French Major, French Civilization Concentration (B.A.) - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog

A minimum of 120 semester hours of coursework is required for the baccalaureate degree with a minimum 2.0 overall GPA, and a minimum 2.0 major GPA. However, more than 120 semester hours may be required depending upon the major field of study. In addition to the major requirement outlined below, all university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree. Students who place at the appropriate level on the mandatory Montclair State Placement Test may begin the French major in their freshman year.


Complete 39 semester hours including the following 2 requirement(s):


    Complete the following 3 requirement(s) for 36 semester hours:

    1. Complete the following 10 courses:

      FREN 203 Review of French of Grammar (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 204 French Stylistics and Composition (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 205 French Phonetics (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 206 Spoken Language Practice (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 210 Introduction to French and Francophone Literature (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 270 Advanced Composition (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 302 Origins Of French Civilization (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 304 French Civilization 19th and 20th Centuries (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 350 Translation I (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 360 French Perspectives (3 hours lecture) 3
    2. Complete 1 course from the following:

      FREN 349 Francophone Literature (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 352 Twentieth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture) 3
    3. Complete 1 course from the following:

      FREN 286 French Film (3 hours lecture) 3
      FREN 289 Francophone Film (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete 3 semester hours from the following:

    FREN 202 Seventeenth Century French Theater (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 208 Mediterranean Civilization and the Origins of French Culture (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 211 Eighteenth Century French Theater (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 231 Business French and Computers I (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 232 Business French and Computers II (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 251 Advanced Syntax (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 275 Advanced Spoken Language Practice (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 283 Introduction to Women Authors of French-Speaking Africa (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 286 French Film (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 289 Francophone Film (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 315 Dada And Surrealism (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 325 Structure of the French Language (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 334 Seventeenth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 335 The French Renaissance (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 336 Eighteenth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 339 Nineteenth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 340 Survey of French Poetry (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 341 Contemporary French Drama (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 345 Development of French Novel to 1900 (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 349 Francophone Literature (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 351 Translation II (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 352 Twentieth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 365 Introduction to Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 367 Seminars (3.0 hours seminar) 3
    FREN 368 Seminars (3 hours seminar) 3
    FREN 369 Seminars (3 hours seminar) 3
    FREN 371 Explication De Texte (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 375 French Study Abroad 3-9
    FREN 380 Cooperative Education for the French Major 4-8
    FREN 410 Advanced French Grammar (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 418 Theories and Approaches to Teaching French as a Second Language (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 419 Teaching French in P-12: Practice (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 452 Translation III (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 470 Seminars (3 hours seminar) 3
    FREN 472 French Language Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
    FREN 478 Independent Study 1-3

Course Descriptions:

FREN202: Seventeenth Century French Theater (3 hours lecture)

Plays of Corneille, Racine and Moliere. 3 sh.

FREN203: Review of French of Grammar (3 hours lecture)

Skills of the French language. Intensive vocabulary practice, laboratory drills, grammar review and weekly compositions, integrated into an intensive language program. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 132.

FREN204: French Stylistics and Composition (3 hours lecture)

Skills of the French language, intensive vocabulary practice, grammar review, and weekly compositions. Meets World Languages Requirement. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 203.

FREN205: French Phonetics (3 hours lecture)

Weekly transcriptions, problems of articulation, rhythm, accentuation and intonation; intensive language laboratory work. 3 sh.

FREN206: Spoken Language Practice (3 hours lecture)

Intensive conversation with organized discussions on subjects of special interest. 3 sh.

FREN208: Mediterranean Civilization and the Origins of French Culture (3 hours lecture)

An examination of the origins and development of French culture in the fields of art, law, language, architecture, political systems, educational principles, and technology. Students will also explore the Roman roots of France, especially Southern France, the evolution of France towards its modern self, and the convergence of France and other former Roman enclaves in the European Union. Taught in English. Cross-listed with FRIN 208. Students should register under FREN 208 to complete written work in French (French majors and minors), or under FRIN 208 to complete written work in English (non-French majors and minors). 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 132 or departmental approval.

FREN210: Introduction to French and Francophone Literature (3 hours lecture)

Representative selection of literary and cultural reading texts, providing general knowledge and understanding of French and Francophone literature. Introduction to techniques of literary analysis. Previous course FREN 146 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.

FREN211: Eighteenth Century French Theater (3 hours lecture)

Comedy, tragedy and the origin of the drama. 3 sh.

FREN231: Business French and Computers I (3 hours lecture)

The first half of a two-semester sequential course, conducted entirely in French. It familiarizes students with basic French commercial vocabulary, and computer lexicon required in today's business world. It offers students the opportunity to acquire the bilingual French-English knowledge necessary for secretarial and managerial positions in, for example, import-export companies. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204.

FREN232: Business French and Computers II (3 hours lecture)

A two-semester sequential course conducted entirely in French. It familiarizes students with basic French commercial vocabulary, and computer lexicon required in today's business world. It offers students the opportunity to acquire the bilingual French-English knowledge necessary for secretarial and managerial positions in, for example, import-export companies. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 231.

FREN251: Advanced Syntax (3 hours lecture)

Advanced French syntactical theory. 3 sh.

FREN270: Advanced Composition (3 hours lecture)

A review of advanced grammar through intensive written and oral practice. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in French. 3 sh.

FREN275: Advanced Spoken Language Practice (3 hours lecture)

Intensive conversation on an advanced level on selected and varied topics. 3 sh.

FREN283: Introduction to Women Authors of French-Speaking Africa (3 hours lecture)

This course examines the representations of women in post-colonial literature by French-speaking women authors from North and Sub-Saharan Africa (readings in English translation). Students will explore major works of fiction by women authors as they relate to gender and cultural identity. Readings include novels that deal with contemporary socio-cultural issues. Meets the Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

FREN286: French Film (3 hours lecture)

Development of film art with special emphasis on the contemporary period. Course taught in English. Work done in French by those taking it for French major credit and in English by those taking it as a general elective. Cross listed with French, German and Russian FRIN 286 and Classics and General Humanities GNHU 286. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Starting Winter 2016: GNHU 115 or GNHU 151 or FRIN 145 or FREN 132 or ENWR 105 or HONP 100.

FREN289: Francophone Film (3 hours lecture)

This course will use cinema as a tool and medium for the critical analysis of artistic and cultural discourse, and will introduce students to postcolonial Francophone cultures outside of metropolitan France and the western French-speaking world (Africa and the Caribbean). Cross listed with French, German, and Russian, FRIN 289 and Classics and General Humanities, GNHU 289. Course taught in English. Work done in French by those taking it for French major credit and in English by those taking it as an elective. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets World Cultures Requirement. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204. Starting Winter 2016: GNHU 115 or GNHU 151 or FRIN 145 or FREN 132 or ENWR 105 or HONP 100.

FREN302: Origins Of French Civilization (3 hours lecture)

French history and cultural development from the Middle Ages to the revolution. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN304: French Civilization 19th and 20th Centuries (3 hours lecture)

Various aspects of the material, intellectual, artistic, and spiritual life of France. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN315: Dada And Surrealism (3 hours lecture)

The Dada and surrealist movements; their influence on twentieth century life. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN325: Structure of the French Language (3 hours lecture)

Introduction to French linguistics in its broadest themes with a particular emphasis on phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Study of the sociolinguistic aspects and issues surrounding the French language, regional dialects, and varieties of French in the French-speaking world. Taught in French. Previous course FREN 225 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 205.

FREN334: Seventeenth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture)

The most representative authors of the century. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN335: The French Renaissance (3 hours lecture)

Selected works of Rabelais, Montaigne and the poets of the Pleiade. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN336: Eighteenth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture)

Main writings of the Age of Enlightenment. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN339: Nineteenth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture)

Principal literary currents from Romanticism to symbolism. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN340: Survey of French Poetry (3 hours lecture)

Development of principal poetic movements with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN341: Contemporary French Drama (3 hours lecture)

Theatre from the beginning of the century to the present. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN345: Development of French Novel to 1900 (3 hours lecture)

Evolution of fiction from the feminist writings of Mme. De La Fayette and Diderot. Literature of social involvement to the present. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN349: Francophone Literature (3 hours lecture)

Literature of French expression outside continental France. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN350: Translation I (3 hours lecture)

Techniques of translation English-French, French-English. Vocabulary, comparative sentence structure, analysis and expression of ideas and images. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in French. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN351: Translation II (3 hours lecture)

Techniques of translation English-French, French-English. Vocabulary, comparative sentence structure, analysis and expression of ideas and images. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in French. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 350.

FREN352: Twentieth Century French Literature (3 hours lecture)

Representative works of contemporary theater and the novel. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN360: French Perspectives (3 hours lecture)

The history of ideas in France since World War II. Emphasizes the interrelationship of political, social, and philosophic thinking. Taught in French. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN365: Introduction to Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting (3 hours lecture)

The field of cross-cultural communications (with emphasis on the French-speaking world) and practice in the techniques of simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, French-English, English-French. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 351.

FREN367: Seminars (3.0 hours seminar)

Selected topics to be studied in depth with emphasis on methods of inquiry. Topic announced each semester. May repeated twice for a maximum of 9 credits, provided the course topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN368: Seminars (3 hours seminar)

Selected topics to be studied in depth with emphasis on methods of inquiry. Topic announced each semester. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9 credits, provided the course topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

FREN369: Seminars (3 hours seminar)

Selected topics to be studied in depth with emphasis on methods of inquiry. Topic announced each semester. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9 credits, provided the course topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

FREN371: Explication De Texte (3 hours lecture)

Improvement of reading skills and literary perception through the technique of the explication de texte, using examples from a wide variety of periods and genres. Previous course FREN 271 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 210.

FREN375: French Study Abroad

Study at a university in a French speaking country to gain first-hand knowledge of the historical, social, economic, and cultural life of the country. Credit by evaluation. 3 - 9 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

FREN380: Cooperative Education for the French Major

Supervised work experience and academic project in professional field related to major. 4 - 8 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

FREN410: Advanced French Grammar (3 hours lecture)

A review of the most important structural features of French, with special emphasis on areas of interference with English structure. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN418: Theories and Approaches to Teaching French as a Second Language (3 hours lecture)

The first half of a two-semester sequential course conducted entirely in French. Analysis of various second language theories, and a survey of instructional methods and the principles underlying them. Also offers an overview of research findings in the area of French as a second language. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN419: Teaching French in P-12: Practice (3 hours lecture)

The second half of a two-semester sequential course conducted entirely in French. Application of various teaching techniques; development of mini lesson plans and a unit plan by integrating state and national standards; and application of appropriate performance-based assessment. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 418.

FREN452: Translation III (3 hours lecture)

Translation of articles in specific fields of interest to improve translation skills. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in French. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 351.

FREN470: Seminars (3 hours seminar)

Selected topics to be studied in depth with emphasis on methods of inquiry. Topic announced each semester. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9 credits, provided the course topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

FREN472: French Language Workshop (3 hours lecture)

A thorough foundation in French at the level required for successful graduate studies. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: FREN 204 or departmental approval.

FREN478: Independent Study

Directed independent study and research in French language and literature. May be taken for a maximum of 3.0 credits. 1 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval.

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