German Minor - Undergraduate - 2012 University Catalog
You are viewing the 2012 University Catalog. Please see the newest version of the University Catalog for the most current version of this program's requirements.
You must complete 18 semester hours, from the following:
Complete the following 3 courses:
GERM 121 Intermediate German I (3 hours lecture) 3 GERM 132 Intermediate German II (3 hours lecture) 3 GERM 201 Advanced German I (3 hours lecture) 3 -
Complete 9 semester hours from the following:
Course Descriptions:
GERM121: Intermediate German I (3 hours lecture)
Open to students who have acquired an elementary knowledge of German elsewhere. Further development of the ability to understand, speak, read and write German, with emphasis on speaking. Laboratory work. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Languages. 3 sh.
GERM132: Intermediate German II (3 hours lecture)
Open to students who have acquired an elementary knowledge of German elsewhere. Further development of the ability to understand, speak, read and write German, with emphasis on speaking. Laboratory work. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Languages. 3 sh.
GERM141: Review of Fundamental Grammar (3 hours lecture)
Oral and written practice for better control of language structure. Required for freshman majors, who are given admission preference. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 132 or 134.
GERM142: Practice in Written German (3 hours lecture)
Increasingly difficult written assignments to develop command of idiomatic German. Strongly recommended for majors desiring teacher certification. 3 sh.
GERM201: Advanced German I (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of intermediate German on a more advanced level. Students must follow class instruction in German, speak and write simple idiomatic German and read and discuss increasingly difficult assignments in literary German, particularly in the second semester. Required for freshman majors, who are given admission preference. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Languages. Previous course GERM 151 effective through Winter 2012. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 132.
GERM202: Advanced German II (3 hours lecture)
Students must follow class instruction in German, speak and write simple idiomatic German and read and discuss increasingly difficult assignments in literary German, particularly in the second semester. Required for freshman majors, who are given admission preference. Meets the World Languages and Cultures Requirement - World Languages. Previous course GERM 152 effective through Winter 2012. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 201.
GERM209: Phonetics and Phonology (3 hours lecture)
Application of phonetic science to the acquiring and teaching of good pronunciation; the international phonetic alphabet; problems of articulation, rhythm, accentuation and intonation. Strongly recommended for majors desiring teacher certification. 3 sh.
GERM251: Introduction to German Literature I (3 hours lecture)
Standard works of German literature from the classical period to the present; methods of literary interpretation. Developmental approach to the principal epochs of German literature. Required of sophomore majors, who are given admission preference. 3 sh.
GERM252: Introduction to German Literature II (3 hours lecture)
Standard works of German literature from the classical period to the present; methods of literary interpretation. Developmental approach to the principal epochs of German literature. Required of sophomore majors, who are given admission preference. 3 sh.
GERM309: Practice in Spoken German (3 hours lecture)
Intensive conversation practice to improve fluency and increase active vocabulary. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM310: Advanced Composition (3 hours lecture)
Intensive written exercises to improve command of the German language; some oral work. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM315: Translation I (3 hours lecture)
Intensive practice in the skills of translating professional texts from German into English and from English into German. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
GERM316: Translation II (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of GERM 315 with more intensive exposure to the skills of translation. Recommended for qualified students interested in a possible future career as bilingual secretary, translator of commercial texts, etc. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 315.
GERM317: Translation III (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of GERM 316 with conclusion of training in international business translation. Development of increasingly sophisticated skills required to translate professionally in a variety of fields. Emphasis on translation from German into English. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 316.
GERM318: Translation IV (3 hours lecture)
Continuation of GERM 317, with increasingly technical and specialized texts, translated into the student's native language. Two individual projects in two areas of special interest. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 317.
GERM320: Development of the German Language (3 hours lecture)
Background, growth, and structure of the German language from the Indo-European and Germanic beginnings to the language as spoken today; historical explanation of modern German grammar. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM341: German Literature from the Origins to the Reformation (3 hours lecture)
Works representative of the old high German, middle high German, and late Medieval periods read in modern German version. The most important genres and trends, ending with excerpts from Luther's works. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM342: German Literature from the 16th to the 18th Centuries (3 hours lecture)
Representative works illustrating the trends preceding the classical period. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM351: German Civilization I (3 hours lecture)
Epochs and trends in German culture and civilization from the beginnnings until Romanticism. The cultural aspects dealt with will include, but not be limited to, literature and the arts, geography, history, politics and folklore. Required of Junior majors, who are given admission preference. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM352: German Civilization II (3 hours lecture)
Epochs and trends in German culture and civilization from Romaniticism until the Present. The cultural aspects dealt with will include, but not be limited to, literature and the arts, geography, history, folklore and the poltical and educational systems. Special emphasis on the impact of German division and reunification after World War II. Required of Junior majors, who are given admission preference. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM360: Modern German Prose Fiction (3 hours lecture)
Reading and discussion of great German novels and novellas of the 19th and 20th centuries; the personal and stylistic characteristics of the authors; the literary periods they represent. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM362: Development of German Poetry (3 hours lecture)
The poetical movements, authors and genres since 1600; the evolution of forms, such as the sonnet and the ode; analysis and interpretation of poetry. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM364: German Drama of the 19th and 20th Centuries (3 hours lecture)
Reading and discussion of outstanding plays and dramatists from Goethe's death to the present; interpretation and theories of dramas. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM375: German Study Abroad
Study at a university in a German speaking country to gain first-hand knowledge of the historical, social, economic, and cultural life of the country. Credit by evaluation. 1 - 6 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
GERM380: Independent Study in German (Junior Level)
Directed individual study and research in German for junior majors with the desire, ability and responsibility necessary to pursue a special scholarly interest. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
GERM381: Independent Study in German (Junior Level)
Directed individual study and research in German for junior majors with the desire, ability, and responsibility necessary to pursue a special scholarly interest. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
GERM400: Selected Topics in German Literature and Culture (3 hours lecture)
Exploration of a timely topic or significant area of German Literature or culture. The specific topic will be announced at the appropriate time before registration begins. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM410: German Grammar: Applied Linguistics (3 hours lecture)
A review of the most important structural features of German; areas of interference with English structure which present the greatest difficulties to the American student of German. Required for majors desiring teacher certification. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM441: The Age of Goethe (3 hours lecture)
The life and works of Goethe; his continuing importance; reading from all important genres in which Goethe wrote. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: GERM 121 or departmental approval.
GERM442: The Age of Schiller (3 hours lecture)
The life and works of Schiller; his continuing importance; reading from the dramas, essays and poems. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
GERM460: Senior Seminar (3 hours seminar)
Study in depth of significant figures not adequately treated elsewhere in the departmental offerings (Holderlin, Kleist, etc.) or detailed study of special literary groups (German symbolist poets, etc.). Each student produces a research paper. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Taught in German.
GERM480: Independent Study in German (Senior Level)
Directed individual study and research in German for senior majors with the desire, ability and responsibility necessary to pursue a special scholarly interest. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
GERM481: Independent Study in German (Senior Level)
Directed individual study and research in German for senior majors with the desire, ability and responsibility necessary to pursue a special scholarly interest. May be repeated without limit as long as the topic is different. 3 sh.
Prerequisites: Departmental approval.
GRIN250: Selected Topics in German Literature and Culture (3 hours lecture)
Exploration of a timely topic or significant area of German literature or culture. The specific topic will be announced at the appropriate time before registration begins. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 9.0 credits. 3 sh.
GRIN292: German Literature 1890-Present (3 hours lecture)
The principal movements discernible in German literature since the end of the 19th century. Works representative of important authors and basic genres and trends. No knowledge of German is required. Taught in English. Cross listed with Classics, GNHU 292. 3 sh.
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