Spanish Translation Certificate Program - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog
Complete the following 2 requirements:
Complete the following 4 courses for 12 semester hours:
SPAN 350 Theory and Practice of Translation (3 hours lecture) 3 SPAN 351 Fundamentals of Specialized Translation (3 hours lecture) 3 SPAN 420 Audiovisual Translation 3 SPAN 452 Capstone Course in Translation (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete the three hour written examination given in May.
Course Descriptions:
SPAN350: Theory and Practice of Translation (3 hours lecture)
This course is an introduction to translation into English and Spanish. Its aim to give students a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the basic principles of the theory of translation, main techniques and strategies for translating as well as the differences between English and Spanish regarding grammar, syntax, punctuation, register, and style. Students will learn to identify specific and general difficulties in texts at both the linguistic and extralinguistic level and how to solve them by applying the appropriate technique. Students will practice translating general texts taken from newspapers and magazines in both directions: from English into Spanish and Spanish into English. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Spanish. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPAN 241 or equivalent.
SPAN351: Fundamentals of Specialized Translation (3 hours lecture)
The aim of this course is to build on the knowledge students have gained from SPAN350 and expose them to the different types of specialized translation from English into Spanish and vice versa. The types of texts used will be literary, legal, medical, technical, and commercial. Students will learn the specific grammatical and stylistic features of each type of text and the translation strategies relevant to each field. Students will also learn how to use specialized dictionaries and online glossaries. Special fee. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Spanish. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPAN 350.
SPAN420: Audiovisual Translation
With the fast growth of the audiovisual translation industry, there is an increasing demand for high-quality subtitles, surtitles, closed captions, and video descriptions in film, opera and television. This course offers a practical approach to the art of audiovisual translation in all its forms. It uses software and audiovisual material taken from different authentic contexts for hands-on training and experimenting. In our state-of-the-art translation lab, students follow a step-by-step guided method to familiarize themselves with media's specific technical requirements and shape their translations in accordance with professional standards. To complete the course, students will assemble a final full-length audiovisual project of their choice. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Spanish. Previous course SPAN 422 effective through Spring 2015. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPAN 350.
SPAN452: Capstone Course in Translation (3 hours lecture)
The aim of the course is to engage students in an extensive translation project that entails two different aspects: translation and commentary. The first part consists of the translation of a text relevant to a specialized translation field (medicine, law, science, advertising, business, economics, literature, foreign affairs, etc). The second stage consists of a critical essay about the difficulties students encounter in the translation and the techniques and strategies used to solve them. The course includes group work involving students engaged in the translation of similar fields and individual sessions between each student and the professor. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPAN 351 or departmental approval.
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