Chemistry Major with Teacher Certification in Physical Science (Preschool-Grade 12) (B.S.) - Undergraduate - 2009 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2009 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
Complete 81 semester hours including the following 4 requirement(s):
Complete 39 semester hours:
CHEM 120 General Chemistry I 4 CHEM 121 General Chemistry II 4 CHEM 230 Organic Chemistry I 3 CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry II 3 CHEM 232 Experimental Organic Chemistry I 2 CHEM 233 Experimental Organic Chemistry II 2 CHEM 310 Analytical Chemistry 5 CHEM 311 Instrumental Analysis 4 CHEM 340 Physical Chemistry I 3 CHEM 341 Physical Chemistry II 3 CHEM 343 Experimental Physical Chemistry 2 CHEM 370 Biochemistry I 3 CHEM 495 The Chemical Literature 1 -
Complete 6 semester hours from the following:
No more than 3 semester hours may be taken from the following:
CHEM 320 Environmental Chemical Analysis 3 CHEM 372 Experimental Biochemistry I 2 CHEM 410 Advanced Quantitive Analysis 4 CHEM 421 Experimental Inorganic Chemistry 3 CHEM 473 Experimental Biochemistry II 3 CHEM 499 Undergraduate Research 1-3 -
CHEM 420 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3 CHEM 430 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3 CHEM 440 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3 CHEM 471 Biochemistry II 3 CHEM 490 Selected Topics in Chemistry 2-3
Complete the following 2 requirements:
Complete the following 3 courses:
MATH 122 Calculus I 4 MATH 221 Calculus II 4 MATH 222 Calculus III 4 -
Complete 1 course from the following:
MATH 335 Linear Algebra 4 MATH 420 Ordinary Differential Equations 4
Complete the following 2 requirements:
Complete the following 4 courses:
PHYS 191 University Physics I 4 PHYS 192 University Physics II 4 PHYS 210 Mechanics 4 PHYS 240 Electricity and Magnetism 4 -
Complete 1 course from the following:
PHYS 280 Astronomy 4 PHYS 350 Optics 4 PHYS 460 Modern Physics 4
Course Descriptions:
CHEM120: General Chemistry I
Introductory lecture and laboratory course for science majors, prerequisite for all advanced chemistry courses. Introduction to atomic and molecular structure, bonding, stoichiometry, states of matter, solutions, and selected topics in descriptive inorganic chemistry. Laboratory stresses techniques and data treatment and their use in examining chemical systems. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Natural/Physical Science, Laboratory or Non-Laboratory Science. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: One year of high school chemistry.
CHEM121: General Chemistry II
Introductory lecture and laboratory course for science majors, prerequisite for all advanced chemistry courses. Introduction to thermochemistry, kinetics; general acid base, precipitation, redox equilibria, electrochemistry and selected topics in descriptive inorganic chemistry. Laboratory stresses techniques and data treatment and their use in examining chemical systems. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 120.
CHEM230: Organic Chemistry I
Structure and bonding in organic compounds: nomenclature, reactions, properties, and aromatic compounds: stereochemistry; structure analysis by IR, NMR, UV, and MS; introduction to molecular orbital theory. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 121.
CHEM231: Organic Chemistry II
Nomenclature, reactions, properties, and synthesis of ethers, epoxides, alcohols, amines, and carbonyl compounds; carbohydrates; amino acids, peptides and proteins; pericyclic reactions; synthetic polymers. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 230.
CHEM232: Experimental Organic Chemistry I
A laboratory course to be taken concurrently with CHEM 230. Basic techniques for the separation, analysis and synthesis of organic compounds: recrystallization, distillation, extraction, GC, HPLC, TLC, GC/MS, IR, H/C13- NMR, chemical safety methods and regulations. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 230 is a prerequisite or corequisite.
CHEM233: Experimental Organic Chemistry II
A laboratory course to be taken concurrently with CHEM 231 and after completion of CHEM 232. Basic techniques for organic synthesis, mechanistic studies, separation and analysis, and chemical safety: multistep syntheses, spectral data-base searching, phase-transfer catalysis, anhydrous procedures, analysis of unknowns by wet-chemical and spectral methods. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 231 and 232 are prerequisites. CHEM 231 may be taken as a corequisite.
CHEM310: Analytical Chemistry
Introduction to concepts of classical analytical chemistry including evaluation of data and apparatus, theory and application of volumetric and gravimetric methods and redox equilibrium, and introduction to electrical methods. 5 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 231 and CHEM 232.
CHEM311: Instrumental Analysis
Introduction to application of instrumental methods of analytical chemistry. Instrument techniques studied will include spectrophotometry, electroanalytical chemistry,chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. Theory and application will be examined in lecture and laboratory. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 310; and either CHEM 340 or CHEM 447.
CHEM320: Environmental Chemical Analysis
A study of the sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fates of chemical species in the environment. Lecture and lab will stress the theory, methodology, techniques, and instrumentation for air, water and soil analysis for contaminants. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 230 and 232.
CHEM340: Physical Chemistry I
Thermodynamics, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, gases, electrochemistry, solutions, colligative properties. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 231, and PHYS 192, and MATH 221.
CHEM341: Physical Chemistry II
Kinetics, photochemistry, molecular physical chemistry. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 340, and PHYS 192, and MATH 221.
CHEM343: Experimental Physical Chemistry
A laboratory course to be taken concurrently with CHEM 341. Application and experience with experimental techniques of physical chemistry. Students will perform experiments in calorimetry, measurement of thermodynamic variables, electro-chemical phenomena and kinetics. Analysis of experimental data, statistics and applications of microcomputers will be included. Meets the University Writing Requirement for CHBM, CHED, CHEM and CHPS majors. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 231, and 340, and MATH 221, and PHYS 192.
CHEM370: Biochemistry I
Organization of the living cell; structure, function and chemistry of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids; bioenergetics and oxidation.. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 231.
CHEM372: Experimental Biochemistry I
A lecture and laboratory course of experimental methods in biochemistry. Biochemical applications of spectroscopy, chromatographic methods, enzyme kinetics, DNA and protein purification and electrophoretic techniques.. 2 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 231 and 232.
CHEM410: Advanced Quantitive Analysis
Extends methods of analysis in CHEM 311. Absorption and emission spectroscopy, photometry, NMR, ESR, GC, thermoanalysis, polarography, amperometry and principles of automatic analysis. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 311 and 341.
CHEM420: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Physical basis of bonding and reactivity of inorganic compounds. Electronic structure of atoms, ionic and covalent bonding, symmetry properties, chemistry and structure of transition metal compounds, organometallic chemistry, introduction to solid-state structures.. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 340 is a prerequisite or corequisite.
CHEM421: Experimental Inorganic Chemistry
Experience utilizing a broad selection of modern techniques for the synthesis, characterization and chemistry of inorganic compounds. Subjects covered will include catalysis, reaction mechanisms, and use in organic synthesis. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 310.
CHEM430: Advanced Organic Chemistry
Consideration of structural and electronic theories which form the basis of organic chemistry. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 340 or 370.
CHEM440: Advanced Physical Chemistry
Quantum mechanics, bonding theory, atomic structure, statistical thermodynamical calculations. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: MATH 420 and CHEM 341.
CHEM471: Biochemistry II
The second semester of a two semester course in biochemistry. The course continues the coverage of the chemistry of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, and their role in cellular function and processes. Topics such as the chemistry of hormones, recombinat DNA, mechanisms of enzyme action, protein synthesis, immunoglobulins and membranes are included. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM370.
CHEM473: Experimental Biochemistry II
A second-semester laboratory in modern techniques in experimental biochemistry to include important applications of major instrumentation. Primarily intended for Biochemistry majors. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 370 and 372.
CHEM490: Selected Topics in Chemistry
In-depth study of a modern aspect of chemistry. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6.0 credits as long as the topic is different. 2 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 340 or 370.
CHEM495: The Chemical Literature
Introduction to manual and computer-assisted searching of the chemical literature. Includes an individual laboratory project, submission of a written project report, and presentation of a seminar. Meets the University Writing Requirement for CHBM, CHED, CHEM, and CHPS majors. 1 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 370 may be taken as prerequisite or corequisite.
CHEM499: Undergraduate Research
Laboratory research on a specific problem in chemistry under guidance of a faculty mentor. 1 - 3 sh.
Prerequisites: CHEM 233, Experimental Chemistry II, and departmental approval.
MATH122: Calculus I
Limits, continuity; derivative and differentiation; applications of the derivative, maxima, minima, and extreme considerations; antiderivatives; Riemann integral. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Mathematics, Mathematics. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MATH 111 or MATH 112 or placement through the Montclair State University Placement Test (MSUPT) or a satisfactory score on department's Calculus Readiness Test. (Students who did not satisfy the course prerequisite at MSU and students who received a grade of D-, D, or D+ in the prerequisite course taken at MSU are required to demonstrate competency on the department's Calculus Readiness Test.)
MATH221: Calculus II
Riemann integral applications, transcendental functions, techniques of integration, improper integrals, L'Hospital's rule, infinite series. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Mathematics, Mathematics. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MATH 122.
MATH222: Calculus III
Vector algebra; partial differentiation, and extreme considerations; polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates, multiple integration; introduction to line integrals. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MATH 221.
MATH335: Linear Algebra
The course content will cover the foundations of the algebra of vector spaces, matrix operations, matrix invertibility theorems, linear independence, span, basis, linear transformations, finite dimensional Hilbert Spaces, Gram-Schmidt process, projections, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and applications. The focus of the course will be to develop advanced mathematical skills in reading and understanding abstract mathematical definitions, constructing examples, and developing mathematical proofs. Meets the University Writing Requirement for Mathematics majors. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MATH 222 or equivalent.
MATH420: Ordinary Differential Equations
A course in the theory and applications of ordinary differential equations which emphasizes qualitative aspects of the subject. Topics include analytic and numerical solution techniques for linear and nonlinear systems, graphical analysis, existence-uniqueness theory, bifurcation analysis, and advanced topics. Prerequisite: MATH 335. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MATH 335.
PHYS191: University Physics I
This one-semester calculus-based course including laboratory is a study of the principles of physics and some applications to society's problems. Topics covered include mechanics, thermodynamics, fluids, and harmonic motion. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Natural/Physical Science, Laboratory or Non-Laboratory Science. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MATH 122 is prerequisite or co-requisite.
PHYS192: University Physics II
Calculus-based course. Study of some principles of physics and some applications to society's problems. Topics include: wave motion, sound and noise pollution, optics, electricity, lasers, nuclear theory, radiation, nuclear reactors, waste disposal. Meets the 1983 General Education Requirement (GER) - Natural/Physical Science, Laboratory or Non-Laboratory Science. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: MATH 221 is prerequisite or corequisite.
PHYS210: Mechanics
Classical mechanics: Kinematics, Newton's laws, impulse and momentum, statics, work and energy, oscillations, general motion, central force motion, non-inertial frames, system of particles, methods of handling data. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: PHYS 191.
PHYS240: Electricity and Magnetism
Basic principles of electromagnetism: Coulomb's law and general techniques in electrostatics, currents and their associated magnetic field, electromagnetic induction and magnetic properties of materials. Foundations of Maxwell's equations (without detailed solutions). Laboratory experiments. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: PHYS 192. MATH 222 is a prerequisite or corequisite.
PHYS280: Astronomy
Application of physical laws to the earth as a planet; nature of the other planets; orbital motion and space flight; origin of the solar system; the birth, life and death of a star galactic structure; and cosmology. Meets the University Writing Requirement for PHAS and PHYS majors. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: PHYS 191, 192 or PHYS 193, 194.
PHYS350: Optics
Propagation of light, optical components, instruments and photometry. Interference, diffraction and polarization with elements of spectroscopy. (Offered alternate years.) Meets the University Writing Requirement for PHAS, PHPS, PHYE and PHYS majors. 4 sh.
Prerequisites: PHYS 240.
PHYS460: Modern Physics
Special relativity, kinetic theory of matter; quantization of electricity, light and energy; nuclear atom; elementary quantum mechanics and topics on solid state. (Offered alternate years.) 4 sh.
Prerequisites: PHYS 210, 240.
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