Fine Arts/Studio Major (B.F.A.) - Undergraduate - 2012 University Catalog

You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.

Program Overview

The Fine Arts/Studio Major is designed for students seeking preparation as professional artists, with studio courses comprising two-thirds of the curriculum. The program is especially recommended for those wishing to continue their education in the visual arts at the graduate level.

For further information: Art & Design webpage

Curriculum Requirements

All university students must fulfill the set of General Education requirements applicable to their degree (for further information, click here.)  In addition, students pursuing Fine Arts, Studio (B.F.A.) must complete the requirements below.


Complete 97 semester hours including the following 6 requirement(s):

  1. CORE

    Complete 9 courses for 27 semester hours:

    ARDW 200 Drawing, Beginning I 3
    ARFD 121 Foundations I: Concept, Process and Application 3
    ARFD 122 Foundations II: 2D Design 3
    ARFD 123 Foundations III: Visual Organization - 3D Design 3
    ARFD 124 Foundations IV: Figure Drawing 3
    ARFD 125 Foundations V: Color, Light and Time 3
    ARHS 105 Art in Western Civilization: Ancient and Medieval 3
    ARHS 106 Art in Western Civilization: Renaissance to Modern 3
    ARHS 451 Contemporary Art 3

    Complete 1 of the following 7 specializations in consultation with BFA Coordinator


      Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for a total of 45 semester hours:


        Complete 15 semester hours from the following:

        ARCE 200 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARCE 210 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARCE 300 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARCE 400 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARCE 450 Independent Study in Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture 3
        ARSC 221 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 231 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 321 Sculpture: Clay, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 421 Sculpture: Clay, Advanced 3

        Complete 27 semester hours to 30 semester hours from the following:

        ARDW 210 Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 211 Life Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 300 Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 301 Life Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 400 Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 401 Life Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 450 Independent Study in Drawing 3
        ARDW 451 Independent Study in Life Drawing 3
        ARFI 201 Textile Design, Introduction 3
        ARFI 301 Textile Design, Advanced 3
        ARFM 200 Film Making, Beginning I 3
        ARFM 210 Film Making, Beginning II 3
        ARFM 220 Documentary Film Workshop 4
        ARFM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting: The Short Forms 3
        ARFM 240 Sound Recording and Design 3
        ARFM 250 Film Forum 3
        ARFM 310 Screenwriting I 3
        ARFM 463 Film Finance, Marketing, and Distribution 3
        ARFM 464 Filmmaking Internship 3
        ARFM 480 The Avant-Garde Cinema 3
        ARFV 220 Video with Computer Multi-media, Introduction A 3
        ARGD 200 Graphic Design, Beginning I 3
        ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac 3
        ARGD 280 Design in Visual Culture 3
        ARIL 220 Illustration, Beginning I 3
        ARIL 230 Illustration, Beginning II 3
        ARIL 280 The World of Illustration and Animation 3
        ARMJ 200 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning I 3
        ARMJ 210 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning II 3
        ARMJ 300 Metalwork and Jewelry, Intermediate 3
        ARMJ 400 Metalwork and Jewelry, Advanced 3
        ARMJ 450 Independent Study in Metalwork and Jewelry 3
        ARPA 200 Painting, Beginning I 3
        ARPA 210 Painting, Beginning II 3
        ARPA 260 Figurative Painting 3
        ARPA 300 Painting, Intermediate 3
        ARPA 400 Painting, Advanced 3
        ARPA 450 Independent Study in Painting 3
        ARPA 461 Painting the Environment 3
        ARPG 260 Introduction to Papermaking 3
        ARPG 360 Intermediate Papermaking 3
        ARPG 460 Advanced Papermaking 3
        ARPH 200 Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 201 Digital Photo and Imaging I 3
        ARPH 210 Photography Beginning II: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 211 Digital Photo and Imaging II 3
        ARPH 260 Photography Transparency Materials 3
        ARPH 300 Photography Intermediate: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 361 Special Process in Photography 4
        ARPH 400 Photography Advanced: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 451 Independent Study in Photography: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 462 The Color Print, A Contemporary Aesthetic Approach 4
        ARPH 463 Commercial Photography 4
        ARPM 200 Printmaking, Beginning I 3
        ARPM 210 Printmaking, Beginning II 3
        ARPM 220 Digital Printmaking, Introduction A 3
        ARPM 260 Etching and Relief Printing 3
        ARPM 261 Lithography 3
        ARPM 262 Screen Printing 3
        ARPM 263 Book Arts Introduction 3
        ARPM 300 Printmaking, Intermediate 3
        ARPM 400 Printmaking, Advanced 3

      Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for a total of 45 semester hours:


        Complete 15 hours from the following:

        ARDW 210 Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 211 Life Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 300 Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 301 Life Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 400 Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 401 Life Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 451 Independent Study in Life Drawing 3

        Complete 30 hours from the following:

          ARCE 200 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning I 3
          ARCE 210 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning II 3
          ARCE 300 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Intermediate 3
          ARCE 400 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Advanced 3
          ARCE 450 Independent Study in Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture 3
          ARFI 201 Textile Design, Introduction 3
          ARFI 301 Textile Design, Advanced 3
          ARFM 200 Film Making, Beginning I 3
          ARFM 210 Film Making, Beginning II 3
          ARFM 220 Documentary Film Workshop 4
          ARFM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting: The Short Forms 3
          ARFM 240 Sound Recording and Design 3
          ARFM 250 Film Forum 3
          ARFM 310 Screenwriting I 3
          ARFM 463 Film Finance, Marketing, and Distribution 3
          ARFM 464 Filmmaking Internship 3
          ARFM 480 The Avant-Garde Cinema 3
          ARFV 220 Video with Computer Multi-media, Introduction A 3
          ARGD 200 Graphic Design, Beginning I 3
          ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac 3
          ARGD 280 Design in Visual Culture 3
          ARIL 220 Illustration, Beginning I 3
          ARIL 230 Illustration, Beginning II 3
          ARIL 280 The World of Illustration and Animation 3
          ARMJ 200 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning I 3
          ARMJ 210 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning II 3
          ARMJ 300 Metalwork and Jewelry, Intermediate 3
          ARMJ 400 Metalwork and Jewelry, Advanced 3
          ARMJ 450 Independent Study in Metalwork and Jewelry 3
          ARPA 200 Painting, Beginning I 3
          ARPA 210 Painting, Beginning II 3
          ARPA 260 Figurative Painting 3
          ARPA 300 Painting, Intermediate 3
          ARPA 400 Painting, Advanced 3
          ARPA 450 Independent Study in Painting 3
          ARPA 461 Painting the Environment 3
          ARPG 260 Introduction to Papermaking 3
          ARPG 360 Intermediate Papermaking 3
          ARPG 460 Advanced Papermaking 3
          ARPH 200 Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form 3
          ARPH 201 Digital Photo and Imaging I 3
          ARPH 210 Photography Beginning II: Contemporary Art Form 3
          ARPH 211 Digital Photo and Imaging II 3
          ARPH 260 Photography Transparency Materials 3
          ARPH 300 Photography Intermediate: Contemporary Art Form 3
          ARPH 361 Special Process in Photography 4
          ARPH 400 Photography Advanced: Contemporary Art Form 3
          ARPH 451 Independent Study in Photography: Contemporary Art Form 3
          ARPH 462 The Color Print, A Contemporary Aesthetic Approach 4
          ARPH 463 Commercial Photography 4
          ARPM 200 Printmaking, Beginning I 3
          ARPM 210 Printmaking, Beginning II 3
          ARPM 220 Digital Printmaking, Introduction A 3
          ARPM 260 Etching and Relief Printing 3
          ARPM 261 Lithography 3
          ARPM 262 Screen Printing 3
          ARPM 263 Book Arts Introduction 3
          ARPM 300 Printmaking, Intermediate 3
          ARPM 400 Printmaking, Advanced 3
          ARPM 450 Independent Study in Printmaking 3
          ARSC 200 Sculpture, Beginning I 3
          ARSC 210 Sculpture, Beginning II 3
          ARSC 220 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction A 3
          ARSC 221 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction A 3
          ARSC 222 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction A 3
          ARSC 223 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction A 3
          ARSC 224 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction A 3
          ARSC 225 Metals: Introduction A 3
          ARSC 226 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction A 3
          ARSC 230 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction B 3
          ARSC 231 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction B 3
          ARSC 232 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction B 3
          ARSC 233 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction B 3
          ARSC 234 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction B 3
          ARSC 235 Metals: Introduction B 3
          ARSC 236 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction B 3
          ARSC 300 Sculpture, Intermediate 3
          ARSC 320 Sculpture: Fabrication Intermediate 3
          ARSC 321 Sculpture: Clay, Intermediate 3
          ARSC 322 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Intermediate 3
          ARSC 323 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Intermediate 3
          ARSC 324 Sculpture: Carving Intermediate 3
          ARSC 325 Metals: Intermediate 3
          ARSC 326 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting Intermediate 3
          ARSC 400 Sculpture, Advanced 3
          ARSC 420 Sculpture: Fabrication, Advanced 3
          ARSC 421 Sculpture: Clay, Advanced 3
          ARSC 422 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Advanced 3
          ARSC 423 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Advanced 3
          ARSC 424 Sculpture: Carving, Advanced 3
          ARSC 425 Metals: Advanced 3
          ARSC 426 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Advanced 3

      Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for a totoal of 45 hours:


        Complete 15 semester hours from the following:

        ARMJ 200 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning I 3
        ARMJ 210 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning II 3
        ARMJ 300 Metalwork and Jewelry, Intermediate 3
        ARMJ 400 Metalwork and Jewelry, Advanced 3
        ARMJ 450 Independent Study in Metalwork and Jewelry 3

        Complete 30 semester hours from the following:

        ARCE 200 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARCE 210 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARCE 300 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARCE 400 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARCE 450 Independent Study in Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture 3
        ARDW 210 Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 211 Life Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 300 Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 301 Life Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 400 Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 401 Life Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 450 Independent Study in Drawing 3
        ARDW 451 Independent Study in Life Drawing 3
        ARFI 201 Textile Design, Introduction 3
        ARFI 301 Textile Design, Advanced 3
        ARFM 200 Film Making, Beginning I 3
        ARFM 210 Film Making, Beginning II 3
        ARFM 220 Documentary Film Workshop 4
        ARFM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting: The Short Forms 3
        ARFM 240 Sound Recording and Design 3
        ARFM 250 Film Forum 3
        ARFM 310 Screenwriting I 3
        ARFM 463 Film Finance, Marketing, and Distribution 3
        ARFM 464 Filmmaking Internship 3
        ARFM 480 The Avant-Garde Cinema 3
        ARFV 220 Video with Computer Multi-media, Introduction A 3
        ARGD 200 Graphic Design, Beginning I 3
        ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac 3
        ARGD 280 Design in Visual Culture 3
        ARIL 220 Illustration, Beginning I 3
        ARIL 230 Illustration, Beginning II 3
        ARIL 280 The World of Illustration and Animation 3
        ARPA 200 Painting, Beginning I 3
        ARPA 210 Painting, Beginning II 3
        ARPA 260 Figurative Painting 3
        ARPA 300 Painting, Intermediate 3
        ARPA 400 Painting, Advanced 3
        ARPA 450 Independent Study in Painting 3
        ARPA 461 Painting the Environment 3
        ARPG 260 Introduction to Papermaking 3
        ARPG 360 Intermediate Papermaking 3
        ARPG 460 Advanced Papermaking 3
        ARPH 200 Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 201 Digital Photo and Imaging I 3
        ARPH 210 Photography Beginning II: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 211 Digital Photo and Imaging II 3
        ARPH 260 Photography Transparency Materials 3
        ARPH 300 Photography Intermediate: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 361 Special Process in Photography 4
        ARPH 400 Photography Advanced: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 451 Independent Study in Photography: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 462 The Color Print, A Contemporary Aesthetic Approach 4
        ARPH 463 Commercial Photography 4
        ARPM 200 Printmaking, Beginning I 3
        ARPM 210 Printmaking, Beginning II 3
        ARPM 220 Digital Printmaking, Introduction A 3
        ARPM 260 Etching and Relief Printing 3
        ARPM 261 Lithography 3
        ARPM 262 Screen Printing 3
        ARPM 263 Book Arts Introduction 3
        ARPM 300 Printmaking, Intermediate 3
        ARPM 400 Printmaking, Advanced 3
        ARPM 450 Independent Study in Printmaking 3
        ARSC 200 Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARSC 210 Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARSC 220 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 221 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 222 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 223 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction A 3
        ARSC 224 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 225 Metals: Introduction A 3
        ARSC 226 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 230 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 231 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 232 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 233 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction B 3
        ARSC 234 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 235 Metals: Introduction B 3
        ARSC 236 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 300 Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 320 Sculpture: Fabrication Intermediate 3
        ARSC 321 Sculpture: Clay, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 322 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 323 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 324 Sculpture: Carving Intermediate 3
        ARSC 325 Metals: Intermediate 3
        ARSC 326 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting Intermediate 3
        ARSC 400 Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARSC 420 Sculpture: Fabrication, Advanced 3
        ARSC 421 Sculpture: Clay, Advanced 3
        ARSC 422 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 423 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Advanced 3
        ARSC 424 Sculpture: Carving, Advanced 3
        ARSC 425 Metals: Advanced 3
        ARSC 426 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 450 Independent Study: Sculpture 3

      Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for a total of 45 semester hours:


        Complete 15 semester hours from the following:

        ARPA 200 Painting, Beginning I 3
        ARPA 210 Painting, Beginning II 3
        ARPA 260 Figurative Painting 3
        ARPA 300 Painting, Intermediate 3
        ARPA 400 Painting, Advanced 3
        ARPA 450 Independent Study in Painting 3
        ARPA 461 Painting the Environment 3

        Complete 30 semester hours from the following:

        ARCE 200 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARCE 210 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARCE 300 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARCE 400 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARCE 450 Independent Study in Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture 3
        ARDW 210 Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 211 Life Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 300 Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 301 Life Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 400 Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 401 Life Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 450 Independent Study in Drawing 3
        ARDW 451 Independent Study in Life Drawing 3
        ARFI 201 Textile Design, Introduction 3
        ARFI 301 Textile Design, Advanced 3
        ARFM 200 Film Making, Beginning I 3
        ARFM 210 Film Making, Beginning II 3
        ARFM 220 Documentary Film Workshop 4
        ARFM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting: The Short Forms 3
        ARFM 240 Sound Recording and Design 3
        ARFM 250 Film Forum 3
        ARFM 310 Screenwriting I 3
        ARFM 463 Film Finance, Marketing, and Distribution 3
        ARFM 464 Filmmaking Internship 3
        ARFM 480 The Avant-Garde Cinema 3
        ARFV 220 Video with Computer Multi-media, Introduction A 3
        ARGD 200 Graphic Design, Beginning I 3
        ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac 3
        ARGD 280 Design in Visual Culture 3
        ARIL 220 Illustration, Beginning I 3
        ARIL 230 Illustration, Beginning II 3
        ARIL 280 The World of Illustration and Animation 3
        ARMJ 200 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning I 3
        ARMJ 210 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning II 3
        ARMJ 300 Metalwork and Jewelry, Intermediate 3
        ARMJ 400 Metalwork and Jewelry, Advanced 3
        ARMJ 450 Independent Study in Metalwork and Jewelry 3
        ARPG 260 Introduction to Papermaking 3
        ARPG 360 Intermediate Papermaking 3
        ARPG 460 Advanced Papermaking 3
        ARPH 200 Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 201 Digital Photo and Imaging I 3
        ARPH 210 Photography Beginning II: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 211 Digital Photo and Imaging II 3
        ARPH 260 Photography Transparency Materials 3
        ARPH 300 Photography Intermediate: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 361 Special Process in Photography 4
        ARPH 400 Photography Advanced: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 451 Independent Study in Photography: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 462 The Color Print, A Contemporary Aesthetic Approach 4
        ARPH 463 Commercial Photography 4
        ARPM 200 Printmaking, Beginning I 3
        ARPM 210 Printmaking, Beginning II 3
        ARPM 220 Digital Printmaking, Introduction A 3
        ARPM 260 Etching and Relief Printing 3
        ARPM 261 Lithography 3
        ARPM 262 Screen Printing 3
        ARPM 263 Book Arts Introduction 3
        ARPM 300 Printmaking, Intermediate 3
        ARPM 400 Printmaking, Advanced 3
        ARPM 450 Independent Study in Printmaking 3
        ARSC 200 Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARSC 210 Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARSC 220 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 221 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 222 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 223 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction A 3
        ARSC 224 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 225 Metals: Introduction A 3
        ARSC 226 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 230 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 231 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 232 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 233 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction B 3
        ARSC 234 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 235 Metals: Introduction B 3
        ARSC 236 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 300 Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 320 Sculpture: Fabrication Intermediate 3
        ARSC 321 Sculpture: Clay, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 322 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 323 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 324 Sculpture: Carving Intermediate 3
        ARSC 325 Metals: Intermediate 3
        ARSC 326 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting Intermediate 3
        ARSC 400 Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARSC 420 Sculpture: Fabrication, Advanced 3
        ARSC 421 Sculpture: Clay, Advanced 3
        ARSC 422 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 423 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Advanced 3
        ARSC 424 Sculpture: Carving, Advanced 3
        ARSC 425 Metals: Advanced 3
        ARSC 426 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 450 Independent Study: Sculpture 3

      Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for a total of 45 semester hours:


        Complete 15 semester hours from the following:

        ARHS 477 History of Photography 3
        ARPH 200 Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 260 Photography Transparency Materials 3
        ARPH 300 Photography Intermediate: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 361 Special Process in Photography 4
        ARPH 451 Independent Study in Photography: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 462 The Color Print, A Contemporary Aesthetic Approach 4
        ARPH 463 Commercial Photography 4

        Complete 30 semester hours from the following:

        ARCE 200 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARCE 210 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARCE 300 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARCE 400 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARCE 450 Independent Study in Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture 3
        ARDW 210 Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 211 Life Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 300 Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 301 Life Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 400 Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 401 Life Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 450 Independent Study in Drawing 3
        ARDW 451 Independent Study in Life Drawing 3
        ARFI 201 Textile Design, Introduction 3
        ARFI 301 Textile Design, Advanced 3
        ARFM 200 Film Making, Beginning I 3
        ARFM 210 Film Making, Beginning II 3
        ARFM 220 Documentary Film Workshop 4
        ARFM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting: The Short Forms 3
        ARFM 240 Sound Recording and Design 3
        ARFM 250 Film Forum 3
        ARFM 310 Screenwriting I 3
        ARFM 463 Film Finance, Marketing, and Distribution 3
        ARFM 464 Filmmaking Internship 3
        ARFM 480 The Avant-Garde Cinema 3
        ARFV 220 Video with Computer Multi-media, Introduction A 3
        ARGD 200 Graphic Design, Beginning I 3
        ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac 3
        ARGD 280 Design in Visual Culture 3
        ARIL 220 Illustration, Beginning I 3
        ARIL 230 Illustration, Beginning II 3
        ARIL 280 The World of Illustration and Animation 3
        ARMJ 200 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning I 3
        ARMJ 210 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning II 3
        ARMJ 300 Metalwork and Jewelry, Intermediate 3
        ARMJ 400 Metalwork and Jewelry, Advanced 3
        ARMJ 450 Independent Study in Metalwork and Jewelry 3
        ARPA 200 Painting, Beginning I 3
        ARPA 210 Painting, Beginning II 3
        ARPA 260 Figurative Painting 3
        ARPA 300 Painting, Intermediate 3
        ARPA 400 Painting, Advanced 3
        ARPA 450 Independent Study in Painting 3
        ARPA 461 Painting the Environment 3
        ARPG 260 Introduction to Papermaking 3
        ARPG 360 Intermediate Papermaking 3
        ARPG 460 Advanced Papermaking 3
        ARPM 200 Printmaking, Beginning I 3
        ARPM 210 Printmaking, Beginning II 3
        ARPM 220 Digital Printmaking, Introduction A 3
        ARPM 260 Etching and Relief Printing 3
        ARPM 261 Lithography 3
        ARPM 262 Screen Printing 3
        ARPM 263 Book Arts Introduction 3
        ARPM 300 Printmaking, Intermediate 3
        ARPM 400 Printmaking, Advanced 3
        ARPM 450 Independent Study in Printmaking 3
        ARSC 200 Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARSC 210 Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARSC 220 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 221 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 222 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 223 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction A 3
        ARSC 224 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 225 Metals: Introduction A 3
        ARSC 226 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 230 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 231 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 232 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 233 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction B 3
        ARSC 234 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 235 Metals: Introduction B 3
        ARSC 236 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 300 Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 320 Sculpture: Fabrication Intermediate 3
        ARSC 321 Sculpture: Clay, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 322 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 323 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 324 Sculpture: Carving Intermediate 3
        ARSC 325 Metals: Intermediate 3
        ARSC 326 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting Intermediate 3
        ARSC 400 Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARSC 420 Sculpture: Fabrication, Advanced 3
        ARSC 421 Sculpture: Clay, Advanced 3
        ARSC 422 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 423 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Advanced 3
        ARSC 424 Sculpture: Carving, Advanced 3
        ARSC 425 Metals: Advanced 3
        ARSC 426 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 450 Independent Study: Sculpture 3

      Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for a total of 45 hours:


        Complete 15 semester hours from the following:

        ARPM 200 Printmaking, Beginning I 3
        ARPM 210 Printmaking, Beginning II 3
        ARPM 260 Etching and Relief Printing 3
        ARPM 261 Lithography 3
        ARPM 262 Screen Printing 3
        ARPM 300 Printmaking, Intermediate 3
        ARPM 400 Printmaking, Advanced 3
        ARPM 450 Independent Study in Printmaking 3

        Complete 30 semester hours from the following:

        ARCE 200 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARCE 210 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARCE 300 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARCE 400 Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARCE 450 Independent Study in Ceramics: Pottery and Sculpture 3
        ARDW 210 Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 211 Life Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 300 Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 301 Life Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 400 Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 401 Life Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 450 Independent Study in Drawing 3
        ARDW 451 Independent Study in Life Drawing 3
        ARFI 201 Textile Design, Introduction 3
        ARFI 301 Textile Design, Advanced 3
        ARFM 200 Film Making, Beginning I 3
        ARFM 210 Film Making, Beginning II 3
        ARFM 220 Documentary Film Workshop 4
        ARFM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting: The Short Forms 3
        ARFM 240 Sound Recording and Design 3
        ARFM 250 Film Forum 3
        ARFM 310 Screenwriting I 3
        ARFM 463 Film Finance, Marketing, and Distribution 3
        ARFM 464 Filmmaking Internship 3
        ARFM 480 The Avant-Garde Cinema 3
        ARFV 220 Video with Computer Multi-media, Introduction A 3
        ARGD 200 Graphic Design, Beginning I 3
        ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac 3
        ARGD 280 Design in Visual Culture 3
        ARIL 220 Illustration, Beginning I 3
        ARIL 230 Illustration, Beginning II 3
        ARIL 280 The World of Illustration and Animation 3
        ARMJ 200 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning I 3
        ARMJ 210 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning II 3
        ARMJ 300 Metalwork and Jewelry, Intermediate 3
        ARMJ 400 Metalwork and Jewelry, Advanced 3
        ARMJ 450 Independent Study in Metalwork and Jewelry 3
        ARPA 200 Painting, Beginning I 3
        ARPA 210 Painting, Beginning II 3
        ARPA 260 Figurative Painting 3
        ARPA 300 Painting, Intermediate 3
        ARPA 400 Painting, Advanced 3
        ARPA 450 Independent Study in Painting 3
        ARPA 461 Painting the Environment 3
        ARPG 260 Introduction to Papermaking 3
        ARPG 360 Intermediate Papermaking 3
        ARPG 460 Advanced Papermaking 3
        ARPH 200 Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 201 Digital Photo and Imaging I 3
        ARPH 210 Photography Beginning II: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 211 Digital Photo and Imaging II 3
        ARPH 260 Photography Transparency Materials 3
        ARPH 300 Photography Intermediate: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 361 Special Process in Photography 4
        ARPH 400 Photography Advanced: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 451 Independent Study in Photography: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 462 The Color Print, A Contemporary Aesthetic Approach 4
        ARPH 463 Commercial Photography 4
        ARSC 200 Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARSC 210 Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARSC 220 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 221 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 222 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 223 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction A 3
        ARSC 224 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 225 Metals: Introduction A 3
        ARSC 226 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction A 3
        ARSC 230 Sculpture: Fabrication, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 231 Sculpture: Clay, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 232 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 233 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing Introduction B 3
        ARSC 234 Sculpture: Carving, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 235 Metals: Introduction B 3
        ARSC 236 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Introduction B 3
        ARSC 300 Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 320 Sculpture: Fabrication Intermediate 3
        ARSC 321 Sculpture: Clay, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 322 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 323 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 324 Sculpture: Carving Intermediate 3
        ARSC 325 Metals: Intermediate 3
        ARSC 326 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting Intermediate 3
        ARSC 400 Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARSC 420 Sculpture: Fabrication, Advanced 3
        ARSC 421 Sculpture: Clay, Advanced 3
        ARSC 422 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 423 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Advanced 3
        ARSC 424 Sculpture: Carving, Advanced 3
        ARSC 425 Metals: Advanced 3
        ARSC 426 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 450 Independent Study: Sculpture 3

      Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for a total of 45 hours:


        Complete 15 semester hours from the following:

        ARSC 200 Sculpture, Beginning I 3
        ARSC 210 Sculpture, Beginning II 3
        ARSC 235 Metals: Introduction B 3
        ARSC 300 Sculpture, Intermediate 3
        ARSC 400 Sculpture, Advanced 3
        ARSC 420 Sculpture: Fabrication, Advanced 3
        ARSC 421 Sculpture: Clay, Advanced 3
        ARSC 422 Sculpture: Metal Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 423 Sculpture: Welding/Brazing, Advanced 3
        ARSC 424 Sculpture: Carving, Advanced 3
        ARSC 425 Metals: Advanced 3
        ARSC 426 Sculpture: Modeling/Casting, Advanced 3
        ARSC 450 Independent Study: Sculpture 3

        Complete 30 semester hours from the following:

        ARDW 210 Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 211 Life Drawing, Beginning II 3
        ARDW 300 Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 301 Life Drawing, Intermediate 3
        ARDW 400 Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 401 Life Drawing, Advanced 3
        ARDW 450 Independent Study in Drawing 3
        ARDW 451 Independent Study in Life Drawing 3
        ARFI 201 Textile Design, Introduction 3
        ARFI 301 Textile Design, Advanced 3
        ARFM 200 Film Making, Beginning I 3
        ARFM 210 Film Making, Beginning II 3
        ARFM 220 Documentary Film Workshop 4
        ARFM 230 Introduction to Screenwriting: The Short Forms 3
        ARFM 240 Sound Recording and Design 3
        ARFM 250 Film Forum 3
        ARFM 310 Screenwriting I 3
        ARFM 463 Film Finance, Marketing, and Distribution 3
        ARFM 464 Filmmaking Internship 3
        ARFM 480 The Avant-Garde Cinema 3
        ARFV 220 Video with Computer Multi-media, Introduction A 3
        ARGD 200 Graphic Design, Beginning I 3
        ARGD 211 Fundamentals of Adobe Creative Suite - Mac 3
        ARGD 280 Design in Visual Culture 3
        ARIL 220 Illustration, Beginning I 3
        ARIL 230 Illustration, Beginning II 3
        ARIL 280 The World of Illustration and Animation 3
        ARMJ 200 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning I 3
        ARMJ 210 Metalwork and Jewelry, Beginning II 3
        ARMJ 300 Metalwork and Jewelry, Intermediate 3
        ARMJ 400 Metalwork and Jewelry, Advanced 3
        ARMJ 450 Independent Study in Metalwork and Jewelry 3
        ARPA 200 Painting, Beginning I 3
        ARPA 210 Painting, Beginning II 3
        ARPA 260 Figurative Painting 3
        ARPA 300 Painting, Intermediate 3
        ARPA 400 Painting, Advanced 3
        ARPA 450 Independent Study in Painting 3
        ARPA 461 Painting the Environment 3
        ARPG 260 Introduction to Papermaking 3
        ARPG 360 Intermediate Papermaking 3
        ARPG 460 Advanced Papermaking 3
        ARPH 200 Photography Beginning I: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 201 Digital Photo and Imaging I 3
        ARPH 210 Photography Beginning II: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 211 Digital Photo and Imaging II 3
        ARPH 260 Photography Transparency Materials 3
        ARPH 300 Photography Intermediate: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 361 Special Process in Photography 4
        ARPH 400 Photography Advanced: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 451 Independent Study in Photography: Contemporary Art Form 3
        ARPH 462 The Color Print, A Contemporary Aesthetic Approach 4
        ARPH 463 Commercial Photography 4
        ARPM 200 Printmaking, Beginning I 3
        ARPM 210 Printmaking, Beginning II 3
        ARPM 220 Digital Printmaking, Introduction A 3
        ARPM 260 Etching and Relief Printing 3
        ARPM 261 Lithography 3
        ARPM 262 Screen Printing 3
        ARPM 263 Book Arts Introduction 3
        ARPM 300 Printmaking, Intermediate 3
        ARPM 400 Printmaking, Advanced 3
        ARPM 450 Independent Study in Printmaking 3

    Complete 2 course for 6 semester hours from the following:

    ARHS 108 Women in Art 3
    ARHS 200 Resources and Methods of Research in the Arts 3
    ARHS 215 Ancient Art 3
    ARHS 216 Renaissance Art in Italy: The Fifteenth Century 3
    ARHS 217 Selected Masterpieces of World Art 3
    ARHS 220 Art in Non-Western Societies 3
    ARHS 223 Shelter Form as Art 3
    ARHS 230 History of the Print 3
    ARHS 250 Modern Philosophies of Art 3
    ARHS 275 Afro-American Art 3
    ARHS 276 History of Textiles: Focus on the Americas 3
    ARHS 322 Early Christian-Byzantine Art 3
    ARHS 323 Medieval Art 3
    ARHS 324 Northern Renaissance Painting 3
    ARHS 325 Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Art 3
    ARHS 326 The Critical Approach 3
    ARHS 327 History of Oriental Art 3
    ARHS 328 Survey of Greek Art 3
    ARHS 329 American Art 3
    ARHS 331 Modern Art 3
    ARHS 332 Ancient Art of Europe 3
    ARHS 337 Public Art and the Community 3
    ARHS 341 History of City Planning 3
    ARHS 370 History of Industrial Design 3
    ARHS 450 Modern Architecture 3
    ARHS 452 Renaissance Art in Italy: The Sixteenth Century 3
    ARHS 455 Selected Problems in Art History 3
    ARHS 457 Pre-Columbian, Oceanic and African Art 3
    ARHS 458 African Art: Sub-Saharan 3
    ARHS 459 Art of the Nineteenth Century 3
    ARHS 460 Nineteenth Century American Architecture 3
    ARHS 461 Nineteenth Century American Painting 3
    ARHS 462 Senior Seminar 3
    ARHS 469 Art of the Twentieth Century 3
    ARHS 477 History of Photography 3
    ARHS 478 Art in Public Places 3
    ARHS 479 Independent Study in Urban Cultural Development 2
    ARHS 480 Field Trip in Art History 2
    ARHS 483 Independent Study in Art History 2
    ARHS 484 Independent Study: Senior Thesis (BA Art HIstory) 3
    ARHS 485 Ancient Art In Italy: Etruscan and Roman Art 3

    Complete 1 course for 3 semester hours:

    ARGS 280 Art Forum 3

    Complete 1 course for 3 hours:

    ARHS 462 Senior Seminar 3

    Complete the following 2 requirement(s) for a total of 13 hours:

    1. Complete 1 course for 6 hours:

      ARST 400 Major Studio Project I 6
    2. Complete 1 course for 7 hours:

      ARST 410 Major Studio Project II 7