Spanish and International Business Minor - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog


Complete 18 semester hours, including the following 3 requirement(s):


    Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours:

    SPAN 221 Spanish for Business (3 hours lecture) 3
    SPAN 232 Negotiation Skills in Spanish (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete 2 courses for 6 semester hours:

    INBS 250 Introduction to International Business (3 hours lecture) 3
    INBS 352 Economic Relations in Latin America (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for 6 semester hours:

    1. Complete 1 course from the following:

      LALS 201 Perspectives on Latin America (3 hours lecture) 3
      SPAN 375 Spanish Study Abroad 3
      SPAN 376 Cultural Studies: Latin America and the Caribbean (3 hours lecture) 3
    2. Complete 1 course from the following:

      INBS 349 International Marketing (3 hours lecture) 3
      INBS 356 International Management (3 hours lecture) 3
      INBS 358 Finance in Latin America (3 hours lecture) 3

Course Descriptions:

INBS250: Introduction to International Business (3 hours lecture)

The course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the dynamics of the global economy, international trade and investment and their linkages with the U.S. economy. Students will learn the fundamentals and interrelationships among the components of international business operations. An emphasis will be on the role of multinational institutions and the cultural, economic, legal, and political environments facing businesses. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ECON 101 or ECON 102 or ECON 202.

INBS349: International Marketing (3 hours lecture)

This course reviews and compares the marketing efforts and specific strategies which firms employ in different cultural, political, economic, and legal environments. Students examine changing international markets, exploring how firms need to quickly adapt to global competition. Issues to be examined include global sourcing, international alliances, export regulation, regional trade areas, and the influence of multinational firms. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MKTG 240 or INBS 250. Major within School of Business, Spanish and International Business (SPIB) minor.

INBS352: Economic Relations in Latin America (3 hours lecture)

In the context of global trade and investment initiatives, the course focuses on the motivation and gains from the operating regional trade agreements in the Western Hemisphere. Critical analysis of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central American Common Market (CACM), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Andean Community (AC), and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) receive special attention in this course. New initiatives in bilateral and multilateral trade agreements and their significance for global integration of Latin America are also highlighted in this course. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 250 or LALS 201. Major within School of Business, Spanish and International Business Minor, Latin American and Latino Studies Minor.

INBS356: International Management (3 hours lecture)

Managing organizations in foreign markets is much more complex than managing them in the domestic market. This course emphasizes international/cross-cultural management, including the impact of the foreign country's culture, legal system, government, economics, technology, and political system on entry strategies, organizational structures, leadership styles, motivation techniques, human resources management, and controls. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 250. Major within School of Business, Spanish and International Business (SPIB) minor.

INBS358: Finance in Latin America (3 hours lecture)

This course is designed to provide a framework coupled with a "hands-on" approach relating to investments and overall exposure to Latin America economies. The perspective is that of the financial manager, responsible for real investments in the Latin America economies as well as investment managers, responsible for investment portfolios in the markets of these economies. This course also discusses several outstanding problems of Latin America economies including foreign exchange risk, political risk, and country risk. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: INBS 250. Major within School of Business, Spanish and International Business (SPIB) minor.

LALS201: Perspectives on Latin America (3 hours lecture)

A multidisciplinary course: emphasis on anthropological, political, economic, cultural, and historical issues. Assume that the "Americas" are a geographic and cultural unit whose apparent diversity represents various indigenous peoples with an overlay of European patterns of colonialism, including slavery. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets World Cultures Requirement. 3 sh.

SPAN221: Spanish for Business (3 hours lecture)

This course focuses on the development of culturally appropriate written and oral communication in business contexts. Specialized vocabulary, discourse styles and the interpersonal etiquette required to function effectively in the Spanish-speaking business world will be addressed as well as the organization and culture of businesses in Spanish-speaking countries. Students who complete this class will develop the skills necessary to conduct professional interviews, meetings and presentations, and produce written communication in a variety of styles required in a business setting, including emails, reports and letters. Taught in Spanish. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPAN 104 or equivalent.

SPAN232: Negotiation Skills in Spanish (3 hours lecture)

This course focuses on the importance of negotiation skills in Spanish applied to the realm of international business. The course will provide a general overview of the importance of cross-cultural communication in our current globalized society and will examine in particular the main strategies used to present an argument, reach an agreement, and perform other communicative functions related to the business world. Students will be able to apply these strategies to practical cases based on real business situations in the Hispanic world as well as compare and contrast Spanish negotiation mechanisms with those used in the Anglo-Saxon world. Taught in Spanish. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPAN 221.

SPAN375: Spanish Study Abroad

Study at a university in a Spanish-speaking country to gain firsthand knowledge of the historical, social, economic and cultural life of the country. Credit by evaluation. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPAN 232 or SPAN 241.

SPAN376: Cultural Studies: Latin America and the Caribbean (3 hours lecture)

This course analyzes selected literary texts, films, and music from Latin America and the Caribbean that grapple such events and issues as the icons of culture; culture as commodity; culture as a site of resistance; and everyday cultural practices. Discussion will focus on theories about the nation, the role of national icons in the formation of cultural identity, cultural practices such as football, the bolero and Latin American telenovelas or soap operas, and the role of television and film. Students will be exposed to the cultural complexities of Latin America and the Caribbean and the relationship between "high" and "low" culture; oral culture and written culture; rural culture and urban culture; and the problems facing Latin America and the Caribbean today. Meets World Cultures Requirement. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: SPAN 232 or SPAN 241.

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