Music Major, Performance Concentration (Voice Primary) (B.Mus.) - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog

The B.Mus. program in Performance focuses on the mastery of technical skills, broad solo and ensemble experience, and the nurturing of artistic growth to help students reach their full potential.

For further information: Cali School of Music; Academic Program Information

Curriculum Requirements: All university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree. In addition, the following requirements apply to the major.


Complete 105 semester hours including the following 9 requirement(s):


    Complete the following 3 requirements for a total of 24 semester hours:

    1. Complete 4 courses for 8 semester hours:

      MUAP 121 Applied Music I 2
      MUAP 122 Applied Music II 2
      MUAP 223 Applied Music III 2
      MUAP 224 Applied Music IV 2
    2. Complete 4 courses for 16 semester hours:

      MUAP 345 Applied Music V 4
      MUAP 346 Applied Music VI 4
      MUAP 447 Applied Music VII 4
      MUAP 448 Applied Music VIII 4
    3. Complete the following course a minimum of 6 times: MUPR 200. There is no credit associated with this course.

      MUPR 200 Vocal Coaching 0

    Complete for 4 semester hours.

    MUPR 140 Performance Practicum for Performance Majors 0.5


      Complete 1 course for 1 semester hours from the following list.

      MUPR 295 Sophomore Recital 1
      MUPR 395 Junior Recital 1

      Complete for 1 semester hours.

      MUPR 495 Senior Recital 1

    Complete 4 courses for 4 semester hours:

    MSSN 101 Keyboard Musicianship I (2 hours studio) 1
    MSSN 102 Keyboard Musicianship II (2 hours studio) 1
    MSSN 203 Keyboard Musicianship III (2 hours studio) 1
    MSSN 204 Keyboard Musicianship IV (2 hours studio) 1

    1. CHOIR

      Complete for 4 semester hours.

      MUEN 100 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5

      Complete for 1 semester hours.

      MUEN 140 Collegium Musicum 0.5

      Complete for 1.5 semester hours. (MUPR 199 must be taken as a corequisite with MUPR 034)

      MUEN 130 Opera Workshop (4 hours lecture) 0.5

      Complete 2 semester hours from the following list. (MUPR 199 must be taken as a corequisite with MUPR 034)

      MUEN 100 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5
      MUEN 101 Montclair State University Singers 0.5
      MUEN 110 Orchestra (4.5 hours studio) 0.5
      MUEN 120 Band 0.5
      MUEN 130 Opera Workshop (4 hours lecture) 0.5
      MUEN 140 Collegium Musicum 0.5
      MUEN 180 Chamber Ensemble Performance 0.5
      MUEN 190 Jazz Ensemble (2 hours studio) 0.5

    Complete 8 courses for 16 semester hours:

    MUCP 101 Theory I (3 hours lecture) 3
    MUCP 102 Theory II (3 hours lecture) 3
    MUCP 103 Aural Skills I (3 hours lecture) 1
    MUCP 104 Aural Skills II 1
    MUCP 201 Theory III (3 hours lecture) 3
    MUCP 202 Theory IV (3 hours lecture) 3
    MUCP 203 Aural Skills III (3 hours lecture) 1
    MUCP 204 Aural Skills IV (3 hours lecture) 1

    Complete the following 2 requirement(s):


      Complete 2 requirements:

      1. Complete 7 courses for 14 semester hours:

        MUHS 307 Music in Time, Place and Ideas: Up to 1700 (3 hours lecture) 3
        MUHS 308 Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1700-1890 (3 hours lecture) 3
        MULT 230 Vocal Repertory from Monody to Mozart (2 hours lecture) 2
        MULT 231 The 19th Century Song: Lied and Melodie (2 hours lecture) 2
        MULT 232 The 20th Century Art Song (2 hours lecture) 2
        MUPR 130 Introduction to Diction: English and Italian (2 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory) 1
        MUPR 131 Diction Overview: German and French (2 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory) 1
      2. Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following:

        MUHS 407 Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present (3 hours lecture) 3
        MUHS 409 Honors - Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present (3 hours lecture) 3

      Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:

      MUHS 106 Diverse Worlds of Music (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete 4 courses for 8.5 semester hours:

    MTTH 132 Acting for the Singer I (2 hours lecture) 0.5-2
    MUPR 335 Elementary Conducting (2 hours lecture) 2
    MUPR 441 Pedagogy Of The Voice (2 hours lecture) 3
    MUTC 101 Music and Computer Technology I (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete 6 courses for 18 semester hours:

    FREN 101 Beginning French I (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 112 Beginning French II (3 hours lecture) 3
    GERM 101 Beginning German I (3 hours lecture) 3
    GERM 112 Beginning German II (3 hours lecture) 3
    ITAL 101 Italian I (3 hours lecture) 3
    ITAL 102 Italian II (3 hours lecture) 3

Course Descriptions:

FREN101: Beginning French I (3 hours lecture)

For students starting French in college, or students who have been placed at this level after taking the placement test. The fundamentals of speaking, reading and writing through classroom drill, video cassettes and laboratory work. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.

FREN112: Beginning French II (3 hours lecture)

For students having completed Beginning French I or who have been placed at this level after taking the placement test. Continuation of basic skills through classroom drill, video-cassettes and laboratory work. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.

GERM101: Beginning German I (3 hours lecture)

For students without previous instruction in German. Emphasis on speaking, with practice in reading and writing simple German. Laboratory work. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.

GERM112: Beginning German II (3 hours lecture)

Emphasis on speaking, with practice in reading and writing German. Laboratory work. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.

ITAL101: Italian I (3 hours lecture)

For students beginning Italian in college or students who have been placed at this level after taking the placement test. The fundamentals of speaking, reading and writing through task-oriented activities, video/audio cassettes, CDs, and laboratory work. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.

ITAL102: Italian II (3 hours lecture)

For students who took Italian I at Montclair State University, students with two years of high school experience in Italian, or students who have been placed at this level through the placement test. The fundamentals of speaking, reading and writing through task-oriented activities, video/audio, cassettes, CDS, and laboratory work. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.

MSSN101: Keyboard Musicianship I (2 hours studio)

Keyboard skills including major and minor scales, arpeggios and chord progressions, sightreading, transposition, harmonization, improvisation. Group instruction. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.

MSSN102: Keyboard Musicianship II (2 hours studio)

Continuation of MSSN 101. Group instruction. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MSSN 101; Music (MUSC) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.

MSSN203: Keyboard Musicianship III (2 hours studio)

Continuation of MSSN 102. Group instruction. Previous course MSSN 103 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MSSN 102.

MSSN204: Keyboard Musicianship IV (2 hours studio)

Continuation of MSSN 103. A final comprehensive examination must be passed at the end of the semester. Group instruction. Previous course MSSN 104 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MSSN 203.

MTTH132: Acting for the Singer I (2 hours lecture)

Acting for the singer is a music performance course focused on the issues of acting in musical/dramatic works. Students will learn an analytical process for the construction and performance of a dramatically viable character within a musical/dramatic work, and apply this process to the preparation of 3-4 songs/arias/duets during the course of each semester. 0.5 - 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 101 or equivalent. Music and Musical Theatre majors only. Departmental approval.

MUAP121: Applied Music I

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only. John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUAP122: Applied Music II

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 121.

MUAP223: Applied Music III

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 122.

MUAP224: Applied Music IV

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 223.

MUAP345: Applied Music V

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 224.

MUAP346: Applied Music VI

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 345.

MUAP447: Applied Music VII

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 346.

MUAP448: Applied Music VIII

Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 447.

MUCP101: Theory I (3 hours lecture)

Study of harmony, counterpoint and musical analysis of small forms. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.

MUCP102: Theory II (3 hours lecture)

Continuation of MUCP 101. Must be taken with MUCP 104. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 101; Music (MUSC) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.

MUCP103: Aural Skills I (3 hours lecture)

Sight reading and dictation in major and minor modes, using diatonic chord progressions. Basic solfeggio. Must be taken with MUCP 101. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) or Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.

MUCP104: Aural Skills II

Continuation of MUCP 103; must be taken with MUCP 102. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 103; Music (MUSC) or Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.

MUCP201: Theory III (3 hours lecture)

Chromatic harmony; intermediate contrapuntal techniques; analysis of the larger instrumental forms. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 102; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP202: Theory IV (3 hours lecture)

Continuation of MUCP 201. Must be taken with MUCP 204. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 201; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP203: Aural Skills III (3 hours lecture)

Chromatic and non-tonal sight reading and dictation. "Fixed do" Solfeggio. To be taken with MUCP 201. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 104; Music majors or minors only.

MUCP204: Aural Skills IV (3 hours lecture)

Continuation of MUCP 203. Must be taken with MUCP 202. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 203; Music majors or minors only.

MUEN100: Montclair State University Chorale

Montclair State University Chorale. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 030 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

MUEN101: Montclair State University Singers

Study through rehearsal and performance of madrigals. Open to all through audition. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 020 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: By audition only.

MUEN110: Orchestra (4.5 hours studio)

Orchestra. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 031 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors or by audition.

MUEN120: Band

Band. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 032 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors or by audition.

MUEN130: Opera Workshop (4 hours lecture)

Opera studied through performance. Nature of dramatic music, problems of movement, make-up, costuming, props and scenery. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 034 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: By audition only.

MUEN140: Collegium Musicum

Workshop in performance of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music for instrumentalists and singers. Introduction to the elements of Renaissance musicianship (solmization, modes, musica ficta, notation, improvisation, and ornamentation). Introduction on early instruments (recorder,flute, viola, others). Concert performances of repertory studied. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 038 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

MUEN180: Chamber Ensemble Performance

Study through playing or singing of chamber music in ensembles of varying size and musical styles. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 301 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUEN190: Jazz Ensemble (2 hours studio)

Contemporary ensemble requirements like jazz phrasing, section playing, interpretation, improvisation studied through ensemble rehearsal and performance. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 302 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUHS106: Diverse Worlds of Music (3 hours lecture)

An introduction to the diverse nature of the music experience by examining various traditions from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe and North America. Develops listening skills and considers the role of performer and their audiences in multiple frameworks, including ritual, political and the world of entertainment. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Music majors only.

MUHS307: Music in Time, Place and Ideas: Up to 1700 (3 hours lecture)

Studies in Western music from its beginnings to 1700. An introduction to music history and criticism; development of analytical methods appropriate to each repertory. Meets the University Writing Requirement for music majors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 102; and ENWR 105 or HONP 100; Music majors and minors only.

MUHS308: Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1700-1890 (3 hours lecture)

Studies in Western music from 1700 to 1890. An introduction to music history and criticism; development of analytical methods appropriate to each repertory. Meets the University Writing Requirement for music majors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 102; and ENWR 105 or HONP 100; and MUCP 201; Music majors and minors only.

MUHS407: Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present (3 hours lecture)

Studies in Western music from 1890 to the present. An introduction to music history and criticism; development of analytical methods appropriate to each repertory. Meets the University Writing Requirement for music majors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUHS 307 and MUHS 308; Music majors and minors only.

MUHS409: Honors - Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present (3 hours lecture)

Covers music from Europe and the Americas from 1890 to the present. Advanced study of music history and criticism; analytical methods appropriate to each repertory. Meets the University Writing Requirement for music majors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUHS 307 and MUHS 308; and instructor approval (interview); Music majors and minors only.

MULT230: Vocal Repertory from Monody to Mozart (2 hours lecture)

Overview of styles, genres, and performance practices of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and its musical environment. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, MUPR 131, or John J Cali School of Music approval.

MULT231: The 19th Century Song: Lied and Melodie (2 hours lecture)

A survey through performance and discussion of the origins and development of the 19th century German Lied and the French Melodie. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, MUPR 131, or John J Cali School of Music approval.

MULT232: The 20th Century Art Song (2 hours lecture)

The development of the art song in the 20th century through a survey of solo vocal literature of Europe and the Americas. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only, MUPR 131, or John J Cali School of Music approval.

MUPR130: Introduction to Diction: English and Italian (2 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory)

Introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet and an overview of the basic sounds of Italian and English as they are properly sung. Practice in transcribing, pronouncing and singing examples of Italian and English vocal repertory. Includes one-hour Laboratory. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only.

MUPR131: Diction Overview: German and French (2 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory)

: Continued work with the International Phonetic Alphabet and an overview of the basic sounds of German and French as they are properly sung. Practice in transcribing, pronouncing, and singing examples of German and French vocal repertory. Includes one-hour Laboratory. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Majors only; MUPR 130.

MUPR140: Performance Practicum for Performance Majors

Performance of repertoire for coaching in interpretation, style, analysis, technique, etc. Required in conjunction with each course in the primary and major instrument. Previous course MUPR 040 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.

Prerequisites: Music Performance (MUPR), Music w/concentration:Jazz Studies (MUJZ) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.

MUPR200: Vocal Coaching

An individual practicum in which a voice student receives once-weekly training from a master coach in matters of style and interpretation of solo vocal repertory. The sessions focus on performance traditions and interpretive possibilities for the student's solo repertory for the semester. Students in the Performance/Voice concentration must register for MUPR 200 for at least 6 semesters, normally beginning with Applied Music III. 0 sh.

Prerequisites: MUAP 121.

MUPR295: Sophomore Recital

Public performance of solo literature. Required of MUPR majors. This course will be graded. Previous course MUPR 203 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUAP 122, Music Performance (MUPR) majors only.

MUPR335: Elementary Conducting (2 hours lecture)

Baton techniques and clef reading in orchestral and choral scores. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: MUCP 202.

MUPR395: Junior Recital

Public performance of solo literature. Required of MUPR majors, if MUPR 295 not completed. This course will be graded. Previous course MUPR 303 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUAP 224. Music Performance (MUPR) majors only.

MUPR441: Pedagogy Of The Voice (2 hours lecture)

Teaching techniques and pedagogical literature pertinent to instruction in singing. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MUAP 325 or MUAP 345.

MUPR495: Senior Recital

Capstone performance of solo literature. Required for performance and theory/composition majors. Previous course MUPR 403 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: MUAP 447 or MUCP 445.

MUTC101: Music and Computer Technology I (3 hours lecture)

This course develops an understanding of the influence of technology upon society in general, and, more particularly, upon the musical culture and aesthetics of the twentieth century; develops a critical understanding of concepts such as interactivity in technology, the internet as a global village, virtual reality, technology and freedom of expression, among others; demonstrates the relevance and importance of music technology throughout the various disciplines in music; develops comfort with basic computer skills; develops individual and collective problem solving skills involving technology in a variety of computing environments; develops basic understanding of data structures of computers and networking; and provides an understanding of varous hardware and software technologies, with a particular emphasis on hardware and software components involved with music instruction and production such as instructional software for musicians, data structures for digital audio and MIDI, music notation software, input devices for music notation, music sequencing, and desktop publishing for musicians. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Music major or John J Cali School of Music approval.

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