinary use of color and color systems via lectures, demonstrations, and exercises. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARFD 121. Starting Winter 2016: None.

ARFI201: Textile Design, Introduction (4 hours studio)

Pattern rendering and putting designs into repeat for the textile industry. 3 sh.

ARGD211: Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)

A project and exercise-based approach to learning the programs used by graphic designers on Macintosh computers, covering the fundamentals of the latest versions of the Adobe Creative Suite series: Adobe Illustrator CS, InDesign CS, and Adobe Photoshop CS. These programs are prerequisite for all those interested in working within the design and publishing industries. The use of scanners for importing both art and text will also be investigated. Instruction in the course is tutorial-based, with supplemental lectures and demonstrations. 3 sh.

ARHT101: Art in Non-Western Societies (3 hours lecture)

A consideration of the role of art in traditional non-western societies. Includes an examination of the integration of art into the society as a whole-the religions, economics, environment, and social order. The role art plays in social change and how it is affected by social change. Meets the Gen Ed 2002- Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets World Cultures Requirement. Fulfills the Special Topics requirement for majors. Previous course ARHS 220 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

ARHT105: Art in Western Civilization: Ancient Through Medieval (3 hours lecture)

The history of Western art, architecture, and material culture from Prehistory through the Middle Ages: Paleolithic and Neolithic art; ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman art; Early Christian, Byzantine, Early Medieval, Romanesque, and Gothic art. Museum visits and extensive reading. Required for Fine Arts majors. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Humanities, World Literature or General Humanities. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Animation and Illustration, Fine Arts, and Graphic Design. Previous course ARHS 105 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

ARHT106: Art in Western Civilization: Renaissance through Modern (3 hours lecture)

The history of Western art and architecture from the fifteenth century to the present: the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Romantic, Impressionist, and Modern Periods. Museum visits and extensive reading. Required for Fine Arts majors. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Humanities, World Literature or General Humanities. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Animation and Illustration, Fine Arts, and Graphic Design. Previous course ARHS 106 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

ARPA200: Painting, Beginning I (6 hours studio)

Exploration of painting media and modes of expression. Reading, gallery and museum visits. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

ARPH200: Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form (6 hours studio)

The essentials of the photographic process including developing, enlarging, and exhibiting. Trips, films, discussions, lectures, criticism and demonstration. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

ARPH201: Digital Photo and Imaging I (2 hours lecture, 3.75 hours studio)

The objective of this course is to teach students basic digital photography and imaging tools. The class will learn how to operate a digital camera, flatbed and film scanners, photographic quality inkjet printers as well as Adobe Photoshop skills for basic digital darkroom techniques, image editing and manipulation. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

ARPM200: Printmaking, Beginning I (6 hours studio)

Woodcut, screen printing and monoprints; etching, drypoint and lithography. Exploration of new and advanced techniques. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

ARPM262: Screen Printing (4 hours studio)

Screen printing including miskit, tusche, glue, lacquer and stencil and photographic techniques. 3 sh.

ARSC200: Sculpture, Beginning I (6 hours studio)

Sculptural concepts using materials like plaster, metal, plastics, stone and wood. Gallery and museum visits. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

ARTX120: Introduction to Apparel Design (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

Theory and techniques for achieving well-fitted apparel; basic concepts, competencies and technologies using appropriate fabrics, computer aided design, and commercial patterns. 3 sh.

ARTX122: Culture and Appearance (3 hours lecture)

Analysis of dress in terms of cultural, social, psychological and economic influences. Clothing and adornment choices related to individual concerns, including aesthetic, physical and ecological factors. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Electives, Personal/Professional Issues. Meets World Cultures Requirement. 3 sh.

ARTX220: Textile and Apparel Industry (3 hours lecture)

In-depth study of factors which spur progress, affect supply, demand, and ultimately the consumer. History, economic structure and patterns of production, distribution and marketing of textile and apparel industries. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100.

ARTX226: Advanced Clothing Construction (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

A conceptual approach to problems in custom dressmaking; fabric characteristics; selection of appropriate construction techniques; suitability of fashion to the individual. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 120.

ARTX230: Fashion Illustration (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)

Development of skills necessary to communicate fashion vision with those involved in production of fashion products. Provides basic knowledge of drawing the fashion figure and fashion illustration of apparel products. Students draw garments as they appear on the body. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Sophomore class standing.

ARTX298: Textiles I: Introduction (3 hours lecture, 1.5 hours lab)

Intensive study of fibers, yarns, fabric constructions, and finishes related to consumer concerns for use, durability, care and cost. For students with a professional interest in textiles and clothing. 4 sh.

ARTX310: Fashion Merchandise Mathematics (3 hours lecture)

The study of mathematics used in the fashion industry. The course includes study of mathematical formulas used in merchandising, profit and loss statements, terms of sale, pricing, inventory, and merchandise planning as related to the fashion industry. Students learn to develop and use a computer generated spreadsheet. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MATH 109 and ARTX 220 and ARTX 325 and Fashion Studies Major (FASH).

ARTX320: Dress and Fashion History, Prehistory to 1800 (3 hours lecture)

The development of clothing; clothing usage in terms of social, economic and aesthetic backgrounds. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 298; ARHT 105 or ARHT 106; Fashion Studies major (FASH).

ARTX321: Dress and fashion History, from 1800 to Today (3 hours lecture)

Analysis of the development and consumption of dress in terms of social, economic, technologic, and aesthetic backgrounds. From 1800 to today. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 298; ARHT 105 or ARHT 106; Fashion Studies major (FASH).

ARTX325: The Marketing of Fashion (3 hours lecture)

Exploration of the fashion business with an emphasis on the marketing of apparel. Problems and trends at the wholesale and retail levels will be explored. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 122 and MKTG 240 and Fashion Studies Major (FASH).

ARTX330: Evaluating Apparel Quality (3 hours lecture)

Analysis of ready-to-wear apparel in terms of fabric performance, stitch and seam technique, edge treatment, underlying fabrics and trims, garment closures, fit and style variations. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 122 and ARTX 298 and Fashion Studies Major (FASH).

ARTX345: Fashion Study Abroad (3 hours lecture)

In this course class members travel abroad to study key locations of the fashion industry. The course contextualizes and analyzes the business, history and culture of fashion in contexts across a historical arc to the present day. Lectures and study pre and post travel. Sites to be determined each offering of the course. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 122 and ARTX 220 and permission of department.

ARTX355: Fashion Branding (3 hours lecture)

The "BRAND" is one of the most used yet misunderstood terms in the world of marketing today. This course attempts to unravel the mysteries and misconceptions of the concept. By defining fashion branding, and highlighting its potential and challenges, the course introduces the student to an effective step-by-step approach for brand creation. In addition, the course highlights current marketing innovations and examines the impact of new technologies on the future of the "Fashion Brand". 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 122 and MKTG 240. Fashion Studies (FASH) majors only.

ARTX360: Consumer Research (3 hours lecture)

The course examines the market place as a social, psychological and economic institution serving consumers. With an emphasis on consumer motivation, market organization, trends and current issues affecting the quality and availability of goods and services, the course aims at developing the student's skills to better research and interprets market data relevant to the consumer decision-making process. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MATH 109 and MKTG 240; Fashion Studies (FASH) majors only.

ARTX398: Development of Fashion Products (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

Development of fashion products. Course integrates the use of textile products with the development of fashion products. Impact of socio-economic forces, trends in merchandising, and consumer wants are discussed. Development of fashion product required. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 122 and ARTX 298 and Fashion Studies Major (FASH).

ARTX400: Senior Seminar (3 hours seminar)

A capstone course which explores the integrative nature of the profession and investigates the roles, conflicts and decision-making perspectives for beginning professionals. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 325; senior class standing.

ARTX409: Internship in Fashion

Opportunity to work as an intern in a professional setting in business, a museum, a community agency, or a service organization. Applications available from advisor. Pass/fail only. 8 - 12 sh.

Prerequisites: Senior standing, Fashion Studies majors only, 2.67 GPA required.

ARTX410: Fashion Forecasting (3 hours lecture)

Fashion change is examined as related to innovation, consumer behavior, color and textile development trends. Current fashion change is analyzed. Student is required to develop, illustrate and present a fashion forecast. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 122, ARTX 220, ARTX 325.

ARTX422: Apparel Design: Draping (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

Design principles and fabric properties; figure types; fashion interest. Draping fabric on a three-dimensional body and form for interpretation of design. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 120 and ARTX 298 and ARTX 320.

ARTX424: Apparel Design: Tailoring (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

The concepts, procedures and skills of custom tailoring; techniques of fine as well as speed processes; comparing and evaluating custom and factory-made garments. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 120 and ARTX 298 and ARTX 320.

ARTX426: Apparel Design: Flat Pattern (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

Flat pattern design in developing original designs for apparel. Basic pattern used to execute designs related to the use of fabric on a human form. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ARTX 120 and ARTX 298 and ARTX 320.

CHEM100: Introductory Chemistry (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

An introductory lecture and laboratory course in modern chemistry for non-science majors intended to make chemistry understandable, accessible and applicable. Topics include atomic theory, stoichiometry, bonding, molecular shapes, acid-base theory, ploymers, medicine, and nutrition. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Natural/Physical Science, Laboratory or Non-Laboratory Science. 4 sh.

CMDA110: Introduction to Communication and Media Arts (3 hours lecture)

This course examines the crucial role media play in contemporary society and surveys the technological, social, cultural, economic, and political impact of communication codes, media, and their convergence. Topics include the histories of varied media (print, electronic, digital), media narratives and genres, the interplay between media products/industries and identity, and the evolving significance of emerging technologies. Previous course SPCM 172 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

CMDA210: Theorizing Communication and Media Arts (3 hours lecture)

This course introduces major theoretical perspectives and debates in the interdisciplinary fields of communication and media and provides key concepts used in the criticism of different types of media and texts. Theoretical approaches include political economy, semiotics, visual aesthetics, psychoanalysis, effects and reception, feminism, cultural studies, Marxism, and postmodernism which are then applied to a wide range of texts and structures (radio, film, television, music, advertising, news, the Internet, etc). Previous course SPCM 201 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media majors only.

CMDA220: Writing for the Media (3 hours lecture)

This course covers the basic principles of writing for print, electronic, and on line media and provides hands-on writing experience. Students develop an understanding of industry standards of writing by communication and media professionals. They also build their skills in creating a variety of media texts, including news packages, documentary and fiction programs, press releases, speeches, Web pages and blogs, public service announcements and advertisements. Previous course BDCS 140 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110 may be taken as a prerequisite or corequisite; School of Communication and Media majors only.

CMST130: Public Relations Principles (3 hours lecture)

This course introduces students to the fundamental theories and practices in the field of public relations. Students will learn about the public relations function within organizations, its impact on publics, and its function in society. Topics of this course involve the evolution of the field, the range of roles and responsibilities that public relations practitioners assume in a variety of settings, and the significant issues and trends that have shaped the practice. The course will also address the ethics of public relations practice and how values shape an organization's ability to build successful relationships with its publics. Previous course SPCM 222 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media majors only.

CMST160: Introduction to Health Communication (3 hours lecture)

This course is designed to familiarize you with the prominent theories, issues, and topics in the field of health communication. This course will expose you to diverse health communication perspectives as they relate to a range of health communication topics, including illness and health, historical and contemporary issues, patient and provider experiences, cultural differences in health, public awareness/prevention/intervention campaigns, and the role of media and relationships in health communication. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media majors only.

CMST170: Organizational Communication (3 hours lecture)

This introduces students to the field of organizational communication by surveying fundamental topics and theories pertaining to organizations' structures (relational ordering) and processes. Topics include comparative structural approaches; system, cultural, and critical perspectives for understanding relationships and networks; assimilation of new members; organizational change; cultural diversity; technology and media; and globalization. Previous course SPCM 274 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media majors only.

CMST202: Listening (3 hours lecture)

The development of critical, discriminative, appreciative and empathic listening skills; emphasis on listening theory/concept exploration, listening skill building, and experiential learning through theory application. Previous course SPCM 230 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media (SCMD) majors only.

CMST215: Media History and Form (3 hours lecture)

The course offers an in depth analysis of a specific medium (e.g. television, radio, film, magazines). It examines this medium's development and cultural impact from both the aesthetic and historical perspectives. Previous course SPCM 104 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media (SCMD) majors only.

CMST225: New Media and Participatory Culture (3 hours lecture)

This course focuses on new media technologies, their relationship with society, and the issues they present, both practical and theoretical, for participation in contemporary culture. This course looks at broad concepts - e.g., mediation, cultural power, representation, and social geography - as they relate to specific objects of inquiry like blogs, mobile devices, technocultures, and virtual reality. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media (SCMD) majors only.

CMST245: Communication, Media and Gender (3 hours lecture)

This course offers a critical examination of how communication processes of socialization and media forms produce and circulate shared knowledge, representations, and expectations about gender. Various contemporary relational contexts and media artifacts are used to explore the social construction of gendered identities and power relations and the implications for professional, political, and cultural participation. Previous course SPCM 290 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media (SCMD) majors only.

CMST246: Interpersonal Communication I (3 hours lecture)

Basic theory of interpersonal communication and its practical applications in friendships and intimate relationships; personal communication patterns as they affect self perception and other perception; emphasis on the effect this process has on our interactions with others; strategies are offered as a means of change, growth and potential in effective interpersonal communication. Previous course SPCM 271 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110; School of Communication and Media (SCMD) majors only.

CMST273: Democracy and Communication (3 hours lecture)

This course explores conceptual and practical issues of communication in democratic bodies of various sizes and functions, spanning small groups, organizations, and societies. Topics include shared leadership; dialogue; deliberation; cultural pluralism; representational mechanisms; political partisanship and campaigns; lobbying; public policymaking; and journalism. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Major in School of Communication and Media and CMDA 110; OR Minor in Leadership Development Through Civic Engagement and PSYC 120 or PSYC 294.

CMST275: Building Bridges through Dialogue (3 hours lecture)

This course provides conceptual bases and practical strategies for recognizing, understanding, and bridging chasms that exist in our interpersonal, cultural, organizational, and civic relationships. Coursework culminates in a hands-on project in which class members devise and implement a public event or program that promotes "bridge-building" communication among people with seemingly incommensurate beliefs, values, and identities. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Major in School of Communication and Media and CMDA 110; OR Minor in Leadership Development Through Civic Engagement and PSYC 120 or PSYC 294.

CMST322: Intercultural Communication (3 hours lecture)

Survey of cultural approaches to communication, including theory and methodology. Will examine the underlying principles and concepts of communication within individuals and across cultures to better understand effective human communication. Previous course SPCM 250 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 210.

CMST362: Nonverbal Communication (3 hours lecture)

Introduces nonverbal communication theory to promote a better awareness of its dynamics and influence in the communication process; an awareness of how people reveal and define themselves; a development of skills for encoding and decoding nonverbally ; creating slide shows. Previous course SPCM 375 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 210.

CMST435: Communication and Media Arts Activity (1 hours lecture)

Supervised communication and media arts activity focused on specific topics of relevance. May be repeated without limit. Previous course SPCM 435 effective through Spring 2012. 1 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 320.

CSIT100: Introduction to Computer Concepts (3 hours lecture)

An introduction to the skills, concepts, and capabilities necessary to effectively use information technology across the curriculum through computer applications. Not for mathematics major elective credit or computer science elective credit. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Computer Science. Previous course CMPT 109 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MATH 051 or MATH 061 or satisfactory score on both of the mathematical components of the MSUPT.

ECON101: Applied Macroeconomics (3 hours lecture)

The course introduces undergraduate students to the macro economy of the United States of America. Students learn how to apply the mechanism needed for the achievement of an optimal allocation of resources, price stability, full employment level of national income and long-term growth. In addition, they learn to analyze the macroeconomic data and the implications of fiscal and monetary policies. Meets Gen Ed 2002 Requirements - Social Science. 3 sh.

ECON102: Applied Microeconomics (3 hours lecture)

In this course, undergraduate students will learn about the organization and operation of the American economy for the production and distribution of goods and services. Students learn the mechanism behind the pricing of products and factors of production in market situations varying from competition to monopoly. In addition, they learn to analyze microeconomic data and apply the abstract theoretical models into real life situations. Meets Gen Ed 2002 Requirements - Social Science. 3 sh.

ECON202: Economics and Finance for Business Minors (3 hours lecture)

This comprehensive course maintains a reasonable balance between the disciplines of economics and finance. It includes micro and macroeconomics as well as selected topics in finance. Economics underlines how market and non-market institutions can best allocate relatively scarce resources to promote individual and social welfare. Among other topics, students learn how one can measure in a precise way the responsiveness of the quantities bought and sold to changes in prices and other influences on buyers and sellers. They also explore how market economies operate by first working through the perfectly competitive model then turning to noncompetitive market structures. The finance portion of the course provides students with a basic professional background in both corporate finance and investment. They are exposed to the fundamentals of discounted cash flows valuations after they have been introduced to the time value of money in the most general sense. They also learn how to value major sources of financing for corporations such as bonds and stocks. This leads them to consider the most important techniques used by a firm to analyze possible investments to decide which ones are worth undertaking. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MATH 106, MATH 109, MATH 114, MATH 116, MATH 122 or MATH 221. For Business minors only.

INBS250: Introduction to International Business (3 hours lecture)

The course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the dynamics of the global economy, international trade and investment and their linkages with the U.S. economy. Students will learn the fundamentals and interrelationships among the components of international business operations. An emphasis will be on the role of multinational institutions and the cultural, economic, legal, and political environments facing businesses. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ECON 101 or ECON 102 or ECON 202.

INBS347: Export/Import Marketing Process (3 hours lecture)

This course covers all aspects of the export/import function from a marketing process standpoint. Topics include: export/import policies -- national and international environment; government programs and incentives to promote exports; tariff systems; choosing export markets and analyzing exports and imports; developing an export program; setting up an export organization; export/import financing; export/import documentation; export pricing; packaging, shipping, traffic and insurance. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 250, major within the School of Business.

INBS349: International Marketing (3 hours lecture)

This course reviews and compares the marketing efforts and specific strategies which firms employ in different cultural, political, economic, and legal environments. Students examine changing international markets, exploring how firms need to quickly adapt to global competition. Issues to be examined include global sourcing, international alliances, export regulation, regional trade areas, and the influence of multinational firms. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or INBS 250. Major within School of Business, Spanish and International Business (SPIB) minor.

INBS440: International Retailing (3 hours lecture)

A study of international retailing covering such areas as: (1) retail institutions modi operandi variations from country to country, (2) effects of economic growth, cultural, legal-political and technological environment, (3) the West versus less developed countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the emerging free Eastern Europe, (4) know-how of retailing: business concepts, operating policies, managerial dimensions, (5) foreign direct investments in retailing. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 349. Major within School of Business.

INFO301: Business Decision Making (3 hours lecture)

The underlying theme of the course is business problem solving. This course engages students in employing tools from operations management and management information systems in the solution of business problems. Analysis of quantitative decision-making and information systems from the management point of view will be covered. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INFO 173 or CMPT 109; and MATH 106 or 109 or 114 or 116 or 122 or 221; or departmental approval. For Business minors only.

MATH109: Statistics (3 hours lecture)

Introduction to the use of statistics in the real world. Topics include: analysis and presentation of data, variability and uncertainty in data, techniques of statistical inference and decision-making. Computer assisted including lecture, individual and small group tutoring in Mathematics Computer Laboratory. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Mathematics. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MATH 051 or MATH 061 or MATH 071 or placement through the Montclair State University Placement Test (MSUPT). Not for majors in Mathematics (MATH), Mathematics with Applied Math concentration (MAAM) or Mathematics-Teacher Education (MTED).

MGMT231: Management Processes (3 hours lecture)

To provide undergraduate students a review of classical and modern approaches to the managerial process as it relates to the manager's functions of planning, organizing, communication, motivation, leading, controlling, and managing change. Emphasizing new forces in the managerial environment such as workplace diversity and economic globalization, these reviews will be tied to the open-system model and the contingency approach as overall frameworks for understanding organizations and management. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100.

MGMT316: Human Resource Management (3 hours lecture)

Motivating managerial and non-managerial employees; effective use of human resources in the organization. The personnel function, techniques of job analysis, description and evaluation, and overall organizational development particularly with minority group members and female employees. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Business Administration with a Concentration in Management. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MGMT 231 or BUGN 295; junior standing; Business Administration, Allied Health, Recreation Profession, Fashion Studies or Nutrition and Food Science with concentration in Food Management majors only.

MGMT331: Family Business (3 hours lecture)

Family businesses are an important force in the U.S. economy, contributing over 50% of the country's gross domestic product. This course explores unique challenges and opportunities involved in managing a family business. Some key issues to be covered are dynamics of family interactions with family business culture, market strengths and weaknesses of family-owned firms, and leadership succession. May be repeated once for a total of six credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MGMT 231 or BUGN 295. Major within School of Business, Fashion Studies.

MKTG240: Introduction to Marketing (3 hours lecture)

This introductory course is designed to expose the student to the basic areas that comprise marketing as a discipline. Marketing is viewed as a process that must be integrated with all other business functions. The basic theories, concepts, language and tools of marketing are introduced, and illustrations of their applicability to the business as well as non-profit sectors of the national economy with increasing stress on the global realities which affect the marketing function are addressed. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100.

MKTG307: Retail Marketing and Management (3 hours lecture)

This course provides students with an overview of the field of retailing. Major retail institutions, e.g., department stores, specialty stores, discount stores, the components of the retail mix and the functional areas of retailing are examined. The marketing strategies of major retail companies as well as the trends that shape them, e.g., globalization, technology, electronic commerce, are analyzed. The course stresses an understanding of the retail customer and the importance of customer service and relationship management. Issues in the management of retail employees are also explored. The concepts in this course are useful for students interested in careers in consumer products and services marketing as well as retailing. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or MKTG 300, major within the School of Business, Recreation Professions major (RECR), Fashion Studies major (FASH) or Nutrition and Food Science major with concentration in Food Management (NUFM).

MKTG309: Buying and Distribution Strategies (3 hours lecture)

Buying practices that have changed since the development of giant retail organizations (Wal-Mart and Home Depot) are studied and the effect it has had on "traditional" buying. Other areas covered are the functions of the merchandise division and the job challenges today. Micro-retailing, the buying and merchandise problems of today's stores are covered. Physical handling, comparison shopping, planning the buyer's budget and the six-month buying plans are also important topics. Buying for fashion vs. staple merchandise is compared as are the different problems of buying for a large or small retail firm. Resident buying offices and foreign buying are important topics in this buying course. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or MKTG 300. Major within School of Business.

MKTG325: E-Tailing and Multi-Channel Retailing (1.5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours lab)

This course will examine retail strategies and consumer behavior in the context of electronic and multi-channel retailing. Students will gain a practical understanding of e-tailing by using a hands-on approach in order to develop a fully functional shopping cart enabled website, conduct market research to develop and source merchandise, sell merchandise online, fulfill and deliver customer orders. Additionally, this course will expose students to the foundations of retailing in a multi-channel environment. Relevant and emerging e-tailing issues such as search engine optimization strategies, Google Analytics, mobile commerce, and social shopping will be explored. The concepts in this course are useful for students interested in a career in retailing and for those who want to be an online retail entrepreneur. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MKTG 307; and major within the School of Business.

MKTG341: Consumer Behavior (3 hours lecture)

An examination and analysis of consumer behavior related theories and concepts, which contribute towards successful domestic and international marketing management. This will include understanding behavioral science findings; market research techniques and consumer attitudes; socio-economic and demographic variables as they apply to end-user consumers. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MKTG 240 and MKTG 300, major within the School of Business, Recreation Profession major (RECR), Fashion Studies major (FASH), or Nutrition and Food Science major with concentration in Food Management (NUFM).

MKTG344: Integrated Marketing Communications (3 hours lecture)

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a strategic business process which integrates and coordinates multiple promotional elements of a communications program across multiple media types to communicate a single compelling message to a targeted audience of consumers and end-users. This process helps companies identify the most effective methods for communicating and building relationships with specific customers and other stakeholders in a "one look, one voice" approach. It emphasizes the importance of a "key customer profile" to ensure that brands are positioned correctly and promotional programs are designed to be cost-efficient. The course provides a detailed review of promotion tactics such as advertising, direct marketing, interactive marketing, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling, as well as, how these tactics are applied to traditional print and broadcast media, new interactive and Internet-based media and innovative support media. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or MKTG 300. Major within School of Business (SBU), Graphic Design (GRDN), Fashion Studies (FASH).

MKTG482: Independent Owned and Franchised Retailing (3 hours lecture)

The opportunities and challenges of independent and franchised retail entrepreneurship are explored. Emphasis is placed on the steps necessary to establish a new retail venture and how to successfully compete with the discount mass merchandisers which proliferate today's retail landscape. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or MKTG 300. Major within the School of Business.

THTR100: Introduction to the Theatrical Medium (3 hours lecture)

Introduction to Theatrical Medium increases the student's understanding, appreciation, and critical perceptions of the theatrical event. Readings and lectures will focus on the elements of theatrical practice; artists and innovators of theatre throughout history; the theatre's development as an art form and a social phenomenon; participation in class forum discussions; sharing of individual theatrical interests; and attendance at theatrical events will offer firsthand experience in the arts. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

THTR153: Costume Construction I (2 hours lecture, 5 hours lab)

Studies the practical function of the costume shop and the techniques and crafts used in the execution of costumes for the stage. Production work is included with discussions of pattern and fitting techniques. 3 sh.

THTR202: Production Costumes

The application of costuming principles and techniques to the building of costumes, mounting Theatre Series productions and/or costume running crew for Theatre Series productions. May be repeated seven times for a maximum of 8.0 credits. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 150.

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