Nutrition and Food Science Minor - Undergraduate - 2015 University Catalog

Department Administrator: Ann Schurmann
Office: University Hall, Room 4159
Phone: (973) 655-7681


A nutrition and food science minor provides students with basic knowledge about the chemical and biological components of food and the ways in which these ingredients affect our health. With national rates of obesity and related illnessess at an all-time high, outbreaks of food-borne illnesses regularly making headlines, and the social, economical and political aspects of the world food situation becoming ever more complicated, a minor in nutrition and food science is useful prepatation for students pursuing careers in politics, business, economics, journalism or communications, psychology, education, medicine, nursing, or health.



Complete the following 2 requirements for 19 semester hours:

  1. Complete the following 3 courses for 7 semester hours:

    NUFD 130 Introduction to Nutrition and Food Science Profession (1 hour lecture) 1
    NUFD 150 Food Composition and Scientific Preparation (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
    NUFD 182 Nutrition (3 hours lecture) 3
  2. Complete an additional 12 semester hours from the following:

    1. Complete 3 semester hours from:

      NUFD 304 Introduction to Research (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 350 Quantity Food Applications (4 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 352 Organization and Management of Foodservice Systems (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 353 Catering and Banquet Management (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 357 Experimental Food Science (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 367 Fundamentals of Food Processing and Preservation (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 382 Advanced Nutrition (4 hours lecture) 4
      NUFD 384 Nutrition in Developing Countries (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 387 Molecular Cuisine (2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 392 Food Systems and Agribusineses Issues (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 395 Applied Nutrition for Populations (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 405 Concepts of the Sommelier (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 409 Internship in Nutrition and Food Science (4 - 8 hours other) 4-8
      NUFD 412 Nutrition Education Techniques (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 456 Research in Foods (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 466 Food Product Development (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 470 Selected Topics in Nutrition and Food Science 1-3
      NUFD 482 Nutrition Counseling (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 488 Medical Nutrition Therapy (4 hours lecture) 4
      NUFD 489 Externship in Food and Nutrition 3
      NUFD 490 Nutrition and Food Science Professional Seminar (l hour seminar) 1
      NUFD 499 Medical Nutrition Applications (2 hours lecture) 2
    2. Complete 9 semester hours from:

      NUFD 110 International Cuisine (2 hours lecture, 1.5 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 153 Dynamics of Food and Society (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 175 Soup and Sauce Technology (1.5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours laboratory) 3
      NUFD 185 Artisanal and Modern Baking Techniques 3
      NUFD 192 Nutrition with Laboratory (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 4
      NUFD 240 Sanitation Management and Food Microbiology: Certification (1 hour lecture) 1
      NUFD 253 Quantity Food Purchasing and Production (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 254 Foodservice Equipment and Facilities Design (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 255 Meal Design and Management (3 hours lecture, 1.5 hours lab) 4
      NUFD 257 Principles of Food Science (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 282 Applied Nutrition in the Lifecycle (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 285 Nutrition in Chronic Disease Prevention (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 292 Applied Community Nutrition (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 304 Introduction to Research (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 350 Quantity Food Applications (4 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 352 Organization and Management of Foodservice Systems (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 353 Catering and Banquet Management (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 357 Experimental Food Science (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 367 Fundamentals of Food Processing and Preservation (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 382 Advanced Nutrition (4 hours lecture) 4
      NUFD 384 Nutrition in Developing Countries (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 387 Molecular Cuisine (2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 392 Food Systems and Agribusineses Issues (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 395 Applied Nutrition for Populations (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 405 Concepts of the Sommelier (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 409 Internship in Nutrition and Food Science (4 - 8 hours other) 4-8
      NUFD 412 Nutrition Education Techniques (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 456 Research in Foods (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab) 3
      NUFD 466 Food Product Development (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 470 Selected Topics in Nutrition and Food Science 1-3
      NUFD 482 Nutrition Counseling (3 hours lecture) 3
      NUFD 488 Medical Nutrition Therapy (4 hours lecture) 4
      NUFD 489 Externship in Food and Nutrition 3
      NUFD 490 Nutrition and Food Science Professional Seminar (l hour seminar) 1
      NUFD 499 Medical Nutrition Applications (2 hours lecture) 2

Course Descriptions:

NUFD110: International Cuisine (2 hours lecture, 1.5 hours lab)

Introductory course for the study of cooking styles associated with the development of ethnic and international cuisine. The course will primarily focus on a particular culinary region to be determined, giving students a holistic understanding of how ingredients and food customs develop into a cuisine. The lessons learned will enable students to research and prepare complete menus reflective of the culture and food goods of a region with emphasis on local ingredients and authentic preparation methods. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Starting Winter 2016: Nutrition and Food Science majors with concentrations in Food Systems (NUSY) and Applied Nutrition (NUFA).

NUFD130: Introduction to Nutrition and Food Science Profession (1 hour lecture)

An introductory course which provides general information about nutrition and food science fields and acquaints students with professional requirements and opportunities. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: Nutrition and Food Science majors with concentration in Food Management (NUFM), Dietetics (NUFD), Food Systems (NUSY), Applied Nutrition (NUFA) or General (NUFG); or Nutrition and Food Science (NUFS) minors. Starting Winter 2016: Nutrition and Food Science majors with concentration in Dietetics (NUFD), Food Systems (NUSY), Applied Nutrition (NUFA) or Food Science (NUFC); or Nutrition and Food Science minors (NUFS).

NUFD150: Food Composition and Scientific Preparation (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

An introduction to food science, nutrition and food preparation with emphasis on scientific principles involved in the characteristics of acceptable standardized products and product evaluation. 3 sh.

NUFD153: Dynamics of Food and Society (3 hours lecture)

This course is designed to give students an opportunity to explore issues of food consumption through a study of: basic nutrition requirements; social/psychological factors influencing food behaviors; food acquisition through history as compared to contemporary situations; the impact on the ecological system in the quest for food; and the social, economical, and political aspects of the world food situation and potential means of alleviating the problems of hunger and nutrient deficiencies. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Social Science, Social Science. Meets World Cultures Requirement. 3 sh.

NUFD175: Soup and Sauce Technology (1.5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours laboratory)

This course introduces the students to basic, traditional and modern culinary principles of volume stock soup and sauce preparation. The course primarily focuses on how to make traditional soups and sauces and then develop production strategies necessary to bring these products to modern markets. Lessons learned enable students to formulate soup and sauce recipes that are tasteful, flavorful and targeted to modern markets. Artisanal and modern packaging, safety and marketing strategies are emphasized. The course features lecture and hands-on laboratory experiences. Laboratory fee. 3 sh.

NUFD182: Nutrition (3 hours lecture)

This course is designed to give students a general knowledge of the components of the food we eat, the nutrients necessary for a healthy life, the functions of nutrients and the interrelationships and metabolism of nutrients. The factors which influence the recommended dietary intake of nutrients, and theories and guidelines for screening nutrition risk and disease and prevention are presented. 3 sh.

NUFD185: Artisanal and Modern Baking Techniques

This course is designed for students who need baking skills to produce artisanal breads and pastries in traditional and modern bakery production environments. Students learn basic methods and techniques for producing ferments, dough and bakery emulsions. They design and produce bakery products including breads, baguettes, flat breads, tortillas, pies, cakes and pastries. The students also learn how to preserve, add flavor to, and extend the shelf life of mass-produced bakery products. The course features hands-on laboratory baking experiences. Laboratory fee. 3 sh.

NUFD192: Nutrition with Laboratory (3 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

This course is designed to provide students with a general understanding of the components of the food we eat and the nutrients necessary for life. The functions of nutrients, their interrelationships, digestion, absorption and metabolism of nutrients are discussed. The factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity, physical activity, and environmental factors, which influence food intake and requirements of nutrients, are covered. Students learn to measure and evaluate their nutritional status and body composition using equipment used in laboratory and analyze their diets using computer software. They plan meals considering individual's nutritional requirements in the laboratory. Historical, national, and international issues regarding food and nutrition are presented. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: Restricted to Nutrition and Food Science majors with concentrations in Dietetics (NUFD), Food Management (NUFM), or General (NUFG), Business Administration majors with a concentration in Hospitality Management (BAHM), Food Systems (NUSY), Applied Nutrition (NUFA) and American Dietetic Association Certificate Program students (ADA). Starting Winter 2016: Nutrition and Food Science majors with concentrations in Dietetics (NUFD), Applied Nutrition (NUFA), Food Systems (NUSY) or Food Science (NUFC); and Business Administration majors with a concentration in Hospitality Management (BAHM); and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Certificate Program students (ADA).

NUFD240: Sanitation Management and Food Microbiology: Certification (1 hour lecture)

Food safety for effective food service management. Understanding of Sanitation Risk Management, microbial food contaminants, and food safety regulations. Students will be entitled to take the "ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification" examination. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 130 (may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite) and; NUFD 150 or HOSP 250 (may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite). Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 150 (maybe taken as prerequisite or corequisite) or HOSP 250 (may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite).

NUFD253: Quantity Food Purchasing and Production (3 hours lecture)

Determining needs, purchasing, storing, preparing and serving food in large volume. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 182 or NUFD 192.

NUFD254: Foodservice Equipment and Facilities Design (3 hours lecture)

Facilities layout and design. Selection of equipment based on design criteria. Purchasing standards and procedures. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 350. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 150.

NUFD255: Meal Design and Management (3 hours lecture, 1.5 hours lab)

In this course, students learn about the design and analysis of meals for individuals and families, giving special emphasis to therapeutic nutrition and economic needs balanced with current lifestyles. Students also learn about principles involved in meal management and practice those in class labs. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 150; and either NUFD 182 or NUFD 192. Current health insurance and negative PPD test required.

NUFD257: Principles of Food Science (3 hours lecture)

Students will learn basic principles of Food Science with emphasis on food processing and the chemical, physical and biological reactions occurring in food that affect nutritional, sensory and safety during processing and storage. This course is appropriate for students in the Food Science concentration and well as Food Systems, Biology, Chemistry and Health Sciences. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 150 and CHEM 113.

NUFD282: Applied Nutrition in the Lifecycle (3 hours lecture)

The application of basic nutrition knowledge to individuals in various life stages. Analysis of the physiological, biochemical, psychological and social factors that affect nutrient needs throughout the lifecycle. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 182 or NUFD 192. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 130 (may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite); and NUFD 182 or NUFD 192.

NUFD285: Nutrition in Chronic Disease Prevention (3 hours lecture)

This course uses a systems approach to understand the role of nutrition in influencing chronic disease outcomes among adults. The course focuses on five specific organ systems (immune, circulatory, skeletal, endocrine, and excretory) and their role in influencing risks to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, overweight/obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. The functions and metabolism of the major nutrients related to these diseases will be discussed in detail. Finally, the course will use an applied format (case studies) to help students demonstrate a basic knowledge of how reliable nutrition information is derived from scientific research, and be able to discern facts from fallacy in diet-related issues. Utilizing this knowledge, they will be able to work with community-based agencies in developing initiatives that help various population groups make healthier food choices and prevent chronic disease risks more effectively. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 182 or NUFD 192.

NUFD292: Applied Community Nutrition (3 hours lecture)

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of federal and state legislation on community nutrition service, dietetics practice, and health care within the United States. Students learn about the Nutrition Care Process, which is a systematic approach to providing quality nutrition care consisting of four distinct, interrelated steps entailing nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring/evaluation. The course demonstrates the application of this process. Nutrition informatics-the intersection of information, nutrition, and technology-is also presented. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 192.

NUFD304: Introduction to Research (3 hours lecture)

A study of the basic concepts, principles and methodologies of scientific research and their application to the investigation of research problems in health, nutrition, and food science. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: MATH 109; and NUFD 282 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

NUFD350: Quantity Food Applications (4 hours lab)

Capstone lecture and laboratory experiences to support basic concepts of quantity food purchasing and production. Students will learn hands-on skills to produce culinary products in large quantities. Laboratory assignments in the MSU Food Management laboratory and in functioning food service facilities off campus. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 253 or HOSP 390; and junior or senior standing. Students must provide proof of current health insurance coverage and a negative PPD test.

NUFD352: Organization and Management of Foodservice Systems (3 hours lecture)

Principles of management, organizational structure, policy and decision-making. The menu in management, budgeting and cost control, sanitation and safety, personnel policies and management. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Nutrition and Food Science. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 240 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 282 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

NUFD353: Catering and Banquet Management (3 hours lecture)

This course is designed for those who need to know how food is prepared and then served in a catered or banquet setting. Students learn how to select and determine costs of catered food, plan a catered banquet and various culturally influenced serving styles. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 350. Current health insurance and negative PPD test required. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 253 or HOSP 390. Current health insurance and negative PPD test required

NUFD357: Experimental Food Science (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

Study of the theory and applications of the chemical and physical changes involved in food processing, storage and preparation through objective and subjective analytical techniques. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CHEM 113; NUFD 240 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

NUFD367: Fundamentals of Food Processing and Preservation (3 hours lecture)

Students learn general food processing and preservation principles and methods. They learn about emerging technologies for processing, packaging, and preserving foods and beverages, the appropriate use of food processing equipment, and quality assessment techniques for food processing and preservation. Students visit food processing facilities where they have hands-on experiences of the food processing principles learned in the class. Course activities include reading and analyzing scenarios that demonstrate the food scientist's role in the Integration and application of food processing and preservation concepts, principles, and skills in solving real-world food science problems. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 257.

NUFD382: Advanced Nutrition (4 hours lecture)

The physiological and chemical bases for nutrient needs, mechanisms through which nutrients meet the biological needs of humans, evaluation and interpretation of research findings. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: CHEM 270 and NUFD 182 or NUFD 192. BIOL 243 may be taken as a prerequisite or a corequisite.

NUFD384: Nutrition in Developing Countries (3 hours lecture)

Nutritional problems; factors which contribute to malnutrition; effect of under-nutrition and malnutrition; methods of assessing nutrition status of a population and application of measures for improvement. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 182 or NUFD 192. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 282.

NUFD387: Molecular Cuisine (2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab)

This course focuses on current gastronomic trends, utilizing innovative scientific approaches to food production. The course includes combining classical cooking techniques with state-of-the-art methods, deconstruction of recipes and scientific preparation of edible foods. Lessons learned will enable students to critically assess traditional food combinations to open up creative avenues of thinking for future food production and presentation strategies. The course features lectures and hands-on laboratory experiences. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 240. Current health insurance and negative PPD test required.

NUFD392: Food Systems and Agribusineses Issues (3 hours lecture)

This course provides an introductory examination of the systems of production, processes, and distribution of food throughout the food chain. The course places particular critical emphasis on the current agribusiness model through the examination of the role and impact of government and politics in food processes and distribution. Text, required readings, current events, guest speakers, and current journal articles are utilized in the course as the means to explore and evaluate the current agribusiness model, alternatives, and regulatory and policy influences. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: BSLW 235. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 282.

NUFD395: Applied Nutrition for Populations (3 hours lecture)

This course is a comprehensive overview of the concepts and principles of nutrition, especially as it relates to using a population-based approach to preventing and managing chronic disease in the community. In this course, an emphasis is placed on the distinct chronic disease states of overweight/obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and HIV/AIDS. Students learn about the socio-ecological model and the various personal, social, environmental, and policy-related factors that influence prevalence rates of these diseases among diverse population groups. Through this course, students also learn to apply their knowledge of nutritional principles, make important and practical connections between diet and disease in the community, and improve their oral and written communication skills. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 182 or NUFD 192 or NUFD 282 or HLTH 240. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 182 or NUFD 192; and HLTH 102; and HLTH 240 or NUFD 282.

NUFD405: Concepts of the Sommelier (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab)

This course provides an overview of the wine producing regions of the world and the elements of wine appreciation and service. Students participate in several tasting sessions in which they analyze wine through three sensory attributes: appearance, smell and palate sensation. Through blind tasting and sensory deduction, the students learn to compare and contrast wine quality and flaws. The students learn to recognize the diversity of the world of wine production by studying variables such as grape variety, climate, soil, and local approaches to grape growing and wine making. Additionally, students apply the principles of the wine service. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 150; must be over 21 years old; departmental approval. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 357 or HOSP 390; must be over 21 years old; departmental approval

NUFD409: Internship in Nutrition and Food Science (4 - 8 hours other)

Opportunity to work as an intern in a professional setting related to food management, nutrition or dietetics related profession. Application available from advisor. 4 - 8 sh.

Prerequisites: Senior standing or minimum of 24 credits in major. Nutrition and Food Science majors only, 2.67 GPA required. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 352 and senior standing or minimum of 24 credits in the major. Nutrition and Food Science majors only. 2.67 GPA required.

NUFD412: Nutrition Education Techniques (3 hours lecture)

Procedures and techniques for developing programs and teaching nutrition to a variety of target populations. Individual and group methods emphasize innovation. Field studies. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 282; and NUFD 304 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

NUFD456: Research in Foods (1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab)

Scientific method in the design and execution of experimental food studies and in the interpretation and evaluation of results. Independent laboratory research. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 357.

NUFD466: Food Product Development (3 hours lecture)

In this course students will learn to integrate knowledge and skills from previous food science and nutrition courses to develop new, nutritious, safe and sensory acceptable food products. Students will develop oral and written reports that will document information on current food trends, shelf life stability, nutrition labeling, quality assurance parameters, marketing, sensory evaluation, and packaging of food products. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 367.

NUFD470: Selected Topics in Nutrition and Food Science

This course provides students with the opportunity to expand their professional preparation and expertise about selected topics in nutrition and food science not covered in other undergraduate courses. These topics will be based on significant, emerging nutrition and food problems and issues, on new scientific developments and discoveries pertinent to the nutrition and food science professions. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. 1 - 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Departmental approval. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 304 or departmental approval

NUFD482: Nutrition Counseling (3 hours lecture)

This course offers practical experience dealing with the principles of marketing, adult learning, helping skills, assessment, documentation, and evaluation as related to weight control and the role of food in promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Six hours of clinical experience is required. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 304; and NUFD 412 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

NUFD488: Medical Nutrition Therapy (4 hours lecture)

This course enables students to apply nutrition science to the prevention and treatment of human diseases and medical conditions. Nutrition assessment, diet modification, and specialized nutrition support, such as enteral and parenteral feeding, are covered. 4 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 182 or 192 and NUFD 382 and BIOL 243 and CHEM 270.

NUFD489: Externship in Food and Nutrition

A supervised experience in selected quantity food services, agencies, clinics or organizations involved in foods and nutrition problems of the community. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 253 and NUFD 382.

NUFD490: Nutrition and Food Science Professional Seminar (l hour seminar)

A capstone course which provides skills necessary for beginning professionals in nutrition and food science fields. 1 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 130 and NUFD 304; Restricted to Nutrition and Food Science majors with concentrations in Dietetics (NUFD), Food Management (NUFM), or General (NUFG), Food Systems (NUSY) or Applied Nutrition (NUFA). Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 130 and NUFD 304; Restricted to Nutrition and Food Science majors with concentrations in Dietetics (NUFD), Food Systems (NUSY), Food Science (NUSC), or Applied Nutrition (NUFA).

NUFD499: Medical Nutrition Applications (2 hours lecture)

Provides an overview of the concepts, principles and methodology for nutrition assessment. Emphasis is placed on practical application and case models. 2 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 382; and NUFD 488 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

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