Music Major, Music Education Concentration (Keyboard Primary) with Teacher Certification in Music (Preschool-Grade12) (B.Mus.) - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog
The Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education is a 5-year program designed to prepare students for teaching careers in New Jersey's public schools, as well as private or out-of-state schools. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive both the Bachelor of Music degree and an initial licensure from the state of New Jersey.
Students who wish to pursue P-12 teacher certification in Music must apply to and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Please visit the Teacher Education Program Web site for the required professional sequence of courses and other important Program requirements, guidelines, and procedures. Students also are strongly advised to review the Teacher Education Program Handbook.
For further information: Cali School of Music; Academic Program Information
Curriculum Requirements: All university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree. In addition, the following requirements apply to this major:
Complete 2 requirements:
Complete 79 semester hours to 82 semester hours including the following 2 requirement(s):
Complete the following 12 requirements:
Complete 7 courses in the primary instrument for 14 semester hours:
MUAP 121 Applied Music I 2 MUAP 122 Applied Music II 2 MUAP 223 Applied Music III 2 MUAP 224 Applied Music IV 2 MUAP 325 Applied Music V 2 MUAP 326 Applied Music VI 2 MUAP 427 Applied Music VII 2 -
Complete the following course:
MUPR 485 Senior Recital: Music Education 0 -
The following course must be completed a minimum of 7 times: MUPR 139. There is no credit associated with this course.
MUPR 139 Performance Practicum 0 -
Complete 2 requirements for 9 semester hours:
Complete 2 courses:
MUHS 307 Music in Time, Place and Ideas: Up to 1700 (3 hours lecture) 3 MUHS 308 Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1700-1890 (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 course from the following:
MUHS 407 Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present (3 hours lecture) 3 MUHS 409 Honors - Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present (3 hours lecture) 3
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
MUHS 106 Diverse Worlds of Music (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 2 courses for 4 semester hours:
MUED 435 Conducting for Music Educators (2 hours lecture) 2 MUPR 335 Elementary Conducting (2 hours lecture) 2 -
Complete the following for 9 semester hours:
MUED 203 Foundations of Music Education (2 hours lecture, 1 hour field experience) 3 MUED 419 Choral Methods (3 hours lecture) 3 MUED 420 Instrumental Methods (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete the following 2 requirements:
Complete a total of 1 semester hours from the following list
MUEN 180 Chamber Ensemble Performance 0.5 MUEN 190 Jazz Ensemble (2 hours studio) 0.5 -
Complete 2 courses for a total of 1 semester hours from the following list. (MUPR 199 must be taken as a corequisite with MUPR 034)
MUEN 101 Montclair State University Singers 0.5 MUEN 130 Opera Workshop (4 hours lecture) 0.5 MUEN 140 Collegium Musicum 0.5 MUEN 162 Electronic Music Ensemble (2 hours studio) 0.5 MUEN 170 Chamber Ensemble Performance: West African Drum and Dance Ensemble (Private music lesson) 0.5 MUEN 171 Balkan Music Ensemble (1.5 hours lab) 0.5
Complete 1 course for 1 semester hours from the following list
MUED 301 Laboratory Ensemble (1 hour lab) 0.5 MUEN 120 Band 0.5 -
Complete 2 courses for 2 semester hours:
MUCP 310 Keyboard Harmony I (2 hours studio) 1 MUCP 311 Keyboard Harmony II (2 hours studio) 1 -
Complete 1 course for 1 semester hours-2 semester hours from the following list.
MUPR 411 Jazz Pedagogy (2 hours lecture) 1 MUPR 436 Piano Pedagogy I (2 hours studio) 2 -
Complete the following 2 requirements for 8 semester hours:
Complete 6 courses for 6 semester hours from the following:
Complete 2 courses for 2 semester hours:
MSSN 111 Secondary Instrument Voice I (2 hours studio) 1 MUED 306 Percussion Instruments (2 hours studio) 1
Complete one of the following tracks:
Complete the following 4 requirements for 26 semester hours:
Complete 8 courses for 16 semester hours:
MUCP 101 Theory I (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 102 Theory II (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 103 Aural Skills I (3 hours lecture) 1 MUCP 104 Aural Skills II 1 MUCP 201 Theory III (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 202 Theory IV (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 203 Aural Skills III (3 hours lecture) 1 MUCP 204 Aural Skills IV (3 hours lecture) 1 -
JAZZ - Classical
Complete 1 course for 1 semester hours:
MUPR 410 Beginning Jazz Improvisation (2 hours studio) 1 -
Complete for 3 semester hours.
MUEN 100 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5 -
Complete the following 2 requirements:
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list.
MUCP 304 Theory VI-Orchestration (3 hours lecture) 3 MUPR 255 Problems of Performance (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
MUTC 101 Music and Computer Technology I (3 hours lecture) 3
Complete the following 3 requirements for 29 semester hours:
Complete 8 courses for 16 semester hours:
MUCP 101 Theory I (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 102 Theory II (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 103 Aural Skills I (3 hours lecture) 1 MUCP 104 Aural Skills II 1 MUCP 201 Theory III (3 hours lecture) 3 MUCP 203 Aural Skills III (3 hours lecture) 1 MUCP 204 Aural Skills IV (3 hours lecture) 1 MUCP 250 Jazz Theory (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete for 3 semester hours.
MUEN 190 Jazz Ensemble (2 hours studio) 0.5 -
Complete for 1 semester hours.
MUEN 100 Montclair State University Chorale 0.5
Complete the following 3 courses for 9 semester hours:
MUCP 355 Jazz Arranging (3 hours lecture) 3 MUGN 109 Introduction to Jazz (3 hours lecture) 3 MUTC 101 Music and Computer Technology I (3 hours lecture) 3
Complete 3 requirements:
Complete the following 3 requirements:
Complete 1 course from the following, or pass the MSU Health Knowledge Test available through the Center of Pedagogy:
Complete the following:
CMST 101 Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete the following 3 requirements:
Complete 1 course from the following: .
EDFD 200 Psychological Foundations of Education (3 hours lecture) 3 PSYC 200 Educational Psychology (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete the following 2 courses: .
EDFD 220 Philosophical Orientation to Education (3 hours lecture) 3 EDFD 221 Historical Foundations of American Education (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 course from the following: .
Complete the following 2 requirements:
Complete the following 3 requirements:
Complete 1 course from the following: .
EDFD 305 Teaching for Equity & Diversity (3 hours lecture) 3 READ 305 Teaching for Equity & Diversity (3 hour lecture) 3 SASE 305 Teaching for Equity and Diversity (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 course from the following: .
EDFD 312 Educating English Language Learners (1 hour lecture) 1 READ 312 Educating English Language Learners (1 hour lecture) 1 SASE 312 Educating English Language Learners (1 hour lecture) 1 -
Complete the following 6 courses: .
READ 411 Language & Literacy (3 hours lecture) 3 SASE 310 Inclusion in Middle and Secondary Schools (1 hour lecture) 1 SASE 314 Assessment of Learning (1 hour lecture) 1 SASE 316 Integrating Technology Across the School Curriculum (1 hour laboratory) 1 SASE 450 Fieldwork 3 SASE 451 Teaching for Learning I 3
Complete the following 2 requirement(s):
Complete the following 1 course:
SASE 452 Teaching for Learning II (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 course for 8 semester hours:
SASE 453 Student Teaching 8-9
Complete the following 2 courses:
MUED 320 Music Classroom Methods I (3 hours lecture) 3 MUED 321 Music Classroom Methods II (3 hours lecture) 3
Course Descriptions:
BIOL100: Biological Sciences (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)
The study of life from molecule to organism with focus on structure and function of cells, mechanisms of heredity and change, survey of animals and plants and their interrelationships in the living world. Open to non-majors as well as majors. BIOL 100 is not included in the GPA as a biology major course. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Natural/Physical Science Laboratory. 4 sh.
BIOL107: Biology for Survival (3 hours lecture)
Basic concepts of biology that focus on social implications of pollution, population control, radiation, drugs, pesticides, the genetic revolution, etc. For non-science majors. Biology majors may only take this course as a free elective. 3 sh.
BIOL110: The Biology of Human Life (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)
The course is intended to serve the non-biology major and present a basic introduction to human anatomy and physiology. It will provide students with a laboratory experience so that they may learn the scientific method and its application in the field of human biology. This course will provide these students with a body of knowledge specific to human anatomy and physiology so that they may be well informed when dealing with important personal, family and societal issues relative to health and life-style decisions. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Natural/Physical Science Laboratory. 4 sh.
BIOL215: Human Heredity (3 hours lecture)
A non-major course introducing concepts of classical heredity and modern molecular genetics, which stresses the techniques and significance of genetic knowledge and research. 3 sh.
BIOL240: Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology I (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)
Human anatomy and physiology for health education and physical education majors. Not for biology majors. Biology majors may only take this course as a free elective. 3 sh.
BIOL241: Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology II (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)
Human anatomy and physiology for health education and physical education majors. Not for biology majors. Biology majors may only take this course as a free elective. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: BIOL 240.
BIOL243: Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)
A study of the dynamics of the human body in relation to its structure and function is based on its nutritional input. Each organ system is discussed in relation to its contribution to the whole functioning organism, as well as a basic survey of its pathologies. Primarily for ADA certification. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 130.
BIOL380: Genetics (3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)
Lecture and lab. Heredity, gene and chromosomal structure and function, gene regulation, mutation and repair, genes in populations, genetic manipulation, and applied genetics are covered. Lab exercises demonstrate genetic concepts. A semester-long project with research paper is required. Required of all biology majors and minors. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Biology, Molecular Biology and Science Informatics. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: BIOL 230 with a grade of C- or higher and CHEM 120 with a grade of C- or higher.
CMST101: Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement (3 hours lecture)
This course introduces students to the theoretical and practical requirements of different types of public presentations and helps students develop an understanding and appreciation of the dynamic nature of the communication process. The course focuses on the basic elements of the communication process, listening, communicator and audience characteristics, basic research skills, and message composition and delivery. Students learn about the demands of public presentations in culturally and professionally diverse environments and develop presentation competence and flexibility. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Communication, Communication. Previous course SPCM 101 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
EDFD200: Psychological Foundations of Education (3 hours lecture)
The psychological foundations of education enable students to understand and apply essential topics in teaching and learning including development, motivation, diversity and assessment. Through relating theoretical frameworks to empirical research and applying them to classroom settings, students will be better able to understand their own experience as learners and conceptualize their future practice as teachers. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Social Science. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100.
EDFD210: Public Purposes of Education: Democracy and Schooling (3 hours lecture)
This course examines the public purposes of education in our social and political democracy. Students inquire into the role of schools in fostering the development of democratic principles and practices and examine various curriculum designs and pedagogical strategies. Students also explore the main issues stemming from the efforts to teach democratically in public educational institutions. Students complete 30 hours of fieldwork in an assigned high-performing urban school, which provides a context for these explorations. They examine and analyze successful practices of instruction and classroom management. Attendance at the first class is required to verify field expectations. This course is pre-requisite for admission into the teacher education program. Cross-listed with SASE 210 and READ 210. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Sophomore level or higher and ENWR 105 or HONP 100.
EDFD220: Philosophical Orientation to Education (3 hours lecture)
Western philosophical heritage as related to the issues and responsibilities of American education. Comparative analysis of past and current ideological movements that influence moral, social, and educational decisions of parents, political leaders, and professional educators. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Humanities, Philosophy or Religion. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100.
EDFD221: Historical Foundations of American Education (3 hours lecture)
This course offers students the crucial sequence of ideas that constitute one of the central themes in American society and culture. Since its beginnings, American thinkers have seen education as the key to an informed citizenry. Major themes in American education will be looked at through the reading of primary and secondary sources. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, American or European History. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100.
EDFD305: Teaching for Equity & Diversity (3 hours lecture)
This course examines the qualities of teachers, teaching, and schooling that foster the learning of students from diverse social and cultural backgrounds. Students explore the ways in which socialization experiences shape perceptions. They reflect on their own beliefs, assumptions, and perceptions about sociocultural identity and how their own socialization has shaped their perceptions of themselves and other people. Students also examine the nature and impact of the increasing social and cultural diversity in K-12 schools in the United States. They learn ways of teaching all children well and to develop positive relationships among teachers, parents and children. Cross-listed with READ 305 and SASE 305. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, EDFD 210, or READ 210; and admission to Teacher Education Program.
EDFD312: Educating English Language Learners (1 hour lecture)
This course module exposes students to the central issues in the education of English language learners in US schools and helps them learn about best practices in education through hands-on experience creating and adjusting lessons and instruction to benefit the academic performance of English language learners as well as of all students. Issues addressed include sociocultural, legal, and political influences on the education of English language learners; principles of second language acquisition; and explicit practice in planning academic content instruction for English language learners. Cross listed with READ 312 and SASE 312. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, EDFD 210 or READ 210; and admission to the Teacher Education program.
HLTH101: Personal Health Issues (3 hours lecture)
Personal Health Issues examines health through six interrelated dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal and social, and environmental. This course examines how health choices impact society and the health of a community. Additionally, health policies and societal health issues are examined for their impact on the individual. This course emphasizes contemporary health issues using the national initiative Health People 2010 as a framework. Assessing health status, increasing health competencies to enhance decision-making skills, eliciting health-promoting behaviors, and interpreting existing and proposed social actions that ultimately affect individual, family, community and environmental health are central focuses of this course. 3 sh.
HLTH207: Safety, Accidents and Emergency Care. Starting Winter 2016: Injury Prevention and Emergency Care (3 hours lecture)
Provides for study of major safety areas including transportation, public safety, industrial and home safety. Emergency health care, first aid treatment, and preventive measures are considered in the context of individual, agency and institutional responsibilities. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Starting Winter 2016: HLTH 102.
HLTH210: Consumer Health (3 hours lecture)
Interpretation of individual economic activity as it relates to health service and health products. Includes analysis of factors influencing consumer health attitudes and behavior. 3 sh.
HLTH213: Perspectives on Drugs (3 hours lecture)
Provides for the study of licit as well as illicit drug use in contemporary society from the perspective of selected biomedical and psychosocial disciplines. Examines the effects of drugs on the individual and society in the context of changing social conditions and technological developments. Analyzes complex nature of the drug problem and rehabilitative and preventive measures and tentative solutions to this important aspect of human existence. 3 sh.
HLTH220: Mental Health (3 hours lecture)
Provides for the study of human emotional adjustment throughout the life cycle from biomedical and psychosocial perspectives. The factors that foster the development of emotional and mental well-being and the forces that contribute to the breakdown of human adjustment capabilities are identified and analyzed in light of research and clinical literature. Special attention is given to the strategies for the prevention of mental disorders and promotion of mental health. 3 sh.
HLTH290: Human Sexuality (3 hours lecture)
Students will explore many interacting cultural, personal and health factors relating to human sexual development, attitudes, and behaviors. Historical, anthropological, biological/physiological, socio-cultural and psychological factors will be introduced to encourage a broad perspective. Discussion of differing philosophical, ethical and moral positions will also aid students in making a critical assessment of intimate human relationships and acquaint them with criteria and processes for understanding themselves as sexual beings. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Social Science. 3 sh.
HLTH307: The Study of Human Diseases (3 hours lecture)
Provides a comprehensive study of diseases, their etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Includes a review of causation theories and incidence patterns and focuses on major degenerative, neoplastic, metabolic, immunologic, and infectious diseases. Attention is given to prevention and control measures with an emphasis on the role of selected health/medical resources in disease management. Offered as HLTH 307 through Fall 2015. To become HLTH 208 effective Winter 2016. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: HLTH 105 or HPEM 150 or ATTR 201 and at least one 200-level course in HLTH, HPEM, or ATTR.
HLTH314: Public Health Aspects of Alcohol Abuse (3 hours lecture)
Examines the impact of alcohol abuse on public health. Society's attempts to diminish the impact are also explored. Includes study of effects of alcohol abuse on the family and workplace; prevention modalities and rehabilitation programs. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: HLTH 213 or HLTH 215.
HLTH330: Foundations of Health Education. Starting Winter 2016: Health Education Methods (3 hours lecture)
Provides a comprehensive study of the scientific, social, behavioral, educational, and legal foundations of health education. Traces the evolution and interprets the impact of related professions on school, community, and allied health education. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Health. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Health Education major or departmental approval. Starting Winter 2016: HLTH 204.
HLTH411: School Health and Community Services (3 hours lecture)
Provides for an in-depth understanding of the school health program and community services. Includes study of school and health services, healthful school environment, and health education and community health services. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Health Education major or departmental approval. Starting Winter 2016: HLTH 330.
HLTH430: Health Counseling. Starting Winter 2016: Counseling Skills for Public Health Professionals (3 hours lecture)
Course focuses on factors influencing health and illness behavior with implications for behavioral intervention in health care. Included are the intervention strategies of prevention, crisis intervention, postvention and compliance, and the intervention techniques of assessment, interviewing, counseling skills and small group dynamics. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: HLTH 220 or HLTH 222 or departmental approval. Starting Winter 2016: HLTH 330.
HONP210: Honors Seminar in Science (3 hours seminar, 2 hours lab)
Interdisciplinary course in the natural and physical sciences consisting of seminars and laboratory experience. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Natural/Physical Science Laboratory. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: For Honors Program students only or by permission of instructor.
HONP211: Honors Seminar in Contemporary Issues in Science (3 hours seminar)
Interdisciplinary course in the natural and physical sciences applying the scientific method, scientific data analysis, reasoning and logic to selected contemporary issues. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: For Honors Program students only or by permission of instructor.
HPEM150: Principles and Practice of Emergency Care (3 hours lecture)
Provides for study of emergency care management. Provides knowledge and skills for teaching principles and practices of emergency care in a school or adult fitness setting. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Starting Winter 2016: Exercise Science (ESCI) or Physical Education w/ conc: Adult Fitness (PEAF) majors only or departmental approval.
MSSN111: Secondary Instrument Voice I (2 hours studio)
These courses give to the non-primary vocal student the fundamental elements of vocal technique. The same elements are taught to voice secondary students in classes as are taught to voice primary students in private lessons. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors or minors only.
MUAP121: Applied Music I
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only. John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUAP122: Applied Music II
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 121.
MUAP223: Applied Music III
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 122.
MUAP224: Applied Music IV
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 223.
MUAP325: Applied Music V
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 224.
MUAP326: Applied Music VI
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 325.
MUAP427: Applied Music VII
Fifteen one-hour lessons per semester, private instruction. May not be repeated for credit. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: Majors only; MUAP 326.
MUCP101: Theory I (3 hours lecture)
Study of harmony, counterpoint and musical analysis of small forms. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.
MUCP102: Theory II (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of MUCP 101. Must be taken with MUCP 104. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 101; Music (MUSC) and Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.
MUCP103: Aural Skills I (3 hours lecture)
Sight reading and dictation in major and minor modes, using diatonic chord progressions. Basic solfeggio. Must be taken with MUCP 101. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) or Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.
MUCP104: Aural Skills II
Continuation of MUCP 103; must be taken with MUCP 102. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 103; Music (MUSC) or Musical Theatre (MUTR) majors only.
MUCP201: Theory III (3 hours lecture)
Chromatic harmony; intermediate contrapuntal techniques; analysis of the larger instrumental forms. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP202: Theory IV (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of MUCP 201. Must be taken with MUCP 204. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 201; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP203: Aural Skills III (3 hours lecture)
Chromatic and non-tonal sight reading and dictation. "Fixed do" Solfeggio. To be taken with MUCP 201. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 104; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP204: Aural Skills IV (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of MUCP 203. Must be taken with MUCP 202. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 203; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP250: Jazz Theory (3 hours lecture)
Comprehensive study of jazz harmony including in-depth inquiry into past and present common practice. Basic concepts such as chordal structures, progressions, diatonic reharmonization, pentatonic scales, and harmonic rhythm. Previous course MUCP 350 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MSSN 102.
MUCP304: Theory VI-Orchestration (3 hours lecture)
Study of compositional and arranging techniques appropriate to writing for individual instruments and voices and for ensembles of various size and character. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 202, Music majors only.
MUCP310: Keyboard Harmony I (2 hours studio)
Skills pianists will need as professional performers, therapists, and educators. Harmonization, transposition, improvisation, realization of figured bass, reduction of open scores, and sightreading. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 201.
MUCP311: Keyboard Harmony II (2 hours studio)
Continuation of MUCP 310. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 310; Music majors or minors only.
MUCP355: Jazz Arranging (3 hours lecture)
An introduction to the concepts of jazz arranging and orchestration. Students will be given the tools to arrange and orchestrate for various sizes of jazz and/or contemporary ensembles. Concepts for creating two, three and five horn arrangements will be presented. The rhythm section, as used in both large and small groups, will be dealt with in depth. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 250.
MUED105: Instrumental Techniques: Strings I (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching violin and viola at the elementary and secondary school levels. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUED106: Instrumental Techniques: Strings II (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching cello and string bass at the elementary and secondary school levels. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) majors only.
MUED132: Marching Band Techniques (2 hours lecture)
Methods, organization and planning; drill design, playing, rehearsal techniques. Music majors only. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUED203: Foundations of Music Education (2 hours lecture, 1 hour field experience)
This course introduces the fundamental concepts and issues in music education. Topics such as advocacy, philosophy, musical understanding, and what it means to be a good music teacher are addressed. Readings in music education, MSU's Center of Pedagogy's Portrait of a Teacher, and observations in the schools comprise a large part of the course. Students are expected to demonstrate critical thinking and writing skills. This course serves as preparation for the teacher admissions program as well as more advanced courses in music education. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100.
MUED301: Laboratory Ensemble (1 hour lab)
Study of rehearsal and conducting techniques, performance procedures, and application of skills involving secondary instruments. May be repeated four times for a total of 2 credits. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 335; two of the following: MUED 105, MUED 106, MUED 304, MUED 305, MUED 306, MUED 307, MUED 308.
MUED304: Instrumental Techniques: Brass I (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching trumpet and French horn at the elementary and secondary school levels. Previous course MUED 205 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED305: Instrumental Techniques: Brass II (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching trombone, baritone horn/euphanium, and tuba at the elementary and secondary school levels. May be repeated twice for a total of 3 credits. Previous course MUED 207 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED306: Percussion Instruments (2 hours studio)
Elementary skills on snare drum, bass drum, timpani, cymbals, bells, etc.; materials and methods for teaching these instruments in the classroom. Music majors only. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED307: Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds I (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching clarinet and saxophone at the elementary and secondary school levels. Previous course MUED 206 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED308: Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds II
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching oboe, flute, and bassoon at the elementary and secondary levels. May be repeated twice for a total of 3 credits. Previous course MUED 208 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED320: Music Classroom Methods I (3 hours lecture)
Processes of music teaching which enhance problem solving and critical thinking on the part of the student. Principles of designing strategies which encourage the development of music skills, creative musical thinking, and positive attitudes in both the general and instrumental classroom setting. Sequential curriculum. Discussion of current methodologies. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203; Music majors only.
MUED321: Music Classroom Methods II (3 hours lecture)
Musical approaches, activities, and materials appropriate for middle and high school non-performance classes. Special consideration given to musical and intellectual needs of developing adolescents and to current issues in Arts Education. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 320.
MUED419: Choral Methods (3 hours lecture)
This course will seek to provide an in-depth exploration of the teaching of choral music as applied to the school music program from the elementary level through secondary. Topics will include items such as program philosophy, recruitment and retention, program organization and management, literature selection and ensemble pedagogy. Previous course MUED 334 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 335.
MUED420: Instrumental Methods (3 hours lecture)
This course will seek to provide an in-depth exploration of the teaching of instrumental music as applied to the school music program from elementary level through secondary. Topics will include items such as program philosophy, recruitment and retention, program organization and management, literature selection, and ensemble pedagogy. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 335.
MUED435: Conducting for Music Educators (2 hours lecture)
Rehearsal and performance techniques involved in conducting elementary and secondary school ensembles. Hands on conducting of Lab Ensemble. Previous course MUED 335 effective through Spring 2014. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 335.
MUEN100: Montclair State University Chorale
Montclair State University Chorale. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 030 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.
MUEN101: Montclair State University Singers
Study through rehearsal and performance of madrigals. Open to all through audition. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 020 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: By audition only.
MUEN120: Band
Band. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 032 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors or by audition.
MUEN130: Opera Workshop (4 hours lecture)
Opera studied through performance. Nature of dramatic music, problems of movement, make-up, costuming, props and scenery. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 034 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: By audition only.
MUEN140: Collegium Musicum
Workshop in performance of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music for instrumentalists and singers. Introduction to the elements of Renaissance musicianship (solmization, modes, musica ficta, notation, improvisation, and ornamentation). Introduction on early instruments (recorder,flute, viola, others). Concert performances of repertory studied. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 038 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.
MUEN162: Electronic Music Ensemble (2 hours studio)
This ensemble will introduce students to methods of making music with computing devices. Sessions will focus on performing with a variety of music-making applications hosted on desktop and laptop computers as well as tablets and smart phones. Additionally, students will be introduced to computer-based music-making approaches including object-oriented programming and coding. Finally, students will explore, develop, and prototype new electronic musical instruments. All students are invited to participate with or without previous experience. Priority will be given to music major students. May be repeated for a maximum of 5 credits. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
MUEN170: Chamber Ensemble Performance: West African Drum and Dance Ensemble (Private music lesson)
This ensemble will give students an opportunity to develop a wide range of performance skills as well as an understanding of aspects of African culture through the study and performance of African music and dance (primarily Ghanaian). Previous course MUPR 261 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: May be taken as pre-req or co-req: MUCP 101, MUCP 102, MUCP 201 or MUCP 202.
MUEN171: Balkan Music Ensemble (1.5 hours lab)
This ensemble will introduce students to the music of the Balkan region in Eastern Europe. Sessions will include performing on traditional instruments, singing with original lyrics, and some folk dance. All students are invited to participate with or without previous experience. May be repeated for a maximum of 5 credits. 0.5 sh.
MUEN180: Chamber Ensemble Performance
Study through playing or singing of chamber music in ensembles of varying size and musical styles. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 301 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUEN190: Jazz Ensemble (2 hours studio)
Contemporary ensemble requirements like jazz phrasing, section playing, interpretation, improvisation studied through ensemble rehearsal and performance. May be repeated for credit. Previous course MUPR 302 effective through Spring 2014. 0.5 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUGN109: Introduction to Jazz (3 hours lecture)
Jazz as an American phenomenon. Musical materials as manipulated by jazz artists; the impact on American popular music, dance and theater; early jazz players and developments. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. Meets World Cultures Requirement. Previous course MUGN 209 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
MUHS106: Diverse Worlds of Music (3 hours lecture)
An introduction to the diverse nature of the music experience by examining various traditions from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe and North America. Develops listening skills and considers the role of performer and their audiences in multiple frameworks, including ritual, political and the world of entertainment. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUHS307: Music in Time, Place and Ideas: Up to 1700 (3 hours lecture)
Studies in Western music from its beginnings to 1700. An introduction to music history and criticism; development of analytical methods appropriate to each repertory. Meets the University Writing Requirement for music majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102; and ENWR 105 or HONP 100; Music majors and minors only.
MUHS308: Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1700-1890 (3 hours lecture)
Studies in Western music from 1700 to 1890. An introduction to music history and criticism; development of analytical methods appropriate to each repertory. Meets the University Writing Requirement for music majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 102; and ENWR 105 or HONP 100; and MUCP 201; Music majors and minors only.
MUHS407: Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present (3 hours lecture)
Studies in Western music from 1890 to the present. An introduction to music history and criticism; development of analytical methods appropriate to each repertory. Meets the University Writing Requirement for music majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUHS 307 and MUHS 308; Music majors and minors only.
MUHS409: Honors - Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present (3 hours lecture)
Covers music from Europe and the Americas from 1890 to the present. Advanced study of music history and criticism; analytical methods appropriate to each repertory. Meets the University Writing Requirement for music majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUHS 307 and MUHS 308; and instructor approval (interview); Music majors and minors only.
MUPR139: Performance Practicum
All music majors must register for this number each semester in order to free their schedules for recital and masterclass commitments. This course is offered as Pass/Fail only. Previous course MUPR 039 effective through Spring 2014. 0 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUPR255: Problems of Performance (3 hours lecture)
Development of techniques needed for success in public appearances involving music, theatre, speech, etc. Resolving such problems as stage fright, memory loss, pre-performance anxiety. Attaining self-understanding and confidence using techniques of Havas, Berne, Horrigel, Weekes, Alexander, others. Guest performers. Open to all majors. Cross listed with Psychology, PSYC 255. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 122.
MUPR335: Elementary Conducting (2 hours lecture)
Baton techniques and clef reading in orchestral and choral scores. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 202.
MUPR410: Beginning Jazz Improvisation (2 hours studio)
Study and application of techniques of jazz improvisation for beginning improvisers, including pedagogical considerations. Both the modal and pentatonic methods will be explored with a constant emphasis upon stylistic consideration based in the aural tradition. May be repeated once for a total of two credits. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 101 and MUCP 102 or permission of the instructor.
MUPR411: Jazz Pedagogy (2 hours lecture)
In preparation for the demands of public school teaching, this course will provide a practical pedagogical focus on jazz ensemble instruction. Emphasis will be on the whole and components of small and large instrumental and vocal jazz ensembles with particular emphasis on the rhythm section. Also included will be a pedagogical perspective on content studied in MUPR 410. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 410.
MUPR436: Piano Pedagogy I (2 hours studio)
Methods and materials of teaching piano for piano grades I through IV. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 345.
MUPR485: Senior Recital: Music Education
Capstone solo repertory public performance experience. Must include 50 minutes of music, exclusive of intermissions or other pauses. Previous course MUPR 402 effective through Spring 2014. 0 sh.
Prerequisites: MUAP 326; Music Education or Music in School and Community Settings majors only.
MUTC101: Music and Computer Technology I (3 hours lecture)
This course develops an understanding of the influence of technology upon society in general, and, more particularly, upon the musical culture and aesthetics of the twentieth century; develops a critical understanding of concepts such as interactivity in technology, the internet as a global village, virtual reality, technology and freedom of expression, among others; demonstrates the relevance and importance of music technology throughout the various disciplines in music; develops comfort with basic computer skills; develops individual and collective problem solving skills involving technology in a variety of computing environments; develops basic understanding of data structures of computers and networking; and provides an understanding of varous hardware and software technologies, with a particular emphasis on hardware and software components involved with music instruction and production such as instructional software for musicians, data structures for digital audio and MIDI, music notation software, input devices for music notation, music sequencing, and desktop publishing for musicians. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music major or John J Cali School of Music approval.
NUFD182: Nutrition (3 hours lecture)
This course is designed to give students a general knowledge of the components of the food we eat, the nutrients necessary for a healthy life, the functions of nutrients and the interrelationships and metabolism of nutrients. The factors which influence the recommended dietary intake of nutrients, and theories and guidelines for screening nutrition risk and disease and prevention are presented. 3 sh.
PSYC200: Educational Psychology (3 hours lecture)
Required for teaching. Covers child and adolescent development; fundamentals of learning theory as applied to classroom situations, learning inhibition and academic non-achievement, personal-social adjustment, measuring and evaluating teaching-learning, creativity. Course may not be taken by Psychology majors for major credit effective Fall 1995. 3 sh.
READ210: Public Purposes of Education: Democracy and Schooling (3 hours lecture)
This course examines the public purposes of education in our social and political democracy. Students inquire into the role of schools in fostering the development of democratic principles and practices and examine various curriculum designs and pedagogical strategies. Students also explore the main issues stemming from the efforts to teach democratically in public educational institutions. Students complete 30 hours of fieldwork in an assigned high-performing urban school, which provides a context for these explorations. They examine and analyze successful practices of instruction and classroom management. Attendance at the first class is required to verify field expectations. This course is pre-requisite for admission into the teacher education program. Cross-listed with SASE 210 and EDFD 210. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Sophomore level or higher and ENWR 105 or HONP 100.
READ305: Teaching for Equity & Diversity (3 hour lecture)
This course examines the qualities of teachers, teaching, and schooling that foster the learning of students from diverse social and cultural backgrounds. Students explore the ways in which socialization experiences shape perceptions. They reflect on their own beliefs, assumptions, and perceptions about sociocultural identity and how their own socialization has shaped their perceptions of themselves and other people. Students also examine the nature and impact of the increasing social and cultural diversity in K-12 schools in the United States. They learn ways of teaching all children well and to develop positive relationships among teachers, parents and children. Cross listed with EDFD 305 and SASE 305. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, READ 210, or EDFD 210; and admission to Teacher Education Program.
READ312: Educating English Language Learners (1 hour lecture)
This course module exposes students to the central issues in the education of English language learners in US schools and helps them learn about best practices in education through hands-on experience creating and adjusting lessons and instruction to benefit the academic performance of English language learners as well as of all students. Issues addressed include sociocultural, legal, and political influences on the education of English language learners; principles of second language acquisition; and explicit practice in planning academic content instruction for English language learners. Cross-listed with SASE 312 and EDFD 312. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, READ 210, or EDFD 210; and admission to the Teacher Education program.
READ411: Language & Literacy (3 hours lecture)
This course is designed to assist pre-service middle and secondary school teachers across majors in understanding the nature of language and literacy teaching and learning in their content areas. Students review basic components of reading, social and cultural aspects of literacy practice, and the specifics of language and literacy in different disciplines (e.g., distinct vocabulary, particular writing and reading demands). Students learn to develop a repertoire of teaching/learning literacy strategies that enhance comprehension. Students conduct sample assessments and content-area lessons with middle and high school students. Through observation in a content classroom, students learn ways of integrating literacy learning into their lessons as well as ways of organizing and managing the classroom to extend literacy learning. Fieldwork or service-learning experience is required. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, READ 210, or EDFD 210; SASE 305, READ 305, or EDFD 305; and admission to Teacher Education Program.
SASE210: Public Purposes of Education: Democracy and Schooling (3 hours lecture)
This course examines the public purposes of education in our social and political democracy. Students inquire into the role of schools in fostering the development of democratic principles and practices and examine various curriculum designs and pedagogical strategies. Students also explore the main issues stemming from the efforts to teach democratically in public educational institutions. Students complete 30 hours of fieldwork in an assigned high-performing urban school, which provides a context for these explorations. They examine and analyze successful practices of instruction and classroom management. Attendance at the first class is required to verify field expectations. This course is pre-requisite for admission into the teacher education program. Cross-listed with READ 210 and EDFD 210. Previous course CURR 210 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Sophomore level or higher and ENWR105 or HONP100.
SASE305: Teaching for Equity and Diversity (3 hours lecture)
This course examines the qualities of teachers, teaching, and schooling that foster the learning of students from diverse social and cultural backgrounds. Students explore the ways in which socialization experiences shape perceptions. They reflect on their own beliefs, assumptions and perceptions about sociocultural identity and how their own socialization has shaped their perceptions of themselves and other people. Students also examine the nature and impact of the increasing social and cultural diversity in K-12 schools in the United States. They learn ways of teaching all children well and to develop positive relationships among teachers, parents and children. Cross listed with SASE 305 and READ 305. Previous course CURR 305 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, EDFD 210, or READ 210.
SASE310: Inclusion in Middle and Secondary Schools (1 hour lecture)
This course module exposes students to the central issues in the inclusion of students with disabilities in U.S middle and secondary schools. Best practices for providing access to the curriculum through explicitly designing and adjusting instruction for students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms are presented to address the wide range of needs and bolster the academic performance of all students. Issues addressed include legal, professional and environmental influences on the education of students with special needs; implementation of effective inclusion, collaborative teaching diversified instruction, and social integration for students with disabilities in the inclusive classroom. Previous course CURR 310 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, EDFD 210, or READ 210; and admission to Teacher Education Program.
SASE312: Educating English Language Learners (1 hour lecture)
This course module exposes students to the central issues in the education of English language learners in US schools and helps them learn about best practices in education through hands-on experience creating and adjusting lessons and instruction to benefit the academic performance of English language learners as well as of all students. Issues addressed include sociocultural, legal, and political influences on the education of English language learners; principles of second language acquisition; and explicit practice in planning academic content instruction for English language learners. Cross listed with READ 312 and EDFD 312. Previous course CURR 312 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, EDFD 210, or READ 210; and admission to the Teacher Education Program.
SASE314: Assessment of Learning (1 hour lecture)
This course module is designed to be an introduction for preservice teachers to assessment and accountability. The course introduces students to various issues and techniques related to assessing students in the classroom, and provides hands-on practice understanding different assessment methods, evaluating student performance, and using assessment data to adjust and improve in-class instruction and student learning. Previous course CURR 314 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, EDFD 210, or READ 210; SASE 305, EDFD 305, or READ 305; and admission to Teacher Education Program.
SASE316: Integrating Technology Across the School Curriculum (1 hour laboratory)
This one-credit course introduces pre-service teachers to the dimensions of educational technology for teaching and learning. It exposes them to the history of educational technology as well as pedagogical and practical implementation of educational technologies. It enables the students to draw upon field-based experiences and in READ 411 to plan instructional technology environments that are student-centered, collaborative, and inquiry-based, that emphasize critical thinking, and that support specific curricular goals as stated in institutional, state and national standards for technology in education. Previous course CURR 316 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 210, EDFD 210, or READ 210; SASE 305, EDFD 305, OR READ 305; and admission to Teacher Education Program.
SASE450: Fieldwork
Students spend 120 hours, or approximately two hours a week, in a selected public school. Activities include, but are not limited to, observing classroom teachers, facilitating small group and individual instruction, participating in after-school activities, tutoring, attending department meetings, shadowing and interviewing students and teachers, lesson planning and teaching, and assessing student work. Previous course CURR 450 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: EDFD 200; SASE 210, EDFD 210 or READ 210; EDFD 220; EDFD 221; SASE 305, EDFD 305 or READ 305; SASE 310; SASE 312, EDFD 312 or READ 312; SASE 314; SASE 316; READ 411; and admission to teacher education program.
SASE451: Teaching for Learning I
This is the first course in a two-semester sequence (SASE 451, SASE 452) in preparation for student teaching and the beginning of the students' professional careers in teaching. The course is held on site in a partner secondary school that acts as a laboratory for learning. Students investigate democratic classroom practice by focusing on curriculum development; creating a positive, well-structured climate for learning in their classrooms; learning and practicing techniques for effective classroom management; and choosing appropriate teaching strategies and assessments to create successful learning experiences for their students. Previous course CURR 451 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: EDFD 200; SASE 210, EDFD 210 or READ 210; EDFD 220; EDFD 221; SASE 305, EDFD 305 or READ 305; SASE 310; SASE 312, EDFD 312 or READ 312; SASE 314; SASE 316; READ 411; and admission to the teacher education program.
SASE452: Teaching for Learning II (3 hours lecture)
This is the second course in a two-semester sequence (SASE 451, SASE 452). This course focuses on putting into practice all the knowledge and skills students have developed throughout their professional sequence in their full-time, supervised student teaching experience. A primary focus is on planning and implementing curriculum. In addition to curriculum planning and using appropriate instructional and assessment strategies, students learn about the impact of the school and classroom culture and climate on student learning and on relationships between and among students, teachers, and other professionals in schools. Previous course CURR 452 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: EDFD 200; SASE 210, EDFD 210 or READ 210; EDFD 220; EDFD 221; SASE 305, EDFD 305 or READ 305; SASE 310; SASE 312, EDFD 312 or READ 312; SASE 314; SASE 316; SASE 451; READ 411; and a methods course.
SASE453: Student Teaching
Full-time student teaching under the supervision of a qualified cooperating teacher in the public schools of New Jersey is required of all students who complete the regular program of certification requirements. Previous course CURR 453 effective through Spring 2014. 8 - 9 sh.
Prerequisites: EDFD 200; SASE 210, EDFD 210 or READ 210; EDFD 220; EDFD 221; SASE 305, EDFD 305 or READ 305; SASE 310; SASE 312, EDFD 312 or READ 312; SASE 314; SASE 316; SASE 450; SASE 451; READ 411; and a methods course.
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