Criminal Forensic Psychology Certificate - Graduate - 2015 University Catalog
Complete the following 2 requirements:
Complete 4 courses for 12 semester hours:
Complete or an approved elective for 3 semester hours.
PSYC 664 Seminar in Forensic Assessment I (3 hours lecture) 3
Course Descriptions:
PSYC602: Introduction to Forensic Psychology (3 hours lecture)
The objective of this course is to broadly expose students to the discipline of forensic psychology and provide an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the psychologist working within the justice system. This course introduces students to major topics and issues in forensic psychology and is divided into two sections. The first section examines forensic psychology as it relates to clinical prediction, assessment, and treatment in the civil and criminal justice systems. The second section focuses on experimental forensic psychology, orienting students to non-clinical issues faced by psychologists operating in these arenas. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
PSYC620: Forensic Psychology in Criminal Proceedings (3 hours lecture)
An examination of the substantive criminal law in America stressing analysis of the justification of punishment, the definition of offenses, the Constitutional limits, the significance of resulting harm, group criminality, and methods of exculpation or defense that impact the practice of clinical forensic psychology. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
PSYC626: Expert Testimony (3 hours lecture)
A study of the law and rules (with particular attention given to the Federal Rules of Evidence) governing the proof of disputed issues of fact in criminal and civil trials, including the functions of judge and jury; relevancy; real and demonstrative evidence; authentication and production of writings; the examination, competency, and privileges of witnesses; hearsay; impeachment; and burden of proof, presumptions, and judicial notice in the practice of clinical forensic psychology. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
PSYC650: Seminar in Developmental Psychopathology I (3 hours lecture)
This course examines psychological disorders that occur in the course of forensic assessment and involves review, critical evaluation, and integration of current scientific literature regarding diagnosis, phenomenology, and etiology. Issues in the application of the multiaxial diagnostic system of the DSM-IV in clinical practice are discussed. This course explores relevant state and federal constitutional, statutory, and case law regulating mental health professional practice. Topics include: assessment of risk, violence and predatory behavior, sexual offense, pre-sentencing evaluations, competence and insanity, civil commitment, confidentiality and privilege, duty to protect third parties from harm, psychiatric hospitalization of inmates, and state licensing requirements. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
PSYC664: Seminar in Forensic Assessment I (3 hours lecture)
This course examines issues related to conducting assessments for the criminal courts. Students review and critique current research in forensic psychology as well as developing case law. Current assessment practices including objective, subjective & projective and actuarial measures will be taught. Emphasis is placed on constructing the written report and on the ethical issues often faced in the forensic forum. This course will include a practicum component in which students perform forensic assessments with the instructor and/or clinical supervisor in the areas of assessment of risk, violence and predatory behavior, sexual offense, pre-sentencing evaluations, competence and insanity, civil commitment, confidentiality and privilege, duty to protect third parties from harm, psychiatric hospitalization of inmates, and state licensing requirements. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
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