Theatre Studies Major (B.A.) - Undergraduate - 2012 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Theatre Studies provides students with a solid foundation in performance, dramatic literature, theatre history, dramaturgy, and stagecraft within the context of a liberal arts curriculum.  The program emphasizes both the practical and the theoretical aspects of theatre, and is oriented toward the rigorous training of well-rounded, responsible theatre artists who value ensemble, collaboration, and artistic community. The program requires a successful interview and group audition for admission to the program. (note: All Theatre & Dance majors must pass yearly juries/portfolio reviews and faculty evaluations for continuation in the programs.)

Curriculum Requirements:  All university students must fulfill the set of General Education Requirements  applicable to their degree.   In addition, students pursuing the Theatre Studies Major (BA), must complete the requirements below:


Complete 60 semester hours including the following 3 requirement(s):


    Complete 8 courses for 24 semester hours:

    THTR 101 Creativity for Theatre Artists (3 hours lecture) 3
    THTR 175 Theatre in Performance (3 hours lecture) 3
    THTR 208 Play Script Interpretation (3 hours lecture) 3
    THTR 210 Theatre History: Classical to Elizabethan (3 hours lecture) 3
    THTR 211 Theatre History: Restoration to Modern (3 hours lecture) 3
    THTR 361 B.A. Theatre Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
    THTR 410 Senior Project: B.A. Theatre (3 hours lecture) 3
    THTR 411 Dramatic Criticism (3 hours lecture) 3

    Complete 3 requirements for 27 semester hours:

    1. Complete 7 courses for 21 semester hours:

      THTR 105 Acting I (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 110 Acting II - B.A (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 120 Movement for the Actor I (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
      THTR 150 Stagecraft (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 215 Voice For Performance (5 hours studio) 3
      THTR 330 Play Direction I (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
      THTR 391 Playwriting (3 hours lecture) 3
    2. Complete the following for a total of 4 semester hours:

      1. for 1 semester hours.

        THTR 200 Production Stagecraft (1 hour lecture, 2 hours other) 1
      2. for 1 semester hours.

        THTR 201 Production Operations 1
      3. for 1 semester hours.

        THTR 202 Production Costumes 1
      4. for 1 semester hours.

        THTR 203 Business of Production 1
    3. Complete an additional 2 semester hours from the following:

      THTR 200 Production Stagecraft (1 hour lecture, 2 hours other) 1
      THTR 201 Production Operations 1
      THTR 202 Production Costumes 1
      THTR 203 Business of Production 1
      THTR 204 Performance Production I (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab) 1
      THTR 206 Performance: Production II (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab) 1
      THTR 207 Performance: Production III (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab) 1

    Complete the following:

    1. 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list

      THTR 112 Singing for the Actor I (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 212 Singing for the Actor II (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 238 Musical Theatre I (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 278 Stage Make-Up (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
      THTR 338 Musical Theatre II (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 362 Stage Dialects (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 366 Stage Technique: Combat (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 405 Advanced Scene Study (5 hours studio) 3
      THTR 433 Shakespeare Workshop (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 435 Dramatic Workshop (4 hours studio) 3
    2. 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list

      THTR 160 Drawing and Rendering I: Theatre (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
      THTR 234 History of Style: Pre-History to Elizabethan (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 245 Drafting I: Theatre (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
      THTR 252 Scene Design I (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
      THTR 255 Stage Management (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 258 Fundamentals of Stage Lighting (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 385 Production Management (3 hours lecture) 3
    3. 1 course for 3 semester hours from the following list

      THTR 265 The Contemporary Theatre of Cultural Diversity (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 329 Introduction to Dramaturgy: The Questioning Spirit (3 hours lecture) 3
      THTR 430 Play Direction II (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio) 3
      THTR 490 Internship in Theatre 4-16

Course Descriptions:

THTR101: Creativity for Theatre Artists (3 hours lecture)

An exploration of the creative impulse as expressed through the medium of theatre. This is a course intended to ground the student with an understanding of the self, the process, and provide a beginning exploration of the elements and principles of artistic expression specific to theatre. 3 sh.

THTR105: Acting I (3 hours lecture)

Basic introduction to acting for the non-major; involving exploration of one's self and experiencing inwardly; deepening the personal involvement and significance of actions; improvisation and exercises for perception, self-awareness and justification. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. 3 sh.

THTR110: Acting II - B.A (3 hours lecture)

Continuation of Acting I including improvisation, scene study, characterization and script analysis. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 105; B.A. Theatre Studies majors only.

THTR112: Singing for the Actor I (3 hours lecture)

This course will develop and train the actors' voice and interpretation of songs through exercises, vocal production technique, in-class vocal assignments, and texts. The student will be expected to learn and prepare several songs over the term and be expected to be able to present them in a professional manner, i.e., with confidence, control and in a manner which best displays the actors' vocal abilities. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 105 or THTR 115.

THTR120: Movement for the Actor I (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)

Basic movement for the actor in terms of development of characterization, physicality and projection of mood and attitude. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: B.F.A. in Theatre, Acting concentration majors or Musical Theatre majors only.

THTR150: Stagecraft (3 hours lecture)

An introductory course in technical theatre, primarily, scenery construction, lighting technology and costume construction. A practical experience course that involves stagecraft work in the theatre production shops. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: B.A. in Theatre Studies, or B.F.A. in Theatre, Acting concentration, or B.F.A. in Theatre, Production/Design concentration, or B.F.A. Dance majors, or Theatre minor students only.

THTR160: Drawing and Rendering I: Theatre (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)

A drawing course aimed at developing skills necessary for rendering techniques for stage designs. Perspective drawing, the use of light, shadow, composition, landscape and the techniques in different media (such as pencil, charcoal, pastel, ink, tempera), basic water color technique, color theory, and architectural sketching are included. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 150.

THTR175: Theatre in Performance (3 hours lecture)

Play-going class that introduces students to the variety of theatre and performance experiences in New York and New Jersey. The course combines attendance at plays with classroom discussion and text analysis. All styles and genres of performance will be considered when selecting productions. 3 sh.

THTR200: Production Stagecraft (1 hour lecture, 2 hours other)

The application of principles learned in THTR 150 (Stagecraft) to the building and mounting of Theatre Series productions. Taken concurrently with THTR 150. 1 sh.

THTR201: Production Operations

The application of principles involving lighting, sound and props to the creation and mounting of non-scenic elements and/or the running crew for Theatre Series productions. May be repeated seven times for a maximum of 8.0 credits. 1 sh.

THTR202: Production Costumes

The application of costuming principles and techniques to the building of costumes, mounting Theatre Series productions and/or costume running crew for Theatre Series productions. May be repeated seven times for a maximum of 8.0 credits. 1 sh.

THTR203: Business of Production

The application of business and theatre management principles to the operations of the theatre business office, including advertising, program design and creation, educational outreach and front-of-house. May be repeated seven times for a maximum of 8.0 credits. 1 sh.

THTR204: Performance Production I (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab)

Rehearsal, performance and strike for the first Theatre Series production in a given semester. May be repeated twice for a total of 3.0 credits. 1 sh.

THTR206: Performance: Production II (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab)

Rehearsal, performance and strike for the second Theatre Series in a given semester. May be repeated twice for a total of 3.0 credits. 1 sh.

THTR207: Performance: Production III (1 hour lecture, 2 hours lab)

Rehearsal, performance and strike for the third Theatre Series production in a given semester. May be repeated twice for a total of 3.0 credits. 1 sh.

THTR208: Play Script Interpretation (3 hours lecture)

An evaluation of the playscript in terms of the literary, technical and production elements essential to mounting it for performance. A consideration of both the fictional and the functional elements of playscripts. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Theatre. 3 sh.

THTR210: Theatre History: Classical to Elizabethan (3 hours lecture)

The development of the theatre from the Classical Greek through the Elizabethan period. Attention to plays, playwrights, theatre architecture, scenery, costuming, styles of acting and presentations; oral reports, lectures and demonstrations.Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Theatre. 3 sh.

THTR211: Theatre History: Restoration to Modern (3 hours lecture)

The development of the theatre from the Restoration through the Modern period. Attention on plays, playwrights, theatre architecture, scenery, costuming, styles of acting and presentations of the period; oral reports, lectures and demonstrations. Meets the University Writing Requirement for majors in Theatre. 3 sh.

THTR212: Singing for the Actor II (3 hours lecture)

This course will continue the work of Singing for the Actor I to train the actors' voice through exercises and vocal production technique designed to provide flexibility and freedom to the singer; to learn to "protect" the voice from harm while maximizing its strengths and potential. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 112.

THTR215: Voice For Performance (5 hours studio)

An intensive one-semester voice and speech class for Theatre Studies majors. Students will engage in a progression of physical and vocal exercises designed to free their natural speaking voice, and increase their vocal power and expressivity as theatre artists. Course work will include the development of a personal vocal warm-up, text analysis and work on scripted material draw from classic and contemporary plays. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 105, Theatre Studies majors only.

THTR234: History of Style: Pre-History to Elizabethan (3 hours lecture)

An introduction to the major styles in costume, architecture and decor of western civilization from pre-history to the Elizabethan age. Particular attention will be given to the influences and role of style, as used by designers, in theatre production. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 208.

THTR238: Musical Theatre I (3 hours lecture)

Production styles, techniques and dramatic conventions used in the musical theatre in relation to direction, music, dance and design. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 105 or 115.

THTR245: Drafting I: Theatre (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)

Techniques in theatrical drafting that explore the mechanics of drafting through the solution of practical problems in floor planning, front and rear elevations; the use of different building techniques, materials and structures. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 150.

THTR252: Scene Design I (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)

Interpretation of dramatic texts towards the realization of effective stage designs. Styles and principles will be explored as well as the complete process which translates visual concepts into stage worthy designs. The use of different media: drawing ground plans, paint, front elevations. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 160.

THTR255: Stage Management (3 hours lecture)

A study in the organizational skills needed to document and manage a theatre or dance production from audition to final performance. May be repeated once for a total of six credits. 3 sh.

THTR258: Fundamentals of Stage Lighting (3 hours lecture)

The functions of light on stage; the use of lighting equipment. Application work in the Memorial Auditorium and the L. Howard Fox Studio Theatre. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 152 is a prerequisite and THTR 245 may be taken as a prerequisite or corequisite.

THTR265: The Contemporary Theatre of Cultural Diversity (3 hours lecture)

The course examines multicultural issues raised in the plays of contemporary American playwrights. Relevant theatre attendance is part of the class requirement. Meets Gen Ed 2002 - Fine and Performing Arts. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Cultures. 3 sh.

THTR278: Stage Make-Up (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)

Appreciation of make-up through symbolic aspects and historic differences with regard to theatrical productions. Make-up materials and their uses; creating corrective and character make-up, mustaches and beards for a research or creative experience to compile a practical resource file. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: B. A. in Theatre Studies majors, or B. F. A. in Theatre, Acting concentration majors, or B. F. A. in Theatre, Production/Design concentration majors, or Theatre minors only.

THTR329: Introduction to Dramaturgy: The Questioning Spirit (3 hours lecture)

Introduces student performers and scholars to "the dramaturg's way." As a collaborative member of the theatrical team, the dramaturg serves as literary and historical advisor, script interpreter, journalist and context-provider for director, cast and production crew. Effective dramaturgy draws upon skills in text analysis and writing, and requires a deep appreciation for cultural traditions and current events. Developing fresh and imaginative approaches to six hypothetical theatrical productions, students will come away with a vivid conception of how it feels to be a practitioner of this integral and important craft. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 208 or MTTH 231.

THTR330: Play Direction I (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)

Principles of direction; selection and casting; exercises in composition and movement; scenes directed for class criticism; preparation of prompt book. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: All 100 and 200-level major requirements; and B.F.A. or B.A. Theatre majors only.

THTR338: Musical Theatre II (3 hours lecture)

This course explores the role of the singing actor, including characterization and performance skills. It examines the functions of music, lyrics, and script, and how they are integrated into one dramatic effort. It addresses the differences in styles between older presentational musicals and newer musical dramas. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 115 and THTR 130 and THTR 222 and THTR 223; and Musical Theatre majors only.

THTR361: B.A. Theatre Workshop (3 hours lecture)

This course explores a variety of theatrical styles for performance potential. It melds performance and directing with the study of selected texts to create a dynamic theatrical experience that draws upon students' theoretical as well as performance skills. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: All 100 and 200-level major requirements; and B.A. Theatre Studies majors only.

THTR362: Stage Dialects (3 hours lecture)

Lecture and laboratory demonstration on sound substitutions, rhythms, and inflectional patterns used in creating effective stage dialects. Performance in standard British, Cockney, Irish, Scottish, French, Italian, German, and Spanish dialects. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: All 100 and 200-level major requirements; and Theatre, Dance or Fashion Studies majors only.

THTR366: Stage Technique: Combat (3 hours lecture)

Stage use of sword-play, hand-to-hand combat and combat choreography with broadsword, epee, cudgel and staff among others. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 105 or THTR 115.

THTR385: Production Management (3 hours lecture)

Study and compare aspects related to the management of theatrical productions in professional and educational theatre. The course will cover resource management, budget planning and tracking, labor union rules and regulations. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 100 or THTR 150 or THTR 151, 152 and 153.

THTR391: Playwriting (3 hours lecture)

The creation of an original script suitable for production. The cause to effect play will be investigated as well as newer trends in theatre. Investigation of marketing possibilities and the preparation of scripts for submission. Students should have a background in the technique and artistic aspects of the theatre. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 208 or departmental approval.

THTR405: Advanced Scene Study (5 hours studio)

An advanced scene study class for junior and senior Theatre Studies majors, focusing on the plays of Ibsen, Strindberg and Chekhov. Coursework is grounded in the theories and techniques of Stanislavky, and includes textual analysis, improvisional exercises and scenework. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 105, THTR 110, THTR 120, THTR 215 and THTR 361. Theatre Studies majors only.

THTR410: Senior Project: B.A. Theatre (3 hours lecture)

This course is the capstone for the BA in Theatre Studies Program. Final project with a written and practical/performance component will be devised by the students in collaboration with a faculty playwright and/or director. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 361.

THTR411: Dramatic Criticism (3 hours lecture)

Dramatic principles of theme, content, and characterization as they relate to production and performance; evaluation and analysis of the basic ingredients of dramatic criticism as related to the critic, the director, the scenic artist and the performer. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 208 and THTR 361.

THTR430: Play Direction II (1 hour lecture, 3 hours studio)

Advanced play direction with emphasis on the director's analysis of the script and working with performers; participants will direct a scene and a one act play. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 330; all 100 and 200-level major requirements; and B.A. Theatre Studies majors, B.F.A. Theatre, Acting concentration majors, or B.F.A. Theatre, Production/Design majors only.

THTR433: Shakespeare Workshop (3 hours lecture)

Analysis and performance of scenes from Shakespearean histories, comedies, and tragedies. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: THTR 322 or departmental approval.

THTR435: Dramatic Workshop (4 hours studio)

An advanced course combining students as actors or directors engaged in research and performance of classical and contemporary styles of theatre in a "works-in-progress" atmosphere. Material will be drawn from the full spectrum of theatre. 3 sh.

Prerequisites: BA Theatre Studies majors, or BFA Theatre, Acting concentration majors, or BFA Theatre, Production/Design concentration majors only; and junior or senior standing and departmental approval.

THTR490: Internship in Theatre

Upper-class undergraduate students may pursue a major portion of a semesters work under the supervision of an experienced professional practitioner as an assistant in an active, successful theatre, dance, speech or media center program. Departmental eligibility and approval must be secured by the mid-point of the semester preceding registration. Credit by arrangement. 4 - 16 sh.

Prerequisites: BA Theatre Studies and BFA Theatre, Acting, Musical Theatre, and Production/Design concentration majors only; and senior standing and departmental approval.

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