Arabic Minor - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog
Complete 18 semester hours from the following:
Complete $H to 18 semester hours from: .
ARAB 101 Beginning Arabic I (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 112 Beginning Arabic II (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 121 Intermediate Arabic I (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 132 Intermediate Arabic II (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 185 The Arab World and Religion (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 193 Introduction to Arab Culture (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 203 Advanced Arabic I (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 204 Advanced Arabic II (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 218 Spoken Arabic (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 220 Twentieth-Century Arabic Literature (3 hour lecture) 3 ARAB 221 Media Arabic (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 261 Arabic Writing I (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 351 Advanced Spoken Arabic (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 376 Arabic Writing II (3 hours lecture) 3 ARAB 411 Quranic/Classical Arabic (3 hours lecture) 3 -
$H to 9 semester hours may be completed from:
ARAB 375 Arabic Study Abroad 3-9 -
$H to 9 semester hours may be completed from:
ARAB 478 Independent Study in Arabic Language (3 hours lecture) 3
Course Descriptions:
ARAB101: Beginning Arabic I (3 hours lecture)
A basic introduction to the Arabic language with emphasis on speaking, reading, writing and listening through classroom drill and communicative activities. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.
ARAB112: Beginning Arabic II (3 hours lecture)
For students who have completed Beginning Arabic I. Continuation of basic skills, intensive vocabulary practice through reading texts on culture and life of the Arabic-speaking world. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.
ARAB121: Intermediate Arabic I (3 hours lecture)
This course is designed for students who have completed Arabic 101 and 112 at Montclair State University or students who have been placed at this level. Though the course continues to build on the listening comprehension skills developed in Beginning Arabic I and II, the focus is on reading and writing through the study of representative works and characteristic aspects of Arabic culture. Laboratory work is available. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 112.
ARAB132: Intermediate Arabic II (3 hours lecture)
For students who have completed Arabic 121 at Montclair State University or students who have been placed at this level. Advanced development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing through the study of authentic texts, representative works and characteristic aspects of Arab life and culture. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 121.
ARAB185: The Arab World and Religion (3 hours lecture)
This course examines the various manifestations of religion in modern Arab culture. Through works written by both Arab and Western authors, students will explore the major religions of the Arab world, and how they have shaped modern Arab culture. Course conducted in English. Students wishing to complete written work in Arabic should register under the ARAB number; students completing written work in English should register under the ARIN number. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. 3 sh.
ARAB193: Introduction to Arab Culture (3 hours lecture)
This course introduces some of the main themes and concepts of Arab culture(s) in Arabic-speaking countries. This course will highlight such topics as the history, geography, and demographics of the Arab World; the concept of ethnicity and Arab identity; the importance of religion, namely Islam; political structures in Arab societies; family structure; the role of the Arabic language; literature, cinema; music, etc. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets World Cultures Requirement. Cross listed with ARIN 193. 3 sh.
ARAB203: Advanced Arabic I (3 hours lecture)
This course is designed for students who have completed Intermediate Arabic I and II at Montclair State University or students who have been placed at this level through an MSU official placement test. The course incorporates substantially more vocabulary than the previous two intermediate levels. Through the study of representative authentic works that highlight different aspects of the Arab culture, the accompanying tasks and activities emphasize reading and writing. Activities aimed at improving speaking and listening skills are incorporated as well. Laboratory work available. Meets World Languages Requirement. Previous course ARAB 151 effective through Winter 2013. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 132.
ARAB204: Advanced Arabic II (3 hours lecture)
This course is designed for students who have completed Advanced Arabic I at Montclair State University or students who have been placed at this level through and MSU official placement test. The course is a continuation of Arabic I and is characterized by more emphasis on reading and writing skills, listening and speaking are still adequately integrated in a manner that accomplishes advanced language proficiency. Laboratory work available. Meets World Languages Requirement. Previous course ARAB 152 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 203.
ARAB218: Spoken Arabic (3 hours lecture)
Spoken Arabic is an intermediate language course whose main objective is to enhance students' listening and speaking skills in the Arabic Language. The course will expose students to formal and informal spoken Arabic in various settings, and enable them to practice what they acquire in similar situations. Previous course ARAB 118 effective through Winter 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 112.
ARAB220: Twentieth-Century Arabic Literature (3 hour lecture)
This course is designed for students with an advanced knowledge and understanding of the Arabic language, as the majority of the material covered will be in Arabic. Most of the instruction, however, will be in English. The course presents representative poetry and prose composed in modern-day Arabic. We will analyze the works' principal themes and explore the times in which they were written. The purpose of the course is not only to familiarize students with Arabic literature, but to also build vocabulary, writing and grammar skills through the use of varied texts and writing assignments. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 132 or departmental approval.
ARAB221: Media Arabic (3 hours lecture)
Media Arabic is an advanced language course whose main objective is to enable students to master the language commonly used by the Arabic media and press. The course exposes students to the language of print and electronic media in the Arab world through exercises and authentic materials. Students will read news articles published in Arabic newspapers, and will watch/listen to newscasts aired on Arabic satellite TV and radio stations. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 204.
ARAB261: Arabic Writing I (3 hours lecture)
Arabic Writing I is a high-intermediate language course whose focus is standard writing in modern Arabic. The course will expose students to authentic texts in Modern Standard Arabic about various topics and will develop their academic writing skills by focusing on using the composition process to write clear, well-organized, well-supported paragraphs and essays. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 112.
ARAB351: Advanced Spoken Arabic (3 hours lecture)
Advanced Spoken Arabic is an advanced language course whose main objective is to enhance students' skills in Arabic Language listening and speaking skills. The course will expose students to formal and informal spoken Arabic in various settings, and enable them to practice what they acquire in similar situations. Meets World Languages requirement. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 218.
ARAB375: Arabic Study Abroad
This course is designed to give teachers and students the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the historical, social, economic, and cultural life of an Arabic-speaking country or region. This aim will be achieved through visits to various representative sites, tours, and lectures. 3 - 9 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ARAB376: Arabic Writing II (3 hours lecture)
Arabic Writing II is an advanced language course whose focus is on formal writing in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). The course will expose students to authentic texts in MSA about various topics and will develop their academic writing skills by focusing on the composition process to write clear, well-organized, well-supported advanced essays in various styles. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 261.
ARAB411: Quranic/Classical Arabic (3 hours lecture)
Quranic/Classical Arabic is an advanced language course whose main objective is to enable students to master Classical Arabic, the language commonly used in the Quran, poetry and highly advanced prose. The course exposes students to the early form of Arabic which is still used in many contexts, especially in the Quran, literature, most historical documents, books, and encyclopedias. Students will read various texts in Classical Arabic and watch movies and songs that use this variety of Arabic. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 375 or equivalent knowledge of MSA based on placement test or interview by the instructor.
ARAB478: Independent Study in Arabic Language (3 hours lecture)
The goal of this course is to provide students and faculty with flexibility within the existing academic structure. Students and faculty may collaborate to create a course of study in the Arabic language which either supplements existing courses or fills in gaps which both or either student or faculty perceive in a student's curriculum. May be repeated twice provided the course content is different, for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ARAB 204.
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