History Minor - Undergraduate - 2009 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.


Complete the following 2 requirement(s):


    Complete the following 4 requirement(s):

    1. Complete the following 1 course:

      HIST 100 The Study of History 3
    2. Complete 1 course from the following: .

      HIST 117 History of the United States to 1876 3
      HIST 118 History of the United States Since 1876 3
    3. Complete 1 course from the following: .

      HIST 103 Foundations of Western Civilization 3
      HIST 105 Emergence of European Civilization, 1500-1914 3
      HIST 106 Contemporary Europe, 1914 to the Present 3
    4. Complete 1 course from the following: .

      HIST 108 Introduction to African Civilization 3
      HIST 109 Introduction to Islamic Civilization 3
      HIST 114 Early Latin America 3
      HIST 116 Modern Latin America 3
      HIST 128 Pre-Modern Japan: A History or Japan to the Meiji Restoration 3
      HIST 129 Modern Japan: A History of Japan From the Meiji Through the Showa 3
      HIST 131 Introduction to Indian Civilization 3
      HIST 132 Introduction to Chinese Civilization 3
      HIST 133 Modern Chinese Civilization 3

    Complete the following 3 requirement(s):

    1. Complete 1 course from the following:

      HIST 204 The Second World War 3
      HIST 205 Minorities in American History 3
      HIST 212 Social History of the United States 3
      HIST 213 Economic History of the United States 3
      HIST 214 Diplomatic History of the United States 3
      HIST 215 Women in American History 3
      HIST 216 Italian American History and Culture 3
      HIST 217 History of Black Americans 3
      HIST 218 Political History of the United States 3
      HIST 219 Sport in History 3
      HIST 221 Europe's Conquest of the Americas, 1415-1763 3
      HIST 222 Economic History of Europe 3
      HIST 223 Communist Revolution in China 3
      HIST 225 The Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians Since 1815 3
      HIST 231 New Jersey: Past and Present 3
      HIST 281 Greek Civilization 3
      HIST 282 Roman Civilization 3
      HIST 299 History Study Abroad 1-3
      HIST 308 History of the American Family 3
      HIST 309 Feminist Ideas in Western Thought 3
      HIST 310 Immigrant in American History 3
      HIST 311 Early History of New Jersey 1702-89 3
      HIST 312 Historical Geography of the United States 3
      HIST 313 Biography in American History 3
      HIST 314 Women and Migration 3
      HIST 315 War in History 3
      HIST 319 American Urban History to 1880 3
      HIST 320 American Urban History Since 1880 3
      HIST 321 History of the American Worker Since 1877 3
      HIST 322 Medieval European Civilization 450-1350 3
      HIST 323 History of Russia to 1917 3
      HIST 324 Russia Since 1917 3
      HIST 326 Modern German History 3
      HIST 327 History of France Since 1789 3
      HIST 328 Conflict in Modern Ireland 3
      HIST 329 History of England to 1714 3
      HIST 330 Chinese Social History Through Literature 3
      HIST 331 History of England 1714-1914 3
      HIST 332 Selected Topics in Ancient History (Greece, Rome, W. Asia, N. Africa, Europe) 3
      HIST 333 History of Brazil 3
      HIST 334 Women in the Muslim World: A History of Representations 3
      HIST 339 Seminar in Latin American History 3
      HIST 343 Research Techniques-American History 3
      HIST 400 Senior Seminar in History 3
      HIST 401 Kingdoms in the Sun: Sicily and Southern Italy in Antiquity and the Middle Ages 3
      HIST 406 History of American Business 3
      HIST 408 Independent Study European History 3
      HIST 409 Independent Study Non-Western History 3
      HIST 410 Independent Study in American History 3
      HIST 411 Intellectual History of the United States 3
      HIST 413 The Philosophy of History 3
      HIST 415 European Social History 3
      HIST 416 Church and State in Latin America 3
      HIST 419 Age of Renaissance, 1350-1517 3
      HIST 420 The Reformation Era, 1500-1650 3
      HIST 422 Studies in Enlightenment History 3
      HIST 424 Diplomatic History of Europe 3
      HIST 425 Ideas in European History: Burke to Nietzsche 3
      HIST 426 The Nazi Third Reich 3
      HIST 427 The Holocaust, 1939-1945 3
      HIST 430 Revolutions in Latin American History 3
      HIST 431 Development of Indian Character and Culture 3
      HIST 432 Development of Japanese Character and Culture 3
      HIST 433 American Colonial History 1607-1763 3
      HIST 434 American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1828 3
      HIST 435 The Union in Crisis 1820-1877 3
      HIST 436 America in the Gilded Age 3
      HIST 437 American Society in the 20th Century 3
      HIST 438 America in the Sixties: The Crisis of Consensus Liberalism 3
      HIST 443 Internship in History 3
      HIST 460 Independent Transcultural Study 3
      HIST 461 Cultural History of Primitive Societies 3
      HIST 499 Selected Topics 1-3
    2. Complete 1 course from the following:

      HIST 308 History of the American Family 3
      HIST 309 Feminist Ideas in Western Thought 3
      HIST 310 Immigrant in American History 3
      HIST 311 Early History of New Jersey 1702-89 3
      HIST 312 Historical Geography of the United States 3
      HIST 313 Biography in American History 3
      HIST 314 Women and Migration 3
      HIST 315 War in History 3
      HIST 319 American Urban History to 1880 3
      HIST 320 American Urban History Since 1880 3
      HIST 321 History of the American Worker Since 1877 3
      HIST 322 Medieval European Civilization 450-1350 3
      HIST 323 History of Russia to 1917 3
      HIST 324 Russia Since 1917 3
      HIST 326 Modern German History 3
      HIST 327 History of France Since 1789 3
      HIST 328 Conflict in Modern Ireland 3
      HIST 329 History of England to 1714 3
      HIST 330 Chinese Social History Through Literature 3
      HIST 331 History of England 1714-1914 3
      HIST 332 Selected Topics in Ancient History (Greece, Rome, W. Asia, N. Africa, Europe) 3
      HIST 333 History of Brazil 3
      HIST 334 Women in the Muslim World: A History of Representations 3
      HIST 339 Seminar in Latin American History 3
      HIST 343 Research Techniques-American History 3
      HIST 400 Senior Seminar in History 3
      HIST 401 Kingdoms in the Sun: Sicily and Southern Italy in Antiquity and the Middle Ages 3
      HIST 406 History of American Business 3
      HIST 408 Independent Study European History 3
      HIST 409 Independent Study Non-Western History 3
      HIST 410 Independent Study in American History 3
      HIST 411 Intellectual History of the United States 3
      HIST 413 The Philosophy of History 3
      HIST 415 European Social History 3
      HIST 416 Church and State in Latin America 3
      HIST 419 Age of Renaissance, 1350-1517 3
      HIST 420 The Reformation Era, 1500-1650 3
      HIST 422 Studies in Enlightenment History 3
      HIST 424 Diplomatic History of Europe 3
      HIST 425 Ideas in European History: Burke to Nietzsche 3
      HIST 426 The Nazi Third Reich 3
      HIST 427 The Holocaust, 1939-1945 3
      HIST 430 Revolutions in Latin American History 3
      HIST 431 Development of Indian Character and Culture 3
      HIST 432 Development of Japanese Character and Culture 3
      HIST 433 American Colonial History 1607-1763 3
      HIST 434 American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1828 3
      HIST 435 The Union in Crisis 1820-1877 3
      HIST 436 America in the Gilded Age 3
      HIST 437 American Society in the 20th Century 3
      HIST 438 America in the Sixties: The Crisis of Consensus Liberalism 3
      HIST 443 Internship in History 3
      HIST 460 Independent Transcultural Study 3
      HIST 461 Cultural History of Primitive Societies 3
      HIST 499 Selected Topics 1-3
    3. Complete 1 course from the following:

      HIST 401 Kingdoms in the Sun: Sicily and Southern Italy in Antiquity and the Middle Ages 3
      HIST 406 History of American Business 3
      HIST 408 Independent Study European History 3
      HIST 409 Independent Study Non-Western History 3
      HIST 410 Independent Study in American History 3
      HIST 411 Intellectual History of the United States 3
      HIST 413 The Philosophy of History 3
      HIST 415 European Social History 3
      HIST 416 Church and State in Latin America 3
      HIST 419 Age of Renaissance, 1350-1517 3
      HIST 420 The Reformation Era, 1500-1650 3
      HIST 422 Studies in Enlightenment History 3
      HIST 424 Diplomatic History of Europe 3
      HIST 425 Ideas in European History: Burke to Nietzsche 3
      HIST 426 The Nazi Third Reich 3
      HIST 427 The Holocaust, 1939-1945 3
      HIST 430 Revolutions in Latin American History 3
      HIST 431 Development of Indian Character and Culture 3
      HIST 432 Development of Japanese Character and Culture 3
      HIST 433 American Colonial History 1607-1763 3
      HIST 434 American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1828 3
      HIST 435 The Union in Crisis 1820-1877 3
      HIST 436 America in the Gilded Age 3
      HIST 437 American Society in the 20th Century 3
      HIST 438 America in the Sixties: The Crisis of Consensus Liberalism 3
      HIST 443 Internship in History 3
      HIST 460 Independent Transcultural Study 3
      HIST 461 Cultural History of Primitive Societies 3
      HIST 499 Selected Topics 1-3

Course Descriptions:

HIST100: The Study of History

The course is designed to introduce students to the nature of history as a scholarly intellectual pursuit. It is built around student activities dealing with the materials and typical research procedures used by historians and the challenges of criticizing and writing history at the beginner's level. Meets the University Writing Requirement for HIED, HIEL and HIST majors. Restricted to History Majors and Minors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Restricted to History Majors and Minors.

HIST103: Foundations of Western Civilization

Origins and development of Western civilization to about 1350: Egyptian, Judaic, Greek, Roman, Islamic and Medieval European contributions. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, American or European History. Meets 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, American/European History 3 sh.

HIST105: Emergence of European Civilization, 1500-1914

The emergence of Europe as a distinctive world civilization. The development of ideas, institutions and technologies from medieval times to World War I. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, American or European History. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, American/European History. 3 sh.

HIST106: Contemporary Europe, 1914 to the Present

European society in transition since World War I. The role of two world wars in shaping contemporary times. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, American or European History. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, American/European History. 3 sh.

HIST108: Introduction to African Civilization

Pre-colonial African civilization and its eclipse under slavery and the colonial onslaught. Principal social, political and cultural systems of the period. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST109: Introduction to Islamic Civilization

Examination of various institutions and value systems in Islam which characterize it as a major civilization. Important cultural developments as they are affected by the process of transition. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST114: Early Latin America

This course will provide a background in the main issues, themes and events in the history of colonial Latin America, including an introduction to the pre-contact (pre-1492) histories of Spain, Portugal and the Americas. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST116: Modern Latin America

This course offers an introduction to the history of Latin America, with an emphasis on the period since the 1810s. Students unfamiliar with the region should emerge from the course with a firm grounding in the major themes of modern Latin American history. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. 3 sh.

HIST117: History of the United States to 1876

Issues and problems in the development of the American nation from discovery and exploration to the Civil War and Reconstruction. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, American or European History. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, American/European History. 3 sh.

HIST118: History of the United States Since 1876

American development from an agrarian power after the Civil War into an urban-industrial society with the liberal institutions that accompanied it. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, American or European History. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, American/European History. 3 sh.

HIST128: Pre-Modern Japan: A History or Japan to the Meiji Restoration

This is an introductory survey course in Japanese history from earliest times to the Meiji (1868-1912). It is a first step in Japan studies designed to provide a broad, useful, working knowledge of key aspects of traditional Japan. Culture, politics, society and economy will be built into a chronological, historical structure. Japan's uniqueness will be outlined against a background of greater East Asian and world interactions. This course will stand on its own, but will also serve as a useful background to understanding modern and contemporary Japan. The course also aspires to sensitizing students to the inherent value of East Asian culture as a part of human richness and diversity. 3 sh.

HIST129: Modern Japan: A History of Japan From the Meiji Through the Showa

This is an introductory survey course in Japanese history from the Meiji (1868-1912) through the Showa (1925-present). While it would be useful to study premodern Japan before taking this course, modern Japan does stand on its own. A review of traditional Japan will be followed by study of the dynamic interaction of Japan and the West during the 19th Century. Japan's expansionism, World War II and the postwar period will be important topics. Cultural, military, economic, political, and social developments will be discussed in historical settings. Students will be encouraged to appreciate the unique dynamics of Japan's development as a modern nation state and to explore the likely progress of Japan into the 21st Century. 3 sh.

HIST131: Introduction to Indian Civilization

The early history of India, 3000 B.C. to 1000 A.D. Principal religions, political and literary works, and their insights into Indian social values and institutions. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST132: Introduction to Chinese Civilization

The early history of China, 2000 B.C. to 1300 A.D. Principal social, political and metaphysical-philosophic works, corresponding values and institutions. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST133: Modern Chinese Civilization

Modern China, 1600 to the present. Changes in values and mutual influence of East and West, studied through literary, philosophical, anthropological, historical and artistic works. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST204: The Second World War

A study of the origins and course of World War II in Europe, Asia and the Pacific. 3 sh.

HIST205: Minorities in American History

A study of the historical background of the various ethnic, racial and religious minorities in contemporary American society. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST212: Social History of the United States

Social and cultural aspects of American history: population movements, rural and urban problems, status of women, utopian ventures, mass media, recreation, human rights. 3 sh.

HIST213: Economic History of the United States

Major trends in agriculture, commerce, finance, manufacturing, transportation and industrial relations from colonial beginnings to the present. Cross listed with Economics and Finance, ECON 213. 3 sh.

HIST214: Diplomatic History of the United States

Evolution of American foreign policy and diplomacy from the Revolution to the present. Selected basic readings in the field. 3 sh.

HIST215: Women in American History

The changing role and status of women in American society from colonial times to the present. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST216: Italian American History and Culture

The history and culture of Italian Americans from the colonial era to the present. 3 sh.

HIST217: History of Black Americans

Role of Americans of African descent in the development of the United States. Contributions of black Americans from initial discovery and exploration to mid-20th century. Meets the Human and Intercultural Relations Requirement (HIRR). Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

HIST218: Political History of the United States

The historical development of American political institutions from the early 1700s to the present. Focus upon the evolution of constitutional and legal structures, the party system and pressure groups, the role of bureaucracies, and the impact of political leaders. 3 sh.

HIST219: Sport in History

This course takes a global approach to the history of sport, but focuses on the role of sport in American history. It examines sport in early world cultures, the development of sport as a mass spectator phenomenon in modern times, and the social significance of sport in the contemporary world. 3 sh.

HIST221: Europe's Conquest of the Americas, 1415-1763

A study of European explorations, discoveries and territorial settlements in the Americas during the 15th to the 18th century. Examination of the expansion and impact of Europe -- institutions, ideas, traditions, technologies -- and resulting confrontations with and impact on native American peoples. 3 sh.

HIST222: Economic History of Europe

European economic development from the Middle Ages to the present. Emphasis on the first industrial revolution in Britain; comparing 19th century economic growth in Britain, France, Germany and Russia. Cross listed with Economics and Finance, ECON 222. 3 sh.

HIST223: Communist Revolution in China

Ideological and historical significance studied against the background of domestic and international events, personalities and ideologies. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. 3 sh.

HIST225: The Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians Since 1815

This survey examines the history of east central Europe since the Congress of Vienna. The spread and impact of nationalism, democracy, fascism and Communism will be considered. 3 sh.

HIST231: New Jersey: Past and Present

A survey of New Jersey history emphasizing (1) the state's political, economic, and social heritage and evolution, and (2) New Jersey's role in the development of the United States. 3 sh.

HIST281: Greek Civilization

The political, social, economic, and cultural history of the Greek world from the Bronze Age to the Roman Conquest as seen through literary, documentary, and archaeological sources. Cross listed with Classics and General Humanities, GNHU 281. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, American or European History. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, American/European History. 3 sh.

HIST282: Roman Civilization

The political, social, economic, and cultural history of the Roman world from the Regal Period to Justinian as seen through literary, documentary and archaeological sources. Cross listed with Classics and General Humanities, GNHU 282. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, American or European History. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, American/European History. 3 sh.

HIST299: History Study Abroad

This study abroad course is an exploration of a specific historical period, problem, theme, or geographical region. Particular course offerings will vary according to the location of study and the expertise of the instructor. Students will consult current schedule of courses for a specific semester offering. May be repeated three times for a maximum of 9.0 credits as long as the individual topic is different. 1 - 3 sh.

HIST308: History of the American Family

Studies the history of the American family as a dynamic social institution. The course will focus on the changing role of the family in America; the varieties of family structures in past times, and the significance of the family in American cultural and social history. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; and HIST 117 or 118; and HIST 103 or 105 or 106; and one of the following Non-Western History courses - HIST 108 or 109 or 114 or 116 or 128 or 129 or 131 or 132 or 133.

HIST309: Feminist Ideas in Western Thought

History of feminist ideas and theories about women and womanhood. Students examine important theoretical literature in Europe and America from 18th century to present. Original texts of Wollstonecroft, Fuller, Mill, and Freud will be considered against their socio-historic milieu. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST310: Immigrant in American History

The processes by which the immigrant was incorporated into American society. Includes the cultural backgrounds from which the different groups came; the reasons for emigration; the nature of the communities they created once they reached the U.S.; their religious and social institutions; the problems of maintaining ethnic culture with the pressure to Americanize. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST311: Early History of New Jersey 1702-89

From royal colony to the establishment of the federal government under the constitution state; and local events during the American Revolution. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST312: Historical Geography of the United States

The slow pace of settlement of the eastern seaboard and the development of distinctive culture hearths prior to 1800; the rapid settlement and diffusion of culture traits in the area beyond the Appalachians since 1809. Cross listed with Earth and Environmental Studies, EUGS 312. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST313: Biography in American History

The significant biographical materials available in the study of American history; the problems and uses of biography. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST314: Women and Migration

This course focuses on female migrants from the late nineteenth century to the present. Using an interdisciplinary approach with an emphasis on historical studies, it considers issues of work, family, sexuality, and identity formation for migrant women past and present. Questions to explore include: what distinguishes the experiences of migration for women; what are the continuities and differences for women across time, ethnicity, and geography; how do historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and others, as well as the migrants themselves, understand female migration; what do women gain and lose through migration; and why a gendered approach to migration studies is crucial. Cross listed with Women's and Gender Studies, WMGS 314. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: WMGS 102; or HIST 100 and HIST 117 or 118.

HIST315: War in History

Examines selected wars in the history of the world in an attempt to learn about causes and consequences of war. Consider attempts to prevent war in the past, and proposed methods for preventing war in the future. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST319: American Urban History to 1880

The urban dimension in American history and development of city life to 1880. Shapers of the 19th century city; instability and disorders due to transit and demographic revolutions. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST320: American Urban History Since 1880

Transformation of the 19th century industrial city into the 20th century metropolis; the emergence of the New York metropolitan region. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST321: History of the American Worker Since 1877

History of the American worker rather than his trade union. The worker's legal status, political behavior, social and cultural activities, treatment by employer and state. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST322: Medieval European Civilization 450-1350

Origins, development, and significance of a civilization whose political, social and cultural foundations had a spiritual basis and unity. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST323: History of Russia to 1917

Factors shaping the Russian people: Byzantium and Greek Orthodox faith, Tartar state organization, the Mir, Westernization from Peter to Lenin, intellectual and radical movements. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST324: Russia Since 1917

Political, social, economic and intellectual developments in the Soviet Union and Russia; the relationship of ideology and national goals. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST326: Modern German History

German society, culture and politics from 1789 to the present. The formation of a unified state in the nineteenth century. The effects of World War I and of National Socialism. The division of Germany after World War II and the reunification of the country in 1989-90. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST327: History of France Since 1789

Political, social, economic and intellectual developments in France since the Revolution. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST328: Conflict in Modern Ireland

A history of Irish nationalism with emphasis on the period from 1782 to the present. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST329: History of England to 1714

Emphasis on political and constitutional history, the formation of basic institutions of law and government and related economic, social and cultural factors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST330: Chinese Social History Through Literature

Masterpieces of the Chinese literary tradition from earliest times to the 20th century. Literary genre in historical perspective and as expression of social and cultural values. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST331: History of England 1714-1914

Political, social and economic history from the Hanoverian succession to the 20th century: Industrial Revolution, changing balance of the constitution, British imperialism, the Irish question. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST332: Selected Topics in Ancient History (Greece, Rome, W. Asia, N. Africa, Europe)

Courses offered under this selected topics rubric examine specific periods and issues concerning Mediterranean, Western Asian, and European political, cultural, social and economic history from the Bronze Age to the late Antique. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. Cross listed with Classics and General Humanities, GNHU 332.. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: GNHU 201 and HIST/GNHU 281 or 282; OR HIST 100 and either HIST 117 or HIST 118.

HIST333: History of Brazil

Traces the historical development from the pre-historical Indian cultures to the 1970s; covers the social, cultural, political, economic and religious aspects of the largest Latin-American nation. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST334: Women in the Muslim World: A History of Representations

A survey of writings by and about Muslim women examined historiographically. We examine conventional wisdom about Muslim women through the ages, and how this "wisdom" was constructed: Who wrote about Muslim women? When? How? What purposes have these writings served at different times and places since the inception of Islam and during the course of its 1,500 year history. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Passing grade in the following: HIST 100; HIST 117 or 118; HIST 103 or 105 or 106; 108 or 109 or 114 or 116 or 128 or 129 or 131 or 132 or 133.

HIST339: Seminar in Latin American History

Intensive study of specific periods and/or problems in latin American history. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST343: Research Techniques-American History

This course is proposed for the three week January innovative instruction period as provided in the college calendar. The aim is to utilize this period for instruction of history majors in the techniques and problems of research with primary sources; also, to familiarize them with the sources of American history in the depositories. Limited enrollment of 12. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST400: Senior Seminar in History

Directed research and preparation of seminar reports and written paper on special topics in the main fields of history. Required for senior history majors. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST401: Kingdoms in the Sun: Sicily and Southern Italy in Antiquity and the Middle Ages

This course is an excursion into the history of Sicily and the southern Italian mainland from approximately 500 BC - 1300 AD. It is driven by the cultures that left lasting impressions on this diverse region, investigating Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Norman, German and French occupations and influences. Students will have an opportunity to engage in this exploration "on location," as it will be offered as part of a summer study abroad experience in Sicily.. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST406: History of American Business

Provides historical background toward understanding the present role business plays in American society. Examines the role of the entrepreneur and business manager in the evolution of American business. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST408: Independent Study European History

To provide opportunity for capable students, mainly history majors, to do independent work in the field of European history. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST409: Independent Study Non-Western History

To provide opportunity for capable students, mainly in history or transcultural studies, to do independent work in the field of non-Western history. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST410: Independent Study in American History

To provide an opportunity to do independent work in the field. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST411: Intellectual History of the United States

Development and contributions of the thought of individuals and groups, dominant and minority, and their effect on the American mind, traditions and practices. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST413: The Philosophy of History

Development of historical thought and the writing of history in the Western world from Herodotus to the present. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST415: European Social History

This course will introduce history majors and other interested students to European social history in particular and social history in general. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST416: Church and State in Latin America

The Roman Catholic church as the major spiritual institution as well as a cultural, moral, political and economic force in Latin America. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST419: Age of Renaissance, 1350-1517

Political, economic, social and broad cultural developments in Italy and Western Europe during 1350-1517. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST420: The Reformation Era, 1500-1650

Religious movements of the 16th and 17th centuries; their medieval antecedents; the accompanying political, intellectual and socioeconomic forces. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST422: Studies in Enlightenment History

Major intellectual developments in 18th century Europe: rise of skepticism, toleration, empiricism, idea of progress. Readings in Hume, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Kant and antecedent figures. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST424: Diplomatic History of Europe

Diplomatic history of Europe since the Congress of Vienna. Emphasis on development of diplomatic practice and relations between states during 1870 to present. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST425: Ideas in European History: Burke to Nietzsche

Conservative, liberal, romantic, utilitarian and early existential streams of thought in 19th century Europe. Readings in Burke, Bentham, Mill, Hegel, Nietzsche and others, with attention to historical background. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST426: The Nazi Third Reich

Major economic, social, political and intellectual developments in 20th century Germany. Demise of Weimar Republic and ascension of Nazi Third Reich. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST427: The Holocaust, 1939-1945

The history of the Holocaust and an overview of its representations in the academic historiography as well as in literary and autobiographical texts. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST430: Revolutions in Latin American History

Examines and compares the causes, course and consequences of three major social revolutions in Latin America: Mexico (1910), Bolivia (1952), Cuba (1959). 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST431: Development of Indian Character and Culture

The historical conditioning of Indian behavior. Culture change in the perspective of colonialism and modernization; contributions of religion to social and political values and modern literature. Cross listed with Anthropology, ANTH 431. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ANTH 100 OR HIST 100.

HIST432: Development of Japanese Character and Culture

The historical conditioning of Japanese behavior. Cultural change in the perspective of traditional periodization of Japanese history. Contributions of religion and philosophy to defining social values. Cross listed with Anthropology, ANTH 432. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Social Science, Non-Western Cultural Perspectives. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ANTH 100 OR HIST 100.

HIST433: American Colonial History 1607-1763

Developments within the English colonies, interactions between England and the colonists, growth of a distinctive American society. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST434: American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1828

Analysis of events leading to the war for independence; political, economic and foreign problems of the new nation; the growth of nationalism. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST435: The Union in Crisis 1820-1877

Significant events and developments of the period: Jacksonian democracy, westward expansion and sectionalism, the Civil War and Reconstruction. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST436: America in the Gilded Age

The forces which contributed to the development of modern, industrialized America; American society and its reaction to changes of the period. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; and HIST 117 or 118.

HIST437: American Society in the 20th Century

The continuing reactions to the problems of an industrialized America. The New Deal and recent Supreme Court decisions. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST438: America in the Sixties: The Crisis of Consensus Liberalism

Analyzes the crisis of American liberalism as that ideology was beset by the consequences of postwar affluence and the growing radicalism during the Kennedy-Johnson administration; and the backlash that developed into the Nixon "New Majority". 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST443: Internship in History

Opportunity for the advanced student to acquire practical experience working directly with primary sources of history in state and local depositories of historical materials. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST460: Independent Transcultural Study

No formal class meetings, this study program includes directed reading and preparation of written papers on transcultural subjects not offered in the regular curriculum and advanced independent study of subjects with which students have had course experience. Students seeking admission must secure approval of at least two professors representing different fields in the transcultural program. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

HIST461: Cultural History of Primitive Societies

Interdisciplinary approach to the aims, methods and techniques of ethno-historical research. Sources of data include both documentary and non-documentary evidence in reconstructing the culture history of pre-literate or semi-literate societies. Cross listed with Anthropology, ANTH 461. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: ANTH 100 or HIST 100.

HIST499: Selected Topics

Study in a specific historical period, problem or theme. Particular course offerings will vary. Students may repeat course for up to nine credits as long as individual topic is different. Consult current schedule of courses for semester offering. May be repeated for a maximum of 9.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 1 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: HIST 100; AND HIST 117 OR HIST 118.

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