Nutrition and Exercise Science Certificate Program - Graduate - 2015 University Catalog

Graduate Coordinator in Exercise Science and Physical Education: Michele Fisher
Office: University Hall, Room 4109
Phone: (973) 655-7120

The graduate certificate program in Nutrition and Exercise Science provides students the opportunity to gain knowledge in the closely related fields of nutrition and exercise science. The program is designed to develop and enhance competencies necessary for creating applied nutrition and exercise programs for clients interested in wellness and weight management. Both theoretical and practical approaches are emphasized throughout the program. Students are required to take two courses from each of the content areas and one elective, yielding a total of 15-16 semester hours. The certificate issued by Montclair State University signifies completion of the specified coursework. This program does not lead to a Master's degree or certification in the respective fields of Nutrition and Exercise Science. However, students who apply for a Master's degree program after the completion of this certificate may transfer some coursework toward the degree.

Course Descriptions:

NUFD501: Principles of Nutrition (4 hours lecture)

Topics include advanced study of the biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition with emphasis on vitamins, minerals, lipids, protein, carbohydrate, water and energy. 4 sh.

NUFD560: Advanced Nutrition Counseling for Diverse Population Groups (3 hours lecture)

Topics include ethnic variations in health care beliefs; culturally sensitive nutrition counseling skills, developmental skills and dietary behaviors of children, adolescents and aging adults and nutrition counseling approaches for these age groups. Six hours of nutrition counseling clinical experience required. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 482. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 501 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

NUFD577: Social Marketing in Nutrition (3 hours lecture)

Social Marketing in Nutrition course entails a comprehensive view of the applications of social marketing in the design, implementation, and evaluation of nutrition education programs. Social marketing is an audience-centered approach that focuses on multiple, reinforcing channels of communication along with environmental changes to influence behavior. Highlights of social marketing will be presented in light of its usefulness and applicability to nutrition education. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Basic nutrition course or departmental approval. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 501 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

NUFD580: Current Applications in Nutrition (3 hours lecture)

This course enables students to develop detailed and in-depth knowledge of recent findings in human nutrition and to apply this knowledge by learning how to write a grant application for funding. Emphasis is placed on the critical review and analysis of recent developments in nutrition research and developing a successful proposal. 3 sh.

NUFD581: Nutrition Education (3 hours lecture)

This course is designed to provide students with skills for developing, implementing, evaluating and funding nutrition education programs for populations with various demographic characteristics. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 182 or 192, and BIOL 243 or equivalent. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 501 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

NUFD585: Food and Nutrition Issues (3 hours lecture)

An investigation of current issues in food and nutrition with an emphasis on consumer, food industry, government and professional perspectives. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: NUFD 382. Starting Winter 2016: NUFD 501 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.

PEMJ508: Management and Supervision in Sport and Fitness (3 hours lecture)

In this course, students engage in an in-depth analysis of a variety of approaches used in the management and supervision of athletic and fitness programs in both public and private sectors. They examine administrative/manager functions for facility manangement, budgeting, personnel evaluation, technology-based scheduling, and fundraising. 3 sh.

PEMJ539: Advanced Exercise Physiology (3 hours lecture)

An advanced course in exercise physiology. Topics include muscular contraction; bioenergetics; energy expenditure; acid-base balance; gas exchange; and the cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, and nervous system responses to acute exercise. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: An undergraduate course in Exercise Physiology.

PEMJ540: Applied Sport Physiology (3 hours lecture)

Students learn and apply knowledge and skills necessary to design a comprehensive training program for athletes and active individuals, while taking into account variations in environment and dietary intake. Additionally, students study the physiological aspects of fatigue, practice techniques for assessment of human performance and body composition, and analyze the effects of ergogenic aids on athletic performance and health. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: PEMJ 320 or departmental approval.

PEMJ541: Aerobic Testing and Programming (3 hours lecture)

In this course students learn and apply knowledge and skills necessary to carry out aerobic fitness testing and develop aerobic exercise programs for healthy and special populations. Students also become skilled in implementing comprehensive health appraisal protocols, minimizing legal liability associated with fitness testing and programming, and applying sociological theories to optimize adherence to the exercise program. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: PEMJ 320 or departmental approval.

PEMJ543: Theoretical Foundations for Strength and Conditioning (3 hours lecture)

In this course, students critically examine the theoretical foundations for strength and conditioning training. Students develop proficiency in the assessment of anaerobic fitness, apply key factors and principles in the development of anaerobic programming, and discuss physiological adaptations to chronic training. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: PEMJ 320 or departmental approval.

PEMJ546: Principles of Sports Conditioning (3 hours lecture)

A course in scientific principles of sports conditioning. Training principles and exercise programming will be applied for developing strength, speed, power, agility, endurance, and flexibility. Additional topics include sports nutrition, ergogenic aids, body composition, environmental considerations, fitness testing, overtraining, and sports conditioning management. 3 sh.

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