Environmental Forensics Certificate Program - Graduate - 2012 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.


Complete the following 5 courses for 15 semester hours with a minimum GPA of 2.50: .

EAES 525 X-ray Microanalysis (3 hours lecture) 3
EAES 527 Organic Geoghemistry (3 hours lecture) 3
EAES 528 Environmental Forensics (3 hours lecture) 3
EAES 529 Instrumental Environmental Analysis (3 hours lecture) 3
LAWS 590 Environmental Law and Policy (3 hours lecture) 3

Course Descriptions:

EAES525: X-ray Microanalysis (3 hours lecture)

Students will learn energy dispersive spectroscopy, qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, and x-ray mapping. Previous course GEOS 547 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of one of the following: EAES 220, CHEM 410, PHYS 470 or BICL 406 or departmental approval.

EAES527: Organic Geoghemistry (3 hours lecture)

This is an introductory graduate course in organic geochemistry, covering the occurence of natural and anthropogenic organic matter in sediments and sedimentary rocks, emphasizing fossil fuels and environemental contaminants. Previous course GEOS 576 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of one of the following: CHEM 230, EAES 322, EAES 441 or departmental approval. Not open to students who have taken EAES 427.

EAES528: Environmental Forensics (3 hours lecture)

Environmental Forensics seeks to answer the questions: "How did environmental contamination occur?" and "Who/what caused it?" It involves the use of analytical (geo)chemistry, field geology and biology, remote sensing, integrated with law and policy. This course will focus primarily on the methods and applications of chemical fingerprinting, using petroleum biomarkers, polycyclic aromatic compounds, isotopes, and heavy metals. Previous course GEOS 577 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of EAES 427 or EAES 527 or departmental approval.

EAES529: Instrumental Environmental Analysis (3 hours lecture)

A survey of instrumentation and methods for quantitative environmental analysis of inorganic earth materials (e.g., waters, soils, sediments). Hands-on analytical techniques will typically include, but are not limited to, pH and conductivity measurements, ion chromatography, UV-Vis and optical ICP spectrometry, ICP mass spectrometry, and SEM-EDS depending on expertise of the instructor(s). Previous course GEOS 579 effective through Spring 2012. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in a CSAM graduate program and equivalent of one of the following: EAES 322, CHEM 410, EAES 526, EAES 527 or departmental approval.

LAWS590: Environmental Law and Policy (3 hours lecture)

The goal of this course is to provide students with the theoretical foundations and practical applications of Environmental Law. The course will utilize a model and method approach, which will present theory and procedure in a case problen context. The course will acquaint students with various traditional legal theories and compare and contrast them with law as it has evolved to meet new changes in society. 3 sh.

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