Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant, Educational Services Certification - Graduate - 2015 University Catalog
Coordinator: Dr. Sue Baglieri
Office: University Hall, Room 2169
Phone: 973-655-3297
Email: baglieris@mail.montclair.edu
Advisor: Margaret Leckey
Phone: 973-655-3295
Email: leckeym@mail.montclair.edu
The Special Education programs at Montclair State University are designed so that certified teachers and Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultants develop a comprehensive understanding of special education. This includes knowledge about the field of special education and the relationship of special education to the family, other disciplines, and the community. We believe it is important for special educators to understand not only the nature and discourse in their given discipline, but the role the discipline plays in society. Without this disciplinary grounding, special educators will not be able to facilitate their students’ learning and development. In keeping with this principle, the special education faculty is committed to aiding our students to develop competencies in research based special education practices for instruction and assessment, and to cultivating their ability to use these competencies to increase inclusive education in New Jersey schools. Although the certification in special education in New Jersey is generic, rather than disability specific, we emphasize preparing professionals to work with those who have mild to moderate disabilities. The underlying philosophy of our programs is that appropriate special education will enhance the quality of life for children with disabilities and their families, and this, in turn, is good for schools and communities.
The Post-Master’s Certification Program in Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant program prepares students to be Learning Disabilities Teacher- Consultants (LDT-Cs). The LDT-C is the member of the Child Study Team who is responsible for the assessment, placement, IEP (Individualized Educational Program) development and program monitoring for students referred for special education services. An essential component of the role is to provide consultation and in-service training for teachers regarding a student’s educational program. This program is open to certified teachers. This program also provides graduates with certification for Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultants from the State of New Jersey.
Complete 30 semester hours including the following 2 requirement(s):
Complete the following 5 requirements:
Complete 18 semester hours from the following list
Complete 3 semester hours from the following list
PSYC 560 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 hours lecture) 3 PSYC 563 Theories of Learning (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 3 semester hours from the following list
PSYC 573 Behavioral Neuroscience (3 hours lecture) 3 SPED 595 Medical and Physical Bases of Disabilities (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 3 semester hours from the following list
EDFD 578 Testing and Evaluation (3 hours lecture) 3 PSYC 578 Psychological Tests and Measurements (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 3 semester hours from the following list
PSYC 668 Consultation Methods in Psychoeducational Settings (3 hours lecture, 1 hour other) 3 SPED 668 Consultation Methods in Psychoeducational Settings (3 hours lecture, 1 hour other) 3
Provide verification of 3 years of full time teaching experience. Must be signed on original school letterhead.
Course Descriptions:
EDFD578: Testing and Evaluation (3 hours lecture)
Principles and practices of educational and psychological testing and evaluation relevant to professionals in human services, communication sciences and disorders, education, and related fields. Historical/philosophical orientation; place of testing in instructional and remedial programs; statistical concepts underlying measurement; validity, reliability, response set; construction of tests and measurement instruments; evaluation and interpretation of testing data; use and misuse of testing data; reporting data to students, parents and colleagues; critical analyses of selected standardized intelligence, ability and personality tests; experimental tests and measurement instruments. Course project geared to individual student needs. Previous course ELRS 578 effective through Spring 2013. 3 sh.
PSYC560: Advanced Educational Psychology (3 hours lecture)
A comprehensive treatment of the cognitive and affective characteristics of the learner and the processes of learning and teaching provide the framework for this course. Behavioral, cognitive and information-processing theory are presented and their applicability to instructional strategies and classroom dynamics is discussed. Other areas included are the origins of individual differences including heredity and environment, early childhood education, cultural differences, student motivation, classroom management, measurement and evaluation, exceptional children and other topics. 3 sh.
PSYC563: Theories of Learning (3 hours lecture)
The aim of this course is to provide the student with an understanding of modern learning theory, its historical context, theoretical ideas, research, and applications. To this end, the theoretical ideas of the major schools of learning--behaviorism, gestalt, cognitivism, and information-processing--are reviewed. 3 sh.
PSYC573: Behavioral Neuroscience (3 hours lecture)
The physiological bases of normal and abnormal behavior with emphasis on the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the human nervous system are discussed. Starting with the nerve cell, the course progresses through the receptors, spinal cord, cortical and subcortical structures, psychosurgery, biofeedback, and other topics. 3 sh.
PSYC578: Psychological Tests and Measurements (3 hours lecture)
This course surveys the theory, construction and application of psychological tests. Topics include the statistical concepts underlying measurement; reliability and validity; critical analyses of selected intelligence, ability and personality tests; evaluation and interpretation of test data in practical situations; and the role of testing in clinical, educational and remedial settings. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: For Psychology (PSYC and PYBM), Clinical Psyc w/conc:Child/AdolescClinicalPsyc (CPCP), Clinical Psyc w/conc:Latina/oPsyc (CPLT), Industrial Organizational Psychology (IOPS), or School Psychologist (SPSY) majors only.
PSYC668: Consultation Methods in Psychoeducational Settings (3 hours lecture, 1 hour other)
This course is designed to provide students with theory and practice about the consultation process. The course will identify a collaborative, problem-solving model of consultation in psychoeducational settings and define the intrapersonal, interpersonal and systemic factors associated with successful consultation. Students will locate consultation cases and function under direct supervision and monitoring. Cross listed with Curriculum and Teaching, SPED 668. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: For Clinical Psyc w/conc:Child/Adolesc Clinical Psyc (CPCP) and School Psychologist (SPSY) majors only.
SPED578: Evaluation and Planning for Students with Learning Problems I (3 hours lecture)
This course presents the role of the LDT-C on the Child Study Team, the administration and interpretation of standardized and functional assessment methods for identifying learning difficulties and disabilities, training to facilitate data-based decision making, formulation of an instructional plan based on assessment data, assessment regulations in law code, and legal and ethical issues. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED579: Special Education for Students with Disabilities (3 hours lecture)
An overview of instruction for students with special needs; characteristics of special populations, federal and state legislation, educational implications of disabling conditions, principles for instruction and planning for inclusion are presented; community resources and special issues related to the education of students with disabilities are discussed. 3 sh.
SPED581: Evaluation and Planning for Students with Learning Problems II (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of SPED 580 providing advanced training in the identification of and planning for students with learning problems; models for the formulation of assessment plans, administration and analysis of diagnostic batteries, special issues in evaluation, the use of evaluation data to make decisions regarding eligibility and instructional planning are presented; case study methods are used to simulate Child Study Team practice. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 578 and department approval. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED587: Advanced Instructional Techniques for Students with Learning Problems (3 hours lecture)
The Learning Strategies Model for assisting students with learning problems to become independent will be used as framework; techniques for inclusion in regular educational settings, collaboration, strategies for planning instruction to meet diverse needs of students with mild disabilities, and special issues related to instruction will be presented. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 567 or SPED 568. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED590: Practicum: Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant (3 hours lecture)
Supervised practice of the Child Study Team process in assessment and planning; administration of evaluation procedures and analysis of results; decision-making regarding eligibility and instructional planning, consultation and collaboration as a member of a Child Study Team will be emphasized. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 578, SPED 587, Departmental approval. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED595: Medical and Physical Bases of Disabilities (3 hours lecture)
Critical dimensions of the neurological and biological growth in the context of developmental disabilities are discussed. The relevance of the pediatric and neurological examinations for understanding disabilities is provided. The medical treatment of disabilities is presented. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED596: Advanced Practicum: Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of SPED 590; students will enroll in SPED 596 to fulfill the 150 hour time requirement and the meeting of competency standards to practice as a Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant begun in SPED 590. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 590 and Departmental approval. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED668: Consultation Methods in Psychoeducational Settings (3 hours lecture, 1 hour other)
This course is designed to provide students with theory and practice about the consultation process. The course will identify a collaborative, problem-solving model of consultation in psychoeducational settings and define the intrapersonal, interpersonal and systemic factors associated with successful consultation. Students will locate consultation cases and function under direct supervision and monitoring. Cross listed with Psychology, PSYC 668. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 587. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
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