Translation and Interpreting in Spanish Certificate Program - Graduate - 2015 University Catalog


Complete 4 courses for 12 semester hours:

SPAN 507 Translation and Health Services (3 hours lecture) 3
SPAN 509 Translation and the Law (3 hours lecture) 3
SPAN 511 Consecutive Interpreting (3 hours lecture) 3
SPAN 512 Simultaneous Interpreting (3 hours lecture) 3

Course Descriptions:

SPAN507: Translation and Health Services (3 hours lecture)

This course is devoted to the teaching of the translation skills targeting the field of medical translation. Course content will reflect the variety of text types encountered in Medicine and Health Services including specialized medical articles and reports, informed consents, clinical trials, and prescription drug information. The course is oriented toward teaching students how to study the linguistic features of medical texts, determine the level of difficulty of a medical text and analyze it, set the voice and register of the translation, develop research and translation skills in medical contexts, and manage main terminology tools in the area of translation for health services. 3 sh.

SPAN509: Translation and the Law (3 hours lecture)

This course is devoted to the teaching of the translation skills targeting the field of the Law and the Judiciary. Course content will reflect the variety of text types encountered in different branches of the Law including specialized legislative materials, court documents, contracts, and personal legal documents such as birth certificates, last will and testaments, divorce settlement agreements, and powers of attorney, among others. The course is oriented toward teaching students how to study and analyze the linguistic features of legal texts, translate legal terminology from English into Spanish and vice versa, set the register of the translation, and develop research, analytical, and translation skills in the area of the Law. 3 sh.

SPAN511: Consecutive Interpreting (3 hours lecture)

This course develops the foundation for professional consecutive interpretation and trains students to broaden their interpreting abilities. Drawing on various techniques such as memory drills, note-taking strategies, and role-playing, students perform a series of skill-building exercises that will gradually lead to the consecutive interpretation of various kinds of speeches. Students are expected to develop the ability to observe/analyze their work, self critique their strategies, and recognize the opportunities for improvement. In this way, the course serves as an effective platform of high residual value that extends beyond the classroom and reaches the professional arena. By the end of the semester students will be able to perform consecutive interpretation both ways, in the target and source languages (English<>Spanish). 3 sh.

SPAN512: Simultaneous Interpreting (3 hours lecture)

This course develops the foundation for professional simultaneous interpretation and trains students to broaden their interpreting abilities. Drawing on basic drills such as shadowing, and dual tasking and advanced techniques such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and decalage, students perform a series of skill building exercises that will gradually lead to the simultaneous interpretation of various kinds of speeches. Students are expected to carry on research in order to build glossaries on their own as well as observe/analyze their work, self critique their strategies, and recognize the opportunities for improvement. In this way, the course serves as an effective platform of high residual value that extends beyond the classroom and reaches the professional arena. By the end of the semester students will be able to perform simultaneous interpretation and whispering in the direction of their choice (English<>Spanish) in large conference settings, smaller scale corporate meetings, and more personalized situations involving one or two participants. 3 sh.

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