Communication Studies Minor - Undergraduate - 2012 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.

Course Descriptions:

CMDA110: Introduction to Communication and Media Arts (3 hours lecture)

This course examines the crucial role media play in contemporary society and surveys the technological, social, cultural, economic, and political impact of communication codes, media, and their convergence. Topics include the histories of varied media (print, electronic, digital), media narratives and genres, the interplay between media products/industries and identity, and the evolving significance of emerging technologies. Previous course SPCM 172 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

CMDA210: Theorizing Communication and Media Arts (3 hours lecture)

This course introduces major theoretical perspectives and debates in the interdisciplinary fields of communication and media and provides key concepts used in the criticism of different types of media and texts. Theoretical approaches include political economy, semiotics, visual aesthetics, psychoanalysis, effects and reception, feminism, cultural studies, Marxism, and postmodernism which are then applied to a wide range of texts and structures (radio, film, television, music, advertising, news, the Internet, etc). Previous course SPCM 201 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMDA220: Writing for the Media (3 hours lecture)

This course covers the basic principles of writing for print, electronic, and on line media and provides hands-on writing experience. Students develop an understanding of industry standards of writing by communication and media professionals. They also build their skills in creating a variety of media texts, including news packages, documentary and fiction programs, press releases, speeches, Web pages and blogs, public service announcements and advertisements. Previous course BDCS 140 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMDA310: Investigative Research Methods (3 hours seminar)

The course provides a survey of investigative methods employed in the fields of communication and media. Students are guided through the research design process and develop critical skills in understanding and evaluating media reports of opinion polls and other scientific research. Students design their own projects and practice research methods most appropriate for professionals (interviewing, ethnographic work, focus group and survey research, textual and visual analysis). Previous course SPCM 301 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 210.

CMST130: Public Relations Principles (3 hours lecture)

This course introduces students to the fundamental theories and practices in the field of public relations. Students will learn about the public relations function within organizations, its impact on publics, and its function in society. Topics of this course involve the evolution of the field, the range of roles and responsibilities that public relations practitioners assume in a variety of settings, and the significant issues and trends that have shaped the practice. The course will also address the ethics of public relations practice and how values shape an organization's ability to build successful relationships with its publics. Previous course SPCM 222 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMST160: Introduction to Health Communication (3 hours lecture)

This course is designed to familiarize you with the prominent theories, issues, and topics in the field of health communication. This course will expose you to diverse health communication perspectives as they relate to a range of health communication topics, including illness and health, historical and contemporary issues, patient and provider experiences, cultural differences in health, public awareness/prevention/intervention campaigns, and the role of media and relationships in health communication. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMST170: Organizational Communication (3 hours lecture)

This introduces students to the field of organizational communication by surveying fundamental topics and theories pertaining to organizations' structures (relational ordering) and processes. Topics include comparative structural approaches; system, cultural, and critical perspectives for understanding relationships and networks; assimilation of new members; organizational change; cultural diversity; technology and media; and globalization. Previous course SPCM 274 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMST202: Listening (3 hours lecture)

The development of critical, discriminative, appreciative and empathic listening skills; emphasis on listening theory/concept exploration, listening skill building, and experiential learning through theory application. Previous course SPCM 230 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMST222: Public Speaking (3 hours lecture)

Preparing and delivering effective, informative, and persuasive speeches; emphasis in outlining, verbal clarity, and effective oral communication in public presentations. Previous course SPCM 234 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMST225: New Media and Participatory Culture (3 hours lecture)

This course focuses on new media technologies, their relationship with society, and the issues they present, both practical and theoretical, for participation in contemporary culture. This course looks at broad concepts - e.g., mediation, cultural power, representation, and social geography - as they relate to specific objects of inquiry like blogs, mobile devices, technocultures, and virtual reality. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMST246: Interpersonal Communication I (3 hours lecture)

Basic theory of interpersonal communication and its practical applications in friendships and intimate relationships; personal communication patterns as they affect self perception and other perception; emphasis on the effect this process has on our interactions with others; strategies are offered as a means of change, growth and potential in effective interpersonal communication. Previous course SPCM 271 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 110.

CMST322: Intercultural Communication (3 hours lecture)

Survey of cultural approaches to communication, including theory and methodology. Will examine the underlying principles and concepts of communication within individuals and across cultures to better understand effective human communication. Previous course SPCM 250 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 210.

CMST355: Visual Communication (3 hours lecture)

A course designed for students to experience the area of visual communication through computer desktop publishing. Students are responsible for designing, editing, and producing various printed material. Previous course SPCM 413 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 320.

CMST362: Nonverbal Communication (3 hours lecture)

Introduces nonverbal communication theory to promote a better awareness of its dynamics and influence in the communication process; an awareness of how people reveal and define themselves; a development of skills for encoding and decoding nonverbally ; creating slide shows. Previous course SPCM 375 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: CMDA 210.

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