Fashion Merchandising Minor - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog
Program Overview
The Fashion Merchandising Minor serves students who are interested in the merchandising aspects of the fashion industry, in preparation for careers in fashion retail or the wholesale industry. The minor includes a group of specific courses that foster in-depth preparation and competencies marketable to fashion-business employers. The program is based in the Department of Art and Design. For further information, go to: Fashion Merchandising Minor.
Curriculum Requirements
All university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree. In addition, students pursuing the Fashion Merchandizing Minor must complete the requirements listed below.
Complete 18 semester hours, including the following 2 requirement(s):
Complete the following 3 courses for 9 semester hours:
ARTX 355 Fashion Branding (3 hours lecture) 3 ARTX 398 Development of Fashion Products (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3 ARTX 410 Fashion Forecasting (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 3 courses for 9 semester hours from the following list
Course Descriptions:
ACCT204: Fundamentals of Accounting (3 hours lecture)
This course provides a foundation for non-accounting business majors. Topics covered include both financial and managerial accounting from a user perspective. Students will be exposed to the four financial statements and ethical issues in accounting along with other accounting reporting issues in the financial accounting phase of the course. Managerial accounting focuses on generating accounting data for internal business decision-making in today's increasingly competitive and complex business world. Students need to become familiar with the use of accounting data for both investment and credit decisions as well as strategic decision making for firms' operation. Major topics covered include financial statement analysis, budgeting, accounting-based decision making, and performance evaluation. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100; Not open to BS Accounting Majors.
ARGD211: Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac (2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio)
A project and exercise-based approach to learning the programs used by graphic designers on Macintosh computers, covering the fundamentals of the latest versions of the Adobe Creative Suite series: Adobe Illustrator CS, InDesign CS, and Adobe Photoshop CS. These programs are prerequisite for all those interested in working within the design and publishing industries. The use of scanners for importing both art and text will also be investigated. Instruction in the course is tutorial-based, with supplemental lectures and demonstrations. 3 sh.
ARTX355: Fashion Branding (3 hours lecture)
The "BRAND" is one of the most used yet misunderstood terms in the world of marketing today. This course attempts to unravel the mysteries and misconceptions of the concept. By defining fashion branding, and highlighting its potential and challenges, the course introduces the student to an effective step-by-step approach for brand creation. In addition, the course highlights current marketing innovations and examines the impact of new technologies on the future of the "Fashion Brand". 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARTX 122 and MKTG 240. Fashion Studies (FASH) majors only.
ARTX398: Development of Fashion Products (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)
Development of fashion products. Course integrates the use of textile products with the development of fashion products. Impact of socio-economic forces, trends in merchandising, and consumer wants are discussed. Development of fashion product required. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARTX 122 and ARTX 298 and Fashion Studies Major (FASH).
ARTX410: Fashion Forecasting (3 hours lecture)
Fashion change is examined as related to innovation, consumer behavior, color and textile development trends. Current fashion change is analyzed. Student is required to develop, illustrate and present a fashion forecast. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARTX 122, ARTX 220, ARTX 325.
INBS250: Introduction to International Business (3 hours lecture)
The course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the dynamics of the global economy, international trade and investment and their linkages with the U.S. economy. Students will learn the fundamentals and interrelationships among the components of international business operations. An emphasis will be on the role of multinational institutions and the cultural, economic, legal, and political environments facing businesses. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ECON 101 or ECON 102 or ECON 202.
INBS347: Export/Import Marketing Process (3 hours lecture)
This course covers all aspects of the export/import function from a marketing process standpoint. Topics include: export/import policies -- national and international environment; government programs and incentives to promote exports; tariff systems; choosing export markets and analyzing exports and imports; developing an export program; setting up an export organization; export/import financing; export/import documentation; export pricing; packaging, shipping, traffic and insurance. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: INBS 250, major within the School of Business.
INBS349: International Marketing (3 hours lecture)
This course reviews and compares the marketing efforts and specific strategies which firms employ in different cultural, political, economic, and legal environments. Students examine changing international markets, exploring how firms need to quickly adapt to global competition. Issues to be examined include global sourcing, international alliances, export regulation, regional trade areas, and the influence of multinational firms. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or INBS 250. Major within School of Business, Spanish and International Business (SPIB) minor.
MGMT331: Family Business (3 hours lecture)
Family businesses are an important force in the U.S. economy, contributing over 50% of the country's gross domestic product. This course explores unique challenges and opportunities involved in managing a family business. Some key issues to be covered are dynamics of family interactions with family business culture, market strengths and weaknesses of family-owned firms, and leadership succession. May be repeated once for a total of six credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MGMT 231 or BUGN 295. Major within School of Business, Fashion Studies.
MKTG307: Retail Marketing and Management (3 hours lecture)
This course provides students with an overview of the field of retailing. Major retail institutions, e.g., department stores, specialty stores, discount stores, the components of the retail mix and the functional areas of retailing are examined. The marketing strategies of major retail companies as well as the trends that shape them, e.g., globalization, technology, electronic commerce, are analyzed. The course stresses an understanding of the retail customer and the importance of customer service and relationship management. Issues in the management of retail employees are also explored. The concepts in this course are useful for students interested in careers in consumer products and services marketing as well as retailing. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or MKTG 300, major within the School of Business, Recreation Professions major (RECR), Fashion Studies major (FASH) or Nutrition and Food Science major with concentration in Food Management (NUFM).
MKTG309: Buying and Distribution Strategies (3 hours lecture)
Buying practices that have changed since the development of giant retail organizations (Wal-Mart and Home Depot) are studied and the effect it has had on "traditional" buying. Other areas covered are the functions of the merchandise division and the job challenges today. Micro-retailing, the buying and merchandise problems of today's stores are covered. Physical handling, comparison shopping, planning the buyer's budget and the six-month buying plans are also important topics. Buying for fashion vs. staple merchandise is compared as are the different problems of buying for a large or small retail firm. Resident buying offices and foreign buying are important topics in this buying course. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or MKTG 300. Major within School of Business.
MKTG344: Integrated Marketing Communications (3 hours lecture)
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a strategic business process which integrates and coordinates multiple promotional elements of a communications program across multiple media types to communicate a single compelling message to a targeted audience of consumers and end-users. This process helps companies identify the most effective methods for communicating and building relationships with specific customers and other stakeholders in a "one look, one voice" approach. It emphasizes the importance of a "key customer profile" to ensure that brands are positioned correctly and promotional programs are designed to be cost-efficient. The course provides a detailed review of promotion tactics such as advertising, direct marketing, interactive marketing, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling, as well as, how these tactics are applied to traditional print and broadcast media, new interactive and Internet-based media and innovative support media. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or MKTG 300. Major within School of Business (SBU), Graphic Design (GRDN), Fashion Studies (FASH).
MKTG482: Independent Owned and Franchised Retailing (3 hours lecture)
The opportunities and challenges of independent and franchised retail entrepreneurship are explored. Emphasis is placed on the steps necessary to establish a new retail venture and how to successfully compete with the discount mass merchandisers which proliferate today's retail landscape. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or MKTG 300. Major within the School of Business.
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