Teaching, with Teacher Certification in Music (Preschool-Grade 12) and Teacher of Students with Disabilities (M.A.T.) - Graduate - 2015 University Catalog
The Master of Arts in Teaching Program in Subject Area and Teacher of Students with Disabilities is a 48-51 credit program designed to provide graduate students with a master's degree as well as dual certification: initial certification to teach in a subject area (P-12) and certification to teach students with disabilities in those settings.
Montclair State University’s Teacher Education Program is one of the most highly-regarded teacher preparation programs in the country. It has been consistently recognized both nationally and regionally for its unique features, including its structure, partnerships, and curricular emphases. The program is considered a model for other colleges and universities and has continuously been accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) since 1954.
The Teacher Education Program’s professional course sequence and field experiences emphasize teaching for critical thinking and culturally responsive teaching. The professional component for both graduate students addresses four broad areas: 1) student development and learning, 2) the classroom and the school, 3) the curriculum, and 4) effective teaching skills.TEACHING (MUSIC & STUDENTS w/DISAB)
Complete the following 4 requirements for a total of 70 semester hours:
Complete the following 1 course: (May be completed by examination)
CMST 101 Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Pass the MSU Health Knowledge Test available through the COP or have UG equivalent course approved by advisor.
Complete 1 course from the following list.
EDFD 582 Learning Theories (3 hours lecture) 3 FCST 515 Child Development II: Adolescence (3 hours lecture) 3 PSYC 560 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 hours lecture) 3
Complete 13 semester hours including the following 7 requirement(s):
An undergraduate background in music is required.
Complete for 1 semester hours.
MUED 201 Practicum in Music Education I 1 -
1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list
MUED 419 Choral Methods (3 hours lecture) 3 MUED 420 Instrumental Methods (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 course for 2 semester hours from the following list.
MUED 435 Conducting for Music Educators (2 hours lecture) 2 MUPR 335 Elementary Conducting (2 hours lecture) 2 -
Complete for 1 semester hours.
MUPR 410 Beginning Jazz Improvisation (2 hours studio) 1 -
Complete 5 courses for 5 semester hours from the following list.
Complete 1 course for 1 semester hours from the following list.
MSSN 121 Secondary Instrument Guitar I (2 hours studio) 1 MUED 132 Marching Band Techniques (2 hours lecture) 1
Complete 51 semester hours including the following 3 requirement(s):
Complete for 3 semester hours.
SASE 505 Teaching, Democracy, and Schooling (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 5 courses for 15 semester hours:
Complete for 1 semester hours.
SASE 516 Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners (1 hour lecture) 1 -
Complete for 2 semester hours.
SPED 584 Assessment and Evaluation in the Inclusive Classroom 2-3 -
Complete for 2 semester hours.
SPED 585 Technology for Inclusive Classrooms 2-3 -
Complete for 2 semester hours.
SPED 588 Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Inclusive Settings 2-3 -
Complete for 2 semester hours.
SPED 591 Teaching Organization and Study Skills for the Inclusive Classroom (3 hours lecture) 2-3
Complete 3 semester hours from the following list.
First Semester
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
SASE 526 Teaching for Learning I (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
SASE 527 Fieldwork (3 hours lecture) 3 -
2 courses for 6 semester hours:
MUED 556 Teaching Methods for the Elementary Music Class (3 hours lecture) 3 MUED 557 Teaching Methods for Music in the Secondary Schools (3 hours lecture) 3
Second Semester
Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:
SASE 543 Teaching for Learning II (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 1 course for 6 semester hours:
SASE 529 Student Teaching (6 hours lab) 6
In the term that you will sit for exam, register for - which matches your major & advisor. Successfully pass exam.
GRAD CMP Comprehensive Examination 0
Course Descriptions:
CMST101: Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement (3 hours lecture)
This course introduces students to the theoretical and practical requirements of different types of public presentations and helps students develop an understanding and appreciation of the dynamic nature of the communication process. The course focuses on the basic elements of the communication process, listening, communicator and audience characteristics, basic research skills, and message composition and delivery. Students learn about the demands of public presentations in culturally and professionally diverse environments and develop presentation competence and flexibility. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Communication, Communication. Previous course SPCM 101 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.
EDFD582: Learning Theories (3 hours lecture)
Study of the learning process and its measurement as it applies in the classroom and non-school settings. Previous course ELRS 580 effective through Spring 2013. 3 sh.
FCST515: Child Development II: Adolescence (3 hours lecture)
Students utilize developmental and ecological approaches to study physical, cognitive, and social development of adolescents (11-18 years) in terms of change within and differences between individuals. Students also examine how family, peer, neighborhood, sociocultural factors, and politics can have an influence on adolescents. The roles of race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status in adolescent development are likewise examined. Students also engage in out-of-class observations and/or interview projects as well as develop an APA style research literature review or proposal paper. 3 sh.
GRADCMP: Comprehensive Examination
This course is a placeholder for matriculated master's students planning to take the departmental Comprehensive Examination. Successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination will result in a grade of P, unsuccessful students will receive a grade of NC. Students who do not successfully complete the Comprehensive Examination will be required to register for this placeholder course in each term for which they plan to take the examination (limited to three). 0 sh.
Prerequisites: Matriculation in Master's degree program required.
MSSN121: Secondary Instrument Guitar I (2 hours studio)
Basic techniques of guitar playing including chording and melodic work. Group instruction. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors or minors only.
MUED105: Instrumental Techniques: Strings I (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching violin and viola at the elementary and secondary school levels. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUED106: Instrumental Techniques: Strings II (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching cello and string bass at the elementary and secondary school levels. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) majors only.
MUED132: Marching Band Techniques (2 hours lecture)
Methods, organization and planning; drill design, playing, rehearsal techniques. Music majors only. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUED201: Practicum in Music Education I
Supervised observation and participation in public school music classes and activities. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 200.
MUED304: Instrumental Techniques: Brass I (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching trumpet and French horn at the elementary and secondary school levels. Previous course MUED 205 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED305: Instrumental Techniques: Brass II (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching trombone, baritone horn/euphanium, and tuba at the elementary and secondary school levels. May be repeated twice for a total of 3 credits. Previous course MUED 207 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED306: Percussion Instruments (2 hours studio)
Elementary skills on snare drum, bass drum, timpani, cymbals, bells, etc.; materials and methods for teaching these instruments in the classroom. Music majors only. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED307: Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds I (2 hours lecture)
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching clarinet and saxophone at the elementary and secondary school levels. Previous course MUED 206 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED308: Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds II
Basic playing skills and pedagogical techniques for teaching oboe, flute, and bassoon at the elementary and secondary levels. May be repeated twice for a total of 3 credits. Previous course MUED 208 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 203.
MUED419: Choral Methods (3 hours lecture)
This course will seek to provide an in-depth exploration of the teaching of choral music as applied to the school music program from the elementary level through secondary. Topics will include items such as program philosophy, recruitment and retention, program organization and management, literature selection and ensemble pedagogy. Previous course MUED 334 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 335.
MUED420: Instrumental Methods (3 hours lecture)
This course will seek to provide an in-depth exploration of the teaching of instrumental music as applied to the school music program from elementary level through secondary. Topics will include items such as program philosophy, recruitment and retention, program organization and management, literature selection, and ensemble pedagogy. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 335.
MUED435: Conducting for Music Educators (2 hours lecture)
Rehearsal and performance techniques involved in conducting elementary and secondary school ensembles. Hands on conducting of Lab Ensemble. Previous course MUED 335 effective through Spring 2014. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUPR 335.
MUED500: Workshop in Music Education
Changing conditions in the schools and new methods and materials for in-service and pre-service teachers. Lectures, demonstrations. Literature and materials selected according to workshop focus. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED501: Psychology of Music (3 hours lecture)
Psychological foundations of music, including cognition, perception, emotional meaning; musical development and learning; testing for musical ability; research methodology. Cross listed with Music, MUTH 501. 3 sh.
MUED502: Critical Issues in Music Education (3 hours lecture)
This course focuses on developing students' abilities to think, write, and speak thoughtfully about the fundamental issues and concepts of music education towards effective and ethical music teaching and learning. 3 sh.
MUED510: Selected Topics in Music Education
This course provides a forum for in-depth examination of a selected topic in classroom music teaching. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 1 - 3 sh.
MUED518: Technology for Music Teachers (3 hours lecture)
A history and overview of computer platforms and applications for music. A review of pre-college, collegiate, and professional music software; the basics of music programming; a review of MIDI applications and interfaces; the use of interactive media in music pedagogy; and the future of computer applications in this field. 3 sh.
MUED519: Music Learning Theory (3 hours lecture)
Study of sequential steps in learning musical concepts and skills by examination of research in musical content and its perception. 3 sh.
MUED520: General Music in Secondary School (3 hours lecture)
Examination and practicum of methods, materials and philosophies of non-performance courses in the junior and senior high school. 3 sh.
MUED521: Creative Movement and Dance Experiences for Children
Investigating the principles of movement in relationship to the principles of music as a format for designing dance and movement experiences which enhance the music learning process. A focus on strategies appropriate for the elementary music classroom. Active participation. Field component. Mid-term/final project. 3 sh.
MUED522: Pedagogy of the Piano (2 hours lecture)
Principles, materials, and techniques for teaching piano to individuals or groups, in school or studio situations. 2 sh.
MUED523: Pedagogy of Brass Instruments (2 hours lecture)
Principles, materials, and techniques for teaching brass instruments to individuals or groups, in school or studio situation. 2 sh.
MUED525: Pedagogy of Stringed Instruments (2 hours lecture)
Principles, materials, and techniques for teaching stringed instruments to individuals or groups, in school or studio situation. 2 sh.
MUED549: Piano for Music Teachers (3 hours lecture)
To synthesize and reinforce intermediate piano skills for use in multiple classroom and educational settings. Classroom work is on a group and an individual basis in order to meet the needs of different ability levels. This course is geared toward students with intermediate skills. 3 sh.
MUED550: Music Education Techniques for Children with Disabilities (3 hours lecture)
Special education techniques as applied to music education; teaching music through movement and simple rhythm instruments. Covers all areas of a broad-based education program as it applies to K-12 populations with mild to moderate handicaps. 3 sh.
MUED555: Teaching Music As Democratic Practice (3 hours lecture)
This course examines foundational principles of democracy as a starting place for inquiry into the kinds of classroom procedures, structures, and strategies that model democratic practice. Appreciation for diverse points of view, collaborative projects, and student decision-making, for instance, are some examples of classroom structures that promote a democratic climate. Equally important is the study of composers and works of art that are tied directly to political events and social justice. 3 sh.
MUED556: Teaching Methods for the Elementary Music Class (3 hours lecture)
Methods of teaching elementary general music in the public schools. Designing hands-on strategies that encourage the development of music skills, critical and creative thinking, and informed music listening. Attention to current methodologies and progressive trends in the field. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music majors only.
MUED557: Teaching Methods for Music in the Secondary Schools (3 hours lecture)
Methods of teaching secondary general music in the public schools. Discussion about unique issues of adolescence. Hands-on strategies for teaching music theory and music appreciation as well as learning labs for beginning guitar, music technology, beginning keyboard, and songwriting. Attention to current methodologies and progressive trends in the field. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Music (MUSC) majors only.
MUED560: Teaching World Music (3 hours lecture)
World musics from cultural and pedagogical perspective. Following a geographic approach, i.e., Asia, Africa, selected musics will serve as a basis for exploring the musical stylistic dimensions, regional influences, cultural influences, and interrelationships with other art forms. Hands-on application to classroom music teaching K-12. 3 sh.
MUED565: Teaching Music Reading (3 hours lecture)
This course is designed for music teachers who work with students at beginning levels of music reading. Whether in the classroom or studio, beginning music readers range from young children through adults. This course will examine literature and music reading methodologies for application in developing effective music reading strategies. 3 sh.
MUED570: Critical and Creative Thinking in Music (3 hours lecture)
Theories of critical and creative thinking with application to the music classroom; developing music strategies that facilitate problem solving and thinking development. Field component. 3 sh.
MUED579: Band Literature for the Music Educator (3 hours lecture)
This course presents a broad-based examination of band literature for the elementary- through high-school level. The two primary components include (1) a survey of literature appropriate to the ensemble skill level, and (2) rehearsal techniques that facilitate expressive performance. Instruction will also include technological tools for research and programming effectiveness. 3 sh.
MUED580: The Comprehensive Choral Educator (3 hours lecture)
Appropriate for the middle and high school choral director, this course will provide a philosophical/theoretical foundation for effective classroom practice. Using choral literature as a basis, this course will focus on pedagogy, conducting, and rehearsal techniques. Repertoire will include literature from the western music canon, non-western cultures, and a variety of choral genres. 3 sh.
MUED581: Orff Workshop I-Concepts and Skills
Study of basic philosophy of the Orff Schulwerk through movement, melodic and rhythmic training, improvisation and the use of relevant instruments and materials. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED582: Orff Workshop II-Pedagogy and Practices
Refinement of skills in the use of Orff concepts, materials and techniques; practicum in the Orff pedagogy as applicable to American children. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MUED 581; John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUED599: Independent Study in Music Education
Regularly listed courses pursued in greater depth, by arrangement with graduate program coordinator for music prior to registration. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits but may be taken only once each semester. 1 - 4 sh.
Prerequisites: John J Cali School of Music approval.
MUPR335: Elementary Conducting (2 hours lecture)
Baton techniques and clef reading in orchestral and choral scores. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 202.
MUPR410: Beginning Jazz Improvisation (2 hours studio)
Study and application of techniques of jazz improvisation for beginning improvisers, including pedagogical considerations. Both the modal and pentatonic methods will be explored with a constant emphasis upon stylistic consideration based in the aural tradition. May be repeated once for a total of two credits. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: MUCP 101 and MUCP 102 or permission of the instructor.
PSYC560: Advanced Educational Psychology (3 hours lecture)
A comprehensive treatment of the cognitive and affective characteristics of the learner and the processes of learning and teaching provide the framework for this course. Behavioral, cognitive and information-processing theory are presented and their applicability to instructional strategies and classroom dynamics is discussed. Other areas included are the origins of individual differences including heredity and environment, early childhood education, cultural differences, student motivation, classroom management, measurement and evaluation, exceptional children and other topics. 3 sh.
READ501: Techniques of Reading Improvement in the Secondary School (3 hours lecture)
Techniques of Reading Improvement in the Secondary School introduces pre-service and in-service teachers to an array of cross-content literacy strategies for the improvement of nonclinical reading difficulties. Students learn how to ground literacy strategies in purposeful and meaningful curricular and pedagogical projects. 3 sh.
SASE505: Teaching, Democracy, and Schooling (3 hours lecture)
This course brings together differing viewpoints regarding the purposes of teaching in the United States and the teacher's role in fostering democracy. It provides future teachers with the habits of mind, skills, tools and resources to analyze and evaluate the relationship between the history of public education, the evolution of teacher identity, and the roles teachers and teaching have played in shaping the United States as a society and vice versa. Using Montclair State's Portrait of a Teacher as an organizing framework, this course places particular emphasis on the idea that all students can learn regardless of their gender, ability, race, ethnicity, or economic background. Students in the course study the history, philosophy, and politics that shape differing views about the roles and responsibilities of teachers, especially as these views relate to integration and inclusion in the classroom. Cross listed with EDFD 505. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. Previous course CURR 505 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SASE509: Sociocultural Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (3 hours lecture)
Examines how teachers, teaching, & schooling can foster the learning of pupils from diverse socio-economic, linguistic & cultural backgrounds. Students explore the ways socialization shapes perceptions of oneself & others; reflect on their own beliefs & assumptions about their sociocultural identities & how those have been shaped through experience; examine the nature & impact of the increasing social, cultural, & linguistic diversity in K-12 schools; & reflect on their capacity to bring about educational change that promotes equity & affirms diversity. They investigate ways of teaching all children successfully, particularly through a culturally responsive curriculum, & of developing positive relationships among teachers, parents, & children across diversity. Through a community study of an urban area with a predominantly poor & diverse population, students develop a framework for understanding the relationship between schools, communities, & society; cultivate skills needed to familiarize themselves with diverse communities & their residents; & envision ways they can help future students see connections between their in-school & out-of-school experiences. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. Cross listed with EDFD 509. Previous course CURR 509 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 505 or EDFD 505; SASE 518. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SASE516: Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners (1 hour lecture)
This course examines the best practices in educating English language learners. Students gain a greater understanding of the linguistic difficulties and resources of English language learners as well as the importance of a multicultural curriculum. Students learn how to make content comprehensible and differentiate instruction based on the language levels of individual English language learners. Students develop an understanding of the academic and affective needs of English language learners, and of strategies for meeting these needs. May be repeated once for a maximum of 2.0 credits. Cross listed with EDFD 516. Previous course CURR 516 effective through Spring 2014. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 505 or EDFD 505; SASE 518. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SASE526: Teaching for Learning I (3 hours lecture)
This is the first course in a two-semester sequence (SASE 526, SASE 543). This course focuses on developing classroom practices necessary for student teaching and the beginning of a professional career in teaching, building from the knowledge and skills developed in previous courses in the professional sequence. In conjunction with SASE 527-Fieldwork, students have the opportunity to observe in classrooms and to do individual, small group, and whole class teaching. Students investigate democratic classroom practice by focusing on curriculum development; creating a positive, well-structured climate for learning in their classrooms; learning and practicing techniques for effective classroom management; and choosing appropriate teaching strategies and assessments to create successful learning experiences for their students. Previous course CURR 526 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 505 or EDFD 505; SASE 509 or EDFD 509; SASE 516 or EDFD 516; SASE 517; SASE 518; READ 501. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SASE527: Fieldwork (3 hours lecture)
Students spend 60 hours, or approximately one day per week, in a selected public school. Activities include, but are not limited to, observing classroom teachers, facilitating small group and individual instruction, participating in after-school activities, tutoring, attending department meetings, shadowing and interviewing students and teachers, lesson planning and teaching, and assessing student work. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. Previous course CURR 527 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 505 or EDFD 505; and SASE 509 or EDFD 509; and SASE 516 or EDFD 516; and SASE 517; and SASE 518; and EDFD 519 or SASE 519; and READ 501. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SASE529: Student Teaching (6 hours lab)
Full time student teaching in the public schools of New Jersey for the duration of a semester is required of all students who complete the regular program of certification requirements. 6 hour lab requirements. May be repeated once for a maximum of 12.0 credits. Previous course CURR 529 effective through Spring 2014. 6 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 505 or EDFD 505; and SASE 509 or EDFD 509; and SASE 516 or EDFD 516; and SASE 517; and SASE 518; and SASE 519 or EDFD 519; and SASE 526; and SASE 527; and READ 501; and content area methods course(s). Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SASE543: Teaching for Learning II (3 hours lecture)
This is the second course in a two-semester sequence (SASE 526, SASE 543). This course focuses on putting into practice all the knowledge and skills students have developed throughout their professional sequence in their full-time, supervised student teaching experience. A primary focus is on planning and implementing curriculum. In addition to curriculum planning and using appropriate instructional and assessment strategies, students learn about the impact of the school and classroom culture and climate on student learning and on relationships between and among students, teachers, and other professionals in school. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits. Previous course CURR 543 effective through Spring 2014. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SASE 505 or EDFD 505; and SASE 509 or EDFD 509; and SASE 516 or EDFD 516; and SASE 517; and SASE 518; and SASE 526; and SASE 527; and READ 501; and content area methods course(s). Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED568: Instructional Planning for Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings II (3 hours lecture)
This course will enhance the ability of future educators to provide effective planning and instruction for students with disabilities in 6-12 inclusive classrooms. Educators will learn how to apply developmentally appropriate practice and curriculum design to improve the learning of students who exhibit competencies across a wide range. The emphasis will be on practical techniques and strategies that can be utilized in an inclusive setting. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED579: Special Education for Students with Disabilities (3 hours lecture)
An overview of instruction for students with special needs; characteristics of special populations, federal and state legislation, educational implications of disabling conditions, principles for instruction and planning for inclusion are presented; community resources and special issues related to the education of students with disabilities are discussed. 3 sh.
SPED584: Assessment and Evaluation in the Inclusive Classroom
This course is designed to be an introduction for pre-service teachers in the field of Special Education assessment and accountability. The course will introduce students to elements of traditional assessment, including record keeping, grading, objective and essay testing, theories of validity as well as authentic, performance, and portfolio assessment. The keeping of anecdotal records, inclusion, heterogeneous groups, and accommodations will also be components of this course. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED585: Technology for Inclusive Classrooms
The course is designed to provide educators with an understanding of how to use technology as a seamless part of the teaching and learning experience for students with disabilities in inclusive settings. Two main purposes for students with disabilities will be emphasized. Teachers will learn how to provide access to the curriculum for students with disabilities by using the principles of Universal Design for Learning as a framework for curriculum design. They will learn how to utilize technology to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities in order for them to attain maximum independence and participation in all environments. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED586: Transition Services for Students with Disabilities (3 hours lecture)
This course will focus on a Research-Based and Teacher-Tested Support Model for planning and implementing transition services for students with disabilities. Successful transition services will allow students to build the bridges toward becoming independent self advocates with the insights, skills, knowledge, and learning techniques for successful transition from school to adult life. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED588: Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Inclusive Settings
This course is designed to provide future teachers with theory and practice related to the development of appropriate prosocial behaviors within inclusive classroom settings for students with disabilities. This course will focus on behavior and the developmental and environmental factors that influence its expression. Emphasis will be placed on functional analysis of behavior, how to promote appropriate behavior, and how to develop a classroom setting that fosters prosocial behaviors. Principles of social/emotional learning, social skills development as well as data collection, schedules of reinforcement monitoring progress, social problem solving, and promotion of positive behavior plans will be explored. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 579. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
SPED591: Teaching Organization and Study Skills for the Inclusive Classroom (3 hours lecture)
In this course, future and practicing teachers who work with students with disabilities in middle and secondary school learn how to enable those students to become more effective learners so they can have greater access to the general education curriculum. Increased inclusion has led to higher expectations for students with disabilities and the need to meet the more rigorous demands of the general education classroom. This requires study and organization skills, which students with disabilities often lack as a result of the impact of their disability. In this course, teachers become familiar with research-based study and organization strategies as well as effective instructional methods for systematic and explicit instruction to teach these strategies. Through these strategies, they can help students compensate for their disability characteristics and become more independent, engaged learners. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: SPED 469, SPED 568 or SPED 587. Students must be enrolled in a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Instructional Teaching Certificate (CRI), Educational Services Certificate (CRE) or Master of Education (MED).
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