English Minor - Undergraduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
Complete 18 semester hours, including the following 2 requirement(s):
Complete the following 1 course:
ENGL 200 The Pursuits of English 4 -
Complete 15 semester hours from the following as prescribed by your adviser:
Course Descriptions:
ENFL208: Introduction to the Film
The history and aesthetics of film from its beginning to the present, with special attention to the evolution of technique, influential art movements and national cinemas, pivotal directors and films. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Fine and Performing Arts: Art Appreciation. 3 sh.
ENFL250: Major Film Directors
Focusing on the life and work of influential filmmakers, the course addresses such issues as auteur criticism, the nature of successful collaborations (scriptwriting teams, director/cinematographer) and performance theory. 3 sh.
ENFL255: World Film
Films from the major film producing countries including the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Russia, England, India and Japan. Within that framework, special topics will be defined: a specific period, a particular theme or problem, comparison/contrast of several national cinemas. 3 sh.
ENFL260: Major Film Genres
Examples from the major film genres, such as the Western, the crime film, the musical, the horror film, and film noir, with special emphasis on American film and principles of genre criticism. 3 sh.
ENFL310: Screenwriting I
The art and craft of writing for the screen will be both studied and practiced. After studying the fundamentals of effective cinematic story construction and dialogue writing, students will be required to write a half hour film script. Cross listed with Art and Design, ARFM 310. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENFL 208 and ARFM 200.
ENFL350: Three Directors
A comparative study of three major film directors. The focus - using an auteurist derived methodology - will be to investigate a common problem or challenge confronted by each of the three directors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENFL 208.
ENFL356: The Contemporary Film
Beginning with American film noir and European films which emerged after World War II, the course traces the major films, directors, critical theories and other influences which make up the contemporary film and define a specifically modernist sensibility. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENFL 208.
ENFL357: American Film to 1945
An investigation of the foundations and development of the classical Hollywood style focusing on genres and directors of significance. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENFL 208.
ENFL358: American Film 1945 to the Present
An investigation of filmmaking in the United States following World War II, focusing on the genres, directors and aesthetic movements of significance. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENFL 208.
ENFL360: Film Comedy
Film comedies from all periods in relation to comic theory and its application with particular emphasis on American films of the 20's and 30's. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENFL 208.
ENFL392: Analysis of Cinematic Movement
In the cinema, movement is created by a variety of strategies; three of the most powerful are the mobility of the camera, the juxtaposition of shots (editing) and aspects of performance. This course will examine the variety of aesthetic dynamics created through camera, editing and performance. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENFL 208.
ENFL410: Screenwriting II
This course is a continuation of Screenwriting I in which each student will work on a major screenwriting project: two one-half hour episodes, an hour long script or a first draft of a feature film. In developing the project, the individual needs of the student will be addressed. Cross listed with Art and Design, ARFM 410. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ENFL490: Special Topics in Film Studies
A non-survey course to address specific issues in film studies. The course may be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ENFL496: Seminar in Film
An advanced course devoted to the intensive study of a specialized topic in cinema studies. Topics will vary. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ENGL200: The Pursuits of English
An inquiry into what constitutes contemporary literary study: its subject matter and its underlying goals and methods. Students study literary and cinematic texts of various genres, as well as literary criticism and theory; inquire into the nature of authorship and of texts; examine and expand their ways of reading, interpreting, and writing about texts; trace the relation of literary criticism to theory; consider the relation of literary study to issues of power; and develop independent habits of thought, research, discussion, and analytic writing that are informed by literary theory and criticism. Meets the University Writing Requirement for ENCW, ENED, ENEL and ENGL majors. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101; English majors only.
ENGL226: Literature of the American Renaissance
Moby Dick and The Scarlet Letter among other major works by masters of the American Romantic period--Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman and Poe are examined. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL234: American Drama
American drama chosen for excellence or representative of a significant era or movement in the theatre from the early 18th century imitative works through melodrama to the serious works of the 20th century. Centered on major American playwrights and their work. The course also examines the backgrounds of our modern stage, including readings in minor/historical works. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL238: Black Writers in the United States: A Survey
Black writers in the United States from Colonial times to the present. Meets the Human and Intercultural Relations Requirement (HIRR). Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL239: Social Protest Literature in America
Novels, dramas and poetry of protest against social injustices in the United States since World War I. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL240: English Literature I: Beginnings to 1660
English literature from its beginnings to 1660 examined through representative works of major and minor authors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL241: English Literature II: 1660 to Present
English literature from the Restoration to the present. May be taken independently of English Literature I. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL247: The Augustan Age
Important works of English literature 1660-1745, including poetry, criticism, essays, fiction and drama, examined within the literary, cultural, social and intellectual contexts of the age. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL248: From Sensibility to Romanticism
Important works of English literature--poetry, criticism, philosophical prose, fiction and drama--examined within the literary, social, cultural and intellectual contexts of the period 1745-1800. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL250: Special Topics in English or American Literature
A survey or genre course on a topic not included in the regular departmental offerings. May be used by English majors as a departmental elective. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL254: English Drama: Beginnings to 1642
English drama from its Medieval origins to the closing of the theaters in 1642; from miracles, mysteries and moralities through the development of Tudor and Stuart drama. Shakespeare excluded. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL256: English Novel to 1900
Form and theme of the English novel through the 18th and 19th centuries, evaluated by literary, social, moral and cultural criteria. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL260: Art of Poetry
An introductory course in reading, interpreting, and evaluating poetry. Attention is paid to style, form, and poetic convention. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL262: Art of Fiction
An introduction to form and techniques in fiction through close reading and discussion of representative texts. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL263: Art of Drama
An introduction to dramatic literature and the ways in which man expresses himself and his community through drama as a blend of word and gesture. Start Spring 2010: This course explores the major forms, features, eras, and writers of world drama from ancient times to the present. Selections of plays explore ways in which cultural issues are performed. By examining a wide variety of such performances in their historical and political contexts, students will gain a broad appreciation for theater and a deep understanding of the may ways in which it expresses the tragedy and comedy of the human condition. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL275: Vietnam War and American Culture
This course examines the problem of the legacy of the experience of the Vietnam War (sometimes called the "Vietnam Syndrome") as it is reflected in the culture of the United States and primarily in American literature since the end of the war in 1975. Differing discussions and evaluations of the problems bequeathed by the Vietnam War will be examined in works of political commentary, cultural criticism, history, and foreign affairs, as well as in literature. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Contemporary Issues. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL294: Women Poets
Selected poets from Sappho through Emily Dickinson to Sylvia Plath examined in relation to contemporary women poets. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL301: The Novels of Toni Morrison
This course focuses on the fiction of Toni Morrison. Readings will include her published novels (from 1970 to the present), as well as selections from her critical writings. Such matters as the nature of her prose style, developments of her literary reputation, and place within the literary canon will be studied. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL324: American Poetry to 1940
American poetry from Poe to Langston Hughes with an emphasis on what makes the American voice unique. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL325: American Poetry: World War II to Present
American poetry beginning with William Carlo Williams and continuing to the present with an emphasis on new attitudes, techniques and contributions to American culture. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL326: Early American Literature
American literature from the Puritans to 1800, tracing the development of colonial and revolutionary thought and the beginning of America's cultural independence. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL336: American Literary Realism
The works of James, Howells, Twain, Crane, Norris, Dreiser and others are examined in light of the developing literary concepts of realism, naturalism and social Darwinism in the changing cultural period between 1860 and 1900. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL337: Modern American Fiction
American fiction from 1918 to 1945 with attention to the works, criticism and lives of such authors as Hemingway, Faulkner and Fitzgerald. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL338: Contemporary American Fiction
Developments in American fiction since the 1940's with attention to such authors as Mailer, Roth, Nabokov and Vonnegut. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL343: Milton
An introduction to the mind and art of Milton. Intensive study of one major work and selections representative of the full range of his achievement. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL344: Chaucer
Troilus and Criseyde, The Canterbury Tales and some of the minor poems in Middle English. No previous language training required. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL345: Middle English Literature
The literature of England from 1100 to 1400, in its historical and social contexts and in relation to continental literature. Where appropriate, works are read in Middle English. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL346: 19th Century English Romantic Literature
The revolutionary expression of such poets and essayists as Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Byron, Keats, Hazlitt, De Quincey and Lamb. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL347: Victorian Prose and Poetry
Mid and late 19th century responses to the emergence of modern British society demonstrated in the works of Carlyle, Mill, Ruskin, Huxley, Newman, Arnold, Morris, Tennyson and Browning. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL348: Renaissance Literature
Major poets and prose writers of 16th and early 17th century England such as Sydney, Lyly, Nashe, Greene, Donne and Browne, whose individual contributions in poetry and prose reflect the literary and philosophical preoccupations of the period. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL353: Shakespeare: Comedies-Histories
Representative comedies and histories: their sources, devices and characteristics; their staging in the context of Elizabethan society; and Shakespeare's vision of man as actor. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL354: Shakespeare: Tragedies-Romances
Representative tragedies and romances: their sources, devices and characteristics; their staging in the context of Elizabethan society; and Shakespeare's view of man in the tragic mode and in the later romances. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL356: Modern British Fiction 1900-1945
In-depth study of representative novels and short stories of the Modernist period in British Literature, 1900-1945. Fiction will be studied in its political, societal, cultural, and aesthetic contexts. Authors read might include Joseph Conrad, D.H.Lawrence, E.M.Forster, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Rebecca West, Katherine Mansfield, and Samuel Beckett. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 and ENWR 106.
ENGL357: Postwar British Fiction 1946-1990
In-depth study of representative novels and short stories of the post-World War period in British Literature, 1946-1990. Fiction will be studied in its political, societal, cultural, and aesthetic contexts. Authors read might include Graham Greene, Doris Lessing, Kingsley Amis, Samuel Selvon, V.S.Naipaul, John Fowles, Buchi Emecheta, Muriel Spark, Angela Carter. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 and ENWR 106 OR HONP 100 and HONP 101.
ENGL358: Recent British Fiction 1990-Present
In-depth study of representative novels and short stories of the post-Cold War period in British Literature, 1990-present. Fiction will be studied in its political, societal, cultural, and aesthetic contexts. Authors read might include Kiran Desai, Zadie Smith, Ian McEwan, Irvine Welsh, Salman Rushdie, Colm Toibin, Rohinton Mistry, Pat Barker, Monica Ali. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 and ENWR 106.
ENGL364: Contemporary Poetry
Distinctive movements in poetry since the imagists, comparing the diverse styles, themes and poetic theories of representative poets of English-speaking countries. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL370: English Independent Study I
A scholarly interest beyond the scope of a presently offered course pursued under the direction of a specialist in that field of interest. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101; departmental approval.
ENGL371: English Independent Study II
A second scholarly interest beyond the scope of a presently offered course pursued under the direction of a specialist in that field of interest or a study begun in ENGL 370 that continues for a second term. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101; departmental approval.
ENGL393: American Political Novel Since 1900
The political themes reflected in American novels arising from Social Darwinism, Socialism, Communism, World War I, the Great Depression and World War II. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101; and a survey course in one of the following: American literature, American history, sociology or political science.
ENGL401: Old English Language and Literature
Selected prose and poetry representative of the heroic, elegiac, religious and popular traditions of pre-conquest England, with recitation and reading in the original old English. No previous language training required. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL444: 17th Century English Poetry
The schools of Donne and Jonson and the works of Marvell and Dryden. Milton excluded. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL455: Restoration and 18th Century Drama
Major innovation of dramatic form and conventions in the period from 1660 to 1715 on the English stage in the works of Etherege, Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Dryden. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL456: 20th Century English Novel
The literary and cultural context and the stylistic and structural changes in representative British novels of the 20th century. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGL493: Seminar in American Literature
The works of one major American author in depth or of a group of authors whose works are related by theme, artistic form or cultural period. Enrollment limited. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101; junior or senior English major.
ENGL494: Seminar in English Literature
The works of one major English author in depth or of a group of English authors whose works are related by theme, artistic form or cultural period. Enrollment limited. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101; junior or senior English major.
ENGM284: The English Language
The history and development of English from its Indo-European and Germanic origins to the present, with emphasis on the morphology of Old and Middle English. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENGM384: The Grammars of English
A critical overview of traditional, structural, and transformational-generative approaches to the problems of analyzing the grammar of the English language; practical applications for teaching English and for understanding grammatical principles as a means of more effective writing and literary analysis. Cross listed with Linguistics, LNGN 384. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101 or LNGN 210.
ENLT206: World Literature: The Coming of Age Theme
This course combines Western with non-Western works to approximate an approach to a "global perspective" on literature. It is designed to introduce the student to major works of world literature; to foster an international literary sensibility; to present a variety of cultural perspectives in a context which demonstrates how they are interrelated: to present students with assignments that will direct them toward developing skills of literary analysis and interpretation; and to guide students in deepening their awareness of the connections between national literatures and their cultural contexts. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Humanities, World Literature or General Humanities. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Humanities, World Literature or General Humanities. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT207: World Literature: Voices of Tradition and Challenge
Organized around the premise that writers have two fundamental ways of responding to the challenge of their culture, conformity or dissent, this course will present literary works in pairs that represent opposing ways of responding to the same subject. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Humanities, World Literature or General Humanities. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Humanities, World Literature or General Humanities. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT230: Images of Muslim Women in Twentieth Century Literature and Culture
Through an exploration of writings by and about Muslim women in various parts of the world, students will be encouraged to develop an appreciation of the variety of aesthetic forms and narrative structures embodied therein. Representation in other cultural forms such as film will also be looked at to challenge monolithic assumptions. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT235: Contemporary Chinese Women's Literature
Students of contemporary Chinese women's literature will analyze specific narrative techniques used in the representation of women in light of the literary inscriptions of place, family, history, gender, sexual politics, nationalism, and transnationalism. Students will examine how these narratives raise questions about Chinese origins, memories, desires and subjectivities in the age of globalization. Our primary focus will be on fiction written by women from mainland China, Taiwan, and Chinese diaspora. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT250: Special Topics in Comparative Literature
A survey or genre course on a topic not included in the regular departmental offerings. Satisfies the departmental major requirement in comparative literature. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT260: Myth and Literature
Myth and the myth-making process: the origins, meanings and major archetypes and motifs of Occidental and Oriental myths. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT274: Twentieth Century Literature of Immigration
The Literature of Immigration examines the experience of immigrants to the United States through the fiction, poetry and drama of writers of varying cultural backgrounds to learn about the customs, religions, mores and assimilative strategies of old and new immigrant groups. Literary strategies used by the writers will be emphasized. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT315: American Indian Themes
"American Indian Themes" will be organized around the following topics: attitudes toward the land and animals; relationship to the divine and its manifestations, gods and goddesses; culture, specifically understood as arts and rituals; gender identities and family structures; political realities of a conquered people; contemporary status of American-Indians and their lives. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT316: African, Asian and Caribbean Literature in English
"African, Asian, and Caribbean Literature in English" will include four genres: prose, poetry, drama, and performance pieces. Significant connections will be drawn among the varieties of English and the thematic and critical issues being raised by experts who are studying these literatures. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT348: Irish Literary Revival: 1890-1939
Irish fiction, drama, poetry, and prose during a period of energetic cultural nationalism from the 1890's through the Irish War of Independence and into the 1930's. Particular attention will be paid to the works of Joyce, Shaw, Yeats, Synge, Gregory and others. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT349: Contemporary Irish Literature
A study of contemporary Irish writers reflecting cultural, social, political, economic and class changes since the Irish Revival period. Writers include Seamus Heaney, Roddy Doyle, Eavan Boland, and Brian Friel. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT366: African Myth and Literature
The nature of the sub-Saharan experience and vision through African myths and literary works within the context of culture, criticism and theory. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT367: Contemporary African Literature
A comparative study of the literatures of African writers from countries with a history of British colonialism dating from the 1960's to the present. Topics will include: forms of storytelling and narrative representation; contemporary issues and themes in postcolonial texts; political and aesthetic frameworks; and dissemination of African literatures in a global market. ENLT 206 or 207 recommended. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT372: Women Prose Writers
Readings in the international fiction and non-fiction of women writers. The focus will be on such themes as the nature of the family, changing relationships between women and men, evolving concepts of the "feminine," the impact of colonialism on gender related issues (i.e. work and women's identity) and interrelationships between religion and women's lives. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT373: Literary Modernism
The intellectual concepts of Futurism, Dada, Surrealism and Expressionism in the early 20th century, which continue to influence literature and art. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT374: Contemporary European Drama
Plays representing the themes, values and dramatic techniques of selected British and continental (French, German, Italian, Russian and/or other) dramatists. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT375: Modern Drama: Ibsen to O'Neill
Major modern plays and the playwrights whose critical insights and historical perspectives led to their unique contributions. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT376: Modern European Novel
The creative expression of such novelists as Gide, Hesse, Kafka, Proust and Woolf as shaped by events of the period 1910 to 1930, and how these works influenced the future of the novel. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT377: Speculative Fiction: Fantasy
The impossible and improbable in fairy tales, myth, legend, horror, sword and sorcery, the supernatural and high fantasy as a critical mode. Technological science fiction excluded. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT378: Science Fiction
Fiction of the future that speculates and extrapolates from the physical and social sciences, selected from both the classics and contemporary writings. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT381: Comic and Satiric Tradition
Comic and satiric devices compared and exemplified historically from Aristotle's time to the present. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT398: Autobiography
Autobiographical readings, especially in letters, diaries, and journals, from ancient times to the present. Emphasis on the aesthetics of autobiography, autobiography as the mirror of an age, and autobiography as a model of the examined life. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT463: History of Criticism
The modes of critical thought expressed by major figures in the classical era, their imitators and interpreters in the Renaissance and neo-classic period, the innovators among the romantics, and critics of the 20th century. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT464: Modern Poetry to T.S. Eliot
Works of the French symbolists and the Georgian and imagist poets of Britain, the continent and America whose theories and principles underlie modern poetics. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENLT492: Seminar in Comparative Literature
A culture, era, theme or literary approach studied through international literary masterpieces. Enrollment limited. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101; junior or senior English major.
ENWR200: Creative Writing: Fiction, Poetry, Drama
Writing as a creative process with explorations in poetry, drama, fiction and autobiography. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENWR204: Advanced Expository Writing
A course designed to help general students improve their expository writing beyond the level of skill developed in the freshman composition course. Particular emphasis will be placed on argument and persuasion. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENWR205: Creative Nonfiction
Advanced writing skills with stress on developing a personal writing style, adapting writing style to various subjects and audiences and experimenting with different modes of exposition. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENWR206: Business Writing
Writing skills essential to the world of work with emphasis on correspondence, analytical reports and proposals. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENWR207: Technical Writing
Writing skills essential in technology, science and industry with emphasis on mechanism and process description, analysis of data, recommendation proposals and formal reports. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENWR210: News Reporting
Writing news articles according to contemporary practices. Interviewing techniques are explored as well as a respect for facts, impartiality, and fairness. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 105 or HONP 100.
ENWR211: Advanced News Reporting: Field Experience
Combines classroom instruction with extensive off-campus (often evening) field work. Students will have their own reporter "beats" covering various municipalities near Montclair State University on a weekly basis. "Beats" will include town council, city boards and agencies, police, courts, etc. Breaking news stories written to tight deadlines, as well as major analytical pieces. Intense discussion of actual reporting problems encountered in the field: making contacts, using unnamed sources, dealing with officials, canvassing neighborhoods, etc. Emphasis on students' initiative working on their own, and relentless follow-through. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 210.
ENWR214: Feature Writing
All aspects of writing personality profiles and of writing critical reviews, columns and/or sports features. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 210.
ENWR216: History of Journalism in America
Evolution of the American press is examined through research and discussion of significant periods, individuals and issues from 1600 to the present. 3 sh.
ENWR250: Special Topics in Writing
A course in writing not included in the regular departmental offerings. May be used by English majors as a departmental elective. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENWR300: Meet the Press
Study of issues and problems in modern journalism through lectures and by writings of working journalists. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 210.
ENWR310: Writing: Drama
Writing and evaluating dramatic dialogue with consideration of the problems of form, characterization and action. Usually students will complete a one-act play. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 200; Departmental approval.
ENWR311: Writing: Fiction
Fundamentals and techniques of writing prose fiction (stories and/or novels), with evaluations in class and extensive individual conferences. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 200; Departmental approval.
ENWR312: Writing: Poetry
Techniques and fundamentals of writing poetry through writing, reading, and class and professorial evaluations. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 200; Departmental approval.
ENWR313: Editing
Copy editing, proofreading and basic editorial skills. Articles are analyzed for accuracy, libel, precise diction and tightening. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 210.
ENWR314: Advanced Editing
Techniques learned in editing are reinforced. Layout, headlines and production are explored. Rewriting and fitting articles are worked on extensively. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 313.
ENWR315: Magazine Journalism
Researching, writing and placing feature stories in mass circulation magazines. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 210 or permission of the instructor.
ENWR316: Reporting of Public Affairs
News articles on the activities of government at the local level, including writing reports on the proceedings of civil and criminal court and city/county executive councils. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 210.
ENWR317: Feature Writing
All aspects of writing personality profiles and of writing critical reviews, columns and/or sports features. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 210.
ENWR371: Teaching Writing: Grades 6-12
This writing-intensive course offers students an introduction to the theory and practice of teaching writing to middle and high school students. Students will explore all aspects of the writing process through the following activities: journaling, free-writing, drafting and revising analytical essays, peer review, and conferencing. Students will conduct research on writing issues, read foundational composition scholarship, respond to sample secondary-level writing, and experiment with approaches to teaching writing. This course includes a service-learning component and requires students to complete 15 hours as writing tutors in the Montcliar public schools. The course fulfills the "writing intensive" requirement for English majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENWR407: Advanced Literary Analysis
Writing of interpretive essays; applying traditional and contemporary critical approaches to selected works. Responding to them in scholarly writing. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101.
ENWR410: Advanced Writing: Drama
Writing of one-act and/or full-length plays with intensive class analyses and individual conferences. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ENWR411: Advanced Writing: Fiction
Writing of prose with intensive class analyses and individual conferences. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ENWR412: Advanced Writing: Poetry
Writing of poetry with intensive class analyses and individual conferences. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
ENWR416: Interpretive Journalism
Studying and writing columns, editorials and news articles. Students will compare different styles of interpretive reporting and develop their own skills in this area. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 210. Start Spring 2010: ENWR 210, ENWR 214.
ENWR491: Seminar in Writing
Creative writing, expository writing or theories of the teaching of composition for the advanced student. Enrollment limited. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101; junior or senior English major.
LNGN220: Structure of American English
The phonology, morphology, syntax of American English, geographical and social dialects; traditional, structural and transformational approaches to grammar. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Foreign Language. 3 sh.
LNGN284: History of the English Language
English from its Indo-European origins up to and including the eighteenth-century grammarians. The Germanic strains; old, middle and modern English. 3 sh.
LNGN384: The Grammars of English
A critical overview of traditional, structural, and transformational-generative approaches to the problems of analyzing the grammar of the English language; practical applications for teaching English and for understanding grammatical principles as a means of more effective writing and literary analysis. Cross listed with English, ENGM 384. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: ENWR 106 or HONP 101 or LNGN 210.
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